Swedish child climate activist reportedly a tool of Al Gore–linked corporate green hucksters

By Monica Showalter - August 19, 2019
Kids are great tools for big money and major powers lurking in the shadows, attempting to enact a political agenda. The latest instance, and it's a doozy, is young Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child climate activist who's coming to the states (with a big carbon footprint, according to today's piece by Thomas Lifson) to persuade us all to jump in on the global warming cavalcade of green laws to restrict our own freedoms — which, as it happens, will just coincidentally make the green elites even richer.
No wonder they're the shadowy forces bankrolling her peregrinations. According to a report that ran in The Times (subscription only), titled "Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior," green corporate energy companies looking to turn a profit from green contracts were behind the young Greta's much ballyhooed rise from the beginning. Far from being some persuasive and charismatic kid out to save the Earth, as the press is reporting, the Times found that:
[T]he Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden's Social Democratic government with links to the country's energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.
Someone's looking for a payday, and sure enough, that someone found exactly the useful fool he wanted for a get-rich-quick scheme to line his own pockets. Young Greta, as the narrative in the press goes, was "discovered" by social media entrepreneur Ingmar Rentzhog of a social media site called "We Don't Have Time." He got her name from another activist who had been auditioning for "fresh green faces."
Rentzhog, it turns, was trained by Al Gore's green energy groups and wanted to make money the way Gore did on green energy contracts. And just coincidentally, Greta's mom wanted to sell a book about how green activism "saved her family." Rentzog put it all together, and bango: Greta just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere to sell the world on global warming.
Here's what the Times reported on who Rentzhog really is:
Trained by former US vice-president Al Gore's environmental group, the Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don't Have Time in late 2017 to "hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change" by leveraging "the power of social media".
He and his chief operating officer, David Olsson, have backgrounds in finance, not environmental activism: Rentzhog as the founder of Laika Consulting, an investment relations company, and Olsson with Svenska Bostadsfonden, one of Sweden's biggest property funds, whose board Rentzhog joined in June 2017. The platform's investors included Gustav Stenbeck, whose family control Kinnevik, one of Sweden's largest investment corporations.
In May last year, Rentzhog became the chairman and Olsson a board member of a think tank called Global Utmaning (Global Challenge). Its founder, Kristina Persson, is an heir to an industrial fortune.
The list of corporate luminaries and green hucksters that follows in the background to this Global Challenge angle is stunning. These people are all looking to make a buck on the Al Gore model. They saw how Gore became a green billionaire, and they want a piece of that action, too.
How very useful to have a little spearhead for this project in the persona of young Greta.
It's about par for what's going on these days with kids. Corporate and foundation and even global superpower interests use them by selling them as "stars" to the low-information voters as spontaneous talent sensations. It's been going on a while, but the pace seems to be now accelerating with social media, and it's becoming a template.
We saw an early instance of this phenomenon pioneered by the Soviet Union in 1982, when young Samantha Smith wrote a letter to Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, a former KGB chief, and got invited to the USSR to serve as a Soviet propaganda tool at the nadir of the Cold War, at a time when President Reagan was applying the heat.
Children of illegal aliens are easy tools for the open-borders industrial complex out for state funding for "services." I wrote about that here and here. When you're here illegally and you'd do anything to not be sent back to your homeland, you become putty in the hands of activists.
The Parkland Kids, high-schoolers organizing against guns in the wake of a mass shooting, became easy tools for Soros front groups. Money made. Harvard admissions secured.
As The Times concludes:
For energy titans in Sweden, as elsewhere, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff. Green energy lobbyists are using populist scare tactics and a children's crusade to bypass elected representatives. But the destination is technocracy, not democracy; profit, not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used to ease the transition to green corporatism.
Kids don't rise to massive fame on their own, with huge media coverage, without big corporate money or powerful special interests there first. The Greta phenomenon is as fake as all the other instances of child manipulation. One day this kind of exploitation for dollars will be denounced in the history books as a particularly disgusting kind of child abuse practiced in the late 20th, early 21st century by avaricious and backward robber barons. But right now, it's just moving toward peak-exploitation from money men in the background, another bubble that will eventually burst.
