Tony Blair and his Pedo-Infested Ministers

Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy,The Deep State – 2019/01/03
Chapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme
This section will chronicle in full detail the systematic child abuse and nonstop cover-up of the British government protecting its own army of hardcore pedophiles who for over a half century have been free to act out their child raping pathology against UK’s most vulnerable population – children in group home care. The massive evidence is overwhelming yet to this very day not one politician in the UK Parliament or prime minister’s cabinet has ever been brought to justice.
Britain is a disgrace to the entire world, serving as just the tip of the iceberg permitting hundreds, if not thousands over the years of prominent serial child sexual predators shielded in high places to permanently wound as well as murder millions of their own innocents without paying for their scourge of diabolical violent crimes. They have gotten away with it forever because pedophiles and their enablers who’ve long saturated government, high courts, police, civil servants, British intelligence, the media and royal family have all made certain this out of control epidemic is kept hidden from exposure and accountability.
Though Sir Jimmy may have been one central connecting hub within this despicable national operation, with or without him, the UK government is still guilty of perpetrating the sickest perversions against its own defenseless children living throughout the British Isles and beyond. The heinously pervasive practice sodomizing this nation’s little boys in particular, since violating young males appears to be the overwhelming sexual preference amongst so many of UK’s pedophile politicians, earns the not-at-all-great Britain the dubious distinction as the pedophilia epicenter of this entire world, with Belgium, Netherlands, North America and Australia not far behind.
This section will methodically begin by covering various major scandals around England with later chapters focusing on those in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland (along with connections to the wider international pedophilia network) involving sexual crimes committed by prominent Westminster and Downing Street politicians against targeted child victims from mostly group homes, special schools and the pedophile “home” away from home – railway station public toilets frequented by predatory PMs and MPs on the prowl for underage runaways and rent boys.
After interviewing scores of abuse victims over the years who identified powerful VIPs atop the British government as their perpetrators, longtime child activist-journalist Sonia Poulton has turned over her findings to the police. In an article written for Express in March 2014, she asks why not one of the accused pedophiles has ever been arrested or prosecuted.[1] She cites the sheer hypocrisy of the mini-scandal making headlines at the time involving prominent Labor politicians Harriet Harmon, husband Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt’s past NCCL-PIE association in comparison with the glaring avoidance of the real tragedy – that household names of those who remain unscathed after having committed the most heinous acts imaginable are still walking free:
I have heard stories of satanic ritual abuse, a significant factor in many paedophile rings, at the hands of household-name parliamentarians past and present.[2]

Sonia interviewed whistleblowing former British intelligence officer Andrea Davison who confirms what we’ve already come to know:
Paedophiles are a staple of parliamentary life and have been for some decades. She [Andrea Davison] claimed that MPs have been filmed abusing children and this footage is used to blackmail parliamentarians into acquiescing on issues of global importance.[3]
And those issues of “global importance” you can bet have everything to do with the Anglo-American-Zionist Axis-of-Evil’s agenda to eugenically depopulate the planet through war and manmade disease,[4] make pedophilia legal (Chapter 2) and gain absolute tyrannical control through one world government as humanity’s false savior promoting UN Agendas 21 and 2030 and the UN’s star-studded “Global Goals.”[5]
In an interview before his death in 2008, UK Conservative Party Whip Francis Pym (1970-73) demonstrated a rare display of matter-of-fact honesty, alluding to always helping out peers of either party by covering up their problems like “a scandal with small boys,” because then MPs will “do what you want forever more.”[6] With this reality a standardized norm and unwritten rule etched in stone, coercion politics through “owed favors” and sexual blackmail become the primary control mechanism by which puppet politicians dutifully dance to their masters’ tunes.
Since this chapter focuses on the role that Tony Blair and his ministers have played in promulgating government VIP pedophilia and its cover-up, prior to addressing his heavily infiltrated pedophile and pedo-enabling cabinet, a cursory examination of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair’s pedo-tendencies himself provide a broader contextual background and linkage leading to today’s pedophilia pandemic.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s past includes sexual deviance with a predilection for crossdressing, frequenting public toilets in lustful search of young boys, a pair of college mentors who were confirmed pedophiles, and his subsequent blackmail at the hands of the Mossad and Zionist Israel to join his equally compromised American counterpart George W. Bush Jr similarly possessing the same proclivities.[7]9/11, the War on Terror and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were all machinations reflecting Zionism’s far-reaching global reach and control through sexual blackmail manipulating the United States and Great Britain to fight Greater Israel Project wars, forcing them into Israel’s bloody bidding.[8]
A highly significant, telling fact and certainly no accident, during Blair’s 10-years as prime minister from 1997 to 2007, the number of missing children in the United Kingdom nearly doubled, rising from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.[9] Knowing his perverted history of lies and deception and scandalous misconduct throughout both his life and decade in power, the disturbing reality that missing kids nearly doubled on his watch alone is in accordance with his evil misdeeds providing a boom for both Zionism and the globalized child raping network, two related entities that later in the chapter will be further elaborated.
While attending the Edinburgh boys’ boarding school Fettes, the type taken up with homoerotic spanking rituals as typical subject matter in Lord Longford, Sir Jimmy and Sir Cliff’s 1972 bestseller Pornography (covered in Chapter 20), “Miranda” the crossdressing collegiate was regularly visited by Irish loyalist Sir Knox Cunningham, a confirmed lover of boys.[10]Cunningham was part of a pedophile ring that ran in the same circles as royal family curator and treasonous pedo-Russian spy Sir Anthony Blunt and William McGrath, an MI5 operative-right wing loyalist-housemaster-convicted pedophile at Northern Ireland’s Kincora boys’ home in 1981 (fully addressed in Chapter 26).[11]
The onetime MP and PM Macmillan cabinet secretary, Knox Cunningham was also friends with other Cambridge spies, fellow pedophile traitor Guy Burgess and Lord Victor Rothschild (Thatcher’s foreign adviser),[12] and additionally financed William McGrath’s Protestant paramilitaries that also maintained close ties with Zionist gangsters’ illegally supplying Israeli weapons… again confirming another of many Zionist-pedophilia-Blair connections.

Moreover, during Tony Blair’s years at Fettes (1966-1971) prior to his Oxford education, “Miranda” had befriended his spiritual mentor the school chaplain, Rev. Ronald Selby Wright, a popular Church of Scotland minister with links to both the military and boys clubs.[13] Wright reputedly preyed on Fettes students and in his final summer at the Scottish boarding school, Blair ran a summer camp for Wright’s kids. From age 13 to 18, possessing such close relationships with significantly older male role models who were known pedophiles strongly suggests he himself may have been victimized. With disgraced alt-right poster boy Milo Yiannopoulis, a fine line exists between victim and predator when it comes to his own pederast relationships.[14] If truth be known, Blair might admit he too enjoyed his relationships with older, powerful mentoring males he so much admired as they groomed him for bigger and better things.
Former British intelligence operative Anthony T. Stokes has written that in 1983 Tony Blair was caught soliciting sex from underage boys in a police surveilled London public restroom, “importuning in public toilets.”[15] Though required to appear at the Bow Street Magistrate Court where he used his two middle names “Charles Lynton,” thereby avoiding scandal as a brand new elected Member of Parliament. Court records, police notes and evidence of several prior verbal warnings were to later disappear.[16] With his past history of sexual deviance, Tony Blair became the perfect candidate to be groomed for higher office as an easily blackmail-able, thoroughly compromised puppet for Mossad-Zionist control to commit British soldiers and nation against the people’s will to disaster dying on Middle Eastern battlefields using deadly WMD lies to sell more wars for Israel killing over a million Muslims in Iraq alone.
Between his Zionist top backers Lord Levy and Friends of Israel, and his perverted habits targeted for sexual blackmail by Mossad, Tony Blair was Israel’s whore. His primary handler was “Lord Cashpoint” – Committee of 300 player Michael Levy, who financed Tony Blair’s meteoric rise to the world stage along with his New Labor Party from 1994 to 2007.[17] In return, Lord Levy headed Blair’s special envoy to the Middle East. Levy was in deep with the “Cash for Honors” scandal, brazenly selling wealthy Jewish businessmen appointments to the House of Lords.[18] His son David Levy is an Israeli citizen who’s often held top level positons in the Israeli government. A month after becoming former PM, Tony and his wife Cherie attended David’s plush wedding on the heels of the Blair-Levy cash for honors fiasco.[19] Scandal or no scandal, the Anglo-Zionist cabal remains one big happily-ever-after controlling family.
The Blairs didn’t stay long at the wedding celebration as they were due to fly out first thing the next morning to the Caribbean to vacation at Sir Cliff’s £3 million villa in Barbados again. Sir Kitty’s crash pad had become Miranda’s home away from home, his shelter from the storm during his decade long bruised and battering as such an unpopular was criminal. It was the fifth summer in a row that Tony chose to lick his wounds compliments of his nurturing good buddy.[20] Of course it was only eight years earlier that Blair was alleged to put the professional hit on Cliff’s dear friend Jill Dando for knowing too much, just like Princess Diana little more than a year and a half earlier, both murders committed on Blair’s watch of two of Britain’s most beloved women for threatening to bring down the VIP pedo-cabal.
Another key Jewish Blair handler of the Zionist persuasion, or so called chief foreign policy/national security advisor from 2001 to 2003 coordinating the US-British Iraq invasion was Committee of 300 VIP,[21] Sir David Manning. Prior to that, he was UK ambassador to Israel and from 2003-07 was ambassador to US. At the time of 9/11, Manning was flying over New York City watching the twin towers come tumbling down, ostensibly in America to meet the day before with neocon 9/11 co-conspirator Richard Armitage.[22] The CIA appointed head of Pakistani Intelligence Services General Mahmoud also just happened to be meeting in Washington that same day is on record making payments to the lead 9/11 “terrorist” stooge Mohammad Atta,[23] the one whose untarnished passport just happened to be found near the fallen rubble a few days later.[24]
Within a year after Sir David was US ambassador he was paid £50,000 per year as part-time advisor to giant permanent war contractor Lockheed Martin.[25] Similar to Sir Jimmy, Sir David Manning also appears to be éminence grise for the royal family. In 2009 the queen appointed Manning advisor to Princes William and Harry for all their foreign travel expeditions. As recently as June 2018 the monarchy’s employ of the Jewish Middle East controller continued as the future British king visited Israel and Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories, a royal first.[26] To this day the Zionist grip continues ruling over both the UK and US.[27]

And now for a look at Tony Blair’s prime minister record as a pedophile enabler, if not pedophile as well, although his embarrassing public toilet episode at the same time he entered Parliament is said to have taught him a lesson to be more discreet indulging in his favorite perversions. But like Thatcher, it didn’t stop him from saturating his government with pedophiles. But prior to uncovering the identities of Blair’s child abusing ministers and aides, an accounting of how they wound up on law enforcement radar in the first place sets the stage for this cast of criminal characters in the Blair pedo-lineup.
In 1999, the same year Blair more than likely had Jill Dando murdered, Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service working under the codename Operation Ore put together an exhaustive list of child pornographers and pedophiles identified to be offending in Britain alone, totaling 7,250 suspects of which 1850 were charged with child sex crimes and 1451 were convicted.[28] Police interviewed nearly 500 suspects under caution and 900 remained under ongoing investigation in the United Kingdom’s most thorough and comprehensive police probe into crimes against children.[29]
A January 19, 2003 Sunday Herald article quoted a recently retired Scotland Yard police officer accusing the Operation Ore probe of intentionally sabotaging the arrest and prosecution of high profile Labor politicians that included Blair cabinet ministers as well as MPs caught downloading child pornographic material.[30] No doubt by design, the police inaction allowed guilty parties the opportunity to delete and destroy evidence. The detective from the Operation Ore investigation blamed both law enforcement and the Blair government for not following through on their vow to make the crime of pedophilia a top priority, calling it “smoke and mirrors.” Had Blair not willfully obstructed justice, covering up the scandal by issuing a D-notice blackout on all subsequent press coverage, the final line in the Herald article relays the bold claim destined never to come to pass:
Police say that the list of rich and famous Operation Ore suspects would fill newspaper front pages for an entire year.[31]
Only one entertainment luminary’s name was not spared from press headlines, disgraced rock star Pete Townshend of the legendary band the Who, given a caution and placed on a sex registry for five years.[32] As in post-Jimmy Savile Operation Yewtree, the powers-that-should-not-be will gladly sacrifice a token entertainer or two long before bringing pedophile MPs and ministers to proper justice.
Operation Ore was part of a larger police investigation stemming from Operation Avalanche in America involving the FBI, US Postal Inspection Service and Dallas police originally unearthing a landslide of files from a company called Landslide Productions in Fort Worth, Texas.[33] This outfit serviced thousands of international customers busily downloading its child pornography. Despite 35,000 perverts investigated as suspects in the US, only 100 were charged.[34] For the same reason so few in Britain were indicted, the derelict-filled Bush 2 administration (same as daddy Bush and Blair’s) was also caught red-handed neck deep in pedophilia.
Also guilty were child pornography and sex abuse rings found operating throughout the US armed forces, including the Pentagon, at military prisons like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, and amongst private military contractors like DynCorp[35] and Halliburton in places like Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Thailand (see Section 3, Chapters 8-11).[36] In effect, deep links to the entire global pedophilia network were accidentally uncovered and then quickly covered up.
By January 2003 the police inquiry known in Britain as Operation Ore was the largest child abuse online investigation in British history to date,[37] honing in on a number of high ranking pedophiles within the Blair government, including at least two senior ministers.[38] But because Blair was busily lying through his teeth following the marching orders of his Anglo-American-Zionist puppet masters, on the verge of launching the infamous US-UK “shock and awe” Iraq invasion, the pedo-protecting PM issued his D-notices under the pretense of national security interests in order to prohibit the press from covering the pedophilia scandal that would have overnight destroyed Blair’s career, his and Bush’s war-making regimes and their bloody, costly, protracted catastrophe in Iraq.
The large scale police investigation had uncovered links between child sex abusers in Blair’s Labor Party cabinet and a massive pedophilia trafficking network moving children across the Euro-continent between the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria[39] and Portugal involving dignitaries and VIPs in every nation.[40]

Of course Tony Blair was far from the first UK prime minister to be sexually blackmailed into fighting wars for Israel. Zionist sexual blackmail controlling top UK politicians has gone on for a century now. For instance, the political marriage of convenience between Tory Prime Minister Harold Macmillan (1957-1963), reportedly expelled for “homosexual perversions” at age 16 from the exclusive private Eton College in 1910, and his wife Dorothy, who maintained a 30-year extramarital affair with promiscuous pedophile gay-Lord Boothby, provided ample opportunity for sexual blackmail.[41] Enter Cambridge UK-KGB-Mossad superspy Lord Victor Rothschild,[42] later Thatcher’s security advisor, who likely blackmailed Macmillan on behalf of Israel to initiate the 1956 attack on Egypt’s Suez Canal.[43]
To avoid sexual scandal, blackmailed prime ministers eager to retain their power and impunity resort to great lengths to protect VIP pedophilia operations which through intelligence services over the course of time have expanded internationally, especially by the late 1970s. Such notable UK operatives as Sir Jimmy Savile (MI5), Sir Anthony Blunt (MI5-KGB), Peter Righton (National Children’s Bureau; National Council of Social Work) and Colin Peters (British foreign office)[44] to name just a few, all hardcore pedo-pimps (covered in previous chapters) were busily supplying children for VIP sickos in both Britain and Europe. Yet another pimping culprit to emerge in the 1980s (whose crimes will be detailed in the next chapter) is Tory Party Thatcher “advisor” and speechwriter Derek Laud, a son from a broken home of Jamaican immigrant parents.[45]
Keep in mind that the pedophile ring pimps that indulge the sick demented needs of powerful untouchable Britons are nearly always just as covered up and concealed as the identities of the famous VIP pedophiles involved, because they are the connected bread crumb ratlines running straight to the royal palaces, 10 Downing Street and Westminster.
Yet despite such heavy-handed protection and impenetrable concealment furnished by intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, Crown Prosecution Services, the controlled media and all levels of government from national to local that invariably lose and destroy massive amounts of crucial criminal evidence,[46]together they still provide more than enough proof that the aforementioned named procurers funneling victims to powerful, largely unnamed, still unpunished VIP pedophiles demonstrate beyond all question or doubt that a highly sophisticated, highly insulated, interlocking international child raping network has in fact been in existence for a very long time.
And what else is perfectly clear is that all this tangible, irrefutable evidence amounts to “only the tip of the iceberg.”[47] That said, even with a handful of known and publicly identified powerful pedophile suspects being shielded in the House of Commons and Lords, not one politician at the national level has ever been convicted or served time in prison, not one. And undoubtedly a partial list of over 100 convicted British pedophile politicians at local council, mayoral and party levels posted online as of April 2012 is but a proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”[48]
Though influential homosexual-pedophile-pimp Derek Laud’s been legally protected, another black Englishman who made history as Britain’s first black cabinet minister appears even more powerfully connected. Paul Boateng, son of a Ghanaian minister and Scottish mother, in the 1980s was an ambitious young attorney and NCCL executive member intimately allied with PIE,[49]embarking on a long career in politics as a Labor MP from Brent South (1987-2005).[50] Selected as Tony Blair’s home minister from 1998 to 2001 overseeing UK police investigations, in 2001 until 2005 Boateng was treasury secretary and then the British High Commissioner to South Africa from 2005 to 2009. As of 2010 he’s been elevated to the House of the Lords as Baron Boateng.
But this high profile British slickster of a politician has also been implicated in murderous pedophilia that Blair ensured stayed protected and covered up. However, far too many loose ends refusing to go away can be traced back to his scandalous-prone past and are long overdue to catch up to this highly shielded, still acclaimed VIP lord.[51] But before diving into his part in the Blair pedophilia cover-up, a little background info on his neck of the woods is critically important to comprehending the bigger picture.
In 1983 when MP Geoffrey Dickens first raised the issue of MPs and cabinet ministers engaging in sexual abuse of British children, submitting his dossier to Home Secretary Leon Brittan, social workers across the nation went on strike for better pay and improved work conditions. As a consequence, local children in the UK care system were uprooted and separated by hundreds of miles apart from their hometown family and friends. In 1983 it was reported that social services from the South London borough of Lambeth were sending 124 kids as far away as North Wales,[52] straight to notorious care homes like Bryn Estyn where one of UK’s most deadly abuse scandals and cover-ups was occurring from the 1970s through the 1990s. The rampant child abuse in North Wales will be thoroughly covered in Chapter 26.
But while Lambeth children were being placed in harm’s way in Wales, they were perhaps even more endangered as residents in any one of 25 care homes in their own home district. With Lambeth also the home headquarters of Britain’s notorious foreign intelligence services the MI6,[53] and the proven nexus between worldwide pedophilia operations and global intelligence services (see Chapters 9-11),[54] is it purely by coincidence that for so many decades Lambeth has been such a safe haven for pedophile beasts to prolifically prey upon the borough’s defenseless group home children?
That was then and this is now. As far as kids in the UK Care System being placed far from home, though it grew very bad in the 1980s, right now it’s at a record high. Despite the British government’s pledge to not send children in its care system hundreds of miles away from their homes, knowing they are at far more risk of abuse, the 2018 Education Department report reveals that the rate at which British children are being sent to placements lengthy distances from home has risen by 64% from 2,250 in 2012 to 3,680 in March 2017.[55]
Even more alarming is the number of children in the UK “care” system gone missing in the past two years alone, having skyrocketed to more than double from 4,380 in 2015 to 9,190 in 2017. What does it say when the latest numbers show that more than 10,000 kids in the system disappear for weeks or longer at a time[56] out of the total Care System population of over 90,000?[57] With record numbers entering the care system at 90 a day in 2017[58] and already over 11% missing from their placements, it means that children are being mistreated and abused both in and out of their care homes, compounded and exacerbated by the rising record numbers being sinisterly placed hundreds of miles from home. The dire consequences of an already broken system are breaking even farther apart at the seams.
In May 2018 MP Ann Coffey accurately stated:
Despite the [government’s] pledge, record numbers of children are being sent away to places where they are more vulnerable to exploitation. The farming out of children to areas where they have no friends or family circles or local social workers has created a perfect storm where it is increasingly difficult to protect children. These children [far from home and especially gone missing]are being targeted and preyed upon by paedophiles and criminals who know they are vulnerable.[59] [Emphasis added]
Essentially what appears to be happening is that a brazenly criminal decision was made at the top of the British government to substantially increase the flow of throwaway children into a well-established nationwide pedo-pipeline operating on an industrial scale to feed the growing perverse demands of a pathological international elite that’s behind the biggest ever global child raping and trafficking network. The agenda of the UK family court system’s been to tear families apart, remove children from non-abusive parents and tragically destroy the nation’s most basic, most vital social institution providing a bedrock of stability for eons of time, placing its most defenseless, vulnerable population into the predatory jaws of the UK Care System that’s systemically destroying them in unprecedented numbers.
The bottom line – the Anglo-American-Zionist agenda rooted in Luciferianism is determined to obliterate families around the world while establishing one world government tyranny. The diabolical larger plan is to export this same wholesale destruction of family as humanity’s foremost institutional life-force presently being deconstructed in the UK to every nation in the world. The endgame of this collectivist Marxist agenda is to globally replace family (along with religion, national sovereignty and private ownership) with the state.[60] The totalitarian gulag state of Stalin and Mao’s oppressive Communist democide dictatorships is right around the corner if the planetary controllers are allowed to achieve their dystopian globalist objective.
Examining how this demonic grand plan strategy from hell unfolded at the local micro-level and spread rapidly nationally in Britain is illustrated by how Labor politician Margaret Hodge saturated her district’s youth care homes with infiltrating pedophiles back in the 1980s. The Islington council leader in 1982 began her 10-year reign of terror against group home kids, promoting a highly publicized invitation to hire gays into her Islington council, its social services and group home facilities.[61]
Using the LGBT agenda of fairness to all as her deceptive Trojan horse, she cunningly flooded group homes with child rapists proudly claiming they were gay to work with children in all dozen of her Islington group homes. No one would dare risk challenging the “Political Correctness,” much less “violate” the rights of homosexuals, even if they’re masquerading as parasitic kiddie killers. Following Islington’s lead just a stone’s throw away, in parallel process also waving the gay rights’ banner, the Labor dominant Lambeth council coalition also flooded its social services and care homes with child predators claiming to be exercising their gay and lesbian rights.
In a very much related move, under the leadership of Margaret Hodge’s husband Henry Hodge as chairman of the National Council for Civil Liberties (now known as Liberty), in 1975 he openly partnered with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), fully embracing the rights of UK pedophiles.[62]Thus through both his and her interventions in the 1970s and 80s, virtually all the London districts became interconnecting, highly embedded safe havens for hardcore child rapists deceptively wearing the LGBT label.
Higher-ups at councils and social services alike invited likeminded perverts to infiltrate, network and seal off virtual safe zones to establish a thriving secret network of predators serving their own sick lustful compulsions at the expense of Britain’s most defenseless population, while also providing easy access for UK’s establishment VIPs sworn to safeguard their pedo-club impunity for survival. Even the British government’s Home Office became infiltrated with likeminded child pedophiles.[63]
For Margaret Hodge to pretend she didn’t know her 1983 open advertisement for gays to work with her care home children as a thinly veiled invitation for co-opting pedos under the “gay rights” movement that her own hubby championed is preposterous. Of course both she and her Lambeth Labor counterpart Ted Knight knew they were saturating their 37 care homes with child sexual predators.[64] With the Islington beta test underway making it super easy for pedos to access care home children while guaranteed protection under gay rights, by September 1983 Islington’s next door neighbor Lambeth was pushing Hodge’s same Trojan horse policy.
Thus it seems from the very ge-go, her assigned mission from the UK pedophilia establishment was to expand the child raping network nationwide. It certainly was no accident that as a brand new MP in 1994 Hodge nominated her Islington neighbor Tony Blair to be the next Labor Party leader[65] and he in turn made her Britain and his first minister of children – all sanctified by Lucifer’s design.
The Islington and Lambeth borders are separated by a scant two mile stretch of the City of London, the Illuminati Rothschild independent enclave that funds global child sex trafficking.[66] While Labor politician Margaret Hodge ruled over Islington with an iron fist, her friend in Lambeth Knight,[67] often referred to as the “Godfather,” ran his council like the Mafia. By intended design, both London districts were notoriously swimming with infiltrated pedo-sharks reportedly swapping children between boroughs and outward in all directions among the Isles. To maintain impunity, it wasn’t long before the massive amount of incriminating files and records establishing direct links between Islington-Lambeth to all other pedophile rings operating throughout the nation were systematically destroyed.
In the words of award winning reporter Eileen Fairweather who originally broke the Hodge story:
Islington shredded every incriminating file, sacked whistleblowers and smeared victims as mentally ill.[68]
Abraham Jacob, a pedophile social worker employed at a Lambeth group home prior to employment at Islington social services, was busted in 1986 and imprisoned for his involvement in a Piccadilly Circus pedo-ring. He specialized in picking up runaway rent boys off the street and supplying them to Labor Party politicians and BBC executives.[69] He would also pimp his underage boys, showcasing them in a window of a gay bar to attract johns.[70] Abraham Jacob was very familiar to Labor council leaders Ted Knight, Margaret Hodge and Jack Straw. Of course Hodge and Straw went on to rarefied heights in the Blair government holding key ministerial posts. What’s been proven by their actions throughout long political careers is that they all are ultra-pedophilia-friendly.
