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The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: Rage at J.D. Vance’ Speech about Ending the Ukraine War on European soil

The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: Rage at J.D. Vance’ Speech about Ending the Ukraine War on European soil

By The Herland Report-Human Synthesis-22 February 2025

 The totalitarian state of affairs in Europe has gone so far that when an American Vice President such as J.D. Vance at the Munich Security Conference emphasizes classic Western values such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and respect for the opinions of the people, European leaders become so furious and angry that they refuse to applaud.

Since then, the state-financed European socialist media has been tripping over itself in derogatory, negative labels, offended by J.D. Vance’s conservative speech. It shocked the regional-socialist establishment in Europe to its core.

The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: What was the most horrible aspect of J.D. Vance’s speech was when he speaks about the need to bring to end the worst war on European soil since the Second World War, in which the Americans say over a million have been killed on each side; in the cruelest form of trench warfare we have seen since the First World War, where the suffering of the young boys dying is utterly indescribable, their families living with inconsolable grief; the young boys whom European leaders are so fine with dying on horrendous battlefields; when this Vice President wants an end to that war, the same European leaders are angry, appalled and negative, refusing to clap, saying it is very important that all the killing continues.

They are completely negative, saying it is very important that the killing continues on European soil, that Ukrainians and Russians continue to die, but of course not our own sons, not our European boys and girls. Only the Ukrainians are to continue dying by the tens of thousands.

It is simply unbelievable, inhumane, heartlessly cynical, cruel and utterly inconceivable. This they say at a time in history when real peace negotiations already have begun in Saudi Arabia, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland,  historian of religions, bestselling author, and columnist at World Net Daily, USA’s largest conservative news network. She is the founder of The Herland Report and its corresponding YouTube Channel and Podcast.

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 The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: Europe’s regional socialist leaders have gone so far in distancing themselves from democratic values that they are shocked when an American questions the lack of respect for Europeans by their own governments. Democracy, after all, means the rule of the people and respect for the will of the people.

Vance pointed out that the worst danger for Europe is not its external enemies, but the internal enemies who are destroying the very respect for the rule of the people in Europe. This includes the totalitarian cancellation of democratic elections, such as what was done in Romania by reportedly a George Soros affiliated judge. EU leaders now say that they will consider doing the same in Germany if the election result is not what the current political establishment wants.


 The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: So, here we are in our socialist den, stuck with leftwing EU leaders who steer us as though we are still in the Marxist 1960s. They believe that freedom in Europe is dependent on the mass death of Ukrainians continuing at all costs. “Democracy in Europe depends on Ukraine’s young men continuing to die”, a sentence that shows the madness of the completely brainwashed mindset.

European leaders have completely bought into the American heartless 1990s neo-con strategy, the foreign policy that Donald Trump represents the rebellion against. It displays extremely poor leadership. They should have been preoccupied about the interests of Europe and keeping the peace and prosperity flowing in Europe.

The neo-con Americans are well known for assigning Europe the role of the “useful idiot”, cynically used to achieve their own goals, as pointed out by Victoria Nuland’s notorious statement in a private conversation: “Fuc* the EU”.

The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.
Number 1 Bestseller on Amazon: “The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite” is the latest book by Hanne Herland. Buy it here!

In other words, she explained the neo-con strategy to steamroll the weak EU, run them over, use them as the useful idiots.

The Wiki-leaked Pentagon Plan confirmed it many years ago, that the goal of the neo-con strategy from the 1990s was to weaken Europe, and especially Germany. Which should be said they have succeeded immensely in doing.

With friends like that, who needs enemies.

Is it any wonder that EU leaders are not invited to important meetings about peace in Europe, these warmongers who only want the death of other peoples and fight self-destructively to continue the carnage on their own European soil? They do not want peace in Europe, why be invited to a peace conference?

The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: For decades, European leaders have refused to even finance their own defense in NATO, probably blissfully hoping that some Marxist world peace utopia would descend upon us and render defense unnecessary in the future, and by displaying this naivete, thereby submitting to the U.S. as an obedient vassal state.

They have made themselves irrelevant. Do these European leaders even realize that everyone is laughing at Europe now? We look weak, leaderless and defended.

