The new rules for building near airports

Geovane Machado Alves - March 30, 2016
The changes brought by the ordinance of the Command of the Aeronautics have become a point of great attention for those who intend to build in areas near the Brazilian aerodromes.
As is well known, although air navigation takes place in the air, it begins and ends in soil, which is why terrestrial cooperation is necessary, allowing its safe development. In order to increase flight safety, on July 17, 2015, the 957 / GC3 , of July 9 , 2015, was issued by the Aeronautics Command (Comaer), which provides for restrictions on objects projected in space which may adversely affect the safety or regularity of air operations.
The changes brought about by this Ordinance have become a point of great attention for those who intend to build in areas near the Brazilian aerodromes. It reduced the height of new buildings by up to 100 meters. With the change, within a radius of up to four kilometers around the aerodromes, the obstacle height limit (buildings, antennas and towers) will be 45 meters, from the level of the runway.
Such restrictions refer to all aerodromes, public or private, including heliports and heliports, according to art. 43, of Law 7,565 / 86 (Brazilian Aeronautics Code). Thus, it is the responsibility of the public authorities, in the neighboring areas of approved and registered aerodromes, to reconcile the use of urban land with the restrictions of the protection plans.

Thus, if it was possible to build 62-meter buildings in the AHI of Congonhas / SP, with the entry into force of the new rules, this limit will drop 17 meters. The change affects, in particular, the surroundings of 32 Brazilian airports, including those of 14 capitals and some of the most important in the country, such as Cumbica, Congonhas and Galeão.
However, for constructors, there are alternatives to the restrictive impositions of the ordinance, such as the "shadow principle". This concept can be applied by the Regional Office of the Department of Airspace Control (Decea), in order to rationally and under certain conditions allow new parameters to exceed the vertical limits imposed, provided that this does not affect traffic safety air.
The new Ordinance also seeks to expedite the process for the liberation of buildings. Thus, requests for new objects or extensions of existing objects, submitted to Comaer's analysis, should be forwarded directly to the Decea Regional Organ. In this way, it is estimated that there will be a reduction in the time of analysis of requests for the release of works, which is an extremely positive point in an industry where bureaucracy tends to be a hindrance.

* Geovane Machado Alves is a lawyer, specialist in Aeronautical Law and a partner at Freitas Macedo Advogados Associados .
As novas regras para construir próximo a aeroportos
Geovane Machado Alves

As alterações trazidas pela portaria do Comando da Aeronáutica tornaram-se um ponto de grande atenção para aqueles que pretendem construir em áreas próximas aos aeródromos brasileiros.
Quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016
Como se sabe, embora a navegação aérea se realize no ar, ela começa e termina em solo, razão pela qual é necessária a cooperação terrestre, que permite seu desenvolvimento seguro. Com o objetivo de aumentar a segurança dos voos, em 17 de julho de 2015, foi publicada a portaria 957/GC3, de 09 de julho de 2015, do Comando da Aeronáutica (Comaer), que dispõe sobre as restrições aos objetos projetados no espaço aéreo que possam afetar adversamente a segurança ou a regularidade das operações aéreas.
As alterações trazidas por esta Portaria tornaram-se um ponto de grande atenção para aqueles que pretendem construir em áreas próximas aos aeródromos brasileiros. Ela reduziu, em até 100 metros, a altura de novas edificações. Com a mudança, em um raio de até quatro quilômetros no entorno dos aeródromos, o limite de altura para construção de obstáculos (prédios, antenas e torres) será de 45 metros, a partir do nível da pista.

Tais restrições se referem a todos os aeródromos, públicos ou privados, inclusive helipontos e heliportos, conforme o art. 43, da lei 7.565/86 (Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica). Assim, cabe às autoridades públicas, nas áreas vizinhas dos aeródromos homologados e registrados, compatibilizar o uso do solo urbano às restrições dos planos de proteção.
Assim, se antes era possível edificar prédios de 62 metros na AHI de Congonhas/SP, com a entrada em vigor das novas regras, esse limite vai baixar 17 metros. A mudança atinge, em especial, o entorno de 32 aeroportos brasileiros, entre eles os de 14 capitais e alguns dos mais importantes do país, como Cumbica, Congonhas e Galeão.
Contudo, para as construtoras, existem alternativas às imposições restritivas da portaria, como, por exemplo, o "princípio da sombra". Este conceito pode ser aplicado pelo Órgão Regional do Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (Decea), para fins de permitir, racionalmente, e sob determinadas condições, novos parâmetros que permitam ultrapassar os limites verticais impostos, desde que isso não prejudique a segurança do tráfego aéreo.
A nova Portaria busca, ainda, agilizar o processo para a liberação das construções. Assim, os pedidos para novos objetos ou extensões de objetos existentes, submetidos à análise do Comaer, devem ser encaminhados diretamente ao Órgão Regional do Decea. Desta forma, estima-se que haverá uma redução no tempo de análise dos pedidos para liberação das obras, o que é um ponto extremamente positivo em um setor onde a burocracia costuma ser um entrave.
Ubatuba: Concessionaire forecasts works to improve and expand airport operationsJanuary 24, 2019 - 06:00Add Commentfor Journalism

Airport Gastão Madeira, from Ubatuba
On the afternoon of last Tuesday (22), representatives from several secretariats of Ubatuba City Hall met with the president of Voa SP, aviator colonel Marcel Gomes Moure, to talk about the projects that the concessionaire that administers the airport Gastão Madeira has to the place , as well as to explain procedures and measures to enable the continuity of actions.

President of Voa SP, aviator colonel Marcel Gomes Moure, talks about the projects for the airport
Moure commented on the proposal to reform the airport, showed some plans of the news and commented on measures external to the project, such as the meetings held in the morning, involving Fire Department and representatives of the Eagle of the Military Police.
"The investment only walks if it is in harmony with the City Hall and the interests of the city. Before we promote the improvements, we need to make the basics work again. The concession is for thirty years and the first year of works will be 2019. We will promote the operational improvements to the city and discuss priorities of what really matters to be done, "explained Moure.
According to him, some of the initial actions would be provisions with fence, head of the landing strip, night lighting / beacon on demand and operation of regional flights.
"Currently, the flights are 'on demand', however, it has already been established that there is a regional demand. With measures such as property security, maintenance and cleaning, among others already mentioned there will certainly be a punctual / gradual growth of users and structure, "added the president. In the future, the goal is to increase the terminal and make the construction of hangars possible.
In addition, the operation of this type of flight will be an alternative for those who want to escape the traffic jam when visiting the North Coast, which may even increase demand, especially in the season. "According to a conversation with the concessionaire, the intention is that the action will generate attractive tariffs for transportation to be considered as an option and generate even more economy and comfort to the user," added the head of government, Alessandro Palhares.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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