Recall from Chapter 19 that a few social workers originally from the Channel Island of Jersey who moved to Islington were both voracious pedophiles as well as child traffickers.[71] The Jersey-Islington connection exchanged child victims and pedo-pimps posing as both social service workers and traffickers servicing Westminster VIPs in both locations, and of course aided by Sir Jimmy Savile’s pimping exploits. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s a nationalized pedophile ring network was developed and expanded under Margaret Thatcher’s watch to every corner of the UK through the likes of Savile, Anthony Blunt, Peter Righton, Derek Laud and a host of other prominent pimping players networking and interfacing with intelligence services, law enforcement, the National Health Service, local social services, charity organizations, the family court system and dozens of district councils.
From the lower levels of group home employees and operators to the top Westminster and Downing Street powerbrokers, by the 1980s infiltrating pedophiles were thoroughly entrenched throughout Britain, maintaining a close-knit, highly organized secret “sex club” network providing sealed off protection for their collective survival. An August 1st, 1993 Sunday Timesarticle observed:
For the past five months officers from the squad have secretly liaised with directors of social services in more than half a dozen London boroughs amid fears that organised gangs have targeted vulnerable children in their areas. Several of the most prominent offenders under surveillance are wealthy businessmen [and other establishment VIPs conspicuously omitted].[72]
More than a half dozen years later a February 2000 headline in the Daily Mailread “Even Worse,” reflecting that this same operational pedo-network had grown to industrial strength size, far worse than expected, and this is over a decade prior to the Jimmy Savile bombshell. The article reported that:
Detectives believe a nationwide network of paedophiles has claimed as many as 11,000 victims over 20 years.[73]
Keep in mind that police estimates tend to always be on the conservative low side. That said, British law enforcement discovered that hundreds of pedophiles were able to roam freely about the country and beyond to continental Europe,[74] often dispersed with sterling job recommendations and referrals from infiltrated fellow pedophiles embedded as gatekeepers in the UK power structure, from national to local, granting carte blanche license and protection to further harm defenseless underage victims.
Even in the 1980s and 1990s the abuse had reached an unprecedented industrial scale.[75] Historically in the UK, prior to police investigations implicating and potentially exposing VIP perpetrators, British intelligence, Scotland Yard’s Special Branch and police commissioners have always stepped in to swiftly shut down probes as soon as identities of government higher-ups are involved.
The above statement is backed up by serving and former Metro Police officers on an anonymous Scotland Yard online forum. A transcript was leaked to investigative journalists at Exaro News. One said:
This is about kids being raped by those in power that included politicians of all sorts. It goes to the very heart of our establishment. There is very clear evidence that the general nature of the allegations are true. There are enough officers on this site who have mentioned paedophile ops involving high profile politicians being stopped at the eleventh hour.[76]
Two retired Special Branch officers came forth in 2014 to disclose to the half dozen detectives assigned to work Operation Fairbank launched in 2013 in response to MP Watson’s assertion that historic child sexual abuse committed by Westminster VIPs still needs investigating. A source close to Fairbank alleged that the retirees claim:
There was a significant paedophile group in Parliament who were untouchable to the police.[77]
This of course explains why no past or current member of Parliament or the prime minister’s office has ever been arrested, much less convicted or imprisoned, confirming what’s become at this point common knowledge – government VIPs live above the law. And true to form, Operation Fairbank was shut down as yet another abysmal, costly failure netting not one politician’s arrest despite police surveillance videos reportedly catching MPs, ministers and celebs in action partying with and abusing trafficked children at the Elm Guest House.
Yet occasionally back in 2000, the alarming truth gets leaked out to the public by a then far less controlled press. The abuse that had been shielded for several decades in Lambeth grew so blatantly out of control that in 1995 all 25 care homes were closed.[78] In 1998 and 1999 Operations Trawler and Middleton were launched, initially to investigate John Carroll, then uncover pedophilia crimes in Lambeth from 1974 to 1994 and in 1999 expanded into a nationwide inquiry, recognizing the overwhelming presence of an extensive, flourishing network of deranged sickos preying on UK’s throwaway kids, “even worse” than previously imagined.[79] Coincidence that Metro Police investigated the rampant Lambeth abuse from 1974 to 1994, the exact same years that the Blair minister’s wife served on the corrupt Lambeth council?
Despite Operation Middleton lasting four years into 2003, unfortunately only a miniscule number among the legions of criminals were ever brought to justice, all three low level employees granted overly lenient short prison sentences. The central figure in this scandal – John Carroll – did only five years. Hundreds of hardened child sodomizers have been granted full impunity by the rotten to the core system, including the high profile Blair minister that the media has largely avoided naming,[80] but anyone who knows anything about the Lambeth scandal knows it’s Lord Paul Boateng, in 1998 a home office minister in charge of UK police investigations.[81]
For a half century or more, the British pedophilia network has been firmly controlled by gatekeeping degenerates from social services, borough councils, law enforcement, high courts to top echelons of governmental power in Westminster and Downing Street. In all this time, absolutely nothing has changed… except over time passage, more and more truth has leaked out in little bits and pieces.
By 1999, even the compromised and controlled Scotland Yard was reporting that up to 50 suspected pedophiles were involved in Lambeth group home abuse during the preceding 20 years.[82] 16 of the identified perpetrators were already deceased prior to the outset of Scotland Yard’s Operation Middleton, strongly indicating murder was treacherously used as a silencing weapon against any would-be informers and whistleblowers.[83] 50 children who entered Lambeth care homes were never seen again by their families.[84]
Shirley Oaks Children’s Home, another notorious Lambeth group home complex bearing a tragic history of rampant abuse from its 1903 founding to its 1983 closure, was comprised of 52 Victorian cottage “care” homes on 80 acres,[85] reputedly the world’s largest single children’s care home.[86] The Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (SOSA) is made up of over 700 members, all purported child abuse victims at Lambeth care homes from the 1950s to the 1990s.[87] SOSA maintains that the pedophile ring operating in Lambeth in actuality was far greater in number than the 50 admitted by the police, more like well into the hundreds.
In March 2016 Raymond Stevenson, the SOSA founder and abuse survivor, testified at the IICSA that:
What took place at Shirley Oaks and other children’s homes in Lambeth was physical and sexual abuse on an industrial scale which remained unchecked for decades. The damage done was irreversible. Lambeth council itself has had many inquiries in the past. For whatever reason, including council cover-ups and institutional cover-ups … we now see they were whitewashes.[88]
Only eight months after Stevenson’s testimony, it was all too evident that Theresa May’s so called “Independent” Inquiry is just another futile exercise staged and controlled by Home Office designed to whitewash the real truth and never bring justice for the victims against the perpetrators. As a panel member for the first two years, the Shirley Oaks Association quit in November 2016 when it became painfully clear that May’s inquiry was merely another hoax. SOSA had this to say about its official pullout:
Having watched the IICSA unpalatable circus stumble and lurch from crisis to crisis with multiple resignations and claims of racial and sexual abuse thrown into the mix, it no longer matters whether we think the inquiry is just another stitch-up because it’s clearly a botch job that needs a drastic overhaul if it is ever to achieve its initial objectives.[89]
Unfortunately with the IICSA, it was déjà vu. With the disturbing reality that Britain’s ruling elite will never come clean in its deplorable institutional crime history against children, as much effort it exerts to block the truth, courageous abuse survivors will ensure that the colossal concealment of atrocities is made public. Media coverage of the abuse epidemic has burst forth in waves, starting over three decades ago, then two decades ago, and then came the most recent 2012 avalanche exposing the Savile abuse that resulted in thousands more allegations against powerful elite pedophiles, echoed in MP Tom Watson’s October 2012 House of Commons confrontation with former Prime Minister Cameron.[90]
But even after a near half decade of the IICSA, not one MP or cabinet minister has ever gone to jail for raping, much less murdering children at will from orphanages and care homes over the last half century. With the national inquiry a cruel joke and the pedophilia cabal’s 2018 pushback via Sir Cliff Richard’s court victory (see Chapter 21), in so many words warning “don’t mess with the privacy rights of the rich and famous,” it effectively silences both the media and victims, vis-a-vis indicted accuser “Nick” due to stand trial in March 2019.[91] So don’t hold your breath waiting for the first VIP rapist to go down any time soon, not as long as he’s still alive anyway. Before the elite pedophiles can ever be brought to justice, so smugly secure are they inside their fortified pedo-epicenter of the earth mansions, the waking masses will need to revolt first. What’s more than clear is nothing short of that will change the shameful and pathetic status quo in Britain.
That said, one encouraging sign as a significant shining example of taking bold successful action toward achieving some modicum of justice is the story behind the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (SOSA).[92] Though seeking justice against perps obviously can never give back victims’ stolen childhoods and many decades of pain and struggle since, the published SOSA report has singlehandedly compelled the Lambeth council to allocate £100m in compensation to its tens of thousands of past abuse victims (at least £10,000 each estimated for 3,000 expected claims).[93] Once victims united as empowered survivors led by Raymond Stevenson, they have been able to identify abusers where police have failed (no doubt intentionally), resulting in arrests and financial compensation for victims. SOSA serves as a model of inspiration and courage for child abuse victims and citizens for justice everywhere.
In 1967 the UK family court system decided that Raymond Stevenson’s father was unable to properly care for his son and sent him to Shirley Oaks Children’s Home near Croyden where Raymond lived for the next eleven years, drugged and physically abused the entire decade.[94] During his final year at Shirley Oaks in 1977, a 15-year old friend of his named Peter Davis was found hanging by a cord in a bathroom of one of the cottages. Though evidence indicated he’d been abused by at least two staff members that went on to abuse others,[95] the court ruled his death a “misadventure,” a favorite scenario for murder cover-up by staged foul play.[96]
Two years earlier Peter Davis had testified as a court witness in a rape trial. When in 2003, documents from the trial were suddenly sealed for the next 100 years,[97]music producer and abuse survivor Raymond Stevenson realized that “Peter’s voice was the first of many to be silenced.”[98] He vowed to expose the horrific truth once and for all and within a month coordinated a reunion of Shirley Oaks survivors and SOSA was spawned.
Raymond and his business partner Lucia Hinton interviewed over 400 former resident survivors and published their own report of documented evidence in December 2016.[99] This comes after much of the Shirley Oaks records of abuse crimes and documents confirming gross miscarriage of justice have been “lost” or destroyed by the Lambeth council.[100] The SOSA report has led to the naming of up to 60 suspected pedophiles, 10 more than the final number all the failed police investigations and Lambeth council inquiries had ever come up with.
It’s also been reported that Jimmy Savile visited three cottages designated to house children with various disabilities, was friends with a Shirley Oaks superintendent back in the 1950s and 60s and DJ’d events at the Shirley Oaks Community Centre.[101] As both a knight of the queen and pope and also a prime pedo-pipeline architect laying ratlines for UK’s trafficking network, Sir Jimmy not only was his nation’s most prolific abuser and VIP procurer, he also enjoyed unequalled access to both Britain’s children as well as inside elitist contacts with royalty, government, intel services, law enforcement, National Health Services, entertainment, media and religion. So of course it’d be more than a safe bet he victimized children living at the world’s biggest care home complex in a district proven to be among the most notorious pedophile havens.
After escaping justice twice in court trials in the 1990s, in August 2016 the conviction of former Catholic priest Philip Temple jailed for a dozen years after admitting to abusing a dozen boys and one girl dating back to the 1970s was vindication.[102] With SOSA’s assistance, police have since charged a couple more pedophiles. Prior to Raymond and his association’s heroic efforts, only one Shirley Oaks child rapist, a swimming instructor named William Hook was ever convicted for the thousands of sex crimes against children at Shirley Oaks during the 80 years of appalling abuse.[103] In 2001 63-year old Hook was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment after admitting to 26 charges of indecency and sexual assault on a half dozen boys, though he may have abused hundreds since the 1970s.[104]
In 1983 Shirley Oaks was finally forced to close its doors after eight straight decades of horror. But by the mid-1980s, living conditions for children placed in all 25 Lambeth group home facilities were growing intolerable. A flurry of sexual abuse allegations perpetrated by childcare workers toward handicapped children began surfacing in the media at several group homes where Lambeth social services placed youngsters. In late December 1985 into 1986 it was publicly reported that several children were being sexually abused. A 12-year old boy with an alleged intellectual capacity of a four-year old just released from a care home disclosed to his mother that a male staff working at the home had sexually assaulted him after she noticed severe anal bruises.[105] The police soon suspected that all six children at the group home had been abused.
Another incident involved a care home’s senior social worker forcing a 15-year old handicapped girl to give him oral sex.[106] Four separate cases went public at different homes operated and supervised by Lambeth council, all surfacing within 13 months apart. Yet ultimately no action by either police or social services’ investigations was subsequently taken against alleged abusers despite in some cases medical evidence supplied by police doctors.[107]
Due to the limited cognitive functioning of alleged victims rendering their testimony “unbelievable,” despite physical evidence, the lame Crown Prosecution Services claimed all cases were too weak to deliver convictions and were summarily dismissed.[108] Both Scotland Yard police and Lambeth council failed these abused children in the worst way, unconscionably sending them right back to their abusers allowed to continue working in the homes harming children.
Moreover, a tit-for-tat petty turf war emerged between the Lambeth council and the local police, both refusing to share and exchange critical information and evidence,[109] resulting in even grosser child endangerment that predators took full advantage of.[110] In 1987 even the whistleblowing child advocate MP Geoffrey Dickens called upon Attorney General Michael Havers, himself later an accused pedophile, to reopen the horrendously unjust Lambeth abuse cases.[111]
Lambeth’s deadly CYA culture of intimidation and fear permeated a rigidly enforced policy of inaction characterizing the borough’s systemic failure to protect and care for vulnerable children, much less bringing scores of perpetrators to justice. Just as in districts like Islington and countless other cities and towns across the British Isles, looking the other way was becoming a given policy and national norm. Pedophiles fully exploited the fact that back in the 1980s in their fervor to recruit “gays” to work with kids, places like Islington and Lambeth never required background checks, nor were childcare workers required to report suspected child abuse to police.
Time and time again, councils in these “liberal” London boroughs ignored the fact that they had unleashed predatory pedophiles on abusive rampage against their children. Moreover, as is common in virtually all cover-ups, during the subsequent so called inquiries one after the other by either police or social services, it became increasingly clear that hundreds of incriminating files from offices were either lost or destroyed, not from incompetence but a calculated, sinister decision to obstruct justice to protect the guilty.[112]
Where you find pedophiles and pimps, you also find child pornographers. In October 1992 police found thousands of photos of naked boys and many pornographic videos at the private home of an arrested childcare worker employed at one of several care homes involving hundreds of abused victims.[113] As the offenders were rarely if ever consequenced, the magnitude of abuse soared to the extent that by 1995, Lambeth was eventually forced to close all 25 of its care homes.
Child sexual predators like Lambeth care home operator Michael John Carroll, a previous convicted pedophile for abusing a boy in Merceyside in 1966, were systemically permitted to continue committing serial sex crimes against children.[114] During the decade Carroll ran his Angell Road boy brothel from 1981 to 1991, even midway through his tenure in 1986 when his past conviction record became known to the Lambeth council, apparently due to his connections with VIPs like the Boatengs, his license to operate was continually renewed.[115]
For years in the 1980s Paul Boateng’s attorney wife Janet served as council chair on Lambeth’s social services committee directly responsible for group home care[116] as well as a Lambeth councillor for 20 years coinciding with the borough’s worst decades of pedophile ring abuse.[117] Even when the Lambeth council finally terminated Carroll’s employment in 1991, it wasn’t even over his flagrant sexual assaults, but in comparison, a relatively minor financial impropriety, using public funds to buy cigarettes and liquor.[118]
Once the Lambeth council finally terminated Carroll’s employment contract, after his criminal habit had forced exits from Merceyside and then eventually Lambeth, John Carroll and his wife began looking to relocate to set up shop in the next location, this time on the border of England and Wales. In January 1991 the serial pedophile bought an antique shop as well as plunked down £725,000 in cash on a hotel near Wrexham in North Wales, the center of another horrendous UK child abuse scandal.[119]
Since for years Carroll was part of the Lambeth brothel system pimping kids out for a price to VIPs, no doubt lots of dirty money exchanged hands in his rent boy operations along with Lambeth’s prospering child pornography business, affording his near three quarters of a million pound property in an area where boy brothels in North Wales were attracting even more top government VIPs. Carroll’s confirmed social networking links to prominent fellow child abusers have fueled speculation that he turned his Wales acquisition into yet another lucrative brothel business.
For a number of decades Michael John Carroll was allowed to continue abusing kids entrusted in his care – since Lambeth council failed to ever initiate corrective or disciplinary action against him to protect their children, chronicling an identical parallel process that unfolded during the exact same years in the borough next door at Hodge’s pedo-lodge as an interconnected twin sanctuary. Investigating police during Operation Middleton concluded that at least seven abusers of the dozen potential suspects at Angell Road were from outside the boy brothel. The huge unanswered question remains – was Lord Boateng one of them?
Back in the 1980s, attorney Boateng was spotted by several credible witnesses making evening visits at Carroll’s home a regular thing. Teresa Johnson, a former social worker employed at the Angell Road facility went public before a national audience on a BBC Newsnight broadcast maintaining that she spoke to Paul Boateng requesting him to sign the facility guestbook and observing him frequently visiting the home on about a half dozen occasions.[120] A youth worker also claiming that John Carroll boasted of his ties with the rising political Labor star, also maintains he witnessed Boateng attending a holiday camp that Carroll ran as well as often seeing Boateng in Carroll’s company.[121]
And still another witness reported that Boateng contacted him on behalf of the pedophile after three neighboring social services turned down Carroll’s request to foster a couple more kids, deemed potential victims by Croydon, Southwark and Wandsworth.[122] When seeking foster approval, Lambeth also withheld that Carroll was rejected by other councils, including the fact Carroll was named in a 1993 independent inquiry into child sexual abuse. For Lambeth to go to such extreme, deceitful measures on behalf of a known pedophile shows just how much power of corruption was behind John Carroll. And the prime source of that power according to a number of witnesses appears to be Lord Paul Boateng.
Former assistant director of social services on Lambeth council Dr. Nigel Goldie stated in 2014:
There was a cover-up to protect politicians’ reputations following allegations of abuse at a children’s home.[123]
Yet when asked in March 2016 about John Carroll at Prime Minister May’s laughable farce of an “Independent” Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse, the former Blair minister came prepared, adamantly denying he ever met or knew John Carroll. Again, keep in mind that Boateng in the 1980s was an executive member of NCCL, the human rights lobbying organization that embraced in partnership PIE, the outfit publicly pushing pedophilia as a natural birthright:
As a campaigning youth justice lawyer I acted for many young people in care and visited many youth facilities in the course of my work. I didn’t know Mr Carroll personally and have no recollection of meeting him professionally or visiting the Angell Road children’s home or anywhere else where he was present. I’m unaware how the investigation into Mr Carroll was conducted. I therefore cannot comment on why the police did not seek my assistance.[124]
Here the head honcho ruling over all of Britain’s police investigations in 1998 is claiming 20 years later that he knew nothing of the Metro Police probe into pedophilia at a care home in his neighborhood that his wife was legally in charge of. So as Home Secretary at the time, he has the audacity to pretend he knows nothing? That’s the same kind of absurd, preposterous claim that Margaret Hodge offers when she insists she had no clue her district was infested with child rapists. These highly implausible statements only demonstrate that by simply using denial as their feeble defense, MPs and ministers guilty as sin of criminal misconduct are always granted a free pass to live above the law.
In Boateng’s case, it’s at least three people’s word against his, all having far more to lose than gain by their claims. Shortly after Teresa Johnson’s 2016 BBC interview, she was dead. In contrast, who in this case possesses both motive and means to lie? Politicians bent on saving their own ass and who lie because they get away with it. In England apparently a lord’s word is taken as “the gospel” and is deemed truer than lowly common folk.
Prime Minister Theresa May’s fake inquiry must have swallowed Boateng’s fish story hook, line and sinker, trusting “the good lord’s word” since the baron to this day remains in good standing as esteemed member of the House of Lords. So much for May’s promise of an “independent” investigation of institutional wrongdoing she admitted while placing her Home Office fully in control to “get to the bottom” of the British government pedophilia cesspit. For us to actually think that criminals in charge of investigating their own crimes are ever going to come clean is an insult to our intelligence and complete sham. But it’s the British way, or more apt, the Luciferian way.
Rendering the savvy politician’s 2015 IICSA public performance even more suspect, the clincher to this smoldering crime drama arrived in November 1998 when Clive Driscoll, Scotland Yard’s lead detective heading up Metro’s Operation Trawler was investigating Carroll and closing in on questioning Boateng regarding his possible role in the Lambeth scandal. Meanwhile, amidst the post-Savile uproar in 2014, liar Tony Blair who conned Britain a decade earlier into the bloody mess in Iraq claimed he had “no recollection” of ever learning that one of his ministers was a child abuse suspect.[125] We know that’s another Pinocchio lie since Blair’s D-notice is the only reason his minister Peter Mandelson didn’t go to jail after Operation Ore caught him purchasing child pornography.[126]
111 pages of documents and memos released through Freedom of Information requests show that in 1998 prior to Detective Driscoll being relieved of his Operation Trawler duties, both Blair’s Home Office Minister Boateng and Health Minister Frank Dobson were both briefed on Scotland Yard’s ongoing investigation into Angell Road home abuse identifying a dirty dozen suspects that included Boateng.[127] This absolutely proves that between Blairite disciples Sir Peter and Lord Paul, the prime minister was well aware that at least two of his ministers were/are extremely probable pedophiles. Yet in a feebly indignant gesture attempting to demonstrate he has nothing to hide, in 2014 Blair self-righteously demanded yet another investigation into multiple claims suggesting his buddy Boateng was a child abuse suspect.[128] Once a liar, always a liar. Of course order follower Dobson also maintained he has no recall of ever being briefed on the case either.
In a related theme, in March 2015 another brick in the crumbling cover-up wall of deception came loose when it was reported that Britain’s top cop – Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, was being questioned by his own detectives in his role in the Lambeth pedophilia scandal.[129] It’s standard operating procedure in the UK that even the nation’s “top cop” is an order follower when higher-ups in British Intelligence or national government are giving the orders. And as soon as Home Office Minister Paul Boateng’s name came up as a possible suspect amidst the widespread Lambeth abuse, the pedo-investigation leading to him was soon enough halted.
At that time in 1998, Hogan-Howe was the Merceyside assistant chief constable leading the Carroll criminal investigation. Again in 1966 back in Merceyside, John Carroll was convicted of his first child abuse offense, only to become years later the pivotal central stooge in the Lambeth scandal/cover-up. The borough council employing Carroll was well aware of his status as a Level-1 convicted child sex offender running one of its care homes doubling as a VIP boy brothel.
Politicians and top cops simply lie their way out of trouble every time. In 2015 the Mirror reported the 111 documents were handed over to the Metro anticorruption unit.[130] But with Boateng’s IICSU appearance in March 2016 and nothing more ever heard since from either that inquiry or the police anticorruption inquiry, you can bet that no further action has been or will be taken despite irrefutable evidence strongly indicating that senior members of the Blair government are unpunished hardcore pedophiles.
With over 200 abused children in Lambeth care homes according to Operation Middleton,[131] in 1998 the highly skilled investigator Driscoll, who later cracked the notorious Stephen Lawrence murder,[132] was making headway uncovering the pedo-ring involving VIP politicians when he was abruptly removed and disciplined for committing “serious indiscretions,”[133]simply for “confidentially” naming the powerful players involved during an August meeting with Lambeth officials.[134]
Three months later Driscoll’s boss apologetically notified him that he was off the case and told the “orders come from on high,”[135] indicating 10 Downing Street as the probable source in order to protect Home Office Minister Boateng who was not only briefed but in charge of the very UK police operation making him a suspect…[136] déjà vu Leon Brittan receiving the Dickens dossier fifteen years earlier. See why cabinet ministers from the British Home Office are always pedophiles or minimally pedophile enablers? UK’s nonstop cover-up would be impossible otherwise.
In 2014 it also came out in the Mirror that when Lambeth assistant social services director Dr. Nigel Goldie as the council boss in charge of child protection working in 1998 directly with Clive Driscoll mentioned Boateng’s alleged evening visits at Carroll’s Angell Road “brothel” back in the early 1980’s, Det. Driscoll’s Operation Trawler investigation was soon enough shut down.[137] When politicians so close to a nation’s leader are implicated, without exception in every single case, any ongoing police inquiry becomes past tense as standard operating cover-up procedure. Whenever a major pedophilia scandal risks VIP exposure, the self-preservation mode always kicks in no matter the country or abuse location.
Detective Clive Driscoll ultimately wrote a 2015 autobiography entitled InPursuit of the Truth based on his many years with the Scotland Yard, specifically devoting two lengthy chapters to the Lambeth child abuse case involving his unjustified termination as Operation Trawler Chief Detective Inspector (CDI).[138] In August 1998 Clive met with Lambeth officials to explain that his investigative team had already come up with a dozen suspects whose names were “confidentially” revealed, among them several VIP politicians that included headliner Boateng as well as a council member and a popular entertainer. All hell broke loose after that. The Lambeth council stonewalled the investigation. Clive Driscoll’s probe had stirred up a hornets’ nest, making instant enemies amongst guilty parties, subsequently resulting in anonymous phone call threats to Clive and his family’s safety.
Social worker Steve Forrest had raped a 6-year old boy at Carroll’s Angell Road home in 1987. Forrest died of AIDS five years later.[139] In a tumultuous November 1998 meeting Driscoll confronted the Lambeth senior officials, stating it was unconscionable that the then 11-year old victim was never informed that his rapist had died six years earlier from AIDS. But the Lambeth council refused to disclose the truth to the boy on the grounds that it was deemed “not in the boy’s best interest.” During the heated showdown, Driscoll was even threatened with removal as DCI from his own police probe.
