The government is abusing power against its own people. When public jobs disappear and service industries struggle while the authorities are building down infrastructure and health and welfare services in the districts, people are forced to move from the villages.
Creates differences: Prime Minister Erna Solberg and the government create greater differences between people in the city and the village, writes Torill Olsen.
Torill OlsenNest leader in ForFinnmark and writer for the Nation's counterculture.Published: 08.04.19, 00: 00Updated: 08.04.19, 10:21
Keywords for this article
Counterculture: Preparedness and Security Counterculture: Politics and District
We have a government that does everything to pour petrol on a centralization fire that is already burning well by itself. What is now happening from the government team is badly hidden coercion and an abuse of power. It is an arrogance against its people beyond anything we have seen before.
Every week we get proof that the government's policies weaken the communities outside the big cities. And Erna Solberg's political associates do not hide the fact that they want so-called robust societies, which in practice means strengthening those who are already strong enough. As if robustness is just about size.
Posten employees are told that sorting of mail will take place in Lørenskog outside Oslo, so that jobs around the country will disappear. The re-routing of mail routines means that Ruth Sigurdsen in Reinfjorden must travel 12 hours to retrieve mail and medicines.
Half of the passport offices in the country are closed down and people have to travel for several days to get a passport. The local police reform is a reform that provides centralization and inferior services in the districts, warns researchers. Most people see it in practice. Many places are without police.
Emergency systems are discontinued or moved so that people's safety is impaired. A crude example is that after the coast radio in Vardø was closed, boats in sea-emergency radio contact did not get several hours.
January 2017, 33 state universities and colleges in Norway were reduced to 21. The reform was implemented with considerable political force. How to attract young people to larger cities. Of the classical breadth universities, only the University of Oslo has not merged.
One January day I experienced having such a sick child that it was death threathening.
The list of centralization measures is as long as a painful year; It happens quickly and it happens in most areas of society. There is a cut-off of the country outside the big cities, and if people protest, none of the government comrades cares. The arrogance is outrageous.
I have just seen another TV show where the food supply will be moved, this time from Kristiansand to Molde. When the women are afraid and unsure of having to feed in ambulance, Høie answers that problems with recruitment mean that the food supply is not safe. Arrogantly, one does not listen to the people who live there.
What is happening now is that people in the districts do not get the offer they are entitled to. I will be able to give birth to my children with as good an offer as one who lives in Tromsø or Drammen. All women in Norway, wherever they live, should be able to rely on their sick children being treated as well as other children. There are many who do not have that today.
One day in January I experienced having such a sick child that it was life threathening. He was unconcious for several minutes, but was rescued by skilled local ambulance people. The doctor had to drive three miles in a snow car to reach the health center because of bad weather. The ambulance flight that would take the kid to a larger hospital had landing problems. This horrible memory shows how vulnerable the district people are. It should not be like this, we are not second-rate citizens.
What the government is doing now is to create even greater differences between people in urban and rural areas. It makes them consistent and conscious. They cannot be politically moved when the district people go to torchlight to maintain essential welfare services. They refuse to understand that we are not disobedient and rebellious, but afraid of our children when health care is impaired and schools are shut down. From my point of view, the power arrogance in the government premises is frightening. People say loudly that "I'm so pissed off I'm looking forward to going to the polls and showing my contempt!"
But those parties that are now in power can count, they should. They have found that there are the most voting cattle in the big cities, and then they can haunt the city people with urban politics and thus retain power. More highly paid jobs, better infrastructure, larger universities, better specialist health services and modern transport solutions. It sounds fair in a way: That a larger proportion of state funds go where most people are?
But it can not have such differential treatment if it calls itself a democratic welfare state. The country is overflowing with money, but fighting its own district people. And it hits the very weakest: It should not be that getting pregnant in the districts are more dangerous for the baby than if you get pregnant in a city? It would be an abuse of power against their own people!
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
The Solberg government is indoctrinated by the global elite's future plans for a New World Order that will only consist of big cities where it will be easy to control the residents via 5G networks connected to a chip, which is committed shortly after its birth. In the big cities it is also easier to control the supply of food and water.
The plan to start with is to create big 'STATES' around the world that will be controlled from an uncertain central point. Only specially selected will be allowed to reside outside the cities.
Erna already started to remove the right to the local municipalities to make decisions. All new ordinances must only be sent secretly to the government for YOUR idolatry. The local people get, among other things. not one word in the team before the decree is announced by the government. This was also a part of Solberg's agenda to satisfy her superiors in Brussels.
Solberg has likewise been asked to be controlled by Brussels, so that ALL changes in Norway must first be sent to Brussels 3 months. in advance to get their decisions.
When we are also aware that 85% of the elected representatives of the Storting are members of the non-elected European Council, which also corresponds to Brussels, it is no wonder that it has been silent on the Storting. This membership should only be represented by Norway with a handful of members, not the entire Storting.
BUT. this is also part of Solberg's instructions from his global elite / Illuminati / UN doll masters. We all complain about FB, which has little significance for Solberg which continues unabated with closed mouth. WHAT DO WE DO?
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