Samfunn ( http://www.nyhetsspeilet.no/category/samfunn/ )
by iver haugen nordsleive ( http://www.nyhetsspeilet.no/author/iver-haugen-nordsleive/ )21. 07. 2022
57 minutes reading time
That so many young people had to make amends with their lives on Utøya was a traumatic, hard-hitting shock. But
perhaps that was precisely the intention, so that it would prevent us from thinking through what had
happened? Prevent us from understanding what the reasons could be? Prevent us from understanding
the perpetrators' motives? Would such an insight be a leap, a leap into the unknown?
But wouldn't it be a much bigger leap to understand what the planners wanted? Can it be imagined that it is completely
different framework conditions for what they thought than what is usual? It seems to me that the
anonymous writer in question has understood a lot of this. He embraces the facts like no one
I've seen before. It seems to me that many years of life experience and accurate observations lie behind it, could it
be observations from a high position? Because who can benefit from taking the lives of such a large number of
young people?
Author anonymous
The dangerous day 22.07.22, who will be sacrificed?
Only Gro Harlem Brundtland knows how dangerous this day can be for those who step wrong. Friday 22 July
2022 is extremely important for all Kabbalist-occultists who have a role in the Utøya narrative of the long
Friday 22 July 2011. Next Friday marks the 11th anniversary of this biggest False Flag in Norway's history,
and the 11th century is central to the Satanists who organized Utøya. Their counterparts in the USA showed their
fondness for the 11's when they conducted the largest US False Flag on September 11, 2001.
We will look at some of the convergences converging on this date, Friday, July 22,
2022, to assess whether these are to the advantage or disadvantage of Gro's evil clique. Convergences in time and
space involving key dates and patterns in numbers and letters are incredibly important to these
demon cultivators. Since gathering together in the past is required to gather sufficient demon power in the future,
Satanists are zealous in their control of history. At all costs, they want to avoid us studying
events where the Satanists console each other with the fact that "we 몭kk most of the time to kla몭e".
Many facts about Utøya and the strange patsy Anders Behring Breivik (ABB) are therefore strictly
taboo. The official myth is that the "mammadalten" ABB single-handedly blew up the government building on 22 July
2011 in Oslo and then went to Utøya and single-handedly shot 69 people there, mostly Norwegian
teenagers. We know that ABB sat and served his sentence in Skien prison until the summer of 2019, and then we know that
he appeared again during the appeal case in Skien prison which ended on 1 February 2022, on the
witches' sabbath Imbolc (more about Breivik and prison stay , see nrk.no, here).
Green technology for ABB in Skien
It was not surprising that ABB was officially transferred to Ringerike prison after he "lost the
appeal case". We believe that he had been 몭eyed out of the country from Geiteryggen deep state-몭yplass already in the
autumn of 2019. At the time, ABB was equipped with a new official identity Fjotolf Hansen, suitable so as not to
arouse attention at foreign checkpoints. The Fjotolf name that he uses out there was as if blown away
when ABB appeared for a law rematch in the gymnasium of Skien prison this winter. There are many problems
associated with having an inmate who suddenly leaves a prison without regular staff and inmates
registering it. Trivial routines around cleaning and garbage disposal become threatening. Gro knew it was
impossible to perform such a Magica conjuration of patsy-Anders twice in the same place.
Ringerike prison is a reasonable driving distance 2-3 miles from Eggemoen deep state-몭yplass, and up there
ABB could 몭ys almost straight out of the country without anyone missing him as an inmate. It was in the cards that ABB had to leave
Skien after the appeal trial in prison, where no media 몭kk asked if he spent the night in his cell, and
where it was located. Eggemoen is Gro's own deep-state retreat a few miles away from the Harlem clan's cabin fortress
down by the Mylla lake. There are many small village roads around Eggemoen 몭yplass, which
make it easy to discreetly transport individuals in and out of the country. Completely away from Skien was
still not ABB, as the largest company in Skien is called ABB. Originally Swedish, but now Swiss
controlled, headquartered in Zurich.
Normal people think it is completely Donald Duck to get hung up on such things as the fact that Skien's largest
company and Skien's most talked about resident (after Henrik Ibsen) had identical initials ABB. But ABB is an
extremely important 몭rma, and ever since its inception under the name ASEA, the 몭rma has been the world leader in
electricity systems in the 몭most of the world's countries. ABB is behind the technology of the 몭est countries' "circulation of
energy supply", where all three blood-red logo letters are split with a white "Swiss plus sign
or cross". Switzerland took control of this Swedish Wallenberg 몭rmaet. When we invert Swiss ABBs
logo and place the copy at the back, then an even more famous Swedish brand ABBA will appear.
Suddenly we realize that the inverted B in the ABBA logo is a satanic inversion.
The initials ABB are important in the "celebration of
False Flag 2011", which the Norwegian deep state hopes to have on July 22, without the Norwegian people understanding that
Satanists are carrying out a Satan party. Such parties are never considered successful without strategic
human sacrifices. The sacrifices are meant to spread fear among all internal people who know too much, and among all
external people who try to challenge the narrative around "this dangerous individual ABB's attack against
Norway's country and multicultural people".
Gro Harlem Brundtland has tried to prepare very carefully for this, for her, ultra-magical date
22.07.22. We will look at some of the specific preparations she has made and assess whether there is
cynicism or panic behind the measures. Gro needs to make a major human sacrifice in Norway to celebrate the 11th
anniversary for 2011 without losing Corona's face internationally. Preparing human sacrifices after two full
summers of senseless Gro sabotage of all Norwegians' holiday experiences in 2020 and 2021 is very
dangerous for Gro. Does she dare to gamble that it is not herself who will be hanged from the gallows she is trying to
create for honest Norwegian citizens on 22.07.22?
Let's take a historical look back at the most Satanic year in the AD era - 1961.
The year itself is turned upside down, and has a unique combination of numerological characteristics that are
in demand by the wizards and sorceresses of Babylon. 1961 was the year when 22-year-old Gro Harlem
Brundtland sincerely hoped to have a daughter, but she 몭kk a son Knut Brundtland. A daughter born in 1961
would have been perfect for Gro to create her "Magica fra Tryll" in her own bloodline: A witch's daughter born in -61
would have turned 61 in 2022, and could have been in a position to turn her back on the 몭est of the world's men.
( https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/the-enchanting-magica-de-spell/
Magica from Spell (spell can also mean curse
or "to cast gann" as the Sami say), in short, a
real witch, photo, "in plain sight", see here
( https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/ the- enchanting
On the other hand, the Disney group's most important cartoonist, Carl Barks, did his job in this magical year: He created the
witch "Magica de Spell" in 1961. The way she introduces herself in the comic strip is worth studying.
Here, Disney tries to hide things in full transparency - "hide in plain sight!"
The two Duck-men appear as small anxious reflections of each other, with Donald dressed in a black
sailor suit. He looks in horror at the tail of the self-assured Magica in black covering dress.
She is arrogant and shows her tail, but does not go with the rest of the stump bare as the usual bird
people in Andeby have to. Grandma Duck sits at the front desk and lets in Magica without having to
confer with these outmaneuvered duck-men.