Early on in the Lambeth investigation, social worker Libby Blake employed at Lambeth social services from 1992-2005, approached Det. Clive Driscoll, informing him that Lambeth council in 1986 had become aware of John Carroll’s previous 1966 conviction. Though the statement below was reportedly denied by the former Lambeth social worker, in his book Clive maintains that Libby also stated:
Carroll was only the tip of the iceberg, the children’s homes have been the playground for the rich and powerful for years.[140]
Speaking of the rich, powerful and famous, for his 51st birthday in 2002, four years after Det. Driscoll was removed from investigating the Blair minister, the now 67-year old VIP Lord Boateng had his superstar pal Michael Jackson fly in special to sing happy birthday in the House of Commons, merrily joining his “birds of a feather friends” in a photo-op with not only the accused pedo-King of Pop but also Uri Geller, the infamous Zionist double agent spy, MK Ultra handler and multiple pedophile friend,[141] and the well-known pedophile fellow Labor Zionist Lord Greville Janner.[142] The photo alone raises a thousand words worth of suspicion that collusion was taking place between high profile figures within the international pedophilia community.
Libby Blake recommended that Detective Driscoll talk to former Lambeth council chairwoman Anna Tapsell. According to Driscoll, Libby said Anna is “the only one in Lambeth who’ll tell you the truth.”[143] At one time Anna headed the Lambeth social services committee (same post held earlier by Janet Boateng), and for two decades Tapsell vigorously campaigned to expose the horrendous abuse at considerable risk to herself. Anna was visited by several intimidating senior officers from Special Branch,[144]known for shutting down police probes, disappearing evidence and protecting the pedo-network at all cost, demanding she leave the Lambeth affair alone. Threatened and harassed on numerous occasions by other nameless intimidators, the undaunted Anna Tapsell persisted in telling the truth, stating to the press:
When I learned that Clive was being removed, not only from the case but also from Lambeth, I realised that the Met were caving in to political pressure that was far more powerful than Lambeth Council.[145]
Referring to John Carroll and other protected child abusers in the Lambeth pedo-ring, Anna added:
At the same time alleged perpetrators were moved or allowed to leave for financial misconduct or other misdemeanours, instead of for the abuse.[146]
As a courageous insider, Anna states the obvious conclusion:
I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organized child abuse which involved adults other than staff. This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.[147]
Prior to being yanked off the case and reassigned, CDI Clive Driscoll uncovered lots of dirt:
I found someone who admitted they’d seen pornography changing hands on council property, which led to someone else saying there was a video doing the rounds featuring ‘prominent’ people engaged in sexual activities with minors.[148]
Because higher ups at Scotland Yard were clearly in cahoots with the corrupt Blair government as well as the corrupt Lambeth council criminals abusing children, despite admitting there were over 200 victims, in four years Operation Middleton netted a total of three measly convictions, one being John Carroll.[149] Though Metro Police claimed 19 suspects remained unidentified, indicating they likely operated outside the UK Care System,[150]scores if not hundreds of infiltrated child rapists that were/are part of the British pedophilia network got off scot free, free to move on to abuse more kids elsewhere, exactly like the legions of Catholic priests around the world.[151]
As if all this incriminating circumstantial evidence and oddly suspicious anomalies aren’t enough, there is also the plethora of suspicious deaths and murders of victims and potential whistleblowers. Onetime Lambeth council member turned MP John Mann has stated publicly that two murders of would-be whistleblowers were committed to keep the lid on the VIP pedophile ring operating in his borough.[152] In 1989 a social worker planning to expose the rampant abuse in care homes was allegedly killed in an arson fire.
Another unsolved murder mystery that took place in 1993 involves the sudden death of veteran Lambeth council insider, the district housing manager Bulic Forsythe who shared with a colleague that he was about to “spill the beans” on the Lambeth scandal.[153] As housing manager Bulic had discovered photos of children abused by members of Lambeth council[154]and learned that both women and children were being systematically raped on Lambeth city property, including the basement of his own housing office headquarters.
He was determined to blow the whistle to stop such abusive shenanigans being committed right under his nose. But just three days later, he was found murdered, bludgeoned to death, with three men sited leaving the crime scene of his flat carrying files shortly before it was set on fire.[155]And predictably to this day, his murder remains unsolved… an all too common fate among truth tellers.
Moreover, in December 2014, MP John Mann submitted critical information contained in a dossier to police, naming 22 MPs, including a half dozen still serving at Westminster, implicated in pedo-parties at the notorious Dolphin Square flats.[156] Mann maintains the evidence shows that boys from Lambeth group homes were being trafficked to nearby Pimlico for abuse as part of a wider pedophile ring. But as always, there’s been no follow-up on this highly significant development, only indicating it too has been buried. But the main point remains, government VIP pedophiles are and were fed trafficked kids from care homes from virtually every surrounding borough in the greater London area, Lambeth and Islington being just two of the most guilty. The Westminster scandal that includes orgies at both Dolphin Square and Elm Guest House will be blown wide open in the next chapter.
Another inquiry report disclosed that underneath the Lambeth police station, part of Metro Police Service, existed a secret sex chamber involving both local council members as well as at least one known MP.[157] FYI as of 1987, Boateng was an MP. The creepy sex den was discovered with a red light, chains, manacle and bedding, linked to the widespread child sex abuse and the making of more kiddie porn, confirmed by a large volume of pornographic material discovered at the station.
It became obvious that children from the group homes were taken to the Lambeth police station sex dungeon for abuse and pornography by group home staff, police, social services and council staff including both local and national politicians. The two Lambeth civilian staff members who bravely leaked the information to the Scotland Yard were suspended. In a corrupt criminal system where the bad guys are in charge, good deeds never go unpunished and evil deeds are always loyally protected with lies to the bitter end.
A police report emerging in March 2015 specified that senior Lambeth council members were recording “homemade” porno films on borough premises while committing acts of brutal sexual assault, bestiality and pedophilia.[158] Known politicians were reportedly wearing animal masks, robes and chanting while children and animals were also present. Lambeth criminals appeared to be engaging in satanic ritual abuse.
In another incident on Lambeth property, a female staff member maintains that she was drugged and then savagely raped by her council manager.[159]When she bravely filed a complaint and pursued a civil lawsuit against him, an intruder entered her home, dousing her with gasoline, but the match went out. The victim also had acid thrown in her face. A month later the she was still suffering from “serious injuries” sustained in the attacks. Reportedly the “Godfather” of the Lambeth council subverted justice and harassed witnesses in a flagrant attempt to stop the rape investigation.[160] Rape, murder, destroyed evidence and public denial are the four standard trademarks spelling massive criminal cover-up.
Moreover in January 2011, 38-year old Lambeth Police Constable Jordan Janssen was caught distributing online indecent images of young teenage boys, jailed for 12 months after resigning from Met Police in disgrace.[161] It begs the question whether he was connected to the Lambeth police officers involved in the production of child pornography in their underground police headquarters dungeon where the council operated its makeshift pornography studio.
Entering the crime scene in the early 1980s, a soon-to-be MP frequently shows up as Carroll’s evening guest at his Angell Road boy brothel. Britain’s top cop no doubt had to play his order-follower role in the cover-up. But as always when a guilty accomplice is caught red-handed, the standard response is deny, deny, and more deny. So of course in 2015 when his subordinates were asking him questions, a most obvious blatant conflict of interest in and of itself, Metro Chief Sir Bernard claimed he “does not recall details about the [1998] investigation” nor of any suspects.
You see a consistent pattern of cover-up here? The guy was second in charge of the lead police agency investigating the notorious pedophile John Carroll with direct links to a VIP Blair minister, and he feebly claims he knows nothing about it. How convenient that another queen-knighted pedo-gatekeeper would suddenly come down with a timely case of amnesia. A source close to the 2015 investigation in so many words tactfully called Hogan-Howe a liar, explaining to the Mirror that it was “inconceivable” he would not have been aware:
The senior investigating officer at the time would have been expected to have reported to his senior officers the fact a serving government minister [Boateng] had come under suspicion.[162]
One more note of relevant passing interest on Lord Paul Boateng conjures up the old adage – “like father, like son.” Paul’s son Benjamin Boateng is a convicted rapist and registered sex offender. After charges of raping a 17-year old girl in South Africa were dropped in 2006 while daddy was British High Commissioner,[163] the serial rapist struck again a few years later back in London, smiling for his mug shot, smugly confident his father’s VIP status would once again get him off.[164] But this time he was found guilty in October 2011 and sentenced to two months shy of four years in prison.[165]
For those not high enough on the pedo-predator food chain, the mounting evidence against Boateng’s alleged buddy that he claims he never knew just kept piling up to the point that in 1998, long past the point of protection by even the VIP establishment, John Carroll couldn’t evade the law any longer. With alleged interest in tapping his wealth of inside pedo-knowledge of the North Wales scandal as a hotelier, Merceyside-Metro Police finally took the serial predator-VIP child procurer into custody after he admitted to 35 sexual assaults against a dozen boys, receiving a 10 year prison sentence for over two decades worth of mostly unpunished crimes. After serving only half his sentence, a mere five years, John Carroll was once again a free man in 2004 to get back to his “hotel” business in North Wales.
Should Carroll ever come forth to provide evidence against Lord Boateng and his VIP pedo-network, he realizes he would obviously go the same way of Bulic Forsythe and a bunch of others. John Carroll was again charged with yet more crimes committed back in the 1970s in Merseyside in North West England and once again was scheduled to face another trial in a Liverpool court in April 2018. But the elite’s hidden hand, known to reward fellow pedophiles who keep their mouths shut, perhaps intervened as the three charges the 70-year old was facing were suddenly dropped mysteriously in January 2018.[166]
Another bizarrely suspicious Lambeth case involves 38-year old youth worker Jason Hoyte, convicted and sentenced to nine years in 2009 for sexually abusing a half dozen girls over a 20-year period, one as young as four.[167] The musician was also reportedly grooming children for BBC executives as well as joined a London Pentecostal Church to prey on vulnerable victims’ trust. The married father actually sued Lambeth council for wrongful dismissal after he was arrested for sexual abuse.
Perhaps his arrogance was based on not having to submit a criminal background check despite a 1989 charge of sexual assault. Or maybe it was Hoyte’s BBC connections that led Appeals Court Judge Mark Bishop to out of the blue order a retrial in May 2013 that in turn five months later led to Hoyte’s acquittal of all charges.[168]Another common pattern – lower level pedophiles serving higher level pedophiles often receive little or no punishment for their heinous crimes as reward for keeping what they know to themselves.
As strong evidence in recent years that sick pedophile rings are still operating in Lambeth and London vicinity still frequently preying on care home children comes the bizarre twisted case of 28-year old pedophile Gihan Muthukumarana.[169] For several months in 2015 this derelict attempted to recruit his hired female escort to join him sexually abusing, torturing and murdering 10 girls from local care homes in a business proposal offered as part of a snuff film deal the plotted ending the victims’ bodies being disposed of in vats of acid, all for the perverted viewing pleasure of elite politicians.
He promised his would-be accomplice “millions of pounds,” boasting that VIPs are willing to pay £10 million for the film. Fortunately the alarmed woman took this information to the police and a sting operation was set up to get the creep on tape pitching the same business proposition to an undercover cop calling herself “Donna.” The case was heard in a Southwark court in February 2018. But here’s the clincher – this guy walks after he too was acquitted.[170]
So apparently the British court has seen fit to render this man free to carry out his hideous plan. Even if he’s a complete crackpot, conspiring to commit mass murder renders him a free man? Oh yeah, I forgot, his alleged victims were only expendable, throwaway kids from UK care homes. If this sicko is for real, and evidence that snuff films shared amongst the most whacko of the rich and powerful does exist, depicting the most deplorable crimes imaginable, blood sacrificing children on camera do draw top dollar.[171] So why hasn’t mainstream press bothered with this strange and highly disturbing story? And why is this dude not behind bars? The most likely answers are because he really does have links to actual VIPs who are protecting him in order to protect themselves and as a bigtime accomplice, MSM is also shielding the elite from unwanted damaging publicity.
Sadly this atrocious and despicable track record of total abuse against group home children as UK’s expendable, throwaway population is far too commonplace in and around London, be it Lambeth, Islington, Richmond or Westminster. Or outside England in Jersey, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, the legally protected abuse is everywhere inside the United pedo-Kingdom and queen’s Commonwealth. And for that matter, inside England over the last couple decades it’s rampantly grown out of control in places like Rochdale, Rotherham, Telford or Bradford as well, where abused underage girls don’t have to be plucked from care homes to be forcibly conscripted into child-raping-murder rings belonging to brutal pedo-pimping gangs (taken up fully in Chapter 25).[172]
Be it abuse by non-VIP or VIP rapists alike, it doesn’t much matter who, where, what, how or when, the sad story’s endgame is always the same. The cold hard fact is Britain’s tortuously long, vile history of pedophilia and accompanied state cover-up demonstrates that the world’s epicenter doesn’t give two shits about its own child population, whether trapped inside or outside its abominable pedo-matrix of a Luciferian child care system or not.
And what’s even more sobering, the UK is the ruling elite’s mere beta test for having maintained to this very day such an impenetrably sealed cover-up guaranteeing impunity as the beta test model being presently exported, eventually coming to a neighborhood near you… that is if the Luciferian planetary controllers are allowed to continue their crime spree against humanity unchecked and unstopped. Our only way out of this ungodly nightmare requires citizens of the world to finally rise up from their shackles in solidarity and begin holding these evil, sodomizing planet killers fully accountable. They’ve scorched and destroyed enough of our earth, us and our children to successfully reach the critical point of no return. Now on the brink of total self-destruction, it’s do or die time for the human race. Stand up and be counted as part of the million to one majority committed to doing what’s right and necessary to save and protect both our children and future.
Speaking of NWO sodomizing destroyers, let’s revisit another familiar character in this UK pedo-house of horror, the overly protected, pedophilic Rothschild surrogate in the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Labor governments – the hamster “felching” Sir Peter Mandelson (see Chapter 21). Peter’s Jewish father worked as advertising manager at the Jewish Chronicle and his maternal grandfather had been a Labor cabinet minister.[173] As a young political neophyte, “Mandy” started out a Communist Party member but soon switched over to the CIA/MI6 inspired Socialist International youth fest that morphed into the Labor Party,[174] on his way to becoming another rising star first launched from – where else but of all places – the Lambeth council (1979-82), ascending to the title of architect of the New Labor Party while riding the coattails of the 1997 Tony Blair landslide.[175] Similar to Mandelson, Tony Blair too was inspired by Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky.
[176] Like fellow Labor leftists Harman, Dromey, Hewitt and the Hodges, Lord Baron Mandelson (lord since 2008) also lobbied for lowering the age of sexual consent, prioritizing his first order of business to press brand new prime minister Blair to make fellow Jewish pedophile Greville Janner a lord peer in 1997, a half dozen years after Janner was publicly accused of child sexual abuse in a British high court of law.[177] Infiltrated pedophiles don’t care if voiceless, powerless kids from care homes accuse them of wrecking their lives, after all, once they reach Parliament, their “life insurance” automatically kicks in entitling them to living the remainder of it above the law.
Lest we not forget how they’re able to do this. Because child rapists are often strategically cherry-picked as gatekeeping foxes in the pedo-Kingdom henhouse, Sir Peter Mandelson served as vice chairman of the largest UK child charity, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)[178] as well as chairman of the British Youth Council (1978-80).[179]With 10 phone listings in Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile who’s who of a black book,[180] openly gay-closeted pedo Peter the perennial Bilderberger guest, former EU Commissioner and queen-knighted New World Order Zionist was also Tony Blair’s chief fixer for very scandal.
Mandelson has been accused of kidnapping children while in Brussels for pedo-consumption by his fellow EU derelicts.[181] And of course it was Blair’s D-notices that fixed it for Mandy to stay a free man despite ordering child pornography online in 2002 during Operation Ore.[182] With all his known perversions, Mandelson fits the ideal blackmail-able mold to run the country behind the scenes as a Rothschild implant,[183] and by 2009, he’d already held a record 35 cabinet committee posts.[184] As the unelected power behind the PM throne of both the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown governments from 1997 to 2010, an opposition Tory party leader astutely commented:
It is quite obvious that Peter Mandelson is the real unelected prime minister pulling the strings from No 10.[185]
Speaking of string-pulling power, Nathaniel Rothschild fondly reflected in a 2012 London courtroom on his 2005 male-bonding sauna experience in Siberia with then EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson and Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska as pure pleasure, adamantly denying any conflict of interest backroom business deal ever took place.[186] Cabal central bankster Rothschild insisted that he flew his buddy Mandy in on a Siberian one-day jet set turnaround as purely recreational and was in court in 2012 suing the Daily Mail for libelously implicating shady business, misusing Mandelson’s political position to smooth over a big aluminum deal with the very same Russian magnate the US denied granting visas to, branding Oleg a criminal with ties to organized crime.[187] Thankfully Nat’s bromance angle lost in court.[188]
As the earth’s aluminum king, despite being on Washington’s shit list, Nat and Mandy hastily dispatched fellow Lord Gregory Barker to DC to clear the way for Oleg to sell off some of his alum assets in exchange for lobbying/bribing cash to remove all his sanctions, freeing him up to make deals with US Empire like never before.[189] Since aluminum by volume is the most common geoengineering metal in the cabal’s global aerosol lethal cocktail spraying,[190] and vast amounts are consumed in the sinister agenda to poison our planet with heavy toxic metals for waging warfare on multiple fronts – weather modification, electrical brainwave conductor for mass mind control and of course slow kill eugenics depopulation,[191]
Oleg now stands to regain his status he lost to China in 2015 as the world’s number one aluminum producer. Of course since Rothschild and Mandelson are used to living like gods far above any human laws [or sanctions], globalist “lackey” Mandy and his Rothschild master Nathaniel could care less, since they’re megalomaniacally in it destroying our planet solely for the pure hell of it and of course for taking in a little globetrotting, sheer bromanctic pleasure.
Yet another one of Blair’s perverts caught up in Operation Ore that the prime minister’s D-notices didn’t quite save in time was his less senior aide and confidante Phillip Lyon who was arrested for both downloading as well as creating pornographic images of children on his work computer at the House of Commons.[192] The up and coming 37-year old’s career suddenly took a nosedive when Scotland Yard arrested the Blair advisor on “10 counts of making indecent images of children.”[193] In August 2003 the father of two was found guilty downloading almost daily his growing collection of thousands of images of children, some of them toddlers forced to engage in sexual acts of perversion. When officers arrested him, the sicko confessed:
It is like a drug – you try one and you want to try something harder and it has a snowball effect.[194]
For possessing his drug of choice that ruins young children’s lives, Phillip Lyon served only five months of a one year prison sentence. One more pedo-connection, Lyon began his career in politics as an Islington council member.[195] Why are so many of these Lambeth-Islington alums ending up hardcore pedophiles?
Not to be outdone a decade later from the same 10 Downing Street sleaze file comes another pedo-friendly prime minister named David Cameron who had a similar rude awakening learning his longtime close friend and senior aide, 62-year old Patrick Rock, up for peerage at the time, was intercepted and arrested for his child porn collection.[196] No surprise that the perverted bureaucrat from European aristocratic stock was once a Margaret Thatcher protégé.
The sick irony is that Cameron’s Rock was responsible for the conservative government’s policy on cleaning up the internet to prevent child pornography and child abuse imagery. Guess he too caught that highly contagious, nasty Downing Street “snowball effect” going around. Another fitting reminder that pedophilia rules every political party and persuasion… and per the old last NWO guru still alive Henry Kissinger and his pithy observation that “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,”[197] especially when derived from literally getting your rocks off on traumatized, adrenochrome-filled children.
So what’s the pedo-enabling war criminal Tony Blair been up to in the dozen years since his prime minister days? First thing the ex-PM did was declare himself Roman Catholic after 30 years’ pretense and political expediency as a closeted Catholic and official Anglican in name only.[198] In October 2012 right when the most Jewish Catholic’s so-vile sins were shocking the nation, Blair’s priest Friar Michael Seed was caught selling papal knighthoods to the highest bidders that paid up to £50,000.[199] The disgraced senior Catholic, often a 10 Downing Street guest, celebrated his 25th ordination ceremony putting on a posh champagne shindig with entertainment provided by men in drag wearing nun costumes prancing around a racy London club. The unpriestly Seed of decadence lives like a king in a Dolphin Square flat, rent-free compliments of one of his wealthy papal knight donors… more evidence illustrating the unholy marriage between politics and the Church as the dual driving pedo-forces behind today’s globalized child raping crisis.
At the same time Tony Blair became Catholic, in a move straight out of Lucifer’s playbook, immediately following his resignation, President George W. Bush made his partner-in-love-and-war crimes his Middle East “peace” envoy in 2007. Blair then proceeded to utilize all his accumulated war contacts fresh off the spilled blood of dead British soldiers to rack up a record breaking fortune of over £60 billion in blood money since leaving office,[200]fully exploiting his illicit conflict of interest between Tony Blair Associates consultancy firm and his “pro bono” gig in peace diplomacy, greedily signing up all the world’s worst dictatorial human rights offenders his war crimes could buy, including Gulf State monarchies as exclusive clients.[201]
His shameless cashing in his chips of criminal infamy for gobs of easy money puts even the pay-to-play Clintons in the minor leagues. But then once Charles Lynton aka Miranda the cottaging sleazebag whore, right into his multi-billionaire golden years, always the cottaging sleazebagging whore.
But as hard as it is to think it could get any more diabolical, Gordon Brown as Blair’s Labor Party successor from 2007 to 2010 has even more overwhelming incriminating evidence that for decades he’s been engaging in satanic ritual sexual abuse of children.[202] Twenty-one years prior to his becoming prime minister, at a private party in 1986 veteran journalist Mike James learned that Gordon Brown was a serial pedophile, per Norman Lamont, the future Chancellor of Exchequer under PM John Major. Mike James continued investigating the Zionist blackmail controlled Gordon Brown, writing during Brown’s final year in office:
Gordon Brown, the current British prime minister, is a practicing pedophile whose activities are known not only to the British, American and Israeli intelligence services, but also by Rupert Murdoch and his senior editor at the Sunday Times.[203]
To add insult to injury, in July 2017, Theresa May’s farcical IICSA cover-up charade brought both former prime ministers Gordon Brown and Sir John Major in for questioning about what they know (wink, wink) of UK institutional child sex abuse[204]… like known pedophiles and their enablers would ever incriminate themselves by telling the truth for once.
And now onto the star of this chapter’s horror show, Margaret Hodge. The Islington pedophilia scandal involves all dozen group homes supervised by the district council leader, longtime Blair cabinet minister and even longer MP Dame Margaret Hodge from Barking since 1994. Among the worst pedophilia rings in southern England is the one that thrived for many years in Hodge’s Islington borough, a district just north of the City of London, where the Rothschild controlled central Bank of England is located.[205] At the heart of this scandal is yet another Anglo-Jewish princess – 74-year old Dame Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer).
She can be referred to as the Islington abuse ringleader by virtue of the fact that for two decades while serving on the Islington council, she was well aware of the widespread abuse of children in her borough’s care homes, yet chose to ignore and go out of her way to cover up her crimes against children and their desperate cries for help. Similar to two aforementioned fellow Jewish female pedophile enablers – 78-year old Dame Esther Rantzen (Chapter 21) and 72-year old Tory minister-MP Edwina Currie (Chapter 22), this aging trio represents the old guard Zionist pedophilia foxes, all assigned critical gatekeeping duties guarding the elite’s United-pedo-Kingdom.
But prior to covering Margaret Hodge’s enormously significant role in the British pedo-epidemic, according to 13 Illuminati Bloodlines author Fritz Springmeier, the family she was born into:
The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati [with Rothschild money the same Illuminati order that Adam Weishaupt founded in 1776.]… The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. [“Father of the Atomic bomb”] J. Robert Oppenheimer of the Council on Foreign Relations was exposed as a communist.[206] Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp.[207]
Born a year after Margaret Oppenheimer in 1945, Harry’s son Nicholas took over DeBeers in 1998 and is the third richest man in Africa, living off his family’s rape and pillage of his African slave labor diamond industry for a reported net worth of $6.6 billion…[208] a drop in the blood bucket to Tony Blair’s 60 billion.
Turning to Margaret’s Oppenheimer’s immediate family background, from her traceable Illuminati bloodline roots, Margaret’s multimillionaire father Hans was originally from Stuttgart, Germany, just a two hour drive from his Bavarian bloodline stomping grounds. In the mid-1930s young Hans answered his uncle’s call in Africa as an employ of the booming Oppenheimer family mining monopoly.[209] During the final year of World War II, Margaret was born in September 1944 in Cairo, Egypt. But with the State of Israel’s 1948 grand opening bloodbath “cleansing” Arabs from Palestine in the first Arab-Israeli War, as Jews living in the Middle East, patriarch Hans with wife and five children in tow headed for safer ground in London.
