‘UK Government’ and ‘Corrupt Scientific Advisors’ are to be tried for ‘Crimes against Humanity’ and ‘Genocide’

As the mainstream media are remaining silent on the subject, it may surprise you to discover that papers have been laid to start two separate legal proceedings against the UK Government and their corrupt scientific advisors for genocide and crimes against humanity.
The first is described in the following press release from attorney, Melinda C. Mayne, and Justice of the Peace, Kaira S. McCallum who has presided as a JP in Central London Magistrates and Crown Courts for the past twenty years, who also used to be a highly qualified pharmacist.
Wednesday 21st of April 2021
‘Request for Investigation’ of the UK Government and its advisers, for genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, issued to the International Criminal Court at the Hague, on Tuesday 20th of April 2021.
On Tuesday 20th of April 2021 we, the undersigned, issued a 27 -page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, with a view to asking that our allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, by the UK Government and its advisors, be accepted by the ICC and investigated.
We believe that we have provided compelling reasons as to why our Government and its advisers are guilty of the above charges. However, at this stage it is important to note that we are not required to provide all the evidence we have (which would run to several hundred pages) and are limited to a maximum of 30 pages, simply to make an outline case as part of our Request.
The ICC will review our ‘Request for Investigation’ and assess whether they believe there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into a ‘Situation’, pursuant to the criteria established by the Rome Statute.
The ICC does not provide a timeline regarding acceptance, nor of course is there any guarantee that they will ultimately accept our ‘Request for Investigation’ due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are limited in their capacity to conduct investigations.
Updates will be provided as and when more information becomes available.
Melinda C. Mayne LPC LLM MBA GDLA
Kaira S. McCallum JP BSc
The second is a prosecution brought to the courts by Michael O’Bernicia who is suing the UK Parliament and their corrupt scientific advisors for fraud, treason and genocide.
Without spending a penny on legal fees, Michael has discharged fraudulent claims by a film sales company, a car franchise, a travel agent, two utilities companies, three major credit card companies, dozens of debt collection agencies and legal services companies, five councils, the DVLA, the police, HMRC, the Registrar of Births and two major banks, all of which has been well documented on various web platforms over the past twelve years.
Michael has also proven fraud in the Magistrates, County and High Courts, as well as in Property Chamber and Land Registry applications. When Michael alleges fraud, he only ever do so when there is evidence that fraud has been committed and he can therefore always prove it in a court of law, whenever that is required.On the 30th September 2020, Michael wrote to every MP via email, warning them that if they did not block the Government’s attempt to renew the draconian coronavirus act then he would engage with a top QC and lay charges against them all in a criminal court for crimes against humanity.
This is the email that was sent –
Dear Sirs,
You are hereby served notice that it is my intention to lay information in a Private Criminal Prosecution against yourselves, alleging that the following crimes have been committed against the British people:
1. Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 has been repeatedly breached in the enactment of the Coronavirus Act 2020 [the CV Act] – an act which was founded upon a series of dishonest statements relied upon by every serving MP. Namely:
a. That there was a genuine public health emergency, which justified the draconian measures taken.
b. That there was a legal basis for such an act to be passed into law.
c. That there was no viable alternative course of action that could be taken to “flatten the curve” of alleged COVID-19 deaths.
2. In addition, the CV Act unlawfully purports to have suspended the democratic right of every Briton to remove the government from office, as well as the individual rights guaranteed by the Common Law, which are beyond the jurisdiction of the legislature.
3. The CV Act also purports to have legislated for the falsification of death certificates, which has enabled the government to grossly inflate the number of people who have reportedly died of the COVID-19 virus, which in any event has never actually been proven to exist.
4. Nevertheless, the ONS data shows that the government policy which was enabled by the CV Act doubled the average five year UK mortality rate, which is considered tantamount to genocide under international law, when the fatal refusal of care to patients in care homes and hospitals is taken into account.
5. Furthermore, the enactment of the CV Act also comprises a fundamental breach of the Treason Felony Act 1848, in that it treasonously purports to authorise ministers of the Crown to govern the People by royal decree or proclamation, which is strictly prohibited by articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.
6. In any event, as Lord Coke, the draftsman of the Petition of Right, said in the 1610 decision of Thomas Bonham v College of Physicians 8 Co Rep 107a; 77 Eng Rep 638, commonly known as Dr. Bonham’s Case, in the Court of Common Pleas:
“In many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”
Should you collectively move to set aside the act which the Common Law ajudges to be repugnant, as well as void ab initio, as per the Dr Bonham case, no later than the midnight on the 2/10/2020, this action will be suspended.
However, in the event you fail to do so, for any reason whatsoever, a QC and legal team will be engaged to lay the information before a court of competent jurisdiction at the earliest opportunity and the Private Criminal Prosecution will commence.
Please be advised that a Grand Jury of the People has already determined that there is sufficient evidence to indict every MP for fraud, treason and genocide. This is your last chance to leave your mark on the right side of history because there is no jury that would not convict every complicit member of Parliament on the charges that will be laid.
Nevertheless, I trust you will see the devastating error you have made, before it is too late.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Redacted]
For & on behalf of the British People
Of course as we now know MP’s did not oppose the draconian act and have since renewed it for a third run until at least October 2021. But Michael O’Bernicia wasn’t joking and on the 19th March 2021 papers were laid electronically at a South London Magistrates Court in a momentous Criminal Prosecution against Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson for Covid fraud.
A week later Michael and his team submitted a 1,200 page bundle of evidence which includes expert witness statements from two professors, three doctors, a dental surgeon, a probate solicitor, a mathematician, a retired nuclear submarine data analyst, an independent data analyst and a former CID fraud detective, who is acting as a trustee of the PUB in bringing this most serious of prosecutions to the criminal court.These are some of the elements of genocidal pandemic fraud that will be brought before the courts thanks to the papers laid and evidence sumbitted by Michael O’Bernicia on behalf of the public –
- Imperial College, Jenner Institute, Oxford University, BBC and UK government materially gained when they received
substantial funds from Bill Gates, prior to lockdown commencing on 23/03/2020. - The parties involved then conspired with the Gates controlled WHO to cause the People to rely upon a series of entirely
dishonest statements, made by the UK government to justify the lockdown. - The reliance upon those false statements has already caused many tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, destroyed the
economy and caused untold misery, distress and fear, as well as procured unaccountable totalitarian power for the UK
government. - The government is partnering with and funding Gates controlled GAVI, the openly stated objective of which is to unnecessarily “vaccinate” the entire world.
- The secretary of state for health is the owner of Porton Biopharma Limited, a company dedicated to making profits for the
government from pharmaceuticals, including vaccines. - One hundred million brand new, untested, DNA altering vaccines have reportedly been ordered by Porton Biopharma, from
Oxford University’s development partner, AstraZeneca, in partnership with Gates controlled GSK. - All of the conspiring parties have been indemnified against all claims of vaccine injury, including death, even if vaccines are forcibly administered without consent. The government is, however, offering to pay compensation for vaccine injury from tax-payer’s money.
The relevant papers are now with the designated court’s listings department where a case number will soon be issued following checks by the legal team within the court. This means that the evidence submitted is enough to prove the Covid fraud and proceed to trial.
The clock is ticking for Hancock, Whitty, Vallance, Ferguson and friends, it will not be long before they are convicted for crimes against humanity and mass murder.
Senate Committee On State Affairs Mr. Hall Drops It Like It's Hot •May 15, 2021 / video
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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