( https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/the-enchanting-magica-de-spell/
In an interview with Klaus Strzyz in
1980, Barks recalled: "I thought
at the time Disney always
had witches that were ugly and
repellent. Why should
n't I draw one that isn't ugly,
but downright sexy? That is why
she is Italian and of course
very popular among readers in
Italy. "She knows that if she took
a barrel of Scrooge's money, in
a little while it would be
gone, but if she had the
old number 1 crown and
made it into this very
lucky amulet, she would have
many barrels of money of her own and would
be the most powerful person in the
world. She would also be the
richest.” Photo, see here
( https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/the-enchanting-magica-de-spell/
Popular literature is much more important than we think when it comes to influencing people's feelings and thoughts. The world's
power elite use Donald Duck techniques more often than we think - before we see it in person. Grow Harlem
Since 1981, Brundtland has tried to seduce the world in Magica fashion with sustainability fraud and toxic
globalist institutions in Geneva. Since 1980, Gro Harlem Brundtland has been the closest we can get to
Disney's "Magica" - the world's most impressive witch. Gro earned this position as a result
of the great Norwegian human sacrifice "Alexander Kielland" on 27/03/1980, where the platform that was
blown up to the applause of sea demons had a well-chosen name. A male name in resonance with Alexandra
Kollontaj, the worst witch of the 20th century and Gro's role model. Gro's Swedish grandmother and mother were both personal
disciples of Alexandra, and they ensured that Gro spent his early childhood years during the war with long
stays inside Alexandra's Soviet embassy in Stockholm.
Gro 몭kk with her mother's milk initiation into Alexandra's demon families of sea demons and Mexican
Xibalba demons. But she needed a major human sacrifice at sea in 1980 to be able to exercise
organizational evil on a global level. Before Gro started her worldwide organization of
evil, she had to be introduced to the madness of the more internationally driven Klaus Schwab, who
founded his private super-evil Geneva-몭rma World Economic Forum (WEF) as early as 1971. Donald
cartoonist Carl Barks was interviewed by a Klaus S in 1980, where he explained the prehistory behind the 몭gure "Magica
from Tryll"
Gro Harlem Brundtland had already missed the Magica year 1961 when she 몭kk her only daughter
Kaja in 1963. When Kaja was to begin her education in 1981, Gro acknowledged that there was no witch
material in her daughter. Gro needed temporary and weakened replacements for Kaja's lack of witchcraft, and
she chose to "outsource" the creation of a peripheral "sorceress" Erna Solberg. Gro's friend, who grew up in
Bergen, assumed responsibility for producing this unattractive local 몭guru, weaker in every way than
what Gro's own bloodline could have produced in the Magica year 1961.
Erna Solberg born 24 February 1961 is devoid of Magica -attributes. The surname Solberg can give room for a
dose of Babylonian sun worship. Erna's fairly ordinary family background lacks witchcraft, and there will be nothing left
such again after her. Placing yourself with a blood-red gallows above your head does not bode well for Erna.
She is finished as the exerciser of power she never was, instructed "to just talk" according to Gro
's friends who keep the Erna-puppet threads within the Bolshevik Right. The evil nation-destroying
shadow party behind the conservative party facade. A miscarriage created by Carl Joachim Hambro, which grew
from the inside until it overthrew the entire party upon Jan P. Syse's death in 1997 (Erna Solberg's website, here).
( https://erna.no/2022/05/24/reisebrev-fra-new-
Is Erna a well-behaved talking doll with on and off
button? Photo, here
Erna did not participate in the Utøya preparations for 2011 and stays far away from any 11-year celebration. For Gro, Erna
Solberg is a harmless 몭gur with no family background who gives her power outside Norway. Therefore
, Gro thought that she was suitable as "blue" prime minister, to neutralize what might be left of
frustrated nationalists and independent business people within the Conservative Party. Erna has studied "political
anecdotes" at the University of Bergen under the 몭owner Frank Aarebrot, and was in love with an African in
his youth. Dyslexic Erna has no significant professional background outside of politics, because all she has to show for
it are engagements as secretary for Operation Dagsverk alongside her studies 1983-1985.
Such Erna-몭gures with no job experience are exactly what the Labor Party's deep state prefers as a "counterforce"
against itself. Not even within the small Solberg nuclear family was it picked from the top shelf to "
lead the state of Norway": Erna has a considerably more talented elder sister Marit Solberg - born on a magical date
11/11/1956. She is a trained biologist with a solid career within the Norwegian seafood industry, retired since
2019. The case of Erna shows that Gro Harlem Brundtland does not allow other ethnic Norwegian leaders in
politics than unimaginably weak 몭gures. The "qualification requirements" are a lack of any independent thinking and
experience-based competence that links them to honest people outside of politics.
Any self-thinking Norwegian has now realized that Gro does not have the well-being of ethnic Norwegians as his
priority. Olga Haug was born in Spydeberg on 25 July 1887 and was the grandmother that Gro does not remember. Olga died in
Oslo during the war in 1942, but on an unknown date. Olga's young son Gudmund Harlem and Swedish
daughter-in-law Inga were in Oslo during the last time Olga was alive, but after her death they traveled to
Stockholm in 1943, where Inga's mother had taken care of the two small children Gro (born 1939) and Erik ( born 1940).
Was Olga Haug ethnically Norwegian? Then Gro's family can be 100% Norwegian, hardly much more than that. What mission
did Gro's young parents have in Nazi-occupied Oslo, which was so important that their two toddlers had to
be transported by a working grandmother to Stockholm before they had learned to speak clearly? Olga Haug's last year
on this earth is linked to her daughter-in-law Inga's stay in Oslo, but how?
A women's family clan, 4 generations mother-daughter
line: Great-grandmother Inga Margareta Elisabet Brynolf born
1918. Grandmother Gro Harlem born 1939. Mother Kaja
Brundtland born 1963. Daughter Oda Brundtland Sæveraas
born 1987. Oda had turned 18 when great-grandmother Inga died,
so it would have been no problem to get one photographed
magical woman line image (montage private).
Olga Haug belonged to the Sveaas family. This means that Olympic winner Johann Olav Koss is Gro Harlem Brundtland's
relative, via the skater's mother Karen So몭e Sveaas. The Satanist Kistefos museum right next to Gro
's backyard-몭yplass Eggemoen is owned by Gros and Johann's relative Christen Sveaas. The abducted Mrs.
Anne-Elisabeth Hagen must have known Karen So몭e Koss, since Mrs. Koss managed her son's private
skating club SK94, which was 몭financed by Anne-Elisabeth's husband Tom Hagen.
Everything is connected to everything, and Gro knows most about the Mrs Hagen case. This abduction marked
NATO exercise Trident Juncture at its peak, the witches' sabbath Samhain (Halloween) 31/10/2018.
The exercise entailed large material and troop transports along Strømsveien, a few hundred meters'
walking distance from Tom Hagen's house. The abduction can be seen in the context of the fact that Gro's relative Johann
Olav Koss turned 50 on 29 October 2018, and returned to Norway at that time. The crime writer Jørn Lier Horst
has had a hand in the Mrs Hagen farce throughout, to confirm that the official Donald story
functions as a crime serial in the media. The Mrs Hagen case discreetly points back to Gro's grandmother Olga Haug,
who died under unknown circumstances at the age of 54. We know how Gro Harlem Brundtland
blurs all the facts about his own Norwegian family background. The Mrs. Hagen story is a troubling affair
for the deep state, because no credible conclusion can be offered. The case is likely to explode uncontrollably,
perhaps around 22.07.22.
All real men of power have always known that female leadership is an illusion. Only men can be leaders with
a natural authority that develops organically within a community that practices exclusion of
outsiders. Top women are destined to be bosses, lonely queens or witches. We must distinguish
sharply between the terms manager and boss. A boss is deployed to rule, and there are always henchmen to
whom a female boss must report. Everyone knows that there are powerful male lines, from father to son, that
maintain their position through hundreds of years. Not only in politics and business, but also within
media, judiciary, academia, art and culture. Male lines became robust over the centuries because their
own women supported them, knowing that they themselves benefited from it. The women are in no way
inferior when they raise and train their own sons to continue the male line.
Robust female lines from powerful mother to powerful daughter over 몭er generations are virtually non-existent,
throughout the world and in all fields. There are many examples of two generations of powerful women, but
powerful mother and powerful daughter are never equal in position. Three generations of powerful women also occur
, but they always end with some kind of belly flop. This is a predictable 몭ause, as routine
must be tucked away within the larger clan community of power men in which the fading power women must
seek cover. Power woman clans in 몭er echelons from mother to daughter cannot be sustained over time, because
the men they so badly need to stand permanently upright are pushed to the side. It is imperative that
men take over batons from any short-lived women's clan, or the entire clan will collapse and have no
further life outside fading memory books.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch ?