A half dozen years later at 10-years old, Margaret lost her mother to stomach cancer. With paucity of maternal influence suffering such a major loss at a relative early age, circumstances in young Margaret’s life brought out her fierce competitive drive and burning ambition to prove herself to both her highly successful father and the entire world, living up to her prominent Oppenheimer family name. The five Oppenheimer children were raised in opulence not only from the family’s booming African mining interests but once in England, daddy Oppenheimer founded Stemcor, the world’s largest privately owned steel-trading corporation and Britain’s six largest company overall.[210]
Her only brother Ralph took over the family business three years before Hans’ death in 1985 until three years prior to his own passing in 2016 when Stemcor for the first time had a non-Oppenheimer chief executive though Margaret’s family ensured they still retain controlling interest. Growing up in one of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful families on earth, silver-spooned Margaret always attended the finest schools, ultimately graduating from the London School of Economics, the elitist university founded in 1895 by the Fabian Society.[211]
While still in her mid-20s not long out of college, Margaret Eve Oppenheimer married Andrew Watson in 1968 but divorced him a decade later after having a son and daughter by her first marriage. 1978 proved to be one busy year for Margaret, divorcing one husband and marrying another in a turnstile turnaround the same year Queen Elizabeth gifted the Jewish rising star not even 34 yet with her first royal honor, the most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE).[212] Her Labor seat on the Islington council and famous Jewish surname must have enhanced her worthiness as a royal chosen one freshly paired with her up and coming new husband Henry Hodge, a future royal knight and high court judge.
Henry and Margaret had first met when she was Mrs. Watson back in 1973 as fellow Labor Party councillors on the Islington council. But her rapid ascendancy had her elected as council leader by 1982. Meanwhile, a mere year after joining Henry on the Islington council, in 1974 Henry Hodge took a new job as chairman of the infamous National Council for Civil Liberties (the civil rights lobby now known as Liberty) and within a year it was Henry who made the NCCL an affiliate partner with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) in 1975.[213] In 1977 the NCCL invited convicted pedophile PIE leader Tom O’Carroll as a platform speaker at its spring conference.[214]
So in 1978 when Hodge and Oppenheimer were formalizing their marital partnership, Henry already had forged a cozy working partnership with UK’s publicly known pedophile organization lobbying to abolish all age of consent so British adults could legally enjoy having sex with children of all ages. Do you really think it was purely by accident that just four years later under Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge’s Islington council leadership that Britain’s biggest VIP pedophile ring became fully and safely operational, flourishing over the next 10 years all the while guarded feverishly by the Illuminati bloodline hawk and pedo-gatekeeper-in-charge – Oppenheimer-Hodge?
And do you think it mere coincidence that in 1976, the same year Margaret’s future hubby turned his NCCL chairmanship over to his fellow Labor Party, PIE-loving faithful Jack Dromey (NCCL chairman 1976-1983), an official NCCL report signed by the organization’s general secretary Patricia Hewitt (1974-1983) stated:
Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage.[215]
And more coincidence that pedo-enabler Prime Minister Tony Blair would later make his Islington next door neighbor Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge his minister of children and Patricia Hewitt his health secretary and Jack Dromey’s wife Harriet Harman former NCCL legal officer New Labor’s deputy leader?
Oppenheimer husband Henry Hodge left NCCL just in time to escape public scrutiny for making PIE its sleazy bedfellow in 1975 and was only the third non-barrister elevated to high court judge, then knighted by the queen in 2004 before dying in 2009.[216] But a few years after Hodge’s death, it was Harman, Dromey and Hewitt, all still active Labor Party leaders, who were left answering for their shameful PIE affiliated past when records revealed that they, along with Henry Hodge, publicly advocated for laxer child pornography laws, legalized incest and lowering the age of consent to ten.[217] As longtime fellow Labor Party MPs each sharing an ultra-cozy pedophilia past together, Harriet Harman once revealed that Dame Margaret Hodge is her best friend in Parliament.[218] The pedo-wheel just keeps spinning round and round with the same incestual cast of high profile pedo-lovers as the usual suspects.
It’s also more than coincidental that until 1978, Margaret Hodge served alongside fellow counsellor Jack Straw for his last five of seven years on the same Islington council together.[219] As yet another Jewish Labor politician possessing a pedophilia enabling record, before Straw man was Blair’s foreign “war crime” minister (2001-06), he was home secretary (1997-2001). While infiltrated pedophiles were still rampantly abusing kids in his old home district Islington and all around Britain, Straw was in charge of UK law enforcement and CPS, responsible for shutting down so many police investigations into VIP pedo-crimes and pedo-cases.
Then it was Jack Straw as Justice Secretary in 2009 who prohibited children in UK care homes from speaking out when abused.[220] Straw also gagged parents from being able to talk to the press about family court injustices as UK’s mainline pedo-pipeline feeder, eerily similar to America’s disastrous child welfare system.[221] That’s because a global Anglo-American-Zionist pedophile elite controls and enslaves both countries as well as Israel, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and virtually the entire globe. But the old Rothschild bloodline system is crumbling and losing its grip on humanity.
Why would Great Britain as a nation willfully tear apart its families, funneling so many of its children into its residential care system that renders them six times more likely to be assessed for abuse while living in government care homes than children in the general population?[222]… unless the nation already has a longtime historical policy allowing its most powerful elite wealthy class – including politicians and entertainers – to systematically rape its most vulnerable population – the throwaway kids from residential care homes on such an immense industrial scale.[223]
Tony Blair, Jack Straw, Margaret Hodge, Henry Hodge, Paul Boateng, Peter Mandelson, Greville Janner, Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt are but a handful sampling of 10 prominent pedophilia protectors who’ve been atop Britain’s Labor Party. The British VIP pedophilia incest network extends literally into the personal lives of Margaret Oppenheimer and Jack Straw’s spouses from their first marriages, both ending up as husband and wife on their next marital go-round. What are the odds of that? It’s almost as if they all come from the same Jewish Illuminati bloodlines… perhaps that’s because they actually do.[224]
Jack Straw’s brother was found guilty of committing indecent assault on a 16-year old girl. Jack Straw’s son William was caught dealing drugs but given only a caution due to his Home Secretary father.[225] What is it with all these pedo-loving Labor politicians’ sons? Aside from Jack Straw’s, Patricia Hewitt’s was arrested and fined £350 for possession of cocaine[226] and Tony Blair’s was arrested for being “drunk and incapable,”[227] of course none serving any jail time. A given perk that comes with the turf is the elite’s family privilege to live like gods above manmade laws as protected members of an inner club in charge of the pedo-crime cabal network.
Of course from last chapter we learned the Conservative Party is just as bad. The Thatcher regime was crawling with Zionist pedophiles as well. VIP sodomizers from all political parties in virtually all Western nations hungrily devour and spit out the used and abused remains of victimized children everywhere on earth. That’s why at this point we’ve reached such an acute crisis stage, because abuse has gone totally unchecked for so very long.
For more than a century Britain’s ruling elite has systematically separated its male youth at a very early age from their families, for multiple generations customarily sending them to the same private upper-class boarding schools where both homosexuality and pedophilia have flourished in isolated infested entrenchment.[228] This age old practice in the UK as well as Europe and, to some extent North America, has long been a familial, cultural norm for boys to be victimized by teachers, headmasters or older students,[229] and in turn all too often become perpetrators themselves, resulting in a cultivation of inbred pedophilia as a historical, traditional way of life amongst the elite, a young man’s twisted, not-so-secret rite of passage anymore in recent years with all the VIP pedo-scandals… another open secret exposed.
The uppermost stratosphere of royal and aristocratic family bloodlines have been vetting, grooming and controlling their men this way for centuries. In the US an example would be accepting an invitation to join the exclusive secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University where degrading sexual ritual is embedded in the traditional all male initiation ceremony as a transitional steppingstone of what’s likely to come.[230] They share a tradition of “elite deviance,” a sense of built-in superiority that grants them the protected privilege to live above the law. Through sexual blackmail, pedophilia has been increasingly utilized by the pathological, psychopathic control system to groom, mold and manipulate “powerful” puppet males into assuming lofty prominent positions as compromised and controlled national leaders who do the filthy bidding of their pedophilic masters.[231]
Secret occult knowledge and pedophilic ritual often play a central grooming role in conditioning “chosen” by birthright males into accepting and engaging in pedophilia through the social conditioning process in both elite families and elite educational institutions.[232] In the UK the most powerful have been permitted methodically to indulge and perversely nurture their most demented, inbred pathology, embracing a vampiric, tribal elitism as part of an inner club at the top of the predator food chain.
Created by this diabolically decadent and depraved system, British homosexual VIP pedophiles regularly prey on the weakest and most defenseless humans, systemically kidnapped and trapped in the morally bankrupt, overloaded, thoroughly broken UK Care System,[233] thus allowing unchecked pedophilia at the earth’s epicenter to spread like a cancer to morph into the modern scourge of humanity currently plaguing our entire planet. This historical macro-analysis transcends the pitfalls of the micro-ephemeral approach to examining the phenomenon of rising pedophilia as a mere sociological outgrowth of the prevailing societal trends of the times.
In a July 2015 article, the Daily Mail explains how throughout the 1970s and 1980s, homosexuals masquerading as pedophiles were fiercely protected and how any staff in the London borough councils, the social services and group homes that attempted to protect abused children by exposing the pedophiles were punitively dealt with in very harsh terms:
Staff who raised concerns were accused of racism and homophobia, and often hounded out of their jobs. Some… received death threats. Almost 30 council employees accused of child abuse crimes were allowed to take early retirement (on generous pensions) instead of being subjected to formal investigations or referred to the police.[234]
According to a Daily Mail article just a year prior in 2014, the rationale given to explain the widespread abuse in Islington was that child care home operators and line staff who were the alleged perpetrators were:
… convincing Labour-run Islington’s political elite that anyone who attempted to blow the whistle on their crimes was motivated by homophobia.[235]
But this is merely surface level, superficial explanation that overlooks the far deeper, darker reality that a vast pedophilia sexual blackmail network in Britain had long been operating for at least two decades prior to the 1970s, orchestrated primarily by British intelligence with full approval from countless government VIP pedophiles consisting of prime ministers, cabinet members and both the House of Lords and Commons extending down to countless local councils throughout the UK.[236]
It was never a matter of low level care home operators “convincing” their council politician bosses like Oppenheimer and Straw that in the sexually liberated 70s and 80s, it was hip for homosexual pedophiles to “liberate” their youth residing in Britain’s care homes, and if you dare object, you were labeled “a homophobe.” Though it may have been true, it’s a convenient lame excuse to try and pass off the pedo-scandal in the 1980s as a mere sign of the “crazy” times – when the liberal left allowed itself to “momentarily” be blind-sighted, co-opted and hoodwinked by a few wacky hardcore PIE perverts.
Both the Labor and Tory governments misused taxpayers’ money to help finance PIE between 1977 and 1980,[237] Prime Minister Edward Heath attended PIE meetings[238] and MI6 Chief Peter Hayman was a card carrying member[239] as well as the aforementioned Labor notables aligned and fully supporting pedo-rights. These facts relegate this notion of UK pedophilia as a passing fad or mere byproduct of the wild 70s and 80s sexual liberation movement as preposterous and false. Yet this heavily promoted, historical revisionist argument heavily promulgated by pedo-apologists is intended to eliminate culpability and obscure the true reality that a highly organized, insulated, massive pedophilia network was covertly expanding and becoming further entrenched throughout the UK and beyond. And it never left.
It was just four years earlier that yet another piece in the Daily Mailcompletely refutes its own above quote. The ruling elite had long been building UK’s national child abuse trafficking network, preying on care home kids since the straight-laced, “unhip” 1950s. The 2010 Daily Mail article expounds on the unsavory affairs of such child raping luminaries as Labor Party leader, Communist spy, MP traitor Lord Tom Driberg, his pal longtime Conservative Party minister, Bilderberger Lord Bob Boothby and their Jewish mafia, pimping killer pals the Kray twins,[240] joined in the early 1960s by none other than the undercover intel operative himself Sir Jimmy Savile. Clearly a highly organized pedophilia network in Britain was operating long before the so called sexually liberated 1970s and 1980s. Cold hard fact – the UK pedophilic elite has been indulging nonstop in systemically destroying expendable British children’s lives with total impunity for over six decades.
Back to this chapter’s headliner, with her MBE secured way back in 1978, one of Britain’s major pedo-players for the last four decades is Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge, again honored by the queen in 2004 as Lady Hodge when her high court judge hubby Henry was knighted while she was Minister of Children under Blair’s newly created cabinet position.[241] Her royal Dame Commander trophy came in 2015. The children’s ministry post served as ideal cover for an Oppenheimer to oversee the entire British nation’s covert pedophilia operations. Also worth noting is that in 1998 and 1999, busy MP Margaret served in her spare time as chair of the infamous Fabian Society that for over a century as an elitist front for communism has been subversively pushing for one world totalitarian government. Sweet lady heading a sweet society.
Thee Fabians have openly supported eugenics and forced sterilization in their scientifically planned utopian society run by the superior “elite,” certainly not by “lowly” working stiffs from a Marxist labor class.[242] Until recently the Fabian logo was literally a wolf in sheep’s clothing.[243] Joining her as fellow Fabian Society members are two of her prominent Islington VIP Labor Party neighbors – Tony Blair and Jack Straw, and, as of 2001, just four years into Blair’s decade long premiership, the elite Fabian Society boasted 200 MPs in the House of Commons.[244] War criminal Tony Blair, both a Fabian and Malta Knight,[245] loyal to both Zionism and Rome, both major contributors to the pedo-epidemic, if anything suggests Blair’s deeper commitment to globalization of the international pedophilia trade. Right after his 2007 resignation as prime minister, the Malta Knight officially declared himself a Roman Catholic.
The common threaded nexus of pedo-lineage runs throughout virtually all elitist secret societies as well as all major political parties. Blair and Hodge’s very own Labor Party was in fact founded by Fabians in the early 20th century and the pedo-infil-traitors rose to power in the Zionist controlled British government,[246] reaching its zenith perhaps during Tony Blair’s war crime pedo-regime when virtually his entire cabinet were card carrying Fabian members.[247]
Similar (if not one and the same) with the Illuminati, Fabians believe that religion and family should be usurped and replaced by the expanding power of the centralized state through that familiar operative word “collectivism,” whereby individuals’ worth is derived and defined solely and strictly by their collective contribution to the group that is the supreme state. While the collectivist goal remains much the same as Marxism, rather than gain power and control through a proletariat working class rising up to wage revolutionary, violent revolt against the elite class, Fabians as the bourgeoisie prefer subversively, sneakily seizing control through slithering infiltration, hence their iconic, deceitfully cunning “wolf in sheep’s clothing” methodology pretty much says it all.[248]
Far beyond conjecture the British historical record demonstrates a pattern of prime ministers seeking to appoint fellow party politicians as proven experienced protectors of the ruling elite’s international child sex abuse trafficking cabal. The key point is just as Thatcher’s Tory government was stacked with flaming pedophiles and enablers galore throughout the 1980s, so was Blair’s turn during his turn of the century decade. And with nothing changing under yet another pro-Zionist prime minister currently in office, already having declared herself a Jew,[249]
Theresa May is carrying out her puppet duty holding a shameless sham of an Independent Inquiry for Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), designed from the outset to protect status quo by keeping VIP pedophiles unnamed and out of both the headlines and prisons.[250] And so far, unfortunately her “floundering-on-purpose” IICSA debacle has succeeded… never a living MP charged much less ever jailed for pedophilia.
Recall from last chapter that Theresa May is yet another self-professed Zionist with neighborly ties to Mossad agent Uri Geller. May has much to hide as prime minister in both protecting the pedophilia network at the world epicenter as well as her own family’s paternal links that minimally suggest a nefarious past by association with the mass murdering Doctor John Bodkin Adams, a homosexual very likely protected by his lover Lord Roland Gwynne, former Eastbourne mayor in Sussex and knighted by the queen during his lover’s infamous trial in 1957.[251] Additionally like Sir Cliff Richard, May’s father was born in India to a British soldier, a favorite common breeding ground for UK military intelligence.[252]
For six years in the 1950s chronologically bisected by Theresa’s birth in 1956, May’s father Hubert Brasier was the Anglican-Catholic chaplain of Eastbourne Hospital in Sussex where the general practitioner Dr. Adams worked, suspected of killing over 165 of his elderly patients, over 130 mostly widows leaving a sizeable inheritance for their killer shortly prior drug overdoses administered by Adams.[253] Though nurses had complained about Dr. Adams for months, similar to Jimmy Savile, the hospital management ignored their accusations.
However, eventually the notorious doctor was prosecuted on a murder charge of just one of his patients. But in a blatant cover-up engineered by well-connected Sir Lord Gwynne who called upon his ex-attorney general friend to run interference, a year after Theresa’s birth Dr. Adams was acquitted of murder and only found guilty of three minor offenses that led briefly to his revoked medical license before resuming his medical practice as if murdering over 160 people meant nothing…[254]echoes of yet more sinister protection from the top of the food chain.
Though there appears no direct criminal evidence connecting May’s father as an accomplice sharing the same workplace crime scene, yet another strange anomaly again by association is the fact that Rev. Brasier worked within the same small Chichester Diocese in Sussex that produced an inordinate number of pedophile priests caught running a longstanding Eastbourne pedo-ring.[255] It was so blatant that in March 2018 even May’s IICSA fiasco was pressured to look into the chronic abuse.
By some stroke of luck, just in time May’s father was promoted and reassigned elsewhere as 1st Vicar of Enstone in the Oxford Diocese, almost as if he (like Dr. Adams) was protected by the elite’s invisible hand.[256] Then when Theresa had just turned 25, her father’s good luck ran out as he was mysteriously killed in a car accident, a common pattern amongst future leaders groomed by their handlers, making loss of a parent while still young easier to control their puppet. As one who should know, FDR once admitted, presidents (and prime ministers) are chosen, never elected.[257] Only adding suspicion to indicate that the current PM clearly does not want information about her family history available to the public, as soon as she became prime minister in 2016, all references regarding her father were suddenly removed from the internet.[258] But fortunately plenty was already captured prior to her overt censorship.
For her Illuminati lineage, the true essence of one Dame Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge emerges while she presided over the Islington council between 1982 and 1992, the direct overseer in charge of her district’s social services for children. During her decade long leadership, all dozen Islington group homes she governed became overrun by infiltrating pedophiles on staff throughout her “care” homes, her council run schools, her social services offices, her own Islington council that as foxes guarding the pedo-henhouse were also at liberty to farm out their susceptible kids to VIPs for yet more systematic abuse.[259]
Under her watch a major pedophile ring was booming between her Islington and the queen’s Commonwealth’s Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey branching out further across the Isles to Northern Ireland’s Kincora, North Wales Bryn Estyn as well as closer to home in and around London, like Haringey to the north and Lambeth to the south, but also nearby Richmond, Birmingham to Northern England’s Savile country Leeds and Scarborough. Additionally, the tentacles of the London based pedophilia network reach abroad to continental cities in Europe such as Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Vienna and Portugal’s Casa Pia. All will be uncovered in detail in later chapters.
Another pedophilic link between the United Kingdom and Amsterdam was exposed over three and a half decades ago by the Daily Star back in August 1983. Norman K. Walker misappropriated government funds through his bogus children’s foundation owning two British care homes for handicapped children located in Suffolk and Norfolk.[260] Social services from those two counties did not place children at those homes but districts like Lambeth, Islington and other London boroughs did. With public social services funding, Walker financed a string of pedophilia rent boy bars and sex businesses in Amsterdam, among them a notorious waterhole called Why Not that included upstairs room accommodations for pedos. Seedy establishments like Walker’s in Holland were/are part of the international child trafficking network, with British rent boys recruited to cater to sex tourism pedophiles and child pornographers that produce and distribute murderous snuff films.[261]
Warwick Spinks, the most wanted British pedophile criminal and international fugitive that for decades infamously engaged in sexually and commercially exploiting underage boys in his sex slave business. In November 2012, Spinks who at one time managed the Why Not bar, was finally apprehended in Prague after 15 years on the run.[262] More on this sleaziest violent kingpin in the next chapter on the Elm Guest House-Westminster connection. One of the reasons speculated that this so called “pied piper of pedophiles” successfully evaded police for so long and was given such light sentences in the past was his likely connections to VIP pedophile clients. Chapter 24 fully covers Spinks’ London to continental Europe pedo-network that includes his Dutch snuff film production as well as moving victims from both Britain and Eastern Europe primarily to Amsterdam, but also to Prague, Brussels, Munich and Berlin.
In 1983 while Dame Margaret recruited pedophiles posing as gay men to do damage to children in her dozen care homes, horrific tragedies struck Islington group home children year in and year out under her leadership. In September 1983 a 13-year old boy was abducted and brought to France by his group home childcare worker where he allegedly sexually abused the victim for nearly two months before his rescue.[263] In 1985 a far more tragic fate befell 14-year old Jason Swift who was kidnapped, sexually passed around a notorious pedophile ring, repeatedly raped, tortured and savagely killed by the Sidney Cooke gang.
These sickos murdered up to 17 boys while procuring and trafficking victims to the Elm Guest House for the likes of Sir Jimmy Savile, Home Secretary Sir Leon Brittan and MP Sir Cyril Smith among other “distinguished” VIP guests both domestic and foreign.[264] A year later in 1986 13-year old Tony McGrane was bludgeoned to death with multiple stab wounds by another teenager.[265] Both Jason and Tony were residents at one of the Islington care homes Margaret presided over – Conewood Street Assessment Centre.[266]
When Margaret Hodge was selected by Blair to be Britain’s first minister of children, a stampede of social workers, whistleblowers and victims stepped forward in loud protest to set the record straight. In her defense, Hodge claimed:
All that happened when we didn’t really understand child abuse in the way that we understand it now. This was the early 90s…[267]
Wrong! Years prior to her Islington debacle pedophilia scandals splashed across UK’s headlines and TV news broadcasts – for starters the 1984 Dickens’ accusations from the infamous “lost” dossier maintaining a Westminster VIP pedophile ring at the heart of the British government.[268]Dickens even went so far as to expose child abuse in Islington while Hodge was council leader.[269] Then there were numerous earlier scandals reported at care homes in places like Newcastle’s Tyneside children’s home in 1976,[270] Northern Ireland’s Kincora in 1980[271] and Piccadilly Circus’ Leeways children’s home in 1985,[272] plus many high profile cases of pedophiles working with children as priests, teachers and scoutmasters were also being widely reported long before the 1990s. Hodge again pretended pedophiles preying on UK’s most vulnerable population was a completely unknown, new phenomenon… total bullshit to cover her own ass. But in her feeble, lame self-defense, she uttered these words:
This was the early 90s… it was only beginning to emerge that paedophiles were working with children, in children’s homes and elsewhere, and so I think my great regret there was believing without question the advice that I was given by the social services managers.[273]
Typically, weak leaders never fail to pass the buck, always blaming subordinates for feeding them erroneous information and advice. Again, another lie as senior social workers alerted her two and a half years prior to the story finally breaking in the press in early October 1992,[274] the year she slipped out the council backdoor in a vain attempt to avoid the heat. The fact remains that by early 1990, social worker university lecturer Dr. Liz Davies and her social services manager David Cofie reported to Margaret Hodge an infiltrated pedophile ring was rampantly operating throughout all her Islington care homes but their warnings went unheeded by arrogant Hodge, condescendingly calling their warnings “hysterical” and “obsessional.”[275]
Overwhelmed by the ever-widening scope of abuse in their outlying community, upon learning it was systemic throughout the district involving child pornography and trafficking, when David Cofie urgently requested increased staff and funding to adequately meet the demand of investigating the major scandal brewing, Hodge severely chastised him, insisting a sound manager should be resourceful enough to work within a budget in the face of social services cutbacks.[276] David Cofie has in effect said she ruined his career. Bent on burying evidence, Hodge actively squelched proven widespread abuse that Liz and David had discovered and painstakingly presented to her.
Dazed and distraught 12 to 15-year old children kept showing up at Liz and David’s social services office in droves, having clearly been abused the night before, sometimes perpetrated by group home staff, sometimes by Islington council staff, and sometimes abused after being trafficked to wealthy private mansions around London.[277] Links that Islington kids were being transported to Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square parties were found. Britain’s director of education at the National Institute of Social Work, PIE founder, sadistic child rapist and pedo-pipeline VIP pimp Peter Righton is known to have picked up children at group homes in Islington.[278]
Recall that big wheel procurer Righton himself was arrested in 1992 for attempting to smuggle in as well as possess child pornography but like Savile for years the pipeline pimp was permitted to freely operate as a key protected player within the Westminster VIP network.[279] Considered the foremost expert on group home care of Britain’s near 100,000 children in the UK Care System (same number of UK kids slipping into poverty in the last year alone[280] and same number of 14-year olds in UK harming themselves, including one in four girls[281] – talk about a broken system and nation), like Savile, Righton freely roamed the Isles with access to hundreds of residential care homes and special schools, brazenly boasting:
Every Islington care home manager knows I like boys from 12 [282][on up].
Just like the Hollywood and Savile pedophilia scandals, founding PIE member Peter Righton was yet another “open secret” where his guilt was sworn to “open” secrecy amongst a select insider group in order to protect the larger national and global pedo-network. After his arrest for importing child pornography and his home raided in 1992, he was simply given a £900 fine and never served jail time, in spite of tons of evidence he was a serial predator and major pimping trafficking ringleader for the VIP establishment.[283] In addition to pornographic images of children found at his residence, a prolific amount of letters, documents and diary entries exposing Righton’s exchange of child sex slaves with fellow criminal collaborators in other locations in Europe like the Mediterranean islands of Gozo and Malta, a known sex trafficking haven.[284]
In 1993 Department of Health Minister Virginia Bottomley received a report from Hereford and Worcester social services outing the alarming state of betrayal from UK’s Care System sworn to protect children, singling out mastermind Righton as the nation’s prime pedo-networker with full access to Britain’s children’s homes and schools.[285] But Bottomley ignored the report and though the police investigation continued into 1994 as more incriminating evidence was amassed, the probe was suddenly, prematurely shut down. In charge of all UK police investigations, Tory Home Secretary (1993-97) Michael Howard likely ordered the probe closed in order to protect Britain’s VIPs and involvement in the international child trafficking network.[286]
Right after his initial arrest, Peter Righton and his 40-year lover Richard Alston were granted safe refuge by Lord John Henniker to live comfortably at his sprawling country estate in Suffolk for the next four years.[287] But Lord Henniker’s estate Thornham Magna was also being used by Islington and other London borough social services as a designated children’s activities center for day trips and holidays.[288] It must have also been a pedo-paradise for Righton, Alston and fellow pedophile friend Charles Napier. The Suffolk chief constable even went so far as to warn Henniker he had two pedophiles with national connections residing at his estate surrounded by kids in UK care.
