Minister of Agriculture Blairo Maggi - The King of Soy in Brazil/amp
The "King of Soy", as the senator is known, would have been responsible for half of the Brazilian environmental devastation between 2003 and 2004, according to a Greenpeace survey. And yet he holds the position as Minister of Agricuture.
 _Blairo Maggi is named as "the enemy number 1 of the environment" by protection entities_
Senator Blairo Maggi is the political arm of an economic empire of enormous proportions: the André Maggi group, based in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, a holding that controls four divisions of companies linked to the so-called agribusiness. The Maggi - André, patriarch and founder of the empire, died in 2001; today the one who has the last word is the matriarch Lucia Borges Maggi, 81 years old, assisted by her five children, Blairo being the only man - they do almost everything, dominating the sector: planting, processing and trade of grains, seed production, reforestation, livestock, fertilizer sales, power generation, port administration, river transportation, export and import. 2011 was a great year for companies, which together earned the US $ 3.78 billion, 60.8% more than last year's revenue.
Understand the ranking The 60 most powerful in the Country
No wonder, Blairo Maggi is singled out as "the number one enemy of the environment" by protection agencies like Greenpeace, who awarded him the Gold Chainsaw trophy in 2006. To produce so much soy, the "King of Soy" as the senator is known, would have been responsible for half of the Brazilian environmental devastation between 2003 and 2004, according to a Greenpeace survey. During this period, only the Amazon forest lost an area of more than 26 square kilometers, the second largest absolute number of devastation recorded. To further muddy his figure before environmentalists, in 2006, when he was governor of Mato Grosso, Blairo would have said the following astonishing statement: "This forest business has no future." In 2010, Greenpeace returned to the load: presented the businessman with a box of cupuaçu chocolates, fruit originating in the Amazon.
The politician reacted to the accusations as the businessman who never ceased to be. The André Maggi group acknowledged the high level of devastation and created a governance committee to improve sustainability practices. In practice, this means monitoring field operations, such as planting and spraying, and whether they are based on less harmful processes. Today, the group exhibits six international certifications, among them Pro-Terra for conventional soy. The Forest Footprint Disclosure (FFD), based in Oxford, England, awarded family businesses the title of "socio-environmentally correct" in agribusiness. It was the first time that a Latin American organization came first in the FFD report, a kind of guide that guides the decision of some 70 of the largest investment funds in the world.
"I'm not Feliciano. And I do not deserve (exalted manifestations). I do not fear (tumultuous sessions). If some (protesters) come or want to talk, I talk in a good "
This was a very different attitude from the politician who, when he first arrived in Mato Grosso's government in 2003, was considered the mentor and executor of the overthrow of the Mato Grosso forest. Still without much skill, he had the nerve to give the following statement to The New York Times: "A 40% increase in Amazon deforestation means nothing. I do not feel the slightest guilt for what we're doing here. "
After the turnaround, Blairo practically raised the flag of the environmentalists: in his companies, he adopted measures that discouraged extensive livestock farming, one of the main reasons for deforestation. He also advocated for the regularization of the land tenure of farmers working on forest edges; on the other hand, demanded of them that they not open clearings greater than allowed by law. He embraced the proposal that the country's largest slaughterhouses would not commit to buying more cattle raised in areas of illegal deforestation.
Paranaense of São Miguel do Iguaçu, Blairo Maggi was born on May 29, 1956, in a family of Italian descendants of rural producers. The somewhat strange name has an explanation: a friend of the mother, Mrs. Lúcia, suggested that she give the child the name of one of the members of the double country that was then successful: Blairo and Clairon.
Maggi reacts: 'I'm not Feliciano'
Senator contests enemy title of the environment
In the 1950s, the gaucho André Maggi emigrated to Paraná. First, it exported wood; then he devoted himself to agriculture. With his father's bet on soybean cultivation in unexplored areas, Blairo graduated in agronomy at the Federal University of Paraná. Under the command of André, the small company Sementes Maggi, founded in 1973, became the André Maggi Group, with the arrival of the nomadic family in the Matogrossan savannah more than 30 years ago.
Married to Terezinha Maggi, the senator has three children: Belisa, Ticiane and André, and two grandchildren, Bianca and Blairo Cesar. André follows in his father's footsteps: a graduate in agronomy, lived in New Zealand and Australia and was manager of four family farms in the municipality of Itiquira (MT). Today, he is the tenant of the area.
Blairo Maggi's apartment in Cuiabá has a half-meter-high image of Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Very religious, he says he has entered politics with a "noble purpose": to fulfill the promise that he would help people if one of his daughters was cured of lymphatic cancer. Ticiane was cured.
At first, he thought, he thought of a substitute in the Senate. But then she was afraid that her daughter might have a relapse. He entered as an underdog in the dispute for the Mato Grosso government, and led, with the legend of the PPS (Popular Socialist Party): had 51% of the votes in the first round. In 2006 he reelected himself with 63, 59% of the votes and changed of party, entering the PR (Departure of the Republic). Upon leaving the government, his popular approval rating was 92%. During its administrations, the state achieved small economic development. After threatening to drop the policy, in 2010 he was elected senator, with 37.08 of the votes valid.