We are considered the dumbest pupil in class at a time when we have been blindly guided by a self-destructive political green agenda aimed at destroying Europe by depriving us of fossil fuels. Everyone knows that the world  currently does not have good enough access to other competitive energy sources.

The green goal is in essence, to send us back to the stone age without electricity, without energy-dependent infrastructure, trade and industry, and without just about every product we use, everything from clothes, shoes, packaging, just about everything now contains plastic, which is a fossil product.

If we achieve our “green” goals, every family will be left with about one light bulb available in the house, without cars, without transportation, without access to welfare benefits since the government income has dropped to a minimum. The goal of the green movement is to achieve precisely this. It’s sheer madness, and a cunning strategy to strip Europe of its strength.

So, when the “new sheriff in town”, President Donald Trump and the new conservative Americans have helped bring peace to Europe, while European leaders shout for more war so that the economic decline in Europe can continue, then the politicized Nobel Peace Prize, which long ago abandoned Alfred Nobel’s will, will give the peace prize to some activist in Guatemala or Mozambique that no one has ever heard of.

Anybody rather than President Donald Trump who has created peace, this most media-demonized president in U.S. history.

It is a great shame for Europe that the the state-funded media has been allowed to spout their outdated, ignorant and hateful portrayals of President Trump, without being contradicted. Around 8 billion of taxpayers’ money in Norway alone goes to fund media outlets annually.

The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: These are the European leaders, including Ursula von der Leyen, who rules the EU with a socialist iron fist into the abyss, totalitarian bent on strangling the freedom of their own people and imprisoning people for their opinions if they criticize illegal mass immigration.

As EU’s new top diplomat, the lightweight Kaja Kallas, sits smiling at the security conference in Germany and says that the difference between the Russian side and the Ukrainian side is that no Russian women and children have been killed in this war, one wonders: Which planet are these leaders on? Does she completely lack knowledge about the war or does she pretend that she lacks knowledge? Why are so many of the European leaders women? Are they chosen because of their gender and willingness to repeat desired slogans, certainly not for competence and good leadership skills? Are the women placed in important positions simply because they are the easiest to dictate and fool? It seems that is the case.

Peace is coming to Europe in spite of the damned European warmongers, who wish death on other people’s children and do not mind the millions of young men dying as long as the politically motivated war continues in the heart of Europe.

What remains is to congratulate Europe’s leaders and the regional socialist bureaucracy in Brussels, the socialist losers on the world stage, the architects of Europe’s economic decline,  a laughing stock for implementing the stupidities of the green agenda, who so willingly have resorted to totalitarian means in casting aside freedom of speech and freedom of religion, suppressing their own people in a Soviet style manner.

The anger on display by European leaders is of no surprise as two vastly different ideologies here collide. Europe is led by regional socialists with a globalist focus on a communist type of centralization of power, leaving big government quite unaccountable, providing lavish state benefits for those who are not working, with a lenient attitude towards illegal immigration, a strict policy of restricting free speech for conservatives and others who disagree with the socialists, a state funded media structure, a comprehensive bureaucracy that downplays the nation state and traditional values.

The Totalitarian Europe Hates Peace in Europe: In contrast, the U.S. has a conservative government with President Donald Trump, who is committed to strengthening the nation state, decentralizing power, streamlining departments from waste and misuse of taxpayer money, halting illegal immigration, and holding government officials accountable. This government values individual freedom and responsibility, free speech, tolerance, and respect for others, and it supports the traditional and historical values that formed the foundation for a strong Western civilization.

In Europe, the 1960s neo-Marxist revolutions have long sought to end Western classical values and subvert them with hedonism, borderlessness, materialism, and atheism. This has led to a gradual abandonment of the very conservative values that J.D. Vance pointed out in his Munich speech. Sir Winston Churchill summed it up quite elegantly: “Social­ism is a phi­los­o­phy of fail­ure, the creed of igno­rance, and the gospel of envy, its inher­ent virtue is the equal shar­ing of misery.”

At the Herland Report we have written extensively about this shift in values, which now permeates the European official establishment down to its very core.