Lord Henniker, a longtime diplomat and director general of the British Council from 1968 to 1972, maintained close ties with the queen’s hubby Prince Philip who is the godfather to Lord Henniker’s firstborn son, his heir and current 9th Lord Henniker.[289] The current lord’s son, age 10-13 at the time Righton lived there, committed suicide at 21, leaving speculation that he was a victim.
Protected by the top of the predator food chain, Peter Righton appeared immune from accountability and granted unrestricted access to children right up until his death in 2007 at the age of 81. The full extent of his pivotal role as a major cog in the UK pedo-wheel has been carefully concealed to shield his pedo elite masters he faithfully served from further scrutiny and justice… another illustration of how pedophilia overlords close rank to protect their own criminal self-interest.
Despite being Righton’s longtime partner-in-crime and brother to notable diplomat Robert Alston, especially without his deceased lover’s impunity, former teacher and headmaster Richard Alston wasn’t deemed high enough on the pedo-pecking order to be completely immune from prosecution. In 2015, the 70-year old PIE member was convicted of repeatedly sexually molesting an 11-year old boy in the 1970s, receiving 21 months in prison.[290]The Alston brothers and Peter Righton all attended Ardingly College,[291]which has its own Freemasonry lodge.[292]
Another serial pedophile who often joined Righton and Alston in incidents abusing boys is British Council teacher and PIE treasurer Charles Napier, half-brother to longtime Tory MP John Whittingdale.[293] Napier bragged about using diplomatic privileges to smuggle child pornography into the UK from a British Council school in Cairo. As Napier’s friend and British Council chief, Lord Henniker allowed Napier to work with children despite an earlier pedo-conviction that banned him from teaching in UK.[294] In December 2014 the 67-year old Napier was sentenced to 13 years for committing hundreds of sexual assaults on rent boys and schoolboys over a span of many decades.
As a PIE officer within an organization publicly advocating sex with children of all ages, Napier knows much more than he has let on regarding the crimes of other PIE members who happened to be VIP establishment in politics, the church and law enforcement. As alluded to earlier, one of those VIPs was MI6 chief and diplomat Peter Hayman married to Charles Napier’s cousin. Released files prove that not only was Sir Peter Hayman a PIE member, he carried on lengthy correspondence with other sickos indicating that he shared a deranged obsession for sexual torture and murder of children.[295]
To keep a lid on the international implications, Zionist Home Office puppet Michael Howard and Health Minister Virginia Bottomley were no doubt ordered to pass the word down to cease and desist two simultaneous probes by West Mercia and Metro police looking into VIP pimp Righton, the nationally recognized “expert” on child residential care. And it was Tory leader Howard who awarded Virginia Bottomley her peerage in the House of Lords in 2005.[296]
At just 12-years old Virginia (née Garnett) met her then 16-year old future husband, was impregnated by 18 and married by 19 to Sir Peter Bottomley (knighted in 2010), a Thatcher minister-MP since 1974 to present.[297] Peter Bottomley was a member of the Conservative Monday Club linked to pedophile trips to Amsterdam as well as Elm Guest House.[298] Peter’s brother Henry was a member on Hodge’s pedo-enabling Islington council from 1986 to 1990.[299] Sir Peter’s so touchy about any pedophilic affiliation, he has threatened to sue any publication linking him to “untrue” child abuse.[300] But more on him and the notorious Monday Club in the next chapter.
As a related aside, Baroness Virginia Bottomley’s cousin Jeremy Hunt seemingly owes his political career to her nepotism, following her same career footsteps as South West Surrey MP then Cameron’s Tory health minister,[301] quoted worldwide reacting to the Savile bombshell, declaring So-vile’s actions have “shaken our country to the core.”[302] Profusely apologizing to Savile victims, Hunt indignantly issued the following stern warning:
If there is evidence that people have criminally neglected claims at the time, behaved inappropriately… in a way that could make them subject to disciplinary procedures, that should happen and we will urge all NHSorganisations to look carefully at anyone mentioned in these reports, and of course the police will look at the evidence against any individuals.[303]
We’re still waiting Jeremy… Meanwhile, while his cousin was health secretary in 1993 learning of Peter Righton’s near four decade long history of horrific child abuse, international trafficking and Virginia’s subsequent part in halting an ongoing police investigation, Hunt’s tough talk extended to the “Savile greenlight” health ministers’ Edwina Currie and Kenneth Clarke was conspicuously absent applied to his own cousin’s obstruction of justice shutting down a police inquiry and allowing a known serial abuser and VIP pimp to continue committing crimes.
Speaking of Sir Jimmy, as an intelligence operative and another national VIP pimp, his name comes up in virtually every United pedo-Kingdom scandal, implicated in the Islington debauchery as well. One abused girl said that a fleet of procuring “Jimmy Savile taxis” would show up regularly at her group home to whisk away children for waiting VIP predators.[304] Victims maintain that they were not only trafficked around London but other locations inside the UK as well, and even abroad, indicating yet more evidence of a well-organized international pedophilia network. Another child victim recalls being driven around by abuser Savile in a taxi.[305]
According to the Express, another noteworthy Islington resident “playing a vital role in Britain’s biggest child sex ring” was convicted pedophile, another active PIE member, a clockmaker and antique shop owner Keith Harding who, like Cyril Smith, was a Savile featured fellow pedo-guest on a Jim’ll Fix It’s Christmas show.[306] Harding was known to run with such infamous VIP pedo-politicians as Sir Leon, Sir Cyril and Sir Jeremy Thorpe.
Two and a half years after personally informing Dame Margaret Hodge about the out-of-control abuse, turning to the press in October 1992, whistleblowing duo Liz Davies and David Cofie ultimately found a receptive reporters in Eileen Fairweather and Stewart Payne from the Evening Standardwhose article publicly exposed the pervasive child sex abuse raging throughout the Islington borough and beyond. Council leader Hodge’s response this time turned even more aggressive, insulting and libelous, accusing the highly respected, award winning journalists of “a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism.”[307] Hodge was later forced to apologize once she could no longer pretend that she didn’t permit a humongous murderous pedophile ring to not only freely operate but flourish like never before throughout her ten year reign of child terror atop the Islington council.
In 2008 during the height of the police investigation on Jersey Island’s Haut de la Garenne, veteran journalist Eileen Fairweather was dispatched to meet secretly with Detective Constable Peter Cook who told her he had uncovered major links between the pervasive abuse at Jersey and Islington.[308]Pedophile social workers from Jersey ended up working at the Islington social services offices and made unofficial trips trafficking children from both Islington group homes and Channel Island group homes where they were further abused by establishment VIPs. Keep in mind that Jimmy Savile as Britain’s main VIP procurer also is linked extensively to both Islington and Jersey child abuse rings.
Cook said his superior officers on Jersey prohibited him from reporting his findings directly to London police abuse specialists as part of the larger cover-up, pathetically forced to use Eileen as his go-between. The major VIP pedophile ring operating between Channel Islands Jersey and Guernsey and Islington-North London involving prominent politicians in both Jersey and London also included famous diplomat (likely Peter Hayman), prominent clerics (among them Prince Charles bud Anglican bishop Peter Ball), a social services chief (allegedly Richmond’s Louis Minster) and senior police officers.
As an illustration of how the pedophilia-system rewards its own foxes guarding the henhouse, the Islington head of the police Child Protection Team at the height of the scandal in the 1990s – Sue Akers, refused to meet or talk to reporter Eileen Fairweather, despite Eileen begging her to look into a brothel after a 13-year old victim (and relative of Baby P discussed shortly) had reported he recruited dozens of other victims for three pimps.[309] His evidence was suppressed and Sue Akers went on to be promoted as the deputy assistant commander responsible for all of the child abuse investigations for Britain’s largest police force Metro. You can easily see why VIPs never get arrested or go to trial and that police probes always lead nowhere.
While investigating abuse at the dozen Islington group homes and special schools in the early 1990s, honest lower level detectives had informed Eileen Fairweather that children’s home operators and employees served as “networkers” working the pedophile supply line with child pornographers and hooking up VIPs. Years later while in Jersey conferring with Peter Cook, Eileen was startled by the number of eerie similarities between the two abuse operations, the “recreational outings” often at sea where victims were isolated and easily abused while trafficked considerable distances to awaiting VIP customers and child pornographers in other cities for further abuse.[310]
Also identical is the pattern of dismissing and smearing whistleblowers and victims coming forth to report the crimes and then the repeated crime of “misplaced” missing records, all standard earmarks of major cover-up at the highest levels. The cumulative evidence clearly points to sophisticated abuse rings consisting of pedophile operatives running Britain’s child trafficking network, from the likes of Jimmy Savile, his MI5, the Kray brothers, Sidney Cooke, Peter Righton and Colin Peters among numerous others as primary child procurers for VIP politicians like Heath, Thatcher, Brown, Blair and Hodge as either pedophiles themselves or pedophile-protecting overlords.
In addition to whistleblowing senior social workers and newspaper journalists sounding the Islington alarm that Margaret Hodge continued only to scoff at, yet another scandal tipoff occurred in 1991 when boarding school sports instructor Roy Caterer was arrested, convicted and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for sexually abusing seven boys and two girls.[311] Though this case garnered brief local headlines treating it as an isolated anomaly, the coverage either concealed or completely overlooked its linkage to the much wider pedophilia operation that had been thriving in Islington since the 1970s when the likes of Margaret Oppenheimer, Henry Hodge and Jack Straw were leading council members.
A couple of high profile child murder cases in adjacent Haringey in 2000 and 2007 highlight a link to the Islington pedophile ring. Eight year old Victoria Climbié from Ivory Coast was sent by her parents hopeful for a better life for their daughter to live in North London with her aunt and her boyfriend who tortured and murdered the little girl in 2000, bringing much needed scrutiny and pressure on the negligent borough’s social services to become more responsive in placing at risk children on the services register preventing severe abuse and death.[312] But rather than rectify glaring deficits that caused the young girl’s murder, seven years later Haringey’s reputation failed to improve as the same serious problems of incompetence and poor management still plagued its social services department, setting the stage for the next tragedy.
The same extreme dysfunction and endangerment caused the death of a blue eyed blonde haired toddler known only as Baby P at the sadistic hands of the mother’s husband and his friend in 2007. The three relentlessly injured the child, ripping his fingernails out, breaking his ribs, soon his back, paralyzing him from the waist down.[313] Fifty injuries despite sixty social worker visits later, the mother persistently lied to incompetent, negligent social workers about his nonstop injuries blindly accepted without question or suspicion.
A week prior to his death social services legal department ruled that there remained insufficient grounds to remove the child from his mother and four days before he died a welfare officer was the last outsider to see the 17 month old still alive. No one paid attention to the poor kid’s rapidly deteriorating health. The one social worker who did desperately attempt to alert authorities of increasing dangers six months ahead of Baby P’s death became targeted as the blame game victim of abuse by Haringey CYA social services.[314]
An older unnamed close relative to Baby P who apparently had no contact with the murdered toddler had been placed in a care home in Islington at the age of 12 in the early 1990s.[315] A child protection expert commented:
The family should have been subjected to forensic examination. Even cursory checks would have rung alarm bells. Social workers might then have removed the baby, as a paediatrician and police pleaded.[316]
The Baby P relative was sexually abused and recruited by local pimps in Islington through money, drugs and coercive threats to procure more boys from local care homes for the larger VIP ring operating in Hodge’s domain.[317] The boy tried to get help, confiding in his social worker. Baby P’s relative even furnished social services and police with a list of abuse victims and known perpetrators, reporting that he and other children were being trafficked from Islington care homes to Manor Park, Tottenham, Soho and Westminster where they were further abused by pedophiles, some of whom were members of the British VIP establishment.[318]
Neville Mighty, the social services unit superintendent in charge of the boy’s placement was eager to intervene on the boy’s behalf as the hazardous living conditions for children at the borough’s group homes he directly supervised had pimps flagrantly shacking up overnight in care homes openly abusing preyed upon children.[319] As outrageous and unacceptable as it had become in Islington, Neville Mighty’s boss called him “a prude” for repressing the sexuality of the group home residents, insisting the pimps were simply the children’s “boyfriends.” When Neville presented this insanely perverse, out of control situation to then Islington’s social services director Lyn Cusack, the Hodge lackey whose husband was a local senior police superintendent, incredibly she threatened to write him up on disciplinary action for being “rude” to her.
In June 1992 social worker Neville Mighty was fired. At this point senior social worker Liz Davies encouraged and supported Neville to blow the whistle going public to expose the scandal. As is so typical, neither the Baby P relative, nor Neville, nor Liz, nor supervisor David Cofie were ever listened to by their higher-ups in social services, the borough council or the co-opted, thoroughly controlled local police as they refused to place the identified VIP child rapists under surveillance or even call them in for questioning. That’s how evilly corrupt Islington under Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge’s leadership was. Liz Davies explained to journalist Eileen Fairweather:
We got too close. There were too many powerful people involved. Child sex, pornography and sadism are extremely lucrative industries.[320]
As Neville, Liz and David became increasingly aware and frustrated over the horrific crime network operating in their neighborhoods they were supposed to be protecting, Hodge’s hostile suppression and overt criminal cover-up successfully shielded the perpetrators, as Hodge and Cusack summarily dismissed the courageous whistleblowers as “hysterical” troublemakers, ordering them to cease and desist their underfunded, understaffed internal investigation interviewing dozens of key abuse witnesses, victims and parents. Fortunately Nevile, Liz and David’s whistleblowing persisted at grave risk to themselves, all being bodily threatened with harm and death threats.
Through their brave, persistent efforts, finally a 1995 independent fact-finding report was compiled and released by Oxfordshire social services director Ian White. It vindicated their heroic efforts, but confirmed the deplorable prevailing conditions of blatant widespread abuse that also included child pornography, trafficking and pimping victims to VIPs both domestically and internationally, allowed to egregiously thrive unimpeded for decades. The White report was based on the 112-page dossier supplied by the series of Evening Standard articles written over the 3-year preceding period, charging Margaret Hodge and her council with allowing at least 26 accused identified child sex abusers working at Islington care facilities to leave its employ without investigation, many even with positive job references.[321]
One such vile pedophile who was a former Islington employee granted a free pass was Nick Rabet, a deputy children’s homes superintendent until his 1989 resignation.[322] Having originally come from Jersey with a background in childcare, Rabet was a key figure linking child abuse in both Jersey and Islington. Under the auspices of providing recreational camping outings to the Channel Island resort, Rabet regularly escorted, or more aptly trafficked children from Islington group homes to Jersey. Like Peter Righton, he developed a reputation as a known pedophile shielded by the system run by Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge. After leaving Islington, he befriended a wealthy elderly widow who left him her estate in the East Sussex countryside, where he opened his own private children’s activities center as a local retreat utilized by charities, schools, families and social services.
Though Rabet had been placed on a consultancy register barring him from working with children in government facilities, his loophole was working in a private sector setting. At his child activities center on his estate, Rabet was regularly still abusing boys from Islington group homes. The investigative work by journalists like Eileen Fairweather exposed Rabet’s pedo-ring targeting both children and elderly predators in both Islington and Jersey that “befriended” wealthy elderly individuals, manipulated them into changing their wills, and all soon met similar fates, suddenly dying of heart attacks. Rabet and his crew of serial pedophiles appeared protected by Islington council as well as local police in Sussex, Cambridgeshire, London and Jersey.[323]
Through media accounts exposing Rabet’s pedo-operations, he fled Britain for the pedophile haven Thailand. After being charged with abusing 30 boys as young as six with estimates of molested 300 children in the sex tourism capital Pattaya, the 57-year old committed suicide with a drug overdose in 2006 to avoid punishment.[324] Another of his cronies found with hundreds of videos and photos of child pornography also OD’d though it’s just as likely they were silenced because they knew too much about VIPs that for years they supplied with child victims.
One severely abused boy in 1989 reported Rabet and others’ sex crimes taking place at both his group home and school to his social worker who was committed to stopping the abuse.[325] But as of Christmas Eve that year, that conscientious social worker was never seen again and neither were the victims’ files. Thus when Islington council was asked in a police probe about placing a child at the school, the council falsely claimed no children under its care were ever sent to the school. Missing files lead to cover-up.
Speaking of which, the Ian White report could only draw from Fairweather’s articles interviewing the named whistleblowers, victims and parents because literally hundreds of files were criminally removed from all the Islington borough social services offices in order to protect the countless guilty parties, which included personnel from group homes, social services, Hodge’s Islington council, establishment VIP politicians, high court judges, entertainers, businessmen, religious leaders and senior police officers.[326]Unable to enlist interest from the local police department because it took its marching orders from people like Hodge, Straw and Blair, Liz and David finally convinced the Scotland Yard to launch an investigation but sadly by that time, gross obstruction of justice had already been committed. And sadly as always, the Yard’s police probe concluded “not enough evidence” justified charging even a single perpetrator.
No doubt to save both her own skin and career from prison along with all her prominent VIP friends, the-powers-that-shouldn’t-be saw fit to destroy all the incriminating evidence, just as Sir Leon did a decade earlier. Law enforcement never seriously probed into the massive criminal operation because VIPs were too involved and few if any victims and witnesses were ever even interviewed. Demetrious Panton, an abuse victim who went on to become an outspoken child abuse advocate and barrister, maintains that during the 13 separate Islington child abuse investigations, not once was he ever contacted or interviewed by police.[327]
The pattern of destroyed evidence and criminal cover-up never stops at the earth’s pedophilia epicenter. The missing dossier files that would have completely exposed Islington, Downing Street and Westminster sickos will likely never be found in order to ensure their continued full protection. Over the decades, cover-up tactics have always remained the same, not once failing to deliver the same atrocious, predictable outcome, proving that through the impenetrable wall of nonstop cover-up, procurers and predators alike close to the VIP criminals are also shielded and manage to live above the law as well. That way as long as their lips stay sealed, they stay alive and the pedo-party continues unabated to this very day.
Despite the police investigation going nowhere due to so much destroyed records containing hard evidence of Islington’s connections to the larger pedophilia network, a full quarter century ago in 1993 the biggest Scotland Yard probe into organized child sexual abuse in British history was launched. According to an August 1993 Sunday Times article:
The investigation into networks of paedophiles who have been paying for sex with boys and girls, has uncovered several groups across London and other parts of southern England who link up to swap information and abuse children. For the past five months officers from the squad have secretly liaised with directors of social services in more than half a dozen London boroughs amid fears that organised gangs have targeted vulnerable children in their areas.[328]
As in the Righton inquiry, speculation prevails that in 1993 then Home Secretary Michael Howard again intervened to shut down Metro Police’s largest child abuse investigation to date that would have likely incriminated Hodge’s operation as the nation’s connecting hub to all other pedophile rings thriving throughout the nation.[329]
Unbelievably, during Oppenheimer-Hodge’s decade long disastrous tenure as Islington council leader, allowing a pedophile ring to both infiltrate and flourish at all dozen of her district group homes, then defiantly denying, rebuking and ultimately having virtually all the insurmountable evidence“ disappear,” in 1992 Margaret Hodge fled the very crime scene she’d meticulously created and tried in vain to completely cover up, escaping temporarily for a few months to a cushy consultant job at Price-Waterhouse before selected in 1994 as Labor’s next MP for Barking where she’s been a permanent fixture ever since. Throughout this entire scandalously grotesque spectacle played out in plain sight within her Islington district, Hodge’s neighbor in Richmond Crescent a few doors down was none other than fellow pedo-enabler-crossdresser-D notice provocateur Tony “Miranda” Blair, and unfortunately for the UK and world as of 1997, the next Labor prime minister.[330]
In 2003 Tony Blair rewarded Oppenheimer-Hodge for building and successfully protecting the nation’s largest, most blatant, “out-of-control” pedophile ring, selecting her as Britain’s first Minister for Children, a new cabinet post within the Ministry of Education designed and created especially for her proven record. After all, she effectively shielded scores of VIP pedophiles routinely victimizing her expendable care home kids with complete impunity and then allowed them to escape, making her the ideal job candidate to go nationwide.
Only at the pedophilia epicenter of the world would the nation’s top leader, knowing full well his fellow Fabian neighbor living so close made it her priority to protect child rapists over the well-being of children under her care, ostensibly design a brand new cabinet position to “protect” all of Britain’s children, confident that she’d do as magnificent a job protecting VIP pedophile rings operating throughout Britain at the tragic expense and grave suffering of UK’s most defenseless, innocent population. You simply can’t make up this kind of pure evil shit, nor can you get any more diabolically Luciferian.
Per Illuminati doctrine, as minister of children Hodge pushed for state authoritarianism usurping parental rights and increasing the secrecy of UK’s infamous family court system to tear apart British families, separating children from their parents, swallowed up in a pipeline straight into the highly organized, insulated, well-oiled machine called the global pedophilia network. And what better candidate for the job than the unabashed Orwellian Big Brother Zionist aficionado who blatantly insisted:
For me it’s not a question of whether we should intrude in family life, but how and when.[331]
Oppenheimer-Hodge has always been known for her aggression while venomously lashing out, twice committing libel first against “gutter” journalist Eileen Fairweather for her shockingly truthful account of the pedophilia that the council leader did her vicious best to criminally cover-up. The second time she engaged in libelous revenge came after abuse survivor turned child advocate Demetrious Panton bravely went public with his own harrowing story of abuse after years earlier in 1985 sending a 6-page letter to Hodge detailing the torture he was forced to endure a few years earlier living at Islington group homes she supervised.[332]
Making unwanted publicity in 2003 for the freshly installed minister of children, in a letter to BBC chairman Gavyn Davis, the vengeful drama queen called Panton an “extremely disturbed person.”[333] But in response to her libelous attack, the successful barrister and healthy survivor despite years of institutional abuse smartly consulted fellow lawyers. Metro Police Detective Superintendent John Sweeney countered Hodge’s malicious slurs with a glowing public testimonial:
I found Demetrious to be very articulate… He had a very measured response to what had happened. I have no doubt that if it had got to court we would have had a very strong case. I wouldn’t say he was disturbed at all. He certainly wanted justice and he wanted to see Mr Bain [his abuser] in the dock in a British court. That’s perfectly understandable.[334]
“Sour grapes” Hodge was forced to publicly apologize for her reprehensible smear in order to quash growing demands that she resign her abusive brand of “ministering” to all of UK’s children. Further, in a transparent act of self-serving political expediency, Hodge was compelled to submit to Demetrious’ demands that she publicly apologize, pay his legal bills and make a financial contribution to a charity of his choice. Both her atrocious past record and latest toxic antics produced an unprecedented flood of calls demanding her resignation from child rights activists, the opposition party and the public at large. In 2003 Tory shadow secretary for health and education Tim Yeo applied political pressure on Hodge to step down, providing a sound and reasonable explanation:
The biggest problem in cases of child abuse is to get the victims to have the confidence to come forward. If they feel that if they do come forward that they are going to be branded by the minister responsible as disturbed people, what does that do to the chances of us being able to uncover more cases of child abuse?[335]
In spite of her slightly bruised ego, the politically weakened, thoroughly compromised minister still managed to barely survive the Islington abuse scandal. A powerful Oppenheimer lives nine lives and to this day at age 74, Hodge still remains a member of the House of Commons.
After all her afflicted damage, both Hodge and Blair continued catching nonstop flack for appointing her overseer of British children’s welfare, barraged by relentless blowback and more than justified criticism for her ghastly pro-pedophilia career. Finally after less than two years as UK’s first Minister of State for Children, no doubt exhausted from constantly having to feebly defend his appalling choice, Blair quietly transferred her to Ministry for Work and Pensions. But she put her foot in her mouth again, flippantly dismissing 6,000 displaced workers from a closed MG plant, telling them in so many words “go work at the grocery store chain Tesco, they’re hiring” as reverberations of Marie Antoinette’s “let them eat cake.”[336]
So her Oppenheimer nine lives in politics were once again given new life as the Culture and Tourism Minister, eventually winding up both minister and parliamentary chair for the powerful Public Accounts Office. In 2015 Hodge finally stepped down as a cabinet minister resuming her role as MP, the same year the queen promptly rewarded her with Dame-ship for her longtime service dedicated to doggedly promoting the global elite’s pedophilia agenda. But her final ministry resignation was also prompted by more Hodge hubris and hypocrisy.