When he became chairman of the Senate's Committee on the Environment, Consumer Protection and Control and Control (CMA), Blairo mobilized environmentalists opposed to his stay in charge of the working group. Soon they appeared petitioned asking for their resignation in pages and blog of the internet. In response, he said: "I am not Feliciano," in reference to MP and Pastor Marco Feliciano (PSC-SP), who faced a similar problem - and to a greater degree of protest - since assuming command of the House Human Rights Commission .
The Senate fight promises to be tough, but Blairo Maggi's disposition seems to have plenty of it. One of its largest farms, which spans more than 70,000 hectares, is Sapezal, in the Chapada do Parecis, Mato Grosso, one of the most productive soybean growing areas in the country. The BR-163, which connects Cuiabá to Santaré, is known as the "Blairo Maggi Road". He managed to asphalt it with resources from the federal government, a work that reduced the flow of production from northern Mato Grosso toward the Amazon River.
The farm is cut by roads that, together, would cover the distance between Brasilia and Belo Horizonte. For Blairo built a city near there in 1994. A real city with asphalt, lighting, treated water, sewage, schools, hospitals. There, the "King of Soy" installed one of the headquarters of the group André Maggi. "Sapezal is the future," believes the politician-businessman, appointed by Forbes magazine in 2009, in 62nd position among the 67 most influential leaders in the world.
Greenpeace report on deforestation in Brazil
Masons spur not to return 300,000 donated by Blairo Maggi
Masonic temple located on CPA Avenue in Cuiabá
Freemasonry to not give back 300,000 that he had won, at the beginning of the administration of Governor Blairo Maggi, in a donation already annulled by Justice at the request of the MPE. Judge Luis Aparecido Bertolucci maintains the decision. As you can see, the Public Prosecutor's Office is doing well and Judge Bertolucci is well. One day, Judge Bertolucci is expected to be filled, and resolves to resume the trial of the MPE's actions against the super-processed state deputy and chairman of the Assembly, Geraldo Riva, strangely paralyzed, as the TJ overthrew most suspicions that Riva had thrown in different lawsuits against him. The Court's understanding was that these were merely deferral remedies, as it is so much for the lawyers to use in such situations. It is the due legal process operating and granting ample contradictory to the denounced deputy. Check out the news on the case of Freemasonry. (EC)
Judge maintains decision that condemned Masonry Antonielle Costa
Judge Luis Aparecido Bertolucci of the Specialized Public and Popular Civil Action Branch upheld the decision condemning the Masonic Lodge 'Grand Orient of the State of Mato Grosso' to return R $ 300,000 to the state coffers. The entity filed an appeal (appeal) that was granted only in the return effect. He will be sent to the Court of Justice, who will be judged.
Grand Orient of the State of Mato Grosso
In the appeal, the Masonic Lodge alleged that "it fully questions the judgment, that with the final decision the amount to be reimbursed will be duly corrected and that the payment of high value, at that stage, will cause prejudice prejudicing their ordinary and philanthropic work."
However, none of the three points of the defence was upheld by the magistrate. According to him, the suspensive effect should only be granted to avoid irreparable damage to the party and that is not the case.
On the argument that the value of the conviction will harm "his ordinary and philanthropic works," the magistrate stated that the entity's Bylaws say that it has no philanthropic purposes, so the defence thesis does not hold.
"In addition, it is recorded that the right to reimbursement of the damage to the treasury is unavailable, because it respects the public thing, since no individual or public agent hold it alone, while all can claim it in favour of the community. Reparation to the treasury is imposed as an immediate effect to the declaration of the Judge, which never risks individual rights because the sentence does not attribute anything new to the community, but only determines the recomposition and/or devolution of what was withdrawn unduly, "says an excerpt from the decision.
Understanding the case
Last December, the Masonic Lodge 'Grand Orient of the State of Mato Grosso' was ordered to return to the public coffers the amount of R $ 300 thousand, monetarily corrected since 2003. The amount refers to a transfer made by the Government to said store through the agreement 001/2003. The transfer was declared null and void by the Justice, at the request of the State Public Ministry (MPE).
It is stated in the action that the State has released the public funds for the construction of the Masonic Temple, located at Avenida Historiador Rubens de Mendonça. According to the accounts attached to the lawsuit, R $ 123,258.28 was spent on the acquisition of construction materials; R $ 77,071.62 with metallic structure and R $ 112,925 with labour.
The transfer, according to the Public Ministry, besides causing damage to the treasury, violated Federal Law 4320/64, Complementary Law 101/2000 and constitutional principles.
Still, according to the agency, the public money passed on could not have been used for building construction.
In addition, he pointed out that the expenditure denominated 'assistance to care entities and service clubs', provided for in the State budget in 2003, does not find constitutional and legal support.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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