Lucky Gro Harlem, see
interview, video here
( https://www.youtube.com/watch ?
Gro Harlem Brundtland distorted reality when she made this statement: "I am a lucky person to
have been raised in a family where boys and girls were treated equally, which was not normal, not the
regular thing" (See interview, youtube video, here ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_6cL71L870 )).
Such equality experiments as Gro pointed to were not "education" but a request that things
should go wrong with the family.
Equality was bypassed in Gro's Bolshevik family clan, in that the women in the clan attempted an unsustainable contempt for
men. The only important male figure in Gro's upbringing was her
own father Gudmund Harlem (1917-1988). Except for Gudmund, the Gro clan attempted to practice one
consistent female power that sidelined men. Gro experienced this women's power already in 1943, before she
turned 4 in Stockholm.
Her grandmother Margareta Sandberg then took sole responsibility for Gro for most of the year 1943. Then her mother
Inga came to Stockholm later that year, and looked after her daughter Gro for a full 62 years, from 1943 to 2005. Gro's entire
international career of power with executive positions from 1986 to 2003 happened with his mother Inga as a
witch-initiated advisor. The father Gudmund was of no importance to the top politician Gro, because he died
already in 1988. Did Gro's grandfather old Gudmund have any importance to Gro? No, he died long before she
was born. Did Gro's grandfather have any significance for Gro? No, he was out of the picture before Gro was born, because then was
Gro's grandmother Margareta Sandberg, single lawyer in Stockholm. There was no equality, but instead there were
dominant women on all sides before Gro in her clan.
Gro's own husband, Arne Olav Brundtland, is a good shadow 몭gur, much like Prince Philip was to Queen
Elizabeth in Great Britain. Gro has had and has invaluable benefit from his own brother Erik Harlem (born 1940) and
his own son Knut Brundtland (born 1961). Without their strong careers, Gro would not have been able to manage
after his mother's death in 2005. But there is full agreement within the clan that the brother and son should not be given the
impression of having political influence. Gro knows from her own experience that all powerful women must rely on men,
but outwardly she maintains her Marxist ideological lies that the sexes should be completely equal.
The women who bite Gro's grossest feminism lies become "candles in the wind", who sacrifice their entire
local footing so that they can flutter spectacularly on an international stage for a while. Gro knows
she is lying when she talks about gender equality as sustainable. She herself has painfully learned
after 2005 that this is not the case, where she felt like a lonely and abandoned queen of power after her mother
Inga's death. Gro's life within his own clan 2005-2022 is based on the fact that his brother Erik and son Knut have stepped in
as proper men, capable of compensating for the illusion of female power where it disappears among
the 몭ngren at Gro.
Did the line of power crumble to nothing in the Stoltenberg family? Photo, here
( https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/politikk/i/gPeEq/stoltenberg-familien-i-aapenhjertig-intervju
Thorvald Stoltenberg was not a feminist, because he wanted to create a strong male line. He
may have thought that he would make it happen by marrying into an even stronger powerful family than his own, namely
Heiberg. The strongest family clan of all in Norway, into which Karin Heiberg was born.
But Thorvald only had one son with her, Jens Stoltenberg. And Jens 몭kk only one son, Axel Schulerud
Stoltenberg, who is not a ruler-subject. In Masonic fashion, the entire male line is marked with
family portraits, and grandfather Emil Stoltenberg is in the oldest picture.
Thorvald's great sorrow was that this 4-generation male line he marked when Axel was a newborn never
became a power clan. Thorvald himself became the only one really powerful, and the clan's decline in power already began
with Jens. Thorvald refused to acknowledge the realities, so he pulled himself together and single-handedly created a
pro몭ler theater몭gur: "The internationally powerful and independently active" Jens Stoltenberg.
Dypstaten's parish newspaper VG stands up almost every week to praise Jens Stoltenberg's achievements as NATO
Secretary-General, but we do not fully understand what these are about. Gro Harlem Brundtland tried, in parallel
with Thorvald, to create a power clan from mother to daughter over 몭er generations. Gro may have thought that she
had a better starting point than Thorvald, with Swedish upper-class grandmother Margareta Sandberg and
Swedish upper-class mother Inga Margareta Elisabet Brynolf. But it is very difficult to do something that no one
has done before, to say the least. 4-generation power clans of women from mother to daughter is a completely unknown
phenomenon in world history. Gro 몭kk only one chance to attempt this piece of art. Gro's only daughter
Kaja Brundtland was born in 1963.
There is little doubt that Gro tried to make her daughter a power player, starting in 1981 when Gro became
prime minister and his daughter were to start studying. Jørgen Randers became rector of the
Department of Business Economics in the same year 1981. Everything was in place for rector Randers to become Kaja Brundtland's mentor within
the New World Order project. An evil NWO universe under the auspices of the UN, which Gro and Jørgen jointly developed
with "sustainability" as a buzz word. Kaja Brundtland Edrén had to leave it to her mother Gro to shape
her career. Today she sits with her little 몭ik of her mother's NWO project in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kaja
does some sustainability in her office as a Foreign Ministry bureaucrat. Gro is indulgent with her daughter's disconsolate
sustainability by having her placed outside Bygdøy, at the well-intended address Bloksbergstien in
Ashes. But Gro's daughter Kaja does not become a witch by living at an address that gives associations of riding to
Blokksberg on a broomstick.
Many people think that the powerful people among us are non-religious, but that is completely wrong. Gro Harlem
Brundtland's religion is called "Mystery Babylon" in English. This is a five-thousand-year-old religion with
origins in the area between the two rivers Euphrates and Tigris (today's Iraq). Gro's religion has its absolutely definite
and immutable rules. Deception is considered a sacrament in this demonic parasite religion, where
all concepts are inverted and all spiritual and material values are eroded. A basic rule in Gro's religion
is about hiding in full transparency ("hide in plain sight") to avoid getting "bad karma", which has become a
term in Hinduism, an offshoot religion from Babylon.
Any major fraud must be accompanied by subtle signals that reveal the truth behind the fraud, so that the
rest of us have opportunities to intervene. If the Babylonian deceivers fail to publish
any of their evil plans, they will reap the fruits of their own deception and perish. The Babylonian
magicians try to pass off bad karma on the rest of us, which can happen when we fail to interpret
the discreet warnings that the fraudsters give against their own fraud, preferably right before it is carried out.
It was up to Gro to have the evil institution CEPI located at the address Marcus
Thranes gate 2 in Oslo. With its "magic address", CEPI was supposed to coordinate the vaccine poisoning
WHO/GAVI and the business collapse of WEF/BIS, hoping to complete the Marxist-despotic
world project NWO that started with Marcus Thrane in 1849. But CEPI's shady activities have now been
exposed, and the headquarters at Torshov was rigged down during the spring of 2022 .Gro
deployed his own daughter Kaja on Bloksbergstien in Asker, hoping to improve his own bad
karma. Gro stretched the string a little too far by tying her daughter to the witch mountain Blocksberg. Gro did not have to
reveal that she herself is an initiated Babylonian witch, because we have known that for many years
. There is only one official religion in the world that promotes witchcraft relatively openly. It is the false
Babylonian Talmud Judaism, which deviates greatly from the true Torah Judaism. Talmud uses
the female line from mother to daughter as a de몭nition of being an ethnic Jew, and it is the witchcraft that underlies
such a de몭nition. However, witchcraft does not reach the top of the synagogues' pyramids of power, because
the position of rabbi is reserved for men. Talmud Judaism therefore gives us the useful information
that all witchcraft is an evil activity on men's terms.