No accident that while in control over UK public accounting, for the first time in the nation’s history, it was announced that the poorest 10% of British citizens end up paying higher taxes from earned income than the richest 10%.[337] While Hodge railed against mega-corporations like Google for not paying its fair share, her Oppenheimer family controlled interest in the world’s largest steel corporation Stemcor inherited from daddy pays just a sinful .01% of its colossal £2.1billion a year earnings.[338] Her double standards know no limits as she blasts everyone else while she as the chosen one pays the least.[339]
For a native-born Oppenheimer, money means power and power to her means honor, regardless of how scandalously criminal her behavior to reach it. Like her fellow Jewish pedo-gatekeeping sisters Esther and Edwina, Oppenheimer-Hodge’s life has been full of hypocritical inconsistencies and drama queen fakery. On the one hand, she railed against corporate and government waste, but on the other hand, as recently as June 2018 she sought a volunteer job at the University of London that by statute is an unpaid position.[340]
Yet this superrich prima donna refused to “volunteer” without demanding an additional £20,000 annum as part of yet another deal cut especially for her, as if the over two billion pounds her family company rakes in yearly as a spoon fed Oppenheimer or the near £80,000 as MP for the last quarter century is never enough. For this greedy Jewish bloodline prima dona, time is money and money is power and be damned with the rest of us lowly goyim plebeians.
In the post-Savile Operation Midland when police were going through the motions pretending to investigate the VIP pedophiles in government, Savile was linked to Islington abuse and as a result, the local council was once again pressured to conduct yeet another of its “objective” inquiries ad nauseam. And guess who was selected to lead this one in 2014? Margaret’s very own son-in-law Joe Caluori. Even after this blatant conflict of interest was exposed, the Islington council insisted on keeping their man at the helm married to an Oppenheimer daughter.[341] With or without all those missing files, it’s no wonder no arrests have ever been made. So the never-ending saga of UK cover-up shamefully continues to trudge on forever.
Incidentally, in addition to being the Islington council attorney empowered to look into his mother-in-law’s criminal cover-up, Joe Caluori is also very active in his community as Islington’s current children and young people leader.[342]Nothing like keeping it in the family. Joe also is reported to be working for a high-end consultancy firm called Britainthinks (globalized version Worldthinks) that advertises innovative solutions for success boasting such clients as McDonalds, the BBC, the Fabian Society and ebay, all great corporate sponsored covers for the NWO pedo-cabal. Again, nothing like keeping it in the family.[343] Sitting on its advisory board is Baron Lord Daniel Finkelstein, Times of London editor and Savile-Cyril Smith pedo-apologist.[344]
It was reported in 2017 that Sandy Marks, the Islington council member who chaired the social services committee during the years Margaret Hodge presided over the council, attended a conference back in 1980 with a pedophile group known as the Fallen Angels.[345] After initially denying it, when presented with a photo busting her lie, Marks who went on to becoming the Islington mayor no less, finally admitted the error of her ways, claiming she was too easily influenced by the pro-pedophile crowd and culture back in the day immersed in Labor Party left wing politics that embraced homosexuality and sexual liberation for all, including predators pouncing on babies.
That a former popular mayor held views that sex with children was okay and saw her custodial role as social services committee leader making sure washing machines at the homes were in proper working order over protecting the well-being of children proved such a “shocking” revelation that yet another investigation into Islington abuse was initiated. But the 8-month “independent” review by Sarah Morgan QC recently released its finding that “no organized abuse” took place in the 1970s-1990s.[346]
The victims that provided their painful testimony to once again relive their traumas felt completely betrayed because they firsthand know it was highly organized and involved well known VIPs. Every so called “independent” inquiry in Britain, from the BBC Dame Smith report to Theresa May’s national IICSA, all are one big whitewash, repeatedly throwing salt on the wounds that can never heal for the victims whose promised justice by conspired diabolical design is continually denied.
Back to drama queen Oppenheimer-Hodge, to this day she continues spewing out her toxic venom to the point of irreversibly fracturing her own embattled Labor Party, nastily turning against her Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn. As current MP from Barking, Dame Hodge just can’t seem to keep her “good” name out of the scandalous headlines. A mere month after her fiasco trying to gouge a salary out of a nonpaid volunteer job, in July 2018 she verbally accosted Corbyn on the House of Commons floor, in an out of control rage screaming:
You’re a fucking anti-Semite and racist![347]
Within hours, the foul-mouthed hothead felt compelled to double down, defending her cheap shot ambush of a false accusation with yet more melodrama grandstanding in a Guardian article:
My grandmother and my uncle were murdered by Hitler and many cousins and other relatives were slaughtered in the gas chambers.[348]
True to Zionist form, she used the old Jewish Holocaust card. But in her next statement, Dame Oppenheimer shows her true racist colors:
It [Palestinian/Israeli conflict] appears to have become a legitimate price that the [Corbyn’s Labour] leadership is willing to pay for pursuing the longstanding cause of Palestinians in the Middle East.[349]
So the Dame’s all for cracking down on free speech in favor of Political Correctness tyranny.[350] In this neoliberal age of pampered crybaby feelings, if you dare hurt someone’s fragile ego expressing your own opinion, especially about a Jew or Israel or Zionism, Dame Margaret and those like her wish to send you to prison. Under the burgeoning umbrella of “anti-hate speech laws,” spreading their flimsily veiled cover for absolute authoritarian tyranny, more governments are seeking to criminalize the truth, in this case objecting to Israel’s rampantly aggressive genocidal policies against the Palestinians.[351] This double standard injustice was taken to task almost a decade and a half years ago in an incisively convincing essay written by Edgar J. Steele who foresaw the coming wave of Zionist led oppression and war on free speech:
Hate speech laws in action, ladies and gentlemen. They are coming to America next. Already, the imprisonments have begun, even in America, albeit by twisting and subverting other laws. Some people have died, too, but their deaths falsely are attributed to other causes. Truly, hate speech simply means anything that Jews hate to hear. That’s why we have to have Jews to identify it for us.[352]
Zionism’s current zeal to suppress free speech embodied by the likes of British Zionists like Oppenheimer-Hodge and Washington’s Israeli First neocons and their ultra-friendly relationship to pedophilia are definitely not two mutually exclusive phenomena independent of each other. Just the opposite. Like Freemasonry and Illuminati, Zionism too is akin to the global pedophilia epidemic.[353] That’s why it’s so important to briefly delve further into Zionism and its shady dark history in order to understand its full implication in the current global pedophilia crisis.
On September 4, 2018 the site published a very revealing article entitled “Friends of Israel,” succinctly tying Zionism and the international pedophilia network together:
The Zionist modus operandi for shaping UK politics, foreign policy, and public opinion includes the use of Organized Child Sexual Abuse and Child Trafficking – as a tool for rewarding, entrapping, removing or blackmailing parliamentarians and other prominent public office holders and VIPs.[354]
Recall Sir Jimmy Savile’s self-description as the “most Jewish Catholic,”[355]concedes his status as a devoutly committed Zionist making numerous pilgrimages to Israel advising prime ministers and Knesset on security matters (covered in Chapter 19). As the British nation’s primary child procurer for VIPs throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Savile the Zionist also made frequent trips to Jersey where he and the island’s Jewish leader Senator Wilfred Krichefsky regularly abused, tortured and murdered children at Haut de la Garenne,[356] that is when Zionist Jimmy wasn’t supplying kids for treasonous Prime Minister Edward Heath on his Morning Star yacht murdering and throwing used up dead boys overboard.
Then there’s Mossad-CIA double agent, the longtime Zionist UK resident Uri Geller who lived in the village of Sonning west of London for 35 years, all the while maintaining intimate ties with not only UK’s “most Zionist Catholic,” but also other Zionist aficionados sharing Savile’s same pedo-predilection – Lord Greville Janner, Uri’s distant cousin and McCann-linked MP Clement Freud and goyim-pedo MP Michael Portillo.[357]
Coincidentally, Uri and current UK PM Theresa May are apparently best buds both residing in Sonning,[358] as mentioned earlier another staunch Jewish State supporter and cabal protector of the VIP pedo-epidemic.[359] So you can see regardless of party or persuasion, Dame Margaret Oppenheimer possesses many likeminded allies in her pro-Zionist camp. By the way, nearby neighbors in the exclusive community of May and Geller (who recently sold his Sonning estate for $15 million) include Crowley’s OTO satanic cult disciple Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page[360] and by association pro-Israel elitists[361] Lord George and Lady Amal Clooney.[362]
Just as Zionist lobby groups completely dominate American politics, they also control the British government with “friends of Israel” camps firmly embedded in all major parties, bribing them both with hefty campaign contributions but offer more trips to Israel than all politicians from the US and continental Europe combined.[363] Additionally, the British-Israeli Communication and Research Center is a monopolizing influence at the BBCand Sky News as well as the Financial Times. Zionism’s power over Britain (and the world) is Incredible considering Jews make up less than half of one percent of the UK population. The Zionist agenda that includes global economic and political hegemony also plays a major role in global pedophilia operations.
A loyally steadfast Parliament member in both Blair’s New Labor think tank Progress[364] as well as current member and former chair of Friends of Israel comes the openly gay Zionist Jew Stephen Twigg, originally deputy leader and protégé under Margaret Hodge’s Islington council in the 1990s where he was complicit in her pedophilia cover-up and “lost” evidence. As Hodge’s surrogate deputy on the council in 1992, Twigg also met with abuse survivor Demetrius Panton but simply passed the buck, deflecting Demetrius’s grievance by redirecting him to speak to Hodge herself, yet Twigg never even relayed to his mentor that a justifiably distressed abuse victim came a-calling.[365] Knowing how testy and upset Margaret can be, apparently Twigg didn’t want to rile her ire, aware she was taking the heat for allowing the scandal to get so out of control.
Following in Dame Margaret’s footsteps and true to form, Stephen Twigg became secretary-general of the Fabian Society. After all, he was raised by Communist parents.[366] Notice the recurring theme of Fabian-communist lineage amongst all the Zionist pedo-friendly Labor Party heavyweights? Twigg’s biggest claim to fame was his 1997 upset victory against Conservative incumbent MP from Enfield, UK’s standing defense secretary no less – fellow homosexual and reputed pedophile Michael Portillo.[367] This charismatic political figure has quite a colorfully checkered past.
With Prime Minister John Major’s defense secretary a flaming yet married homosexual pedophile, Portillo was an easy target for sexual blackmail by both British as well as foreign intelligence. In 1996 private detectives of Egyptian born business magnate Mohamed Al-Fayad, father of Dodi Fayad allegedly murdered in Paris with Princess Diana by the royal family in 1997,[368] reportedly obtained photos of then defense minister Michael Portillo with a young boy allegedly in North Wales.[369] Al-Fayad had moved to Britain in the 1960s where he made a vast fortune as owner of Harrods, the Ritz Hotel Paris and Fulham Football Club. Even prior to his son’s death, Al-Fayad had a personal interest in exposing certain British government scandals, and invested in Scalawag, a small satirical monthly magazine begun by a pair of half-brothers with a mission to uncover corruption and pedophilia in its run from 1991-98 before going bankrupt.[370]
The compromising photos of Portillo were passed on to Scalawag Magazineeditor and cofounder Angus James who took them on a business trip to northern Cyprus in September 1996.[371] At the time, because Scalawag was going full bore exposing the Westminster VIP pedophile ring exploiting British care home children and even naming VIP names, it was increasingly targeted for litigation by the pedophile establishment and, in a David vs. Goliath battle, the publication was forced from the newsstands to an online site before going under in 1998. Angus James was starting up his second publication Spiked and took the controversial photos to Turkish controlled northern Cyprus to meet another Scalawag financial contributor – British fugitive Turkish Cypriot entrepreneur Asil Nadir.
Turns out the CIA and MI6 had used Nadir’s Polly Peck International conglomerate as a cover for illegal British arms shipments to Iraq during the 1980s’ Thatcher years.[372] Nadir had fled Britain in 1993 seeking refuge in his Turkish Cyprus from UK prosecution for bogus fraud charges. James was reportedly there to close a deal with Nadir to finance Spiked with the photos likely providing a blackmail bargaining chip to negotiate a dismissal of charges against Nader back in England.[373]
In September 2010, after 17 years in exile, the flamboyant Nadir made his grand re-entrance in a London courtroom under much fanfare, only to be deferred, fitted with ankle bracelet and midnight curfew under virtual house arrest while prosecution re-prepared its fraud case with the trial scheduled the following year.[374] During the trial, key evidence that would have proven Nadir’s innocence was withheld, a CIA dossier[375] prohibited under false pretense of “national security” was never included.[376] Nadir was framed by the US-UK-Israel cabal syndicate. So in August 2012 the tycoon was convicted of “stealing” nearly £29m from his own company and at age 71 sentenced to 10 years.[377]
After attending a party at Nadir’s home in 1996, while driving down a mountainous road 31-year old Angus James met a violent end in an auto accident with a truck.[378] The driver of the car, Angus’s colleague Simon Stander and the two women passengers all connected to the magazine survived. Simon suffered bruises and was hospitalized while arrangements were swiftly made to fly the two uninjured women back home to London. Nadir’s fixer was Peter Diamond who placed Simon in hiding in an attempt to keep his boss’s name out of the headlines. But a journalist friend of Angus writing for the Independent mentioned Angus’s meeting with the multi-millionaire before being killed on the road.[379]
With Angus James’s death, whatever deal was reached that night was immediately scrapped. Diamond confiscated James’s files, the photos and his possessions. The featured exposé on Portillo scheduled in the following month’s issue was never published. There was also an apparent break-in at the Scalawag London office, removing additional software and computers containing the edition that would have featured the story outing the top Tory cabinet minister in compromising photos with his abuse victim.[380]
Within a year after Angus James’ death, the UK defense minister Portillo lost his election to relative unknown, Zionist Hodge protégée Stephen Twigg. But just two years later in 1999, Portillo was back in Parliament representing Kensington and Chelsea for the next half dozen years. But just two months prior to the 1999 election, just when Tory MP Alan Clark keeled over to conveniently open up a safe seat, Michael Portillo announced in an interview his homosexual past,[381] chalking it up to a phase he went through back in his gay old college days.[382] But the LBGT community wasn’t buying it, calling him a hypocrite for refusing to lower the age of consent for homosexuals and lesbians to 16 on par with the hetero crowd and still voting to kick gays out of the military.[383]
Of course the real hypocrisy here is all the titillating soap opera uproar questioning his “phase,” providing the smokescreen cover-up to his blackmailed puppet status as a pedophilic criminal. Through the politic apparatchik, the darling of the Conservative party as a still semi-closeted chameleon reinvented himself as a popular BBC broadcaster where homosexuals are most welcomed and pedophiles are most protected (covered in Chapter 21). That’s the much bigger issue, along with the illegal arms deal, pedophilia and multiple murders including perhaps Angus James in northern Cyprus.
More death, scandal and intrigue seem to follow this Michael Portillo around like smell to shit. From his college days at Cambridge as 18 year old “Polly,” he engaged in promiscuous sex on alternate days with his gay lover while dating his future wife for the next 8 years. With his male lover ending up HIV positive, Portillo was also rumored to have indulged in homosexual trysts with fellow Tory MP Minister Peter Lilley and the first and only professional footballer (soccer) to come out publicly as gay – Justin Fashanu in 1990.[384] Another favorite Portillo activity was rendezvousing with pedo-pals at his favorite hotel in the world – La Gazelle d’Or in Morocco.[385]
And among his fave travel companions is fellow homosexual-pedophile-Tory pimp-sadist Derek Laud, lounging at La Gezelle d’Or together doing little Moroccan boys whenever Derek didn’t bring along his rent boys from home.[386] Considered to be a political mover and shaker amongst the elite throughout the 1980s and 1990s, with no formal higher education degree nor holding any elected public office, Derek Laud’s claim to fame was writing speeches for Margaret Thatcher and suppling fresh little kids for elitist vultures. But more to come on this enigmatic boy supplier in the next chapter.
Turning to Justin Fashanu and his link to powerful politicians like Portillo, he was born to a Nigerian barrister and Guyanese nurse in Hackney in 1961. But when his parents’ marriage broke up, Justin and his year younger brother John were placed in Barnardos children’s home, the same pedo-scandal outfit that Tony Blair’s wife Cherie became president of in 2001,[387] no doubt reason enough a dozen years later the queen bestowed a CBE honor for her pedo-gatekeeping “charity” work.[388] By the age of six, Justin with his brother were fortunate enough to move into a foster care home raised by an elderly white couple in rural England. Growing up as the only black kids in town, both were skilled athletes and went on to the pros.
As the only openly gay professional in football, Justin Fashanu paid a heavy price for his bold honesty coming out at age 29, and was never quite prepared for the backlash. Unlike the world of politics where gay men make up a significant percentage of MPs in government, in the world of football Justin stood alone. John Fashanu ultimately rejected his brother for being gay, even paying him £75,000 not to disclose his gayness to the world in order to spare him and his family from embarrassment.[389] But in 1990 Justin took his brother’s money and ran straight to The Sun for another £70,000 to declare his sexual preference to the world,[390] creating an enduring rift between brothers that would last till Justin’s death eight years later. John took his troubled brother’s death very hard with a suicide note saying Justin did not wish to bring any more shame and despair on his family and friends.
But at only 19 playing for Norwich, Justin Fashanu appeared to have the world at the palm of his foot, scoring the famous goal of the decade against Liverpool, catapulting him to becoming the first black million-pound player. But soon after when his Nottingham coach learned he was gay, he was banned from training with the team and soon let go from the club.[391] His confidence shattered, for many years Justin bounced around playing for a series of lesser leagues in England, Scotland, North America, never quite measuring up to all his early hype and promise. According to mainstream press, Justin acquired a reputation and habit as a compulsive liar, making up scandalous stories for some cheap thrill change.[392]
Fashanu found himself mixing socially amongst fellow gays who were government VIPs that happened to get off on raping kids. While frequenting gay clubs around London, he met longtime Conservative MP from Bournemouth East (1977-2005) David Atkinson, the typical church going family man with wife, a son and daughter, and a big secret, his affair with a notorious black football star.[393] But Justin soon learned that David Atkinson also indulged in another far more sinister secret – sex with rent boys. The Tory MP died in 2012 HIV positive suffering from bowel cancer. Two years later Atkinson’s son Anthony came forward to also reveal that his father was a serial child sexual predator like Savile.[394] Anthony stated that there is evidence that his MP father was sexually blackmailed by a Westminster Palace staff member threatening to sell details of his dad’s sexual life to a newspaper.
Fate would have it that two very different lives, one belonging to an infamous black gay footballer and another highly respected, this time straight white Conservative MP would intersect and each tragically end four years apart. Scalawag wrote about the bizarre death of Tory MP Stephen Milligan in February 1994. At the time the former journalist Milligan was Parliamentary Private Secretary to defense procurement minister Jonathan Aitken,[395]and his day-to-day work no doubt brought him in contact with British intelligence services making Milligan privy to illegal arms deals.
Scalawag suggested that Stephen was approached by MI5, pressing him to intervene as the go-between in an urgent matter regarding Justin Fashanu.[396] Apparently in early 1994 with Justin Fashanu’s career on the downswing, in search of another quick cash windfall, the fading athletic star had already gone to the Daily Express ready to tell all he knew about the Westminster VIP pedophile ring based on his alleged intimate encounters with high profile MPs and senior cabinet ministers.[397] MI5 pressured the MP Milligan to convince the footballer to stay quiet. When Stephen approached Justin to inform him that his life was in danger should he persist in disclosing the sleaze atop the British government, Fashanu naively couldn’t believe it. After failing to convince Justin to back off from trying to sell the scandalous story to the media, MI5 told Stephen that Justin Fashanu would be killed and made to appear a suicide.[398]
Already appalled by all the suspected pedophilia perpetrated by his colleagues in conjunction amidst a flood of breaking Tory sex scandals at the time coming from the political party that went out of its way espousing family values,[399] MP Milligan also grew increasingly disgustedly upset that a branch of his own government would go so far as to assassinate someone willing to take measures to clean up the filth in high places.[400] Under mounting pressure, the former BBC journalist panicked, making the fatal error of threatening MI5, that should anything happen to Justin, he would go to his former employer at The Sunday Times and blow the whistle.[401]
Similar to the impromptu hit on Jill Dando ready to drop the cesspit bombshell just three years later, either Downing Street or senior intelligence very likely made the decision to eliminate Stephen Milligan, leaving him naked laying roped on top of his kitchen table with a bag over his head wearing women’s nylon stockings and an orange fruit segment in his mouth to come off as yet another kinky “sexual misadventure,” a favorite kill method security services notoriously utilize to avoid major investigations.[402] Recall in Chapter 21 during this same time period of the 1990s, several other BBC employees met similar fates engaging in this so called bizarre sex play gone awry.
But a leading pathologist concluded Stephen Milligan was a murder victim as he had never heard of both a bag over the head and ligature in the mouth as suicides always involve one or the other. Even initial police reports indicated the MP’s death appeared suspicious, very likely involving foul play,[403]backed up by all who knew Stephen best, including past girlfriends unanimously certain he was murdered.[404] Stephen’s former editor friend from the Sunday Times Andrew Neil checked with his previous intimates and all concurred:
There was nothing about his private life that would make you think the way he died was possible.[405]
Justin Fashanu’s security guard Bobby Munro has stated that Stephen made a rash of calls to Fashanu hours before his death, but Justin refused to take the calls. Also a few years later, the same police investigator – Brian Edwards – responsible for the unsolved, botched-on-purpose Jill Dando murder case in May 1999 was also the lead police investigator in Stephen Milligan’s death.[406] It’s no wonder the rushed inquest was unwilling to look at any other evidence not leading to the conclusion of a self-induced “sexual misadventure.”
It was then that an MI5 agent allegedly paid a visit to Justin Fashanu, threatening that he would be next should he proceed with telling the world about top food chain pedophiles. Instead Justin reportedly decided to accept the hush money offered. The mainstream press reported Justin’s agent contacted police detectives urging them to interview Fashanu about Milligan’s death, but the police claimed his input was just more pathetic, made up lies.[407] His negative publicity prompted Justin’s football club to terminate his contract and Fashanu took the next plane out to America where he played a couple more seasons, bouncing from one league down to the next, 22 teams in a 20 year career including a stopover in New Zealand.[408]
After a 17-year old boy in Maryland accused Justin of rape, he was questioned and then released, escaping back to England before being charged though he maintained the sex was consensual.[409] A short time later the first and only pro footballer bold enough to disclose his homosexuality to the world wound up hanging from a beam in a garage at age 37 in 1998.[410] Since British police and mainstream press both have a very long history of covering up the murderous VIP Westminster pedo-scandal, it comes as no surprise that Justin Fashanu would be portrayed as a pathological lying desprado compulsively seeking money and attention for his so called sordid tall tale stories. Another convenient tactic the state deploys to silence would-be truth tellers and victims is to discredit and smear their credibility and reputation. So the legitimate question lingers on two decades after his death, did Justin Fashanu become yet another murder victim for knowing too much?
A related angle to this sad ending episode is that MP Milligan as Parliamentary Private Secretary to a defense minister would provide him with access to sensitive information involving covert British illegal arms trafficking to Iraq.[411] The CIA and MI6 commonly use front companies like Asil Nader’s and Gerald James’ arms company called Astra in their booming illegal international gun running trade, right along with drugs, small children and human organs. Gerald James wrote a memoir about his experience that included exposing unusually suspicious deaths of eight individuals such as a former MI6 agent and a journalist who were both very likely murdered/suicided by the familiarly bizarre asphyxiation method for their independent pursuit to uncover the full truth about Britain’s illegal arms sales.[412]
Back during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s, Reagan/Bush and Thatcher used US and British intelligence to secretly violate their own arms embargos and weapons bans exporting their war machine to warring enemy camps in the Middle East,[413] just as the Rothschilds and more recently the Harrimans and Bushes have been financing both sides to every elite orchestrated war for centuries.[414] Mark Thatcher, the prime minister’s son, got 12 million pounds richer selling warplanes to the Saudis in British history’s biggest arms deal,[415] so more innocent civilians in Yemen can be massacred with full US-UK complicity.[416] Similar to how Angus James may have died for potentially exposing pedo-Portillo and the British government’s illicit arms shipment to Saddam Hussein, two years earlier Stephen Milligan may have been murdered by the Deep State for the exact same reason(s).
Returning to the fellow pro-pedo MP originally from Islington chosen to bring down UK’s secretary of defense Portillo in 1997, Stephen Twigg entered Parliament at just 30-years old. But he’d already impressed the newly elected British Prime Minister Tony Blair, then moving from Islington to Downing Street. In 1996 the two fellow Fabians from Islington co-wrote and published through the Foreign Policy Centre their 35-page A Global Alliance for Global Values,[417] outlining their pathway to dystopia through elitist globalization. But eight years later Blair’s unpopular war in Iraq had Labor party losing seats in 2005, Twigg’s historically conservative Enfield district among the casualties. That same year while dancing the night away in a London gay nightclub, Twigg was attacked by an Islington child abuse survivor accusing him of direct involvement in Hodge’s Islington-Jersey child abuse-pornography-murder scandal.[418]
While still licking his wounds from his last election smack-down and forcibly delivered smack-down reminder of his pedophilia culpability, Twigg was rescued by his close ties to Prime Ministers Blair and Brown. In 2010 their New Labor party pressured a 27-year Labor MP veteran to give up his Liverpool West Derby seat 200 miles away from Enfield for big Twigg’s relaunch into Parliament.[419] And just a year later the rising star was awarded the post of Labor shadow minister of education.
But just two years on after his lackluster performance failing to challenge Tory education minister Michael Gove,[420] in 2013 Labor party leader Ed Miliband fired Twigg.[421] Ed and brother David Miliband were raised as Marxist Jews, with Ed on record looking up to fellow Jew Jack Straw as a “father figure,”[422] yet another former Islington council deputy under Hodge. Ed Miliband worked in 1993 for PIE linked pro-pedo deputy Labor leader Harriet Harman. Note the same ties that bind – Labor-Marxist-Zionist-pedophilia recirculating ad infinitum.
