160+ experts slam Covid vaccines as ‘unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe’ in powerful letter

LifeSiteNews - Wed May 19, 2021 - 1:04 pm EST - By Raymond Wolfe
'In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.'
Dozens of medical experts issued a warning this month about COVID-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.”
“In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe,” Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics said in an open letter two weeks ago. “Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.”
Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics, a group co-founded by former Pfizer vice president Michael Yeadon, counts more than 160 medical experts from around the world among its signatories. Other founding members include Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD, former chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of the health committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. SUBSCRIBE to LifeSite's daily headlinesSUBSCRIBEU.S. Canada World Catholic
The doctors have penned multiple letters to the European Medicines Agency on COVID-19 vaccine issues and are facing censorship, though their most recent letter can be found archived here. The group also can be found on Twitter. Their testimony reflects growing calls from experts, like Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay and Dr. Peter McCullough, to halt the jabs.
‘The tip of a huge iceberg’
In their letter earlier this month, Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics emphasized serious health implications of the vaccines for both the healthy and ill, saying that the shots “are not safe, either for recipients or for those who use them or authorize their use.”
They pointed to risks of “lethal and non-lethal disruptions of blood clotting including bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, stroke and heart attack,” “antibody-dependent enhancement of disease,” autoimmune reactions, and potential effects of “vaccine impurities due to rushed manufacturing and unregulated production standards.”
“Contrary to claims that blood disorders post-vaccination are ‘rare’, many common vaccine side effects (headaches, nausea, vomiting and hematoma-like ‘rashes’ over the body) may indicate thrombosis and other severe abnormalities,” the experts said. “Clotting events currently receiving media attention are likely just the ‘tip of a huge iceberg.’”
“Due to immunological priming, risks of clotting, bleeding and other adverse events can be expected to increase with each re-vaccination and each intervening coronavirus exposure,” Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics added. “Over time, whether months or years, this renders both vaccination and coronaviruses dangerous to young and healthy age groups, for whom without vaccination COVID-19 poses no substantive risk,” they argued.
“Just as smoking could be and was predicted to cause lung cancer based on first principles, all gene-based vaccines can be expected to cause blood clotting and bleeding disorders, based on their molecular mechanisms of action,” they said. “Consistent with this, diseases of this kind have been observed across age groups, leading to temporary vaccine suspensions around the world.”
“Since vaccine roll-out, COVID-19 incidence has risen in numerous areas with high vaccination rates. Furthermore, multiple series of COVID-19 fatalities have occurred shortly after the onset vaccinations in senior homes,” the doctors said. “These cases may have been due not only to antibody-dependent enhancement but also to a general immunosuppressive effect of the vaccines, which is suggested by the increased occurrence of Herpes zoster in certain patients.”
“Regardless of the exact mechanism responsible for these reported deaths, we must expect that the vaccines will increase rather than decrease lethality of COVID-19,” they continued.
The group stressed that the jabs remain technically experimental – a fact that legally precludes mandatory vaccination in many cases:
“The vaccines are experimental by definition. They will remain in Phase 3 trials until 2023. Recipients are human subjects entitled to free informed consent under Nuremberg and other protections, including the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s resolution 2361 and the FDA’s terms of emergency use authorization.”—
‘Full onslaught of the immune system’
Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics particularly warned about vaccines, like those produced by Pfizer and Moderna, that rely on the novel mRNA vaccination method.
“Initial experience might suggest that the adenovirus-derived vaccines (AstraZeneca/Johnson & Johnson) cause graver adverse effects than the mRNA (Pfizer/Moderna) vaccines. However, upon repeated injection, the former will soon induce antibodies against the proteins of the adenovirus vector,” according to the doctors. “These antibodies will then neutralize most of the vaccine virus particles and cause their disposal before they can infect any cells, thereby limiting the intensity of tissue damage.”
“In contrast, in the mRNA vaccines, there is no protein antigen for the antibodies to recognize. Thus, regardless of the existing degree of immunity, the vaccine mRNA is going to reach its target — the body cells,” they said. “These will then express the spike protein and subsequently suffer the full onslaught of the immune system. With the mRNA vaccines, the risk of severe adverse events is virtually guaranteed to increase with every successive injection.”
“Their apparent preferment over the latter is concerning in the highest degree.”
Unnecessary vaccines, ‘no medium-term or long-term data’
“In most countries, most people will now have immunity to SARS-CoV-2,” the experts additionally noted, pointing out that coronavirus has an estimated 99.8% survival rate globally. “Regardless of disease severity, they will now have sufficient immunity to be protected from severe disease in the event of renewed exposure. This majority of the population will not benefit at all from being vaccinated.”
For those at risk of severe infection, the virus remains treatable, Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics said. “A convergence of evidence indicates that early treatment with existing drugs reduces hospitalization and mortality by ~85% and 75%, respectively,” they explained, highlighting “many tried and true anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anticoagulant medications, as well as monoclonal antibodies, zinc, and vitamins C and D.”
“Natural T-Cell immunity provides stronger and more comprehensive protection against all SARS-CoV-2 strains than vaccines, because naturally primed immunity recognizes multiple virus epitopes and costimulatory signals, not merely a single (spike) protein,” they continued.
The doctors’ letter also debunked claims that vaccination is necessary to prevent viral spread through asymptomatic infection.
“The vaccines have been touted as a means to prevent asymptomatic infection, and by extension ‘asymptomatic transmission,’” Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics said. “However, ‘asymptomatic transmission’ is an artefact of invalid and unreliable PCR test procedures and interpretations, leading to high false-positive rates. Evidence indicates that PCR-positive, asymptomatic people are healthy false-positives, not carriers.”
The group cited a Chinese study of nearly 10 million people, which found that asymptomatic COVID carriers virtually never transmit the virus. “In contrast, the papers cited by the Centre for Disease Control to justify claims of asymptomatic transmission are based on hypothetical models, not empirical studies,” they said. “Plainly stated, vaccines are not necessary to prevent severe disease.”
The experts raised concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines effectiveness as well, stating that “no medium-term or long term longitudinal data” proves vaccine efficacy. They criticized the coronavirus vaccine trials, observing that the European Medicines Agency “has noted of the Comirnaty (Pfizer mRNA) vaccine that severe COVID-19 cases ‘were rare in the study, and statistically certain conclusion cannot be drawn from it.’”
“The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear, the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous.” “[U]rging vaccination to ‘protect others’ therefore has no basis in fact,” their letter concluded, offering a sobering warning to those pushing the shots.
“Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks,” they said. “Vaccine manufacturers have exempted themselves from legal liability for adverse events for a reason. When vaccine deaths and harms occur, liability will fall to those responsible for the vaccines’ authorization, administration and/or coercion via vaccine passports, none of which can be justified on a sober, evidence-based risk-benefit analysis.”
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page.
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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