Hemmelighold kontra innsynsretten § 100 med mer om K-v-ID og bittelitt om 22/7-2011

Folkebevegelsen-direkte-folkestyre - Publisert 29/09 2021, 11:17

India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part V: The Secret Revealed
by Justus R. Hope, MD - Sep 27, 2021 Updated Sep 28, 2021
Link til artikkelen som enhver burde lese og tenke over:
Hentet fra artikkelen: On May 7, 2021, during the peak of India's Delta Surge, The World Health Organization reported, "Uttar Pradesh (is) going the last mile to stop COVID-19."

The WHO noted, "Government teams are moving across 97,941 villages in 75 districts over five days in this activity which began May 5 in India's most populous state with a population of 230 million."
The activity involved an aggressive house-to-house test and treat program with medicine kits.
The WHO explained, "Each monitoring team has two members who visit homes in villages and remote hamlets to test everyone with symptoms of COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test kits. Those who test positive are quickly isolated and given a medicine kit with advice on disease management."
The medicines comprising the kit were not identified as part of the Western media blackout at the time. As a result, the contents were as secret as the sauce at McDonald's.
The WHO continued, "On the inaugural day, WHO field officers monitored over 2,000 government teams and visited at least 10,000 households."
This news story was published on the WHO Official Website in India. The website details the WHO’s work against COVID-19 in India, including a discussion about their “Online course for Rapid Response Teams.”

Such teams are the very government teams discussed above assigned to conduct the house-to-house test and treat program in Uttar Pradesh. In discussing the role of the Rapid Response Team (RRT), the WHO site reports,
“RRTs are a key component of a larger emergency response strategy that is essential for an efficient and effective response…WHO has produced and published this course for RRTs working at the national, sub-national, district, and sub-district levels to strengthen the pandemic response with support from the National Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
None have yet been published.
Just five short weeks later, on June 14, 2021, new cases had dropped a staggering 97.1 percent, and the Uttar Pradesh program was hailed as a resounding success. According to ZeeNews of India, "The strategy of trace, test & treat yields results."
By July 2, 2021, three weeks later, cases were down a full 99 percent.
Her benytter man medisiner som er utprøvd på mennesker i mange år og jfr. både leger og forskere, blir man friske. Merkelig nok, er det meget få bivirkninger!

Om man HAR en virkningsfull medisin, hvorfor skal man teste ut på mennesker en haste- / nødgodkjent vaksine? Dette er omtalt også i de 10 punktene fra Nürnberg-prosessen, som regelrett ulovlig testing på mennesker - som bryter menneskerettighetene!
Publisert 01.10.2021
Folkehelseinstituttet har vurdert ny kunnskap om vaksiners effekt og bivirkninger hos unge, og anbefaler at ungdommer født i 2004 og 2005 tilbys to vaksinedoser med et intervall på 12 uker. Regjeringen støtter beslutningen."

Om innholdet i corona-"vaksinene", alvorlige bivirkninger, og at barn og unge presses av myndighetene til å ta disse "vaksinene". Norsk mikrobiolog svarer:
Fra en som kanskje ytrer sannheten:
(NB! Gjerne høyreklikk på de enkelte linker, så får du tekst etc. opp i en ny fane. Lettere å komme tilbake til denne minibloggen!)
Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower
‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying,’ said Attorney Renz. ‘The mantra of ‘safe and effective' must stop after today’s information.’
(LifeSiteNews) — A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz.
The announcement Saturday was made by the Ohio-based attorney, who remains involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom rights.
In his presentation, Renz expressed his appreciation for whistleblowers who were coming forward to provide the public with such important information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). He described the CMS database as the largest available in the U.S. for the study of COVID-19 trends because it contains the data of approximately 59.4 million Medicare beneficiaries.
One slide showed that the number of “persons who died within 14 days of a COVID-19 vaccine” equated to 19,400 for those younger than 81 years old, and 28,065 for those 81 and over, totaling 48,465 deaths." - Anbefaler at du leser hele artikkelen over!
Fra Grunnlovens § 100 (utdrag): "Frimodige ytringer om statsstyret og hvilken som helst annen gjenstand er tillatt for enhver. Det kan bare settes klart definerte grenser for denne rett der særlig tungtveiende hensyn gjør det forsvarlig holdt opp imot ytringsfrihetens begrunnelser.
Forhåndssensur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ikke benyttes med mindre det er nødvendig for å beskytte barn og unge mot skadelig påvirkning fra levende bilder. Brevsensur kan ikke settes i verk utenfor anstalter.
Enhver har rett til innsyn i statens og kommunenes dokumenter og til å følge forhandlingene i rettsmøter og folkevalgte organer. Det kan i lov fastsettes begrensninger i denne rett ut fra hensyn til personvern og av andre tungtveiende grunner.
Det påligger statens myndigheter å legge forholdene til rette for en åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale."