In 2015 two old guard Zionist Jew former foreign secretaries Jack Straw and Malcolm Rifkind, Sir Malcolm still in charge of Mossad infiltrated British intelligence services,[423] were both thrown out of government after getting caught greedily boasting of their corrupt omnipotence before hidden Channel 4 cameras in the “cash-for-access” sting[424] (British variation of the Clintons’ “pay-to-play” racketeering), and as a result, the brass ring of House of Lords peerage eluded them.[425]
But rest assure there’s always the next generation of Zionist Jews controlling UK politics despite Jewish people comprising a miniscule .04% of the total UK pop. Jew or no Jew, what all Zionists share in common is the elephant in the room – Rothschild control over Britain (and much of the world).[426] The next wave of Zionist Rothschild plants in British government are represented by the likes of Stephen Twigg and the Miliband brothers with Polish-Russian connections,[427] their deceased Marxist father a possible KGB asset.[428]
In 2010 Ed Miliband beat his pissed off older brother David out for a half decade of failed Labor leadership, in 2015 upended by the present party leader – non-Jew Jeremy Corbyn. No doubt seething inside, initially Ed Miliband pretended graciously to accept Corbyn, but he seized on the divisive Brexit issue to show his fangs demanding Jeremy’s resignation.[429] The reality of Corbyn’s populist appeal has Israel and their London Zionist minions frothing at the mouth to depose the non-Jew who actually recognizes the rights of Palestinians.[430] But remaining loyal to the Blair-Hodge-Straw-Rifkind-Mandelson “old” New Labor-pro-pedophilia-Zionist-Rothschild camp, MP Stephen Twigg is on record staunchly opposing Corbyn.[431] Though hostile to his leadership, it’s Twigg’s old mentor MP Oppenheimer-Hodge who’s leading the mutinous party coup.
Last July Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge was caught once again treasonously and vulgarly acting out on behalf of her favorite foreign power, attempting to incite a leadership revolt for a second time to rid Jeremy Corbyn for supporting the Palestinians’ right to exist.[432] The current political squabble in the UK over Zionism warrants a deeper look within the broader historical context since Zionism and pedophilia go hand-in-hand together. That’s why Luciferian planetary controllers thrive and literally get their rocks off waging permanent war and bloody carnage around the world because it provides fertile unlimited ground and opportunity for trafficking guns, drugs, laundered money, children and body parts, financing black ops projects that benefit only the monster squad in control.
The specific reason why Oppenheimer-Hodge threw her public tantrum on the world stage was over her Labor Party recently modifying its definition of anti-Semitism, which only deleted a couple of small examples from the previous definition, from the word-for-word extraction taken directly from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The IHRA definition clearly conflates anti-Semitism with any and all criticism towards Israel. The aging Dame had a cow over Labor’s recent changes under Corbyn that declawed the “anti-Semitic” label applied to disagreement with Israel’s racist apartheid genocidal policy toward Palestinians.
Margaret needs to grow up and recognize the party’s over – her Jewish State can’t continue throwing its “anti-Semitic” weight around to keep its growing number of critics silently at bay with its weaponized victim card anymore. For years the IHRA has dictated to the world what constitutes anti-Semitism based on anyone calling out Israel’s longtime policy towards Palestinians as “racist,” inhumane and unfair.
But just when you think the dog days are finally over, Zionist pushback arrives in the form of tantrums, harassment and censorship by the likes of Hodge and the Anti-Defamation League’s latest collusions with the Google Gestapo and Facebook Nazis.[433] Like it or not Oppenheimer and the rest of you Zionists, the world is beyond fed up with the whining prima donna Jewish State for all its duplicitous double standards, now caught desperately still trying to use its worn-out victim card forever. It’s not going to work any longer and if you don’t want to be called Nazis, then stop acting like them.
Another chicken bone of contention caught in Dame’s turkey gobbler throat, the IHRA labels us anti-Semitic if we accuse people like her to be an Israeli firster or Zionista. Oppenheimer, all your past bad behavior including your treasonous blind loyalty to that foreign power you represent neither qualifies you or “your people” as God’s chosen ones. You’re definitely not. In the Creator’s eyes, no one group of humans is more favored over another, regardless of race or religion. And IMHO, it’s another flawed human distortion and abomination of God’s true essence to believe otherwise. Nope Dame Margaret, even Lucifer can’t help you now.
The 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting as a weaponized false flag leading up to the November mid-term election is just more rollout of this same nefarious acted out, multi-purposed agenda, desperately attempting to mold and control public opinion by casting broad-stroke dispersions, lumping in those critical of Zionist Israel with the violent, anti-Semitic, racist, extremist nutjobs.[434] Truth be told, that synagogue attack would not be the first time Zionists sacrifice their own kind for their so called “worthy” causes, as in the WWII Holocaust itself,[435] or the blown up S.S.
Patria murdering 252 Jewish refugees off the Haifa coast in 1940,[436] or the 1950-51 Baghdad bombings killing Iraqi Jews,[437] or Argentina’s 1992 Israeli embassy bombing or the 1994 Buenos Aires Jewish community center attack.[438] And that’s just the shortlist of Zionist Jews killing innocent, decent Jews. At the 1958 Patria memorial service mourning 252 innocent Jewish refugees’ lives assassinated by Zionists that have never represented the vast majority of Jews, former Israeli Prime Minister Zionist Moshe Sharett came right out and said it, giving away the Zionist MO:
Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many.[439]
252 murdered people can hardly be considered a “few.” Nor is the inflated Holocaust sacred number of 6 million a few.[440] If you believe all the propaganda, you’d never realize estimates of 5 million non-Jews also died in the Nazi Holocaust, but as goyim, their lost lives don’t matter, just like the Palestinians. For many decades Jews killing Jews has been at work by the terrorist organization known as the Mossad, the Israeli government’s own intelligence service. The Mossad is crawling with veteran masters of false flag terrorism[441] (9/11 a prime example),[442] falsely blaming “Islam” in the form of al Qaeda/ISIS mercenary stooges as well as providing the pretext for the neocons’ fake “war on terror” as yet more Mossad-CIA-MI6 inventions[443]stripping away our Constitution.
The most dangerous extremists out there today placing our free speech rights in such serious jeopardy are the fanatical brigade belonging to the Political Correctness armies largely occupying college campuses around the world.[444] These days they are the neo-Nazis imposing absolute absurdity without limits on free speech rights. The PC gestapo police are banning gender pronoun usage[445] and sarcasm on college campuses in Australia.[446] So called “anti-hate laws” that are spreading worldwide ostensibly designed to protect the rights and feelings of both Jews and Muslims alike are the Luciferian master stroke in censorship and the silencing of free speech and the brain capacity of critical thinking.[447] [448]
We are living in a time when the control system’s draconian strategy applies the Hegelian Dialectics in an indefinite, repetitive cycle whereby Western governments identify a self-created problem, then engineer a destructive reaction immediately linked to that problem, virtually always in the form of violent false flags thus providing ample excuse and opportunity for the government’s proposed solution that never fails to facilitate tighter authoritarian control.[449] This endless do-loop cycle is the state’s ticket leading to rising oppression and despotism exploited to the point of demolishing our freedom guaranteed under the Constitution. So called Western democracies are fast turning into the Communist Soviet gulag era of the 1940s and 50s.
Oppenheimer’s House of Commons outburst last July and the October Jewish synagogue shooting are merely staged events designed to identify a problemthat major political leaders labeled as “anti-Semitic racists” are leading to a reaction inspiring anti-Semitic racist reactionaries worldwide to violently act out, as in the synagogue shooting. Solution – create more “anti-hate laws” locking up truth with the realists who speak it. Another illustrative example would be pronouncing the 2016 internet Pizzagate hype as “fake news” to be a problem that “dangerously” inspired the Comet pizza shooter’s reaction,[450] necessitating the immediate rollout within two weeks of Obama’s pre-written “fake news” censorship legislation as the state solution. Round and round the dialectic gyroscope goes, our Orwellian descent spiraling humanity into despotic oblivion, everyone whose eyes are wide open knows.
The immediate first choice Dialectic solution for Hodge would be materialization of her intended leadership coup to depose Corbyn, but fortunately that failed. Also her Plan B solution would be for the Labor Party to return to its original, more inclusive IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. That failed as well. A longer term solution for Hodge and her beloved Jewish State would be to enact more laws around the globe outlawing “anti-Semitic hate” that under the older Labor Party definition would facilitate the arrests of anyone criticizing Israel or calling it a Zionist racist nation.
An extremist reaction to the problem of a so called “racist” party leader that inspires and incites violent racist extremists to shoot Jews then provides the excuse to pass anti-hate legislation to silence truth and opposition to state tyranny as the cabal’s “final solution.” Using this incredibly revealing lens to filter and process today’s world events and unfolding developments, it becomes far easier to figure out the real truth of how the corrupt, morally crumbling international pedo-crime cabal operates day in and day out.
PC tyranny plays a pivotal key role offering a convenient cover for totalitarian censorship and oppression where speakers of the truth such as independent journalists and citizen activists exposing government crimes are slated for incarceration. With US Congress controlled by pro-Israel lobby groups like AIPAC and the ADL,[451] the US Senate is seeking to pass legislation to redefine anti-Semitism to include conflating Israel criticism with anti-Semitism. Under the catch-all category of a “hate crime,” in May 2018 South Carolina became the first state to make it illegal to criticize Israeli occupation.[452] With a concentration of Zionist evangelicals voting in South Carolina, they’re anxiously awaiting Armageddon and the Second Coming.
Using the “hate crime” lynchpin to tighten the noose, the cabal is killing off what’s left of our First Amendment rights to free speech and free press.[453]Telling the truth and activism are fast becoming a crime. In a related development, as of June 2018 Trump’s new Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights Kenneth Marcus is pro-Zionist zealot that equates anti-Semitism with any criticism of the Jewish State and has targeted Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) activism against Israel as his enemy vowing to instill “fear” on college campuses with a plan to shut the movement down nationally. Like Dame Oppenheimer-Hodge, he too conflates support for Palestinians’ rights as anti-Semitic. With the Jewish lobby Zionists so powerful yet desperate, expect more states to follow suit with South Carolina.
To counteract worldwide criticism against Israel’s genocidal crimes and appalling human rights violations against Palestinians, Zionists are pushing back with the agenda to coerce nations around the world into passing laws criminalizing criticism of Israel as a hate crime by meeting the broader definition of anti-Semitism to include any Israeli form of criticism.[454] First they came for all those who stood up for the Palestinians…[455]
Through decades of social engineering emasculating men while promoting fanatical male bashing PC feminist extremists exercising increasing Marxist power in campus witch hunts, the ruling elite’s man-eating attack dogs are actually attacking and undermining man-woman relations and ultimately marriage and family as the fundamental social institutions that for eons of time have provided societies a foundation for stability and cohesion.[456]Recall that centuries ago Illuminati “founder” Adam Weishaupt identified the destruction/abolition of family to be among the primary objectives toward achieving one world government tyranny.[457]
Meanwhile, on another nefariously related front, the ruling elite has an overt, insidious, constant agenda attempting to normalize pedophilia (see Chapter 2). The media propaganda machine utilizing the PC-protected LGBT agenda armed with militant social justice warriors ready on demand to robotically pounce on their next designated target, which in some twisted circles may apparently be the “pedo-basher.” NAMBLA, the North American counterpart to PIE, the North American Man/Boy Love Association in 2017 was tied to the AntiFa radical left’s riots at Berkeley in violent protest of right wing speakers based on uncovered documents.[458]
Then at a Columbia University speaking engagement featuring rightwing provocateur Mike Cernovich, a banner clearly displaying AntiFa, NAMBLA and “no pedo bashing” made headlines that the left-leaning press immediately accused alt-right of staging a hoax.[459] Hoax or no hoax, it would come as no shock if misguided social justice warriors looking for their next “cause” would come after pedo-bashers like Cernovich or his writer for that matter. Elitist puppet masters have already hoodwinked America and have too many right where they want them – cluelessly divided and conquered.[460] Fortunately the not so hoodwinked in America now growing in numbers see through their lies and manipulations.
Predatory pedophile scum are lurking just beneath LGBT’s more palatable, socially acceptable cover so en vogue in today’s prurient saturated mass media, now calling themselves Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs), as if a name change makes it okay or normal to have sex with kids.[461] It’s déjà vu of PIE in the 1970s and 80s all over again, when the sickos co-opted the liberal left’s sexual liberation/gay movement, insisting that kids have sexuality too, needing liberation right into the waiting perverted grasp of hungry sexual predators. From today’s warped POV dictating blind adherence to moral and cultural relativism in an “anything goes,” hipster world[462] comes the progressive left’s latest battlefield front, defending against “pedo-bashing,” excusing predatory child rapists simply by renaming them MAPs as just another misunderstood, persecuted, oppressed minority. After all, one man’s sin is another man’s pleasure girl or boy-toy.
Chapter 2 mentioned that the progressive left’s rag Salon in 2015 actually ran a series of articles penned by an alleged celibate pedophile (that Salonabruptly removed from the internet in 2017) as a sympathetic inside glimpse into the distraught, complicated world of society’s most hated sexual pariah for simply being born with a biological predisposition for attraction to children, not by volitional choice (though the author admits he was molested at age 7).[463] The New York Times published a controversial piece in 2014 by a professor asserting pedophilia may be a mental disorder but not a crime,[464] while other accounts are promoting it as a mere sexual orientation or lifestyle preference.[465] For decades the Hollywood A list has made no bones about its unwavering loyal support for such acclaimed aging unprosecuted pedophile directors as Roman Polanski and Woody Allen; and Chapter 15 features how much the Hollywood cesspit is a pedophilia-infested and controlled haven for Luciferian predators.
From professional mental health to academia, and media to entertainment on multi-pronged fronts, be they subliminal or overt, the recurrent, in-our-face message and theme is that like LGBT, society should learn tolerance and acceptance towards pedophiles. Bottom line, only the sexual offenders at the top of the predator food chain possess both the most motive with the most means at their disposal more than any other single group to relentlessly push this over-the-top, highly manipulative, diabolical agenda. Once legal and normalized, all child rapists are home free.
We’re living in an upside down, Luciferian ruled, extremist, polarized world right now where deception is the pedo-elite’s most effectively deployed globalized weapon of mass destruction. The late author Michael Ellner sized it up succinctly:
Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.[466]
It’s been the sinister agenda of Illuminati bloodline families like the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers that have deceitfully turned and twisted this world upside down. Controversial but incisive Canadian Jew Henry Makow offers his take on the Rothschild reach into every human’s life on the planet:
The Rothschilds are Cabalist Jews who represent their own demented megalomania that jeopardizes the destiny of mankind. They are imposing their occult tyranny by virtue of their worldwide monopoly over the medium of exchange. They produce credit and currency from nothing in the form of a debt to themselves, something our government could do itself, interest-and-debt-free. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in this scam. Alas, our ‘money’ is just coupons, virtual chips in their digital casino. They can manipulate or void these chips any time they want. Their agenda is to protect their money monopoly by extending it into a monopoly over everything – power, knowledge, culture, religion – by re-engineering humanity to serve them. This is the real meaning of Communism.[467]
Only by spreading this dark secret truth can more of us see through the Rothschilds and their minions’ thinly veiled endgame of nonstop lies spewing out daily from their puppet governments and MSM propaganda ministries as well as from the wide spectrum of today’s bloodline controlled, morally bankrupt, corrosive institutions. Too many poisoned, dumbed down sheep are too gullible and blinded to reject the spoon-fed bullshit. But urgent, concentrated dissemination of truth to inform, educate and empower the masses is our best hope, chance and weapon for mobilizing a worldwide grassroots level movement to fully expose and overthrow the not-so-hidden shackles by holding the ruling demons fully accountable for all their egregious crimes against our children, adults and all life forms on this earth. That’s what the controllers are most afraid of, that we band together in recognition of the true enemy.
Returning to Jeremy Corbyn’s stance on Israel and why militant fanatics like Hodge are going berserk. Jeremy’s conspicuously laudable refusal to entertain, wine and dine a Zionist war criminal, Corbyn publicly snubbed blowhard Netanyahu on his November 2017 visit to Britain to celebrate the Balfour centennial fiasco.[468] 100 years ago the then UK foreign minister Arthur Balfour pleased his Rothschild overlord by making it official, Great Britain was paving the way for a future Jewish State.[469] In effect, the long reigning imperialistic British Empire gave the greenlight for 60,000 Jews then living in Palestine to assume rule over the 600,000 disenfranchised Arabs who had zero say in their grand theft homeland despite their 10 to 1 majority.
But then that’s how oligarchies are. For some time now numerous Western governments pretending to be democracies are actually oligarchies,[470]never representing the majority’s interests but only the small powerful elite minority.[471] Another reason VIP pedos get away with raping and murdering children. As owners of the world central banking cartel, the Rothschilds have exploited this reality for centuries.[472]
Since Jews are lighter-skinned than Arabs, once the Balfour declaration was out, the rest is history. Down through the ages, people with darker skin complexions have nearly always been the prime targets of the worst racist atrocities and inhumane persecution. The historic murderous Balfour proclamation set the stage for the true Semite Palestinians to be illegally run off their land, homes bulldozed and torched and people genocided to make room for wave after wave of non-Semite Khazars known as the Ashkenazi Jews emigrating from Eastern Europe and Western Russia whose ancestors never stepped foot on Middle Eastern soil.[473]
The Balfour Declaration unleashed a 70-year bloody violent reign of terror of nonstop divide and conquer rule over Arab and Muslim states throughout the region, always with totally complicit US and UK support. Hence, with the British crown globally dominant for several hundred years, the Anglo-American-Zio agenda has virtually controlled mankind’s fate over the last several centuries. Crimes against humanity remain unpunished because this axis-of-evil has always been a master manipulator in deception, rewriting history, faking science, creating and twisting religion as yet another control mechanism, hiding the real truth from the masses for millenniums. The old world order in fact is the New World Order but with the naked, ugly truth exposed, the jig’s about up.
Founder Theodor Herzl’s Zionist Movement credited with securing the birth of Israel in 1948 (again through Rothschild support and power) as an independent sovereign nation, having actively co-opted with Hitler’s National Socialist Party in 1933 right up to wartime with their mutually cooperative plan to utilize World War II death camp Jews as sacrificial pawns, essentially punished for failing to join the 60,000 that freely immigrated from Nazi Germany to Palestine.[474] The exodus additionally involved over 300,000 other fleeing Jews heavily relocating to the US but also South America and Europe as well.[475] The Zionists shared with Hitler that an Aryan Germany free of Jews and a Jewish State in Palestine full of immigrating Jews from around the world was both the answer and solution to the Jewish question.[476]
The tragedy of the death camp Jews was viewed by the handful of Zionists that bargained their fate with the Nazi devil himself as simply a necessary cost or collateral damage required to whip up the obligatory, undying postwar sympathy worldwide that would then provide the bargaining chip to secure the UN endorsed national Jewish State in Palestine.[477] After all, from the very get-go, Zionism’s Modus Operandi has always been that the ends justify the means.[478] Zionists opportunely used the horror of the Holocaust to readily brand and silence critics with the “anti-Semitic” label should they disagree with the Jewish State’s brutally aggressive policies towards Arabs in the Middle East. Orthodox and traditional Jews never wanted anything to do with Zionism,[479] recognizing that the suffering of Jews has benefited only the Zionists as a subversive political movement having zero to do with their Jewish religion and that clearly Zionists never had the Jews’ interests at heart in their ruthless quest for global power, domination and control.[480]
Both the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and American Jewish Congress during World War II literally turned their backs on fellow Jews dying in the concentration camps.[481] With WZO’s full approval, Zionist head of Jewish Rescue and Relief Committee Rudolph Kasztner negotiated with the Nazi architect of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann in 1944, paying over $1.6 billion for 1,685 of his fellow Zionist friends and the Budapest Jewish elite a safe passage on a train to neutral Switzerland in exchange for helping to round up 460,000 non-Zionist, common Jews headed for Auschwitz and certain death.[482] The story was kept secret until word slipped out while Kasztner was living in Israel and reportedly a Mossad operative murdered him in 1957 in order to keep another dark page in Zionist history hidden.[483]
For well over a century the Zionist Movement established deep roots in both the British as well as the American Empires through robust infiltration politically, culturally and economically. Zionist control over centralized world banking[484] and the mass media propaganda machine[485] along with Zionist government operatives as permanent fixtures still occupying halls of power in Washington[486] and London[487] (like Dame Oppenheimer-Hodge) represent today’s Anglo-American-Zionist Axis-of-Evil, still readily sending naïve, patriotic young Americans and British off to fight and die on foreign soil for Greater Israel Project wars, Big Oil and the ever-Bigger Military Industrial Complex, psychopathically killing over four million innocent Muslims in the process just since 1990.[488]
As a bona fide globalist, Margaret Hodge’s position on migration is disingenuous at best:
Migration is a feature of globalization. You can’t stop it; so every time a political party says it is going to be tough on immigration, it fails to deliver and loses trust.[489]
Hodge emphatically rationalizes the elite’s manufactured migration crisis in Britain and Europe as a mere fact of life, pretending that flooding millions of Muslim migrants from Greater Israel Project wars of her Zionist making is not part of the Axis-of-Evil agenda to destroy the West.[490] It is, and her last statement is a boldface lie and she knows it. While hypocritically accepting open border migration as a “get used to it” NWO reality for the nation she supposedly serves, her own beloved Jewish State as the actual nation she loyally serves has always steadfastly maintained a rigid policy completely refusing to accept ethnic and religious diversity of any kind at and within its borders.
Let’s look at the effects of her Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. Jewish usury moneylenders triggered Jesus’ temple tantrum and paper credit introduced fractional reserve banking out of thin air,[491] traced back to cabbalist-rooted, anti-Jesus Knights of Templar during the Crusades (see Chapter 4). From that lineage the unholy trinity of Anglo-American-Zionism now holds humanity hostage, drowning in insurmountable debt slavery with an embedded pedophilia blackmail-bribery system controlling compromised puppets to do Empire’s dirty bidding.
The crime cabal outrageously extorts $40 billion from American taxpayers alone as military aid supporting the Jewish State’s “final solution” – its genocidal policy against Arabs.[492] Both the US and UK governments’ carte blanche loyalty to Israel has as much to do with sexual blackmail extortion as embracing Zionism’s apartheid ethnic purge of an already decimated Palestinian population.[493] US President Trump’s moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was simply the Anglo-American-Zionist cabal setting the stage for its ticking time bomb to Armageddon.[494]
Zionists like Oppenheimer can’t face the fact that if Jeremy Corbyn ends up prime minister in favor of a sovereign state of Palestine, Israel may no longer rule the roost as it has for seven straight decades now. That’s also why Israeli firsters from North America, Europe and Tel Aviv have had Iran in their crosshairs for nearly just as long. The evil controllers would prefer Armageddon over restructured balance of power in the Middle East where a sovereign Palestine, Iran and Syria emerge vibrantly independent from the death clutches of the Anglo-America-Zionist Empire in freefall hegemonic decline, relegating both Israel and Saudi Arabia to minor regional players. That’s the real reason behind all the childish hissy fits, acted out temper tantrums and escalating tensions recently.
Rational, peace-loving citizens around the globe have long seen through this most nightmarishly insane, satanic endgame. But as long as aging British foul-mouthpieces like Oppenheimer-Hodge keep spouting off their own duplicitous hate with their worn-out, weaponized “anti-Semite” PC control card, rehashing Nazi Jewish death camps ad nauseam, calculatedly intent on turning free speech and inconvenient truths into codified hate crimes bent on imprisoning anyone daring to criticize their totalitarian Zionist-Marxist fascist agenda, make no mistake, in actuality they are openly, desperately promoting their long-awaited Luciferian-Illuminati-Fabian inspired pedo-cabal of one world governance.
Today’s Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn may be much maligned when it comes to Israel,[495] but when it comes to protecting British care home children from chronic sexual abuse in his own Islington-North London district, sad to say, it’s the children who remain most maligned as his record isn’t much different from Hodge’s. As longtime Islington MP, Jeremy has also apparently failed miserably to help abused children.
Way back in 1992 and 1993, the good folks Liz Davies, David Cofie, Eileen Fairweather and articulate victim-survivor Demetrious Panton (among others) all had individual meetings with the House of Commons rising star Corbyn, and all report that to their face, he appeared supportive and sympathetic to their cause, claiming he would inquire further to assist stopping the widespread cancer of child sex abuse rocking his and their community (especially after the Dame seized control over the Islington council in 1982). But all the anti-abuse whistleblowers and advocates who met with Jeremy, to a person were gravely disappointed, maintaining that he never once contacted them again, never mentioning the scandal publicly, nor thanking them for courageously putting their lives on the line presenting and exposing the irrefutable evidence to him and the public. Their unanimous verdict – Corbyn was of no help at all.[496]
Moreover, back in the mid-1980s and 90s, after Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens first accused Westminster-Downing Street VIPs of pedophilia, even drawing specific attention to an alleged child brothel operating at Islington’s Elthorne housing state, Corbyn registered a formal complaint with the House Speaker, angry that without informing Jeremy, Dickens had gone to his constituency, Corbyn territorially called the snooping Dickens “irresponsible” on February 17, 1986.
[497] Think how many lives could have been saved from the horror of abuse had Corbyn actually taken urgent measures to help protect children by joining forces with the one brave whistleblowing MP who first brought the Westminster scandal to the public’s attention in 1984 with the infamous dossier that pedophile Sir Leon Brittan lost. But instead MP Jeremy Corbyn accused Dickens in the press of “getting cheap publicity at the expense of innocent children.”[498] Unfortunately, like so many of his colleagues, Corbyn denigrated Geoffrey Dickens, ridiculing him for his “wild antics,” and wrongly dismissing all his truthful accusations as unwarranted fuss, melodrama and “cheap publicity” stunts over nothing.