Kids are great tools for big money and major powers lurking in the shadows, attempting to enact a political agenda. The latest instance, and it's a doozy, is young Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child climate activist who's coming to the states (with a big carbon footprint, according to today's piece by Thomas Lifson) to persuade us all to jump in on the global warming cavalcade of green laws to restrict our own freedoms — which, as it happens, will just coincidentally make the green elites even richer.
No wonder they're the shadowy forces bankrolling her peregrinations. According to a report that ran in The Times (subscription only), titled "Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior," green corporate energy companies looking to turn a profit from green contracts were behind the young Greta's much ballyhooed rise from the beginning. Far from being some persuasive and charismatic kid out to save the Earth, as the press is reporting, the Times found that:
[T]he Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden's Social Democratic government with links to the country's energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.
Someone's looking for a payday, and sure enough, that someone found exactly the useful fool he wanted for a get-rich-quick scheme to line his own pockets. Young Greta, as the narrative in the press goes, was "discovered" by social media entrepreneur Ingmar Rentzhog of a social media site called "We Don't Have Time." He got her name from another activist who had been auditioning for "fresh green faces."
Rentzhog, it turns, was trained by Al Gore's green energy groups and wanted to make money the way Gore did on green energy contracts. And just coincidentally, Greta's mom wanted to sell a book about how green activism "saved her family." Rentzog put it all together, and bango: Greta just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere to sell the world on global warming.
Here's what the Times reported on who Rentzhog really is:
Trained by former US vice-president Al Gore's environmental group, the Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don't Have Time in late 2017 to "hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change" by leveraging "the power of social media".
He and his chief operating officer, David Olsson, have backgrounds in finance, not environmental activism: Rentzhog as the founder of Laika Consulting, an investment relations company, and Olsson with Svenska Bostadsfonden, one of Sweden's biggest property funds, whose board Rentzhog joined in June 2017. The platform's investors included Gustav Stenbeck, whose family control Kinnevik, one of Sweden's largest investment corporations.
In May last year, Rentzhog became the chairman and Olsson a board member of a think tank called Global Utmaning (Global Challenge). Its founder, Kristina Persson, is an heir to an industrial fortune.
The list of corporate luminaries and green hucksters that follows in the background to this Global Challenge angle is stunning. These people are all looking to make a buck on the Al Gore model. They saw how Gore became a green billionaire, and they want a piece of that action, too.
How very useful to have a little spearhead for this project in the persona of young Greta.
It's about par for what's going on these days with kids. Corporate and foundation and even global superpower interests use them by selling them as "stars" to the low-information voters as spontaneous talent sensations. It's been going on a while, but the pace seems to be now accelerating with social media, and it's becoming a template.
We saw an early instance of this phenomenon pioneered by the Soviet Union in 1982, when young Samantha Smith wrote a letter to Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, a former KGB chief, and got invited to the USSR to serve as a Soviet propaganda tool at the nadir of the Cold War, at a time when President Reagan was applying the heat.
Children of illegal aliens are easy tools for the open-borders industrial complex out for state funding for "services." I wrote about that here and here. When you're here illegally and you'd do anything to not be sent back to your homeland, you become putty in the hands of activists.
The Parkland Kids, high-schoolers organizing against guns in the wake of a mass shooting, became easy tools for Soros front groups. Money made. Harvard admissions secured.
As The Times concludes:
For energy titans in Sweden, as elsewhere, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff. Green energy lobbyists are using populist scare tactics and a children's crusade to bypass elected representatives. But the destination is technocracy, not democracy; profit, not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used to ease the transition to green corporatism.
Kids don't rise to massive fame on their own, with huge media coverage, without big corporate money or powerful special interests there first. The Greta phenomenon is as fake as all the other instances of child manipulation. One day this kind of exploitation for dollars will be denounced in the history books as a particularly disgusting kind of child abuse practiced in the late 20th, early 21st century by avaricious and backward robber barons. But right now, it's just moving toward peak-exploitation from money men in the background, another bubble that will eventually burst.
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/08/swedish_child_climate_activist_reportedly_a_tool_of_big_green_corporate_energy_interests.html#ixzz61o99TeIu
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