Påstander om hva man har funnet etter mottatt vaksine, gjennomført “post mortem” / obduksjon:
Tyske forskere fant udeklarerte metallfragmenter i vaksinene
Hentet fra artikkelen med link over: "På det patologiske instituttet i Reutlingen ble resultatene av obduksjonene av åtte mennesker som døde etter COVID19-vaksinasjonen presentert 20. september 2021. Vevsanalysene ble utført av patologen professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt og professor Dr. Walter Lang. Funnene bekrefter uttalelsen fra prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher at i mer enn 40 obduserte lik som døde innen to uker etter COVID-19-vaksinasjonen, døde rundt en tredjedel årsaker knyttet til vaksinasjonen. Som en del av den direkte streamede pressekonferansen ble det vist mikroskopiske detaljer om vevsendringene. Professor Dr. Werner Bergholz rapporterte om gjeldende parametere for statistisk registrering av vaksinasjonshendelser.
Burde føre til umiddelbar stans i vaksinasjonsprogrammet
Når det blir funnet metallfragmenter som ikke er deklarert av produsentene i vaksiner som gis til hundrevis av millioner mennesker, burde ansvarlige myndigheter naturligvis suspendere vaksineprogrammet umiddelbart.
I pressemeldinga fra forskerne heter det:
Resultatene av etterforskningen resulterer i juridiske og politiske krav, for eksempel at myndighetene samler inn informasjon umiddelbart for å kunne vurdere helsefaren som befolkningen stilles overfor på grunn av COVID-19-vaksinene. For eksempel, ved å se på IVF-registeret, kan tidlige signaler om redusert fruktbarhet hos de vaksinerte sjekkes. Kreftregisteret kan brukes til å få kunnskap om utvikling av kreft som et resultat av genetiske modifikasjoner av viralt RNA. Suspensjon av COVID-19-vaksinasjoner bør vurderes.
Det ble også lagt fram en analyse av COVID-19-vaksineprøver som er gjort av ei østerriksk forskergruppe. Resultatene tilsvarer funnene fra forskere fra Japan og USA. Ikke-deklarerte metallholdige komponenter ble funnet i vaksinen. Vaksineelementene er visuelt slående på grunn av sin uvanlige form."
- Vi har tidligere også skrevet om samme resultater gjennomført ved obduksjon i andre land, herunder f.eks. Russland som etter hva jeg har lest, var blant de første som gjorde dette og ikke fulgte ordren fra WHO. Russland fant flere blodpropper i kroppen, som de mener var årsak til at pasienten døde.
De 10 punktene fra “Nürnbergprosessen” (på norsk) og mulig bruk i dag vedr. Covid-19 -

Fear and Ignorance — Not the Virus and Unvaxxed — Are the Real Enemies in This Pandemic
- By David Marks
Sakset fra artikkelen som anbefales lest;
"Curing illness and preventing death have been the focus of most medical systems throughout recorded history. Symptoms, and their underlying causes, have dominated debates and research about disease.
For hundreds of years in western medical science, the central paradigm for developing therapies has rested on the supposition that each malady is the result of a single dangerous invasive element. Fundamental treatment usually involves dispelling a contaminant from the patient.
Poor health is presumed to have a foundational cause — the body is violated by something with destructive intent and force.
There are many advances in technological medicine that have saved lives. Medical science has made incredible progress in the repair and replacement of organs and limbs.
The evolution of micro-surgery represents the cutting edge of engineering. New therapies have made previously deadly cancers treatable…………
Epidemics arise where the benefits of a vaccine might outweigh its risks. Until more enlightened solutions are developed, their application should be openly debated, and then used with great caution.
There are legitimate concerns about what vaccines can be safely injected into a child or adult in the name of preventing illness. The hazards, particularly with additives and contaminants, have resulted in the recall of some vaccines.
Until generational studies can be done, including the effects on fertility, no one can make any claim about long-term safety.

The battle with disease
Within decades, experts will likely view the use of vaccines — promoted to defy viral infection — as misguided, similar to how we now regard bloodletting.
When general health is maximized, no vaccine comes close to offering the protection provided by the sophisticated and complex human immune system. With balanced vitality, our bodies instinctively eliminate microorganisms that don’t belong.
Pathogens are rarely the primary cause of ailments. As within the rest of nature, microorganisms most often thrive when the process of deterioration has already begun.
Most that live on or in humans are beneficial. Some bacteria are key components of digestion — we would die without them.
In the 20th century, the development of penicillin brought a profound impact to life-threatening infections and traumatic injuries with sepsis.
However, there are growing concerns that overuse of antibiotics, both in humans and animals, has engendered more powerful and more dangerous bacteria.
Medical science relentlessly continues to attack disease and pathogens without recognizing that suppression is a tactic with great risks.
There is growing awareness that this approach frequently engenders more virulent mutations and manifestations of underlying causes.
The ongoing notion that we must battle illness at all costs is an insidious problem. Attempting to destroy pathogens, or relying solely on a vaccine to defend against a toxic force, exacerbates the faulty logic that has driven treatment of disease since the Middle Ages.
Our well-being is founded on establishing harmony with our environment, and is exemplified by our innate immunity to microbes that might harm us.
But instead of gauging wellness on continuity with nature, the barometer of the success of public health is defined mostly by the battles won with medications and defying death."