When asked to comment on the July 2015 Daily Mail story exposing Corbyn’s apparent failure to act on what he’d learned in the early 1990s from all the insiders he’d met face-to-face with, his office released the following statement:
Jeremy Corbyn has a long record of standing up for his constituents. He called for an independent inquiry into child abuse in Islington at the time, and has taken this strong line ever since.[499][Bold for emphasis]
Really? Other than the single one line statement below in reply to Eileen Fairweather’s piece in the Evening Standard in 1992 that broke the horrendous abuse story:
These allegations are extremely serious and must be properly investigated.[500]
No other words or actions by Corbyn can be found, nor is there any public record of Corbyn’s alleged “inquiry” “at the time.” Too bad he apparently never put any of his words or promises “at the time” when first confronted with the truth into any observable action on behalf of so many of his abused children suffering in his district’s group homes. Only when Corbyn was presented with indisputable evidence in person did he ever respond at all, and then merely paying lip service, never backing up his vowed support with any further actions or acknowledgement of any public crisis. Astute anti-abuse advocate Demetrious Panton poignantly points out:
I am aware that Mr Corbyn is an active campaigner for the protection of human rights of a range of people, including those who have never been his constituents. I am not aware that he ever deployed his obvious zeal and effort to ensure that the human rights of his constituents who were abused while in the care of the London borough of Islington, were protected.[501]
It then seems a fair and accurate conclusion to draw that political expediency during Jeremy’s early career not to rock the boat won out over his acting on the moral and legal imperative to protect his own constituent children being horribly abused “at the time.”
In 2014 Jeremy Corbyn made the following statement in the House of Commons:
There have been complaints about Islington children’s homes in the past and the council has investigated them.[502]
Corbyn’s latter contention is totally false. Islington council has only pretended to investigate the widespread abuse while overtly and aggressively obstructing justice by losing and destroying evidence at every turn, and either ignored, rejected or suppressed claims by victims, social workers, witnesses and whistleblowers. Any so called internal investigations by the council are nothing but thinly veiled cover-ups. Virtually all the child abusers have been allowed to go free with almost none ever charged for their crimes and brought to justice. And the complicit Jeremy Corbyn knows this.
Another blemish filed under the crowded meme, “oops, I didn’t know,” is the fact that Jeremy Corbyn’s constituency agent was Derek Sawyer, the Hodge successor as Islington council leader presiding over the borough for a total of seven years. Derek Sawyer has been a permanent political heavyweight in the local government, first becoming a Labor party council member when Margaret Hodge assumed her position as council leader in 1982 and taking over for her a decade later in 1992 in the thick of the erupting scandal.[503]With his years leading the council in 1992-94 and again in 1997 to 2002,[504]his lengthy span on the Islington council dates from 1982 all the way to 2006. For a quarter century Derek Sawyer held top positions overseeing Islington police operations and probation services as well as the London magistrate courts.[505] He worked under and with not only Hodge but two other Blairites Jack Straw and Stephen Twigg.
The same year that Hodge resigned and Sawyer took over was also the same year that whistleblowers Liz Davies and David Cofie sat in Corbyn’s office sharing the horrific child abuse scandal with the MP who publicly did nothing to assist endangered and abused children. If there ever was a key witness to the nefarious goings-on in Islington for three decades it would be Derek Sawyer. Yet he too claims he never knew abuse was running rampant in all dozen care homes and defended both his own as well as Margaret Hodge’s record and reputation, insisting they did everything legally proper in protecting children on their watch.[506] That in and of itself is simply not true or the abuse would neither have been so pervasive or long lasting. That kind of double talk renders Sawyer even less credible. But the kicker is his super close association with one of Britain’s most notorious, three-time convicted child beating pedophiles.
Derek Sawyer maintained a 40-year friendship with Derek Slade going back to their college days as well as maintained an enduring business partnership involving four different organizations. Boasting he was the best man at Sawyer’s wedding, for many decades the brutally sadistic serial child abusing headmaster Derek Slade beat and sodomized boys as young as 8 at St. George’s School in Suffolk and numerous others to follow.[507] In 1986 when Slade was arrested for violently assaulting one of his students, Sawyer was the character witness who kept Slade out of jail. Slade’s abuse fit the same familiar pattern as Catholic priests allowed to move from church to church to continue abusing. Slade went on from Suffolk to damage more kids at a school in Sussex, where he was arrested and convicted yet again, somehow managing to avoid prison.
Four days prior to the 1995 Ian White report that Sawyer was forced to commission exposing the Islington abuse, Derek Sawyer and Derek Slade cofounded International British Education Projects (IBEP) together, raising money for building international schools in Swaziland and India.[508] Again, Sawyer was complicit, assisting his business partner to change his name (using a dead kid’s name Slade picked from a graveyard) and as chairman of IBEP, supported Slade in assuming a new identity as director of education of an IBEP school in Swaziland where Slade abused yet more boys in Africa. From 1978 right up to his 2010 conviction and 21-year prison sentence (based solely on abuse crimes committed in Britain from 1978 to 1983), Derek Slade physically and sexually assaulted hundreds of victims on three continents for over 30 years. A lawsuit representing abused boys in India was somehow quashed. Again, through his contacts with prominent established figures like best bud Derek Sawyer, Slade’s reign of terror over children entrusted in his care committing over 50 convicted offenses of child sexual abuse, child pornography and child physical assault, all the while supported and seemingly protected by Sawyer and friends.
Roger Cook’s half-hour BBC documentary entitled “An Abuse of Trust” succinctly chronicles Derek Slade’s marathon crime spree,[509] reminiscent of such despicable creeps as Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith. Though predictably, Jeremy Corbyn’s onetime constituency agent Derek Sawyer claims he never knew his friend and partner was a habitual child sex fiend, Sawyer remains neck deep in complicity in both Margaret Hodge’s gross mishandling and abuse cover-up as well as enabling a monster on the loose to ruin so many lives for so long. In March 2016, after serving the first half dozen of his 21 year sentence, Derek Slade died at age 66.[510] Sawyer’s feeble excuse “I never knew” is a stretch for all but the brain dead.
Though no one can accuse either Derek Sawyer or Jeremy Corbyn of child abuse per se, both their poor judgment and enabling of sex crimes through inaction certainly can and should be called into question. The potential future prime minister of the United Kingdom has seemingly been given a free pass by the press on his culpability in Britain’s child sexual abuse epidemic, at its worst in his own backyard. No one in government except MP John Mann has directly confronted Corbyn on his dereliction of duty to protect his child constituents.[511] And what appears most troubling is a statement made in the House of Commons by Corbyn to then Home Secretary May on November 3, 2014:
Finally in my own borough of Islington there have been complaints about Islington children’s homes in the past and the council has investigated them.[512]
If he is claiming Islington council ever actually investigated its own abuse, he’s dead wrong. The council sat on and withheld the 1995 White report conducted by an outsider for 20 years before releasing a heavily redacted version in 2014.[513] And the White report lambasted Islington council for its abject failure to protect its children. At no time has Islington council on its own effort ever produced anything but a whitewash in the countless go rounds it calls investigations. MP Mann wrote an open letter to his Labor leader colleague:
Your carefully worded excusing of Islington Council in the House of Commons equally demonstrates why it is inappropriate for you to attempt to lead the Labour Party at the critical time of the Goddard Enquiry [IICSA], as child abuse is the issue that will haunt this Parliament.[514]
Though Mann was seemingly the only odd man out faulting Corbyn on his shoddy child abuse record, the Labor Party leader has managed to retain his position for over three years now despite formidable challenges and opposition, led by Hodge blasting him for his so called “anti-Semitism” because he insists on standing up for the rights of the Palestinians.
At this point as an anti-abuse child advocate, here’s what I would say to Mr. Corbyn as a means of redemption for his failing children in the past.
As the UK Labor Party leader, it’s never too late to make up for past mistakes by uniting with your fellow party peer Mr. Watson to finally do something real about your country’s most shameful and disgraceful blight neglecting and damaging your own children, no longer allowing your powerful degenerate peers to forever live above the law without consequence. For that matter, I implore you to use your position and considerable power and influence to unite the world in leading humanity to finally begin protecting the earth’s children as our most precious resource from the godless evildoers who’ve been in control, as no more worthy a human rights cause exists than saving our most innocent, defenseless and vulnerable human population.
If you champion this most worthy cause, you will go far in restoring integrity to the world of politics and faith to millions of skeptical, wary citizens proving that there still does exist at least one public servant and leader who actually does care about the people he’s taken sworn oaths to represent and protect. Fighting for children to bring justice against the VIP criminals would generate such a sweeping, massive groundswell of populist appeal and support that it could easily carry you to becoming the next British prime minister. And perhaps with other major world leaders like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, who have both publicly recognized the global epidemic scourge of pedophilia for what it is, together you three could take the lead in making this your urgent priority, ultimately creating a far safer world for our children, humanity and our collective future.
Before closing this long winding road of a chapter, it’s important to point out that former Prime Minister Tony Blair worked for the MI5 prior to becoming Labor Party leader.[515] Have you wondered why virtually all the usual Labor suspects throughout this chapter at an early age started out as left leaning communists and then underwent a fundamental ideological paradigm shift as they ascended the political cesspit ladder carrying out marching orders of the totalitarian Luciferian elite? In Blair’s case, he was employed as an MI5 spy to infiltrate radical circles as an informer for British intelligence.
David Shayler, ex-MI5 counterterrorism officer, has disclosed that during his entire political career Blair was a controlled puppet strings attached to both MI5 and Mossad as his political handlers. That explains his meteoric rise from obscure Labor MP to a decade later party leader and three more years to prime minister. He was the elite’s choice as their infiltrating order following mole from the get-go, no different from the Bushes, Clintons and Obama. Again, in synch with FDR’s slip of the pen admission that leaders are never actually elected by the people but are simply chosen oftentimes at a young age by the planetary controllers using intelligence services as their chosen ones’ primary handlers and protectors.
Finally, the hidden hand of MI5 and MI6 left fingerprints all over Scotland’s 1996 Dunblane Massacre murdering 19 schoolchildren and teacher in cold blood by a notorious pedophile Hamilton who ran a VIP pedo-ring involving Lord George Robertson. The sticky loose ends prompting the trigger-happy D-notice kid to immediately slap a press blackout for the next 100 years will be given its full due attention in Chapter 25 covering Scotland’s pedophilia cover-ups. The intel services and Blair’s subversive role in the Madeleine McCann disappearance and the international pedo-network will be detailed in Chapter 26.
The next Chapter 24 addresses the heart of the government pedophilia epidemic unveiling the crimes in Westminster and Richmond committed at the favorite VIP haunts – the Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square.
Healing journey of former child-sex slave, Anneke Lucas, in an elite-pedophile network. Horrific history from Anneke Lucas, trained for pedofili at 6. Trained for elite child sex slavery pedophilia and satanic rituals
When I was a little girl in my native Belgium, I was put to work as a sex slave.
My mother sold me, and drove me wherever, whenever she got the call. The boss of this pedophile network was a Belgian cabinet minister. The clients were members of the elite. I recognized people from television. Their faces were familiar to the masses, while I was confronted with the dark side of their power addiction — the side no one would believe existed. I came across VIP's, European heads of state, and even a member of a royal family.
Around my sixth birthday, in 1969, I was taken to an orgy for the first time, in a castle. I was used for an S&M show, on a low stage, chained up with an iron dog collar, and made to eat human feces. Afterwards, left lying there like a broken object, I felt so humiliated, I had to do something to save my soul, or else — and this I knew for certain — I would have withered and died.
I raised myself up, and stood looking at the bizarre crowd of aristocrats dressed up as hippies, swaying to the music in various levels of sexual interaction, busily availing themselves of little pills and pre-rolled joints passed around on silver trays by sober waiters. I trembled in fear, but my body straightened and stilled itself like a bow in suspense before the shot, and I heard my voice as though it were not my own, chiding the adults, telling them that this was wrong – that I was going to tell on them, and that they would all go to jail.
Trippy, spacey music was oozing through the atmosphere and most people were too high to notice me. One man, wearing a business suit, caught my eye. He looked scared, but he held my gaze for a brief moment, and seemed to feel for me. Then he was gone. I never saw him again in the network, but years later I did spot him on TV. He became a prominent Belgian politician. I was quietly led away and taken to a cellar. I was certain that I was going to be killed, but instead I was shown the fresh body of a young murder victim. I was to remain silent. During the week, I went to school. I was a shy girl, with few friends. I remember, once, in the second grade, becoming aware of an energetic shift in the room, to realize all eyes were on me.
The teacher had been calling on me, and I had been too spaced out to hear. She wondered out loud if I knew the answer to the question she had asked, and I sat in embarrassing silence while the class laughed. I was a nonentity at school, and at home no one cared for me. I received more attention in the network. It felt good to be viewed as the most perfectly beautiful, sensual object by powerful men with high standards in taste. This was the only positive in my life, and I clung to it as my only raft to keep from drowning in a sea of shame and self-loathing. After four years of surviving the network, when I was 10, a new guest brought along his 20-year-old son: tall, dashing, blond, and blue-eyed. He boldly advanced toward me. I smiled, and he called me a little whore. Not since the first time I had been brought to an orgy, four years earlier, had I expressed my true feelings. I was furious.
"You think I like it here?" I sneered. This interaction started the most intense year of my life, in which I would feel more than ever loved, seen, and understood, and would be more than ever abused, all by that same young man. A year later, when he was through with me, I was of no use to the network anymore, and was to be killed. When my torture began, he stood watching, laughing. This was the third time that my entire being became filled with an otherworldly force. Fierce pride straightened my body. A burning cigarette was put out on my forearm. My energetic body latched onto his in pure defiance. The thought "I don't need you!" had become me, and all I saw was the energy behind the troubled ocean of blue in his eyes, and the love in spite of all the pain he had passed on to me.
I was led away to a small room, and strapped onto a butcher's block. The man who tortured me was one of the defendants in the notorious Dutroux case, which, when it broke the news in 1996, was believed it would blow up the Belgian pedophile network. But instead, eight years later, only Marc Dutroux received a life sentence. I should have died that night in 1974 on that butcher's block, but my life was saved at the last minute. While I had been tortured, the young man had been negotiating with the politician in charge of the network. They made a deal: he would work for the politician, extend his shady services in exchange for my life. This one good deed eventually cost him his own life. In this milieu, any shred of humanity is a deadly weakness.
My life was spared, and I was told to remain silent forever. It took me 40 years before I could speak up. In 1988, when I was 25 years old, I was walking downtown Los Angeles, near Skid Row, and got a faint, specific whiff of human feces, and was assaulted with the memory of the extreme humiliation I had suffered as a child. My instant thought was: "If this is true, I'm going to kill myself." I was too identified with the experience, and the shame was too great. I wasn't ready, and pushed the memory back into the subconscious. It would take several more years, many more hours of therapy, to finally share this memory with one safe person.
I share this experience publicly here for the first time, having finally reached a place in my healing where I have access once again to the strength that came through me in those moments of clarity in the network. I also believe that the world is more than ever ready to confront its darkness. We have to, if we are to survive as a species.
All survivors of incest, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking have my strength. Though I suffer from PTSD, and, for example, I still become nauseous whenever I hear a certain kind of airy, trippy music, I've become so mindful of triggers that they don't control my everyday existence. It takes so much energy to survive not only the physical violence, but to endure the psychic drain of abuse — to carry the shame.
Just surviving daily life while trying to heal from child sexual abuse requires a thousand times the strength it would require for someone without awareness to pursue a successful career. And society still values the career person over the survivor.
Power addicts, world leaders, and corrupt politicians who abuse children are themselves like children who never grew up, driven to power to avoid ever feeling the humiliation of child abuse again, unconsciously seeking revenge from a place of hurt by recycling the abuse they lack the courage to heal.
Those of us who have suffered sexual abuse, incest or sex trafficking need to learn to harness our survival strength on our own behalf, so we can heal our damaged ego, and channel that strength to lead the way towards a future in which former victims conquer by love, understanding and compassion for all.
Anneke Lucas
Westminster-overgrepsskandale: KGB og CIA holdt hemmelige dossierer om Storbritannias VIP-pedofile
Mirror - Av Don Hale - 22:30, 31. JANUAR 2015
Både russisk og amerikansk etterretning visste om en gruppe mektige pedofile som opererte i Storbritannia, og KGB håpet å utpresse dem i bytte for informasjon
Registrer deg GRATIS e-postvarsler fra Speil - PolitikkAbonnereVi bruker e-postadressen din til å sende deg nyhetsbrev. Vennligst se vår personvernvarsel for mer informasjon om hvordan vi bruker dine data og dine rettigheter til databeskyttelse.
Russiske og amerikanske spioner samlet sine egne hemmelige dossierer om pedofile parlamentsmedlemmer og andre VIP-overgripere , har det blitt hevdet.
Politiet etterforsker manglende filer satt sammen av kampanjer i Storbritannia som anfører et kraftig nettverk i hjertet av Westminister på 1970- og 80-tallet.
Sunday People kan avsløre at agenter fra den russiske KGB og den amerikanske CIA også ble sagt å ha samlet sin egen etterretning på jakt etter “skitt” på nøkkelpersoner på høyden av den kalde krigen.
En kilde nær KGB sa: “Dette var vanskelige tider, og oppgaven min var å identifisere mennesker som kanskje kunne hjelpe oss med informasjon.
"Vi kjente til noen parlamentsmedlemmer som elsket leie gutter, og andre som var aktive pedofile.
"Vi var også klar over noen uvanlige aktiviteter på Westminster og arbeidet med Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
"Flere vanlige navn dukket opp og vi ønsket å ta kontakt og bruke dette til vår fordel.
”I disse dager ble parlamentsmedlemmer beskyttet av spesialgrenen, og alle med en rutete historie, eller en usunn appetitt for små barn, ble snart flagget opp av dem.
"De hadde en vanskelig jobb, men var helt klar over at vi visste hva de visste, og de prøvde hardt for å undertrykke eventuelle lekkasjer."

Tidligere hjemmesekretær Leon Brittan, som døde i forrige uke, ble navngitt i den historiske seksuelle overgrepsskandalen etter påstander om at han ble overlevert en dossier som inneholder detaljer om påstandene om overgrep på 1980-tallet.
Brittan - også forrige uke utnevnt til overgriper på det beryktede Elm Guest House - ble anklaget for å ikke ha handlet på bevisene som ble gitt til ham av Tory-MP Geoffrey Dickens i 1983.
Mens han innrømmet at han hadde møtt Dickens og fikk overlevert en fil, sa han at han hadde gitt den videre til tjenestemenn og ikke ble kontaktet om saken igjen.
Tidligere arbeidsminister Barbara Castle sammenla sine egne forbandende filer på PIE - som oppfordret ministre til å legalisere sex med barn - og de ble beslaglagt av offiserer i spesialgrenen i 1984.

Politiet prøver nå å finne saksmappene som del av en enorm etterforskning av de historiske overgrepskravene.
Kilden vår sa: “CIA tipset britene om sine egne gutter, men det var som et spill med katt og mus.
Vi har begge lagret filer, og noen overraskende navn var involvert.
"Jeg er sikker på at de fortsatt vil eksistere. Alle etterretningsbyråer beholdt et omfattende arkiv, og jeg tror filer på disse engelske parlamentsmedlemmene vil være tilgjengelige."
Tidligere Rochdale-liberale parlamentsmedlem Cyril Smith var et overraskende kjent navn for russerne.
Han sa: “Vi visste at Smith hadde blitt arrestert for å ha hatt barneporno og seksuelle aktiviteter i barnehus. Special Branch grep inn flere ganger.
"Vi visste også om den tidligere parlamentsmedlem Geoffrey Dickens og hans dossier om overgrep mot barn som ble gitt til hjemmesekretær Leon Brittan i 1983.
"Vi forventet en større etterforskning med Smith og andre arrestert , men ingenting skjedde.
“Brittan drev spesialgrenen din. Han organiserte også en "skitne triks" -kampanje med statsminister Thatcher mot gruvearbeidere og militante. ”
Tony Robinson (81), en erfaren tidligere offiser med spesialgren som opprinnelig hadde base på Widnes, bekreftet mye av det KGB hadde hevdet, og innrømmet at hans egen viktigste oppgave var å overvåke nordvestlige parlamentsmedlemmer.
Han var også mannen som fant Cyril Smiths påtaledokumenter bevisst skjult på hovedkvarteret hans i Blackburn, og forklarte: “Min rolle handlet om politiske snarere enn kriminelle elementer. De var spennende år og involverte hendelser av industriell strid, militante og undergravende. ”
Han sa at selv om han ikke kunne avsløre hele omfanget av arbeidet sitt på grunn av den offisielle hemmelighetsloven, sa han ja til at han hadde bidratt til å beskytte parlamentsmedlemmer, prøvd å motvirke 'eventuelle utpressingsforsøk' og var klar over en sovjetisk interesse hos visse individer.

Paedophole diplomat 'utsatt for utpressing, avslører hemmelige filer
En topp britisk diplomat engasjert i "seksuell perversjon" på 60-tallet og var sårbar for utpressing, viser tidligere hemmelige filer.
MI6-operativt Sir Peter Hayman holdt "eksplisitte journal over hans seksuelle aktiviteter og fantasier", heter det i en rapport fra 80-tallet.
Noen av fantasiene hans var relatert til barn, men hadde ikke blitt handlet, opplyser et kabinettkontor til daværende statsminister Margaret Thatcher.
MP Geoffrey Dickens brukte parlamentarisk privilegium i 1983 for å beskylde Hayman for å være pedofil .
Informasjonen bekrefter at Hayman var medlem av Pedophile Information Exchange.
Til tross for utpressing frykter en sonde som fant "ingen fordommer for sikkerhet".
Hayman, som var høykommissær i Canada, døde i 1992
There's Going To Be A Massive Investigation Into Senior British Politicians Over Alleged Child Abuse
Jim Edwards Jul 8, 2014, 7:41 AM
The British government has announced it will conduct a series of investigations into allegations that as many as 20 senior British figures — including politicians at cabinet level — were involved in, or turned a blind eye to, the sexual abuse of children, The Guardian reports.
Home Secretary Theresa May told the House of Commons there would be two main areas of inquiry: Who, exactly, within the governments of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s may have abused young boys who had been taken into care by social services? And why were documents detailing those allegations lost by the Home Office back in the 1980s?
Britain is already reeling from a series of pedophilia cases that came out of the BBC in recent years, in which huge TV celebrities like the DJ Jimmy Savile and the children's entertainer Rolf Harris have been revealed as serial child abusers.
Now, it's getting worse, according to Peter McKelvie, a child protection manager in the Hereford and Worcester area whose work has previously resulted in the conviction of pedophiles. He told the BBC:
Peter McKelvie, whose allegations led initially to a 2012 police inquiry, said a "powerful elite" of pedophiles carried out "the worst form" of abuse.
"I would say we are looking at upwards of 20 (people) and a much larger number of people who have known about it and done nothing about it, who were in a position to do something about it," he said.
Mr McKelvie said some of those who were alleged to have abused children had now died.
He told the BBC he had spoken to victims over "many, many years" and that children - "almost exclusively boys" - were moved around like "lumps of meat".
They had been subjected to the "worst form of abuse", including rape, he said.
It gets even worse than that. In the 1970s, the government appears to have funded with taxpayers' money a lobby group for child abusers, the "Pedophile Information Exchange" (PIE). The Telegraph reports:
In the 1970s the Voluntary Services Unit, part of the Home Office, gave £65,750 to the Albany Trust, an organisation which provides counselling and support to lesbian, gay and transgender people.
According to the report, in December 1975 the Albany Trust invited members of PIE to a series of meetings about the need for a support group for paedophiles.
The meeting also recommended the publication of an information pamphlet about pedophilia targeted at professionals, parents and the general public.
The trust initially backed the pamphlet but withdrew its support after criticism by Mary Whitehouse, the [public morals] campaigner. The trust also arranged the translation of a Dutch government report calling for the age of consent to be lowered to 16.
A further £410,000 was given to the Princedale Trust between 1974 and 1984 to support Release, an charity which provides advice on drug use and laws. The charity shared the same address as PIE.
And, yes, there is still worse to come. The Telegraph reports that a former Conservative MP told the BBC back in 1995 that the party would help cover-up for members of parliament who had been caught committing acts "involving small boys" in return for their political cooperation on legislation they might otherwise have challenged:
“It might be debt, it might be… a scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which, erm er, a member seemed likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did."
A lot of very important people within the British ruling class are now going to be very, very afraid. Here's who McKelvie says he believes will be affected by the investigations, per the Times:
“We are looking at the Lords, we are looking at the Commons, we are looking at the judiciary, we are looking at all institutions where there will be a small percentage of paedophiles and a slightly larger percentage of people who have known about it but have felt that in terms of their own self-interest and self-preservation and for political party reasons it’s been safer for them to cover it up rather than deal with it.
One lone voice is calling for calm. There is something of a witch hunt tone in British political life right now, according to former treasury secretary David Mellor:
Quite how this innocuous tale became the scandalous allegations and innuendos we have been hearing in recent days beggars belief. There is no evidence whatsoever that [MP Geoffrey Dickens, who prepared a dossier on child abusers among U.K. politicians which was lost in the early 1980s] was remotely dismayed by the way his dossier was treated, so why are so many other people anxious to be more Catholic than the Pope?
SEE ALSO: Police Are Investigating The Disappearance Of A Secret Dossier
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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