Witchcraft involves cultivating demons, which in the celestial space are symbolized by the hexagram – a
six-pointed Satan star symbol for the 6th planet Saturn. Individual witchcraft is the worst that women in
this world can engage in, but this madness still does not surpass the collective male orgies in the
deep skeleton cellars. The hexagram in Israel's 몭agg is a visible promotion of Babylonian witchcraft.
Ordinary people do not understand how people with an insatiable need for power and money lose their soul life. The fact that
a family witchcraft is lost should be celebrated with a joyous party that forms the start of a new and better
family life. In her limited soul life, Gro feels sorrow that her own line of witches is not continued. Gro
's bizarre grief experiences are the same as Thorvald Stoltenberg went through: There will be no remaining
familial lines of power after Thorvald and Gro in the form of father-son-grandson or mother-daughter-daughter-daughter.
It did not save Gros and Thorvald's power clans that Jørgen Brundtland died in an attic in 1992, nor that Nini
Stoltenberg died on a chair in 2014. Funny first names were given to these Gros and Thorvald's children "by mistake
gender' within family power. When we consider that another Jørgen – Jørgen Randers – was Gro's NWO
conspirator in Norway in the 1980s. And when we know that Thorvald took over the rear deep state power in 1999,
an occult year nine-nine, in perfect harmony with the first name Nini of Thorvald's Belgrade-born daughter.
Gro realized that she had to instruct another woman in witch activities after her daughter Kaja, aged 25
, married an ordinary Norwegian man, Njaal Sæveraas (1960-2020). From 1987, Gro had to choose a
subject in the Norwegian deep state witchcraft. We believe that the deep state's leader몭gur Jens Chr. Hauge had
hand-picked a Setesdal woman for Gro. Grete Faremo, born in 1955, was gradually shaped as the chosen one
the woman that Gro allowed to climb closest to himself in demon-based power and position. Gro Harlem was born into
this Babylonian witchcraft via her mother and grandmother. Grete Faremo was not born into it, and has had to
undergo a learning process over 몭re decades.
Jens Chr. Hauge knew the young Setesdal woman Grete Faremo, because he had worked closely with
her father Osmund Faremo ever since the war. Gro is very paranoid in relation to anything resembling
rival clans of Norwegian powerful women. Gro approved Grete because she was her father's daughter and
had no powerful mother. Tora Aamlid (born 1921) is Grete's mother's name, and appears to be a native Norwegian rural woman
. Thus, Grete could not continue an existing mother-daughter power clan, which Gro
would have stopped at any cost.
( https://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/454481eb0b4ac5f04bbb93110555f9b0 ?
The book to Emil by Osmund Faremo, Samlaget
1997, photo, National Library, here
( https://www.nb.no/nbsok /nb/454481eb0b4ac5f04bbb93110555f9b0 ?
We do not know of a single female power clan in gender equality Norway. Gro's peer "diet queen"
Grete Roede (1939-2019) may have tried it, where she hid her real name Margareta
Schultz. But her daughter Jeanette does not fill Grete Roede's pumps. Gro's servile friend Toppen Bech
(born 1939) has managed to give her daughter Alexandra Bech Gjørv some power. Dypstats journalist Toppen
has, like Grete Roede, managed to hide her real name Ellen Åse Fagernæs.
To understand who Grete Faremo is, we must examine her origins. Grete is not the daughter of a
powerful woman, but on the contrary a daddy's girl. Grete's career can be seen in the light of her father's book "Thank you for life,
Emil". Milorg man Osmund Faremo was captured by the Germans at just 21 years old. He was a Nacht
und Nebel prisoner in Germany from 1943 to 1945.
Osmund Faremo waited a full 52 years before publishing his book of memories from the war, in which he thanked
a fellow prisoner and Olympic wrestler from Luxembourg with a Jewish-sounding name – Émile Frantz - because he
survived the concentration camps in Germany and Austria. "Emil" Frantz survived the war and grew old,
but Osmund waited until the year after Emil had died to publish his book in 1997. The
railwayman Osmund Faremo had a long political career in the Labor Party, and sat in the Stortinget for Aust-Agder for 20 years, from 1965
to 1985. The most interesting about his parliamentary career is his eagerness to join delegations
to the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). Osmund Faremo rose to become deputy leader of the Storting's
delegation to the IPU in Geneva in his last parliamentary term 1981-1985.
Setesdølen Osmund Faremo could not have earned this position in Switzerland without his two-year stay
in Germany and Austria 1943-1945. True, he was a prisoner in concentration camps, but that was all
the back of the medal. Geneva is the city where the war promoters have built stone upon stone of evil non-
governmental organizations (NGOs). The base organization itself is called the Red Cross, and it has never been
subject to any form of elected control. The IPU was created as early as 1889, and appears in 2022 as
international oligarchs' first bribery forum for national politicians. Together with the Red Cross, the IPU forms the
foundation for the League of Nations in Geneva and all UN-related tumors that have grown
in this city after 1946.
The League of Nations was cosmetically closed at the time, because it was in reality converted to the UN organization
World Health Organization (WHO). .
At the age of 35, Grete Faremo was handpicked to be Gro's closest climbing woman nationally and
internationally. Grete 몭kk successively assigned to important ministries for sustainability fraud under
Prime Minister Gro 1990-1996: Minister of Development, Minister of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy. Gro
tailored Grete's career throughout, which was made clear in 1996 – 1997. Prime Minister Thorbjørn
Jagland received Gro's subject Grete Faremo as minister in the autumn of 1996, but she quit after two
months. Thus, she spent the winter and spring of 1997 at the Storting. This was Grete Faremo's only
experience as an elected official. She spent this half year as the Oslo representative for the Labor Party under
the wing of Gro, while Gro ended her term as a popular representative.
Grete Faremo became director of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in 2014. She had to quit in May
2022, apparently due to financial irregularities. She had further developed Gro
's scandalous pharmaceutical alliance GAVI by taking a job in 2004 in GAVI's main sponsor Bill Gates' private
몭rma Microsoft. Grete Faremo was director of legislation and public relations for Microsoft in Northern and
Western Europe until 2008, alongside a number of board positions in key public and private companies.
Grete has acted as Gro's extended arm after Gro left executive positions in 2003. Grete
's career in Norway gained momentum after the fire on the Scandinavian Star in 1990. Her official career in Norway
ended her subsequent work after Utøya as Minister of Justice 2011-2013. The ferry that burned in 1990 had
been built in 1971 as Massalia, to go on ferry and cruise traffic 1971-1983 between Marseille and Africa.
Marseille is known for training Muslim patsies and supplying sharpshooters for Gladio campaigns.
It is not unlikely that such shooters to Utøya were 몭eyed from Marseille into Norway via Eggemoen and
the Central Plant at Hole, under Grete Faremo's control as Minister of Defense on 22.07.2011. Already in 1984
, Massalia received its new astrological name Scandinavian Star, but the ferry service only started in April 1990, so
that there were quite a few trips between Norway and Denmark.
( https://www.bt.no/nyheter/okonomi/i/x80vQX/faremo-sier-hun-selv-
Grete Faremo shows at the UN with the internationally known sign language that
she is of the purest innocence, photo, see here
( https://www.bt.no/nyheter/okonomii /i/x80vQX/faremo-says-she-
Scandinavian Star was operating as a cruise ship when it was hit by fire outside Cancun in Mexico in 1988, two years
before the big fire. Did the ship bring with it Mexican Xibalba demons and sea demons from
the Mediterranean? This great human sacrifice from 1990 laid the groundwork for Grete Faremo to begin her
international career of power.
Grete was demon-certified for power in 1990, as a repetition of how Gro was demon-certified for
power in 1980, with the explosion of the platform Alexander Kielland. Grete's demon-based power is now
rigged down, illustrated by this image.
The convergence that is now happening towards 22 July 2022 must necessarily involve Grete Faremo, based on the
key positions she held 11 years ago. She appeared with a strangely inhuman appearance when
she resigned from her positions in May 2022. Here invisible powers are invoked in the unholy name of the climate.
