Every “peaceful corner” of America
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Editor’s note: You might find this tiny “peaceful corner” of America a good warning to other freedom-loving Americans.
Our writers group produced almost seven years of conservative columns for the local paper(s), The Courier Gazette, Camden Herald, and Belfast Republican Journal. And for six those years, we won the paper awards for Best Opinion Column in Maine from the Maine Press Association. We were thrown out of the papers (every one in Maine) in May of this year after they declared two of our submitted columns “racist, promoting mis-information and lies, and using untrustworthy sources.”
There is an old saying from a bygone era, “As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” However, conservative voices here in Maine are learning that we are being smeared in order to ostracize us all in a manner very reminiscent of the 1930’s in Germany.A mid-coast Maine newspaper,The Courier Gazette, owned by Reade Brower — who claims to now own 40 newspapers, practically every paper in Maine except the Bangor Daily News — has posted an article by reporter Steve Betts in order to demonize the Knox County Republican Party, and all its supporters, for merely disputing the authenticity of the 2020 presidential election.It is the by-now tired Democrat Party/media allies talking point — stating unequivocally that there was NO fraud in the election, and that any claims of such have been totally dismissed, and are implications of treasonous disloyalty to the nation.
Here is the link:
It appears that reporter Betts had a person attend a recent Knox County Meeting and take notes on what was discussed, as his references to a private Facebook page comment could not have been known otherwise.As with the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, who is on video declaring that to assert that there is any dispute over the way Pennsylvania handled the 2020 votes, or that there was any fraud in the counting of votes, is not “protected speech” — and therefore implies that people expressing these views must be considered criminally liable in some way — the Courier Gazette is now going down the same path to totalitarianism.We have had a forewarning of this punitive progressivism already. Our group of six conservative writers had produced over 400 columns for the Courier Gazette newspaper group during the seven years it appeared there — and at times in 17 other papers in Maine.
In six of those years, the Maine Press Association awarded our column “Another View” the award for the “Best Opinion Column,” a feather in the cap for the Courier Gazette.Other than rare queries from an editor for a link to verify a quote, the only insults were from outraged liberals who would write regular letters to the editor, complaining that any such views appeared in the paper.That changed this summer as the “protests” around the country began to burn down businesses, police cars and stations, kill people and police officers, etc. Two consecutive columns submitted were instantly rejected by the “news director” with insulting ad hominem attacks on all of us as “racists,” “promoting misinformation,” and using “untrustworthy sources.”
The rejected columns, of 6/18/20 and 6/25/20, can be seen here in the archives:https://www.facebook.com/midcoastviewpoints/
We asked the “news director” at the paper for a meeting to gain a better understanding of how he had come to such wrongheaded conclusions about our columns, he flat-out refused.Persisting with them, we only gained an offer to consider our columns if submitted well ahead of time, so that they could find an outside writer to produce an opposing viewpoint column, and that they would hold our columns in stasis until then. In other words, we’ll only publish you if we can smear you in a side-by-side fashion.Fast forward from May 2020 to January 2021.
The paper now is trying to “mark” all local Republican party members as “enemies of the state” because we will not accept the fraudulent 2020 election results.Freedom of speech? The 1st Amendment? The Bill of Rights? No, this is where we part company with those who oppose such sacred foundations of our Republic.
What I see in the actions of the Courier reporter — and all of his ilk — is the wording on the Nazi posters of 1940, alongside the Star of David, with “Jude” centered in it: “Wer dieses Zeichen trägt, Ist Ein Feind unseres Volkes” “Whoever bears this sign is an enemy of our people”
That is how it starts, and it does not end well.
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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