4,600+ Doctors, Scientists Accuse COVID Policymakers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
“Thousands have died from COVID as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments — without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech.”
The signatories created a “doctors- and scientists-only” COVID information platform so citizens can make informed decisions for their families “without interruption, manipulation, politicization or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.”
Read the Physicians Declaration here.
Watch Dr. Robert Malone, architect of the mRNA vaccine technology, read the Physicians Declaration:
Om det ikke er mulig å lytte / se Dr. Robert Malone i linken rett over, gå til linken rett over med childrenshealthdefense…org/..

Mer fra USA:
Høyreklikk på linken, så får de se / lytte til innlegget i en ny fane.
Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S.
Hentet fra linken: "Data released Sept. 17 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021, a total of 701,561 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 14,925 reports of deaths — an increase of 419 over the previous week.
There were 91,523 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period — up 3,352 compared with the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 559,462 adverse events, including 6,756 deaths and 43,073 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021.
Of the 6,756 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 10, 12% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 31% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated."

Fear and Ignorance — Not the Virus and Unvaxxed — Are the Real Enemies in This Pandemic
Sakset fra artikkelen som anbefales; "Medical science hasn’t begun to understand the power of natural disease immunity. The ability of the endocrine and nervous systems to seamlessly integrate in maximizing vitality, even in the face of increasing challenges, is phenomenal.
The precarious belief that we have reached an apex of understanding the human body has engendered other false assumptions, including that medicine can improve biology with powerful disruptive drugs, including vaccines.
The concept of vaccination is relatively new. Claims of accomplishments contradict statistics, while conjecture regarding practicality and safety are presented with finality.
Epidemics arise where the benefits of a vaccine might outweigh its risks. Until more enlightened solutions are developed, their application should be openly debated, and then used with great caution.
There are legitimate concerns about what vaccines can be safely injected into a child or adult in the name of preventing illness. The hazards, particularly with additives and contaminants, have resulted in the recall of some vaccines.
Until generational studies can be done, including the effects on fertility, no one can make any claim about long-term safety.

The supposedly cutting-edge mRNA vaccine, developed from a growing understanding of the human genome, is designed and described as something that teaches cells how to fight off the virus.
The application conforms with the archaic arsenal of medical science — it is a weapon used against an opponent that must be conquered.
Vaccination therapy assumes the human body needs training to best defend itself. Following the logic of this highly questionable notion, in this current conflict the enemy appears to have found ways to camouflage and evolve.
If the pandemic is seen as a war, the use of vaccines could lead to many casualties and disastrous collateral damage.
The battle with the disease
Within decades, experts will likely view the use of vaccines — promoted to defy viral infection — as misguided, similar to how we now regard bloodletting.
When general health is maximized, no vaccine comes close to offering the protection provided by the sophisticated and complex human immune system. With balanced vitality, our bodies instinctively eliminate microorganisms that don’t belong.
Pathogens are rarely the primary cause of ailments. As within the rest of nature, microorganisms most often thrive when the process of deterioration has already begun.
Most that live on or in humans are beneficial. Some bacteria are key components of digestion — we would die without them."
Gene Editing May Cause ‘Massive Damage’ to Chromosomes, Study Finds
Research on CRISPR gene editing for gene therapy applications shows it can lead to massive damage to chromosomes — known as chromothripsis — which can lead to cancer or an inherited disease in any children of the affected patient. By Claire Robinson. Link til artikkelen: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/crispr-gene-editing-damage-chromosomes-chromothripsis/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=c49025fa-3ddc-4c4b-90c7-4ead3130fdaa

CRISPR gene editing is often presented as a straightforward, precise and safe procedure. But recent research findings on CRISPR gene editing for gene therapy applications show it can lead to massive damage to chromosomes. The phenomenon is known as chromothripsis.
An article in Nature Biotechnology about the new findings describes chromothripsis as “an extremely damaging form of genomic rearrangement that results from the shattering of individual chromosomes and the subsequent rejoining of the pieces in a haphazard order.”
And now there are signs that the findings are hitting gene editing companies’ stock.--
‘You cannot make this go away’
The authors of the new study, published in Nature Genetics, conclude that “chromothripsis is a previously unappreciated on-target consequence” of the double-strand breaks in the DNA that CRISPR gene editing is designed to bring about.
The fact that the damage occurs “on-target” — at the intended edit site — means that any attempts to target the CRISPR gene editing more precisely will not solve this problem, as pointed out in the Nature Biotechnology article by one of the researchers on the study, David Pellman of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. He said, “You cannot make this go away by making the cutting more specific.”

Cancer worries
The major worry with chromothripsis in therapeutic settings is that it can lead to cancer or an inherited disease in any children of the affected patient. It would only take a single cell to be affected by chromothripsis to result in cancer.
This has implications for animal gene editing, as edited animals could be prone to cancer. But it also spells bad news for plant gene editing, where chromosomal damage would lead to changes in the function of genes that could in turn result in unexpected toxicity or allergenicity, as well as unpredictable effects on wildlife.
Effect ‘cannot be completely avoided’
Noen resultater etter HPV-vaksinen:
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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