Gro Harlem Brundtland was the power woman behind the Corona harassment to which the entire world's population was
exposed, from March 2020 to March 2022. But she has for many decades been dependent on two
men of the same age - namely Tore Godal (born 1939) and Klaus Schwab (born 1938).
The WHO is the pharmaceutical and 몭nance giants' power institution for health, historically built on top of the foundations of the Red
Cross in Geneva. When Gro became WHO chief in Geneva 1998, she appointed Thorvald Stoltenberg as her assistant in
Oslo 1999, as president of the Norwegian Red Cross. Thorvald did not do such things without recompense, so Gro
had to help him make his son Jens Stoltenberg prime minister from 17.03.2000 to 19.10.2001.
This was a pure AP government, which was important to both Gro and Thorvald: Gro used the opportunity to
establish the super-corrupt vaccine alliance GAVI in Geneva, with Tore Godal as organizer and Bill
Gates as the first sponsor. Thorvald, for his part, assisted his old friend George Bush with
arrange "Thorvald's breakfast in America" on 11 September 2001, at which their two sons "the heads of state"
pro몭ted. Baby-Bush 몭kk thus started the senseless "war on terror", and Jensemann 몭kk
marked himself out as "the safe head of state" after the crash in the USA, despite the fact that he himself went on an ugly
electoral crash the day before - at the Storting election September 10, 2001.
The private Geneva Cancer Group for Vaccines (GAVI) remained after 2000, and continued to grow, until
the coordination body CEPI was founded in 2015-2016 and launched in 2017 during Klaus Schwab's annual Davos
meeting. Tore Godal was the organizational founder of both GAVI in 2000 and CEPI in 2017. He 몭kk
made sure to place CEPI's international headquarters in Oslo until the winter of 2022.
CEPI started in 2017 as a celebration of the 200th anniversary of Marcus Thrane's birth in 1817, and was
"naturally" located in Marcus Thrane's gate 2 at Torshov in Oslo. This building was meant to go under
the radar as an international hub to coordinate the global Corona measures. We do not know whether CEPI in
Oslo still functions as international headquarters after a dramatic 몭ytte process away from the Torshov
premises. In Norway, we are experiencing a strange contrast between the weekly strict Corona measures that were
announced to the Norwegian people until March 2022 and the remarkable kindness afterwards.
Gro Harlem Brundtland eventually became terrified that ordinary people in Oslo would start campaigning against it
unprotected CEPI snakehead in Marcus Thranes gate 2, surrounded by ordinary residential blocks on both the south
and north sides. Gro had gambled that people would not realize that a sleepy unguarded building right by
Akerselva in Torshov was the place where the central global coordination of the vaccine
madness of WHO/GAVI and the shutdown madness of WEF/BIS was carried out.
People abroad did not understand how it could be that Norway's Corona measures changed every week and were
different from municipality to municipality. This was possible because CEPI was located in Torshov with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
(FHI) directly behind, with a tunnel walkway between the buildings. Here 몭kk you can connect with FHIs due to physical proximity
health order with CEPI's demand for the closure of society. CEPI constantly tested the obedience of the population
without having to use any form of street violence from police forces.
From the Accounting Register, CEPI, with the old and the new address.
Gro now feels Corona undressed, and no longer dares to attempt this CEPI management from day to day. During the winter of 2022, Gro
has evacuated the entire building in Marcus Thranes gate 2 and moved CEPI down to
Askekroken 11 on Skøyen, just inside Bestumkilen west of Bygdøy. But with that, Gro has given up his
own witch's dream of completing the world communist Oslo project "Marcus Thrane 2" up there
in Torshov on the banks of Akerselva. A project that started in 1848-49 with "Marcus Thrane 1", namely
the world's first organized communist movement the Thranites. CEPI could not have moved from its occult
address Marcus Thranes gate 2 if Gro's NWO project had continued up there by
Akerselva. CEPI delivered its annual accounts for 2020 to the Brønnøysund registers from its Torshov base on 16 April
2021. After the panic 몭expression of CEPI down to Skøyen, it took an extra month to complete the annual accounts for
2021: It was delivered from CEPI on Skøyen on 24 May 2022.
Hekse-Gro is probably still dreaming of new rounds of Corona to plague the Norwegian people from autumn 2022, but
I think she can put that aside: You don't 몭ytte your 83-year-old student friend (Tore Godal) from a calm
coordinator role at Torshov down to a noisy Skøyen base with traffic machines and train tracks on all
sides, and believes he can continue as before. Looking for the glasses in a new unfamiliar office is not managing
the world coordination of vaccine toxins and lockdown. Here the two leaders of CEPI at Torshov are
pictured while they were successful: GAVI/CEPI founder Tore Godal in the foreground, with daily CEPI
leader Frederik Kristen Ole Kristensen in the background.
Godal and Kristensen, the heads of CEPI, but do they
really know what they are doing? Photo, here.
The Schwab slaves from "Young Global Leaders" - Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit - have posted
this picture of the Oslo base of the Schwab whippersnappers Godal and Kristensen. Here follows a description of
CEPI's last two annual reports: It is typical Norwegian that this Kristensen lives with an openly accessible address and
telephone number in Frogner. He is deputy chairman of CEPI international, this innermost cancer which
has made it possible to harass the entire world's population for two consecutive years by combining
vaccine pressure with the melting down of free business. Swine flu was also such a harmless disease with
dangerous "vaccines" that were tried to be forced on the population, but without any kind of closure of
workplaces. Back then, the nefarious CEPI (created at the
2017 annual globalist-super-corrupt Davos meeting) to coordinate poisoning with lockdowns to pressure business didn't exist
into the pandemic narrative. Read in Dagens Medisin what Kristensen thinks about the pandemic, here
( https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2021/11/01/vi-kan-forhindre-neste-pandemi/ ).
The Norwegian "trust society" has allowed such a CEPI villain, Frederik Kristensen, to roam freely among us, but
this will probably end. Why should we give one-way trust to people who respond by subjecting 7
billion people to 24/7 harassment for two years? Pandemics are no problem to
prevent, this is known by many ordinary Africans who are familiar with the cheap medicines that have become
taboo in our country. These drastic measures "against the pandemic" require costly and long-term measures
campaigns of lies to establish a non-existent problem in people's minds.
CEPI down on Skøyen can never be very effective, far away from all vaccine-pushing institutions. Is it
to comfort Gro's fading carrying and comforting power project that the headquarters has been hastily moved down to the
crossroads closest to Bygdøy where Gro lives? The head of the NWO snake to enslave the entire world's population
with world communism is rumored to have been located in Oslo, but is it perhaps no longer in our
The head of the Ouroboros serpent may have been silently impaled on Torshov, by God's angels. The idea was that the
NWO project should be completed at Torshov by Marcus Thrane 1 - the project from 1849 being completed
in that Marcus Thrane 2 - the project from 2017 (CEPI, which celebrated Thrane's 200th birthday) should swallow its
own tail remains from 1849, but this is not going to happen!
( https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros )
The Ouroboros snake, see
( https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros ).
Gro Harlem Brundtland has now placed her witch's minion Grete Faremo at the far end of Sørengkaia, where
Akerselva's bank has been artificially extended out into the Oslo Fjord.
Gro's own daughter Kaja will never be able to have the deep state importance that Grete has on the quay . Grete Faremo was the most important administrator of operative
state power under False Flag 2011, which she demonstrated on the most occult date of our time, 11/11/2011.
On that very day, Grete Faremo changed pastures from being Utøya's defense minister to becoming Utøya's
justice minister. Grete went from coordinating the Defence's scandalous "go-slow action" on 22 July 2011 to
controlling the cheating-legal aftermath after 22 July 2011. After CEPI was 몭ytted from Torshov in the winter of
2022, there is no longer any water flow from the CEPI office down to Akerselva's outlet.
What does this have to say for the sea demon-guarded location of Grete Faremo on Sørengkaia? What does it
mean for Grete's enforced confidentiality about 22 July – the project from 2011? There were only two women who
needed to sign the project, namely Gro and Grete. Gro Harlem Brundtland is painfully aware that the 11
-year anniversary for 22.07.2011 could not be placed in the hands of Grete Faremo. With her own 11th-century
occultism from 11/11/2011 and her rich False Flag CV, Grete represents the ultimate danger for the
deep state. No one has more/less to say than Grete Faremo about how the Armed Forces were downsized and
passive during the 2011 summer holidays, because it was Defense Minister Grete who saw to it.
No one has more to say than Grete Faremo about the cheating-legal aftermath after False Flag 2011.
How the court settlement was turned into a farce of pranks and hidden documentation. It was her
himself - Minister of Justice Grete Faremo - who coordinated this aftermath from 11/11/2011 until October 2013.
( https://www.1881.no/person/oslo/bygdoey/erik-harlem_265581S1/
Erik Harlem's property on Bygdøy by the seafront, see here
( https://www.1881.no/person/oslo/bygdoey/erik-harlem_265581S1/
Gro Harlem Brundtland is not a lawyer and has even made his only driven lawyer son Knut renounce his
lawyer's license in 2005. Why did Gro take this chance? Probably because she wanted to distance her son from the
Tønne killing in 2002, where the law firm BA-HR was central, and where Knut Brundtland was employed. But
in doing so, Gro became even more dependent on the lawyer Grete Faremo, as the ranks among the Gros thinned
deep state lawyers, of which Ketil Lund (born 1939) is the closest. Gro's brother Erik Harlem (born 1940) belongs to
this network, but at the same time he has a peculiar role in Gro's sea demon cultivation. From Erik Harlem 's
cottage life, Nettavisen, here ( https://www.nettavisen.no/erik-harlem/schiong/dette-ma-millionaren-rive/s/12-95-2022520
Both at lake Mylla and at the far end of the Bygdøy peninsula, the sugar brother Erik Harlem has taken on the role
of gatekeeper between Gro's homes and the lake or the fjord. Gro is weaker than we suspected in terms of
selective demon support. She can probably put up with the 몭est sea demons, but she is not friends with everyone. Men have their
closed basement communities and are not subordinate to demons in the same way as the "impressive" but
the lonely powerful women. Therefore, the brother Erik can take it upon himself to repel the few sea demons that Gro cannot bear
to meet. This is probably why Erik Harlem has both his residence on Bygdøy and his cabin on Mylla located close to the sea's
edge, closer than the snake soul Gros krypinn.
Erik Harlem's garden facing the fjord is shaped like a demon's jaw. Bygdøy's only river flows from
the demon jaw into the fjord, and there is an open area with public access on the west side of the outlet.
Erik Harlem's garden extends to the bridge where this narrow and completely straight river has its outlet, and on each side of
the river there is a demon's eye in the form of an octagonal garden pavilion, which marks the 8 witches' sabbaths in the Wheel
of the Year. Erik Harlem's garden is no snake's head for the entire world's NWO. Hagen can do no more
than protect elder sister Gro from uninvited guests, something he must be very aware of on a summer night
22.07.22 by the fjord.
( https://snl.no/Mesopotamia )
Mesopotamia, Babylon's cradle, see here
( https://snl.no/Mesopotamia ).
Mathematics has been important ever since the Tower of Babel was built in Babylon. Babylon was located in the farthest west of
Mesopotamia, the land area between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris (read more, here). This area is located in
present-day Iraq and is called the cradle of civilization. Mesopotamia can also be called the organized one
cradle of idolatry. The sun is worshiped as a deity all year round. In the 몭ate land area between the two
rivers there are never drought disasters. Water and fertilizer from the river mud can be taken for granted. The sun is perceived as the
divine power that gives people everything they need to live. On the banks of Babylon's Euphrates, there is enough
sun and enough water to grow food all year round.
The algebra of mathematics was invented in Babylon. In geometry, the square root of 2 and π (pi) are important numbers
which the Babylonians calculated with not too great accuracy. The sun's "divinity" gives π a deeply
religious meaning. The number π is defined as the sun's circumference divided by the sun's diameter. The Babylonians were
content to set π = 25/8 = 3.125, but the Greeks found a much better approximation π = 22/7 = 3.142857.
This number is still accurate enough for hand calculations, and for the practice of the elite religion "Mystery
Babylon", which was marked in Oslo and on Utøya 22/7 - 2011.
Mathematics is a kind of religion, which the 몭est mathematicians hate to hear. Let me summarize
the religious characteristics of mathematics: Mathematics gives names to invisible phenomena that have no
natural name. Mathematics uses symbols which are given power and which are equipped with strict rules
for use. These are religious rituals that cannot be broken. Mathematics strives for basic statements (dogmas
or axioms) that cannot be doubted. The only requirement that the axioms create a mathematics without internal
contradictions. Mathematics operates with metaphysical levels, called levels of abstraction, which do
the symbolic language of mathematics inaccessible to anyone uninitiated in the hierarchies of symbols. Mathematical
proofs are never completely objective, but are based on the consensus of the most respected actors. The
weakest point here is the transition from a lower level of abstraction to a higher one, which in a religious
context can be called a leap of faith. Within a given level of abstraction, it is possible to make mathematics
more objective, but the learning structures of mathematics can never be complete.
( https://lokalhistoriewiki.no/wiki/Oslos_kommunevåpen )
Oslo's city coat of arms, the city of
Oslo created in 1925, see
( https://lokalhistoriewiki.no/wiki/Oslos_kommunevåpen ).
Babylon's sun worshipers built the Tower of Babel, but this fell to rubble so that people were scattered across the globe
with different languages. Mathematics needed a Norwegian priest's son - Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) - before
mathematics could again be elevated to a metaphysical activity on a global-religious level. Abel was the first
to carry out mathematical proofs using levels of abstraction, whereas before Abel's time it was mostly
concrete calculations that drove the development of mathematics. Could one build a Babel mathematics tower
or distribute Babel mathematics prizes immediately after Abel died young in 1829? No, you couldn't, but a
seed had been sown.
Norway's second greatest mathematician Sophus Lie (1842-1899) proposed to establish an Abel prize together with
The Nobel Prizes, but he did not gain traction. Things had to happen in Europe first, among other things a
world war had to be held in 1914-1918. When the war promoters 몭kk gathered enough to plan the next war,
they established the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel on May 17, 1930. Here things began to converge
towards a revitalization of Babylon's sun worship - via the Tower of Babel, Basel's bank and the Nobel Prizes. But
important elements were still missing before mathematics could assume a global-religious position: Gro Harlem
Brundtland's religion – "Mystery Babylon" – needed a sun-worshiping city to elevate mathematics to the
highest occult level.
This city was created in 1925 - when Kristiania changed its name to Oslo - and the current version of the city coat of arms had been
designed in 1924. Oslo's solar worship temple Vigelandsparken was begun in 1925 and completed in 1950. Oslo
marked a strange 900th anniversary in 1950, when the city 몭kk a new town hall. It took another 50 years before things
really converged towards Oslo as the mathematical-religious capital, at an even stranger city anniversary in the
year 2000 than what the 900th anniversary had been 50 years earlier. Oslo celebrated 1,000 years in 2000.
( https://snl.no/solformørkelse )
Corona is the luminous
solar atmosphere we see
during a total solar eclipse.
See here
( https://snl.no/solformørkelse ).
Poor knowledge of history was combined here with helpless mathematics. Oslo officially turned 100 years older in
during exactly 50 years! Totally Donald Duck, which paradoxically-logically opened the way for Oslo to become the world's
Satanist-religious mathematics capital from the magical year 2002:
Niels Henrik Abel's 200th birthday was marked in 2002 by the launch of the Abel Prize in Mathematics in
Oslo. The prize is awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences. The first award took place in 2003. The Abel
Prize in Mathematics quickly achieved world leadership, as it filled a vacuum
left by Alfred Nobel's prizes. In sum, "Nobel and Abel" sounds almost as noble as a memorial to Abel
who was killed by his brother Cain.
Nobel, like Abel, was put to death, not by a brother but by the bellicose banking oligarchs, in the Mediterranean city
San Remo. That the same city of San Remo did not hold the conference in 1920 that rounded off the war gains of the victors
after the First World War's human sacrifice is biblically revealing:
"Like a dog that returns to its own vomit, so is a fool that returns to his folly", from
Solomon 's Proverbs 26:11.
Logo DNVA, here
( https://snl.no/Det_Norske_Videnskaps-
Such Babylonian Nobel/Abel prizes must have a murder signature if they are to be good enough for the
Babylonian witch-Gro. Gro Harlem Brundtland has managed to sneak in as an ordinary member of this
most exclusive of all Norwegian academies, responsible for awarding the Abel Prize. Childhood friend Lars
Walløe has written a number of scientific articles with Gro as co-author, and Knut
Liestøl has also helped Gro.
These are a total of 7 works, published between 1973 and 1982. They are about changes in the age of first
menstruation for Oslo's young girls. Gro's own father Gudmund was Minister of Social Affairs 1955-1961, i.e. Minister of
Health. Gro 몭kk thereby tested the extent to which her father's vaccination program had harmed Oslo's female
population. This is all Gro has to show for scientific work, and it is based on statistics that she
has not collected or classified herself.
Gro undoubtedly taught that "vaccines are useful," but will not tell us who they are most useful for and what
they are most useful for. Her two Norwegian friends Lars and Knut single-handedly established the illusion of "Gro's
scientific weight". She used it to surf into the world's leading medical arenas from 1973 to
The old tower of Babel, which was supposed to
grow straight into the sky, just
like the money piles of the Ashkenazis, an
uncle screw syndrome... see here
( https:/ /no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baselkomiteien_for_banktilsyn ).
The logo of the academy DNVA (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi) is Babylonian-occult. At the heart, we see
the symbol "as above so below" shaped like a six-pointed star (hexagram) without crossbars. Outside
there are two sun symbols, so we have the sun worshipers' number π represented not just once, but twice. In the period 2020-2022, Gro
has troubled us with its ugly Swiss institutions WHO and GAVI, which have created the
Corona myths about a dangerous virus. Corona has an astronomical meaning, namely the luminous
solar atmosphere that we see around the moon when it covers the sun during a total solar eclipse. The sun worshipers' number π is
represented twice in the Corona photograph, by the moon on the inside and by the sun ring on the outside.
This Corona duality of the number π creates problems for Gro Harlem Brundtland, in meeting the Utøya
date 22.07.22, because 22 comes both before and after the number 7, and 22 divided by 7 equals π. The problems for
Gro does not become less when we consider that the Tower of Babel was attempted to be rebuilt in Basel in 1977. When 몭kk "Privat -centralbankenes privat
-centralbank" BIS's main building was designed after inspiration from the Brueghel
painting "Tower of Babel" the
BIS bank is Gro -comrade Klaus Schwab's 몭nancial tool to try to impose digital slave currency on us
after the Corona scares and poisoning pressure subsides. Gro wants the Norwegian
Abel Prize to be transformed into the Babel-Basel Prize by the Norwegian krona disappearing. What about the
Nobel Prize? The price that still binds Norway together with the still war-neutral Sweden, where Gro
has at least half of his family from. How can half-Swedish witches-Gro sit in a Norwegian academy like
award the Abel Prize to mathematicians without the prize forming a vicious Babylonian balance with the
Swedish Nobel Prizes? If kabbalah player Gro is to get his mathematical solitaire to go up on 22.07.22, then
such a balance must 몭 be found, and it does.
( https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2470415/0/muere/john-
John Forbes Nash
1928-2015, photo,
see here
( https://www.20minutos. es/noticia/2470415/0/muere/john-
In 1994, John Forbes Nash was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his game theory. This is a price that was
forced the Royal Academy of Sciences from outside in 1968, from the same oligarch families that 몭kk killed
Nobel in 1896 and created the globalist BIS bank in Basel in 1930. The economics prize should really be called the Basel
Nobel Prize, because it has never been Swedish -controlled. John Forbes Nash was happy when he set off for
Oslo in the spring of 2015 to collect the Abel Prize in mathematics. He is the only one to have received this Babel
combination of awards: Basel-Nobel-Abel. Here we can go behind the Babylon material and to Adam and
Eve's sons Cain and Abel, when we have to look at the costs. Nash not only 몭kk Abel Prize in 2015, but he also
paid the Babel-Basel-Nobel-Abel-Cain Prize.
A night-black price behind Babylon awaited John Forbes Nash (1928-2015) when he had taken 몭y home from
Oslo on May 23, 2015. Together with his wife, he got into a taxi at Newark 몭yplass to travel to his residence in
New Jersey. The Nash couple were mysteriously thrown from the taxi and landed on the dark gray tarmac,
killed instantly. The black and white squares of the chess game baffled game theorist Nash. Invisible forces lurk
behind every bush for those who seek human power and glory, and who lack God's angelic protection.
Is there more for Gro to gain from the false glory that she can never get enough of? More angelic protection for
her is not to be expected.
No ethnic Norwegian has really understood what it means to be neutral during a major war. This modern
the term was nailed down during the Congress of Vienna in 1815, where the three states of Sweden, Switzerland and San Marino
were imposed a neutrality which they have adhered to. Since 1815, this neutrality has been strictly protected by
supranational NGOs, so it has not been possible for other states in the whole world to join the club of
these three S-states.
Norway was under Swedish royal power in 1815 and was automatically included in the neutrality of Sweden. Norway is
the only country in the world that has changed its role from being neutral to not being neutral, and therefore we should be
able to understand the term better than all other nations in the whole world. We have had this opportunity since
we were under neutral Swedish royal power in the period 1815-1905, while in the period 1905-2022 we have had a
royal power detached from the Swedish.
We must not fall into the trap of thinking that neutrality is being a passive spectator to a war. Being neutral means being
a form of war practitioner without being allowed to have your own forces to act for one of the sides in a war arena.
But it is not a simple process to change from being a neutral war practitioner to becoming active on one of the sides.
Norway's full neutrality under Sweden therefore lasted only 86 years - from 1815 to 1901. This was followed by 24 years
in which Norway had a detached and temporary neutrality, linked to "The Crown" which 몭finances wars.
From and including 1925, Norway's role has been redefined to become an active party linked to the "winners of the wars" 1925-2022,
i.e. 97 years, which is eleven years past the period we had as a neutral country at war under Sweden.
In order to comply with demands for neutrality during a war, institutions are required that safeguard this
neutrality and consistently comply with it themselves. This continuity-bearing institution is called the Red
Cross and is located in Geneva. The Red Cross is really the expression of a very cynical business idea about long-term
war profit. The profit is recovered in the form of war-wounded people's stories 60-70 years after they were
injured on the battlefield. Thus, the o몭sicial lie story about the war's rear realities gets a
promotion it would not have been able to achieve if all injured soldiers had died.
Neutrality during a war is thus a cynical business concept. Whoever is neutral is given the duty to create
war-promoting infrastructure to serve both sides. As far as Sweden is concerned, the neutrality has consisted
of creating both warring parties iron for war material, and providing infrastructure for high power and
for telephone systems, at the two Wallenberg-몭rmas ASEA and Ericsson.
Sweden as a NATO member appears as a historical absurdity in this broad perspective. Major
wars and revolutions since the year 1900 would not have been possible without Sweden's active neutrality
, where both sides would need iron ore and infrastructure for power supply and telecom.
The new Tower of Babel, BIS in Switzerland, Bank for International
Settlements, see here ( https://humansbefree.com/2015/04/tower-of-basel-the-secret-bank-that-runs-the-world.html
Young Jørgen Randers prophesied in 1972 about his own globalist clan's debt-money bubble, that it would
burst after 50 years: "The Limits to Growth" was the name of this self-fulfilling UN prophecy, where apprentice
Jørgen was lifted to world fame with his co-authorship. After the gold standard was removed in
1971, the world's current monetary system was created: a strictly debt-based system with the petrodollar as
the mirror behind which oil producers are forcibly forced to give the dollar an artificial value.
The 50-year hindsight Jørgen Randers revealed in the spring of 2022 that he will come out with a new book in the fall of 2022
which tells "we 몭kk right in 1972". Randers comes full circle, where he repeats as a 77-year-old the same
thing he said as a 27-year-old half a century ago. But Randers talks about the porridge and does not want to
specify what he 몭kk right about:
The seductive sustainability rhetoric from his writing team in 1972 was intended to camouflage that Jørgen's own
oligarchs behind the UN launched their own looting spree at the time. Over the course of 50 years, these banking
cartels bet everything on creating a globally suffocating bubble of 몭nancial industry and government bureaucracy. So that the
productive middle class in the countries of the world would no longer have access to real values, but would be suffocated in a
몭financial interest/tax hell, deliberately created by Randers' clients within the UN in 1972.
The blue side of politics 몭kk as the main task to guard against interest rate hell. The red side of politics
몭kk as the main task to fence about the tax hell. Blue-red "oppositions" just like the
right and left hands of the body, designed to grasp the real values of humanity on behalf of the private
banking cartels based in Basel (BIS).
After the sustainability start in 1972, the politician-bubble Gro Harlem Brundtland was created in 1974 to lead the
Norwegian branch of the looting spree, by tricking our "equal women" into it. For close to 50 years, Gro has
inflated his power-political evil bubble, completely parallel to the fact that the UN's Randers gang has inflated a
global debt bubble. These satanists are not creative, as this project "The Great Reset" is one
perverted version of the biblical year of jubilee:
After each period of 50 years, the Creator knew that the Israeli people's promoters would have plundered
the working people, the domestic animals and nature so strongly that everything had to be reset. All debts were to be cancelled, the land was to
lie fallow and rest for a year, so that a natural life was restarted. Everyone could rejoice at the yoke being lifted from
everyone's shoulders. Even these who had been parasites would be better off, in that they had no need to fear that the people whom
they had oppressed would rise up against them.
"Then you shall count seven sabbatical years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven sabbatical years will be nine and 몭rti years. And in
the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall sound the trumpet throughout the land; on
On the Day of Atonement you shall let the trumpet sound throughout your land. And you shall keep the fiftieth year sacred and
proclaim freedom in the land for all those who live there; it shall be a year of jubilee for you, and you shall return,
every man to his property, and every man to his kindred. A year of jubilee this fiftieth year shall be for you; you shall not
sow, and you shall not reap what grows by itself in that year, and you shall not gather the grapes of the unkempt vines
in that year. For it is a year of jubilee, it shall be holy to you; of the field you shall eat what it bears. In this jubilee
you shall return, each one to his property. When you sell something to your neighbor, or you buy something from
your neighbor, you shall not wrong one another" (Leviticus 25: 8-14).
The biblical year of jubilee led to everyone gaining full ownership of their divinely allotted share, and this
did not give over-adian happiness, but joy at work and mutual trust. What do Gro Harlem Brundtland and
her two closest sustainability swindlers Jørgen Randers and Klaus Schwab think about this big sinkhole they see
in front of them? The abyss of contrast between the biblical jubilee and an imagined Gro-Randers-Schwab
jubilee? The only cheering voices that will be heard in a Jørgen/Klaus perverted jubilee year are the hollow
voices of mammon from demon choirs reverberating in deep skeleton cellars.
But down there, Gro will not be present: "Men only" is written on the entrance gate. Jørgen promises us that
the year of jubilee is created by taxing "the rich" much more, meaning that the debt-plagued middle class is wiped out.
Klaus goes further and promises that the year of jubilee will lead to everyone who is not super rich to "own nothing and be
( https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/politiet-i-vestfold-vil-tiltale-politimann-for-drapet-pa-linn-madelen/61710624
Linn Madelen Bråten with a plainclothes policeman, photo from
surveillance camera, see Dagbladet here
( https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/politiet-i-vestfold-vil-tiltale-politimann-for-drapet-pa-linn-madelen/61710624 ). We don't know what will happen to the cave cheerleaders around Jørgen and Klaus when they have to "get together
in train". But we know that the debt-money system that they so zealously guard was saturated with debt during
the 2008/2009 pig-in-uensa banking crisis, so that it is now being artificially kept alive. Gro Harlem Brundtland's life has
become saturated with evil, quite parallel to the fact that the monetary system became saturated with debt. We don't know when Gro Harlem
Brundtland's personal evil bubble will burst, but we do know quite a bit about how it will burst. There
are really only two possibilities for Gro to leave this world. After a double prophecy about Gro
's fate was delivered from Breviksbrua on Saturday 3 August 2013.
An innocent local woman at the magical age of 33 for Gro - Linn Madelen Bråthen - was sacrificed on
Jezebel-wise by being thrown off the high bridge, by a policeman hired by the deep state. When she tra몭 the water몭ate,
she met both fresh water demons and salt water demons in Brevik's brackish water. Large families of evil spirits
lay there waiting (see Dagbladet, here ( https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/politiet-i-vestfold-vil-tiltale-politimann-for-drapet-pa-linn-madelen/61710624
This murder was Gro's way of prolonging his own evil-filled life well past the 2008/2009 pig-in-uensa
banking crisis. But it makes the future prospects even worse for Gro that she has established a
private NGO for the global coordination of Gro's evil and Klaus' evil in 2017. The carpooling center CEPI,
which was held at Torshov in Oslo during the entire Norwegian Corona madness era from March 2020 to March
( https://www.youtube.com/watch ?
Holistic Whitney
Houston in recordings from
Dublin, she and her daughter
were taken by dage in 2015,
concert clip from video,
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-WZFAZV2WI )
Gro may have thought that by making a complete human sacrifice in 2013, both Jezebel-style and to
sea demons, she made up for herself by a substitute. Gro has probably achieved that she can still
choose between a spectacular Jezebel sacrifice of herself from a high ledge, and a silent sacrifice at
the water's edge where she is swallowed by sea demons or goes up in smoke. We do not believe that the Norwegian media dare to be
honest about an imminent Gro departure from this world. In 2022, Norwegian media people do not dare to be
honest about any of the important events and reasons. It cannot be tolerated in the
theatrical narrative of world Marxism that Gro disappears from the stage before the destruction of ordinary people's lives and freedom
is complete.
Gro can easily be kept alive in people's minds for a very long time now, as she nevertheless never proves to be unpopular among
Norwegians. A number of Gro videos should therefore be recorded where she is made up to look even older. Gro
can talk about the porridge with swelling words, so that the interviewer can make the matter topical with his
questions. This could really become a political treasure trove to scoop from, for helpless puppets who will
manage state power via the media.
The very smartest thing would be to start recording a series of hologram lectures with Gro Harlem
Brundtland, which can be shown at the Davos meetings of Klaus Schwab from 2023 to 2030. The people who attend the
WEF's annual meetings must keep quiet anyway about everything they know, and thus Gro can be the main attraction in the small
alpine town for a number of years to come. Brief glimpses of Gro's impressive keynote can be broadcast on all
the world's leading television channels, and viewers will feel they are getting even closer to "these well-intentioned
decision-makers of ours" than before. The technology that Gro needs is in place: Here is a glimpse of digitalisation
Whitney Houston (1963-2012) who held an excellent hologram concert in Dublin, with a young body and a young
voice from the 1990s (see youtube video, here ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-WZFAZV2WI )).
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