Trump Win 2.0 Vis-à-vis China & His Role in End-Stage Hyper-Capitalism

By Unz-Richard Solomon • December 10, 2024
To avoid Marxism’s economic pitfalls, China studied the collapse of the former Soviet Union with great interest, which resulted in “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” In similar fashion, China needs to examine the sinking US Ango-Zionist Empire and predatory capitalism’s role in the hegemon’s decline to better anticipate Trump’s second term as well as learn from America’s lethal mistakes. Like the sign posted in Jim Jones’* Guyana compound read: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
(*For Chinese national readers less familiar with US cultural history – Jim Jones was an American religious cult leader who committed mass suicide with his followers in 1978. The Jonestown sign reference is ironic because they obviously didn’t learn from history. Enough time has passed since the tragedy to make it acceptable to laugh at the irony- ha ha ha. To reiterate, we’re not laughing at the tragedy, only the irony.)
As an aside, in using the former USSR as a failed empire example, I mean no offense to the noble Russian people, their great nation, or their gifted leader, President Vladimir Putin.
I recognize that China has many talented social and political scientists who provide excellent US analysis and commentary. However, I was born, raised, and live in America’s cultural milieu.
Who better to explain the lilypad than the frog?
I also follow Tao, a cognitive-physical-spiritual technology that originated and developed in China. Hence my connection to China.
At the same time, I remain connected to the former American republic and its Bill of Rights. My ideal post-empire collapse outcome is an American federation of ethno and ideological states that follow the tenets of win-win cooperation. Perhaps 13 states total- like the Founding Fathers’ model, minus the slavery, genocide, and hyper-capitalism.
As for US Anglo-Zionist Empire Empire collapse? The real debate is whether the collapse continues in slow-boil incremental fashion or goes rapid freefall and if the behemoth collapses only in on itself or produces a devastating global shockwave.
For the Chinese national reader to understand America, he/she needs to learn how US government works. The United States is a democracy with a “checks and balances” system. To maintain its “checks and balances” democracy, the American government is divided into three branches:
1st Branch- “War with Russia First” Rothschild Zionist oligarchs.
2nd Branch- “War with Iran First “Rothschild Zionist oligarchs (aka “Israel-Firsters”)
3rd Branch- “War with China First” Rothschild Zionist oligarchs.*
As a democratic “checks and balances” system, each branch of government has its own priorities, financial incentives, propaganda (liberal / conservative), and motivations. Generally, one branch dominates the others.
(*Branch 3 are not technically Zionists as they hold no attachment to the Israeli state and will likely sacrifice it for their long game plan. “Rothschild globalist” is a more accurate term. Their dream is global transhumanist technocracy- not the Third Temple, although they may support it for pragmatic reasons. For continuity, I classify all 3 branches of US government as Rothschild Zionist.)
As an entity, the US Anglo-Zionist Empire is owned by the international bank cartels. As Lord Rothschild said,” Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.” The Rothschild Zionist oligarchy makes the laws and policies that are submitted to the “Deep/Permanent State” who instruct blackmailed/bribed politicians and media on messaging. The societal damaging blowback from these predatory policies is managed by government security agencies, police departments, and courts. Since America is a capitalist country, BlackRock and its sister fronts control publicly traded US corporations.
From an optics perspective, Kamala Harris best represented Branch 1 of government (Russia War). Trump’s optics better represent Branch 2 (Iran War) and Branch 3 (China War).
Since Trump was chosen, as demonstrated by the Deep State’s choreographed fake assassination attempt that came with the standard Parallax Viewed* autistic patsy, we can reasonably conclude that aggression shifts more to Iran and China. For deeper analysis on the fake assassination attempt, read Cat McGuire’s article.
(*The Parallax View was a 1970s Hollywood film portraying the Deep State’s co-option and killing of patsies for high-profile assassinations. In Trump’s case, the only fatalities were the patsy and a Trump fan, with two other fans badly wounded- offering insight into how Trump regards his followers. To his credit, “ear patch” Trump is a brilliant con man.)
The Trump-win psyop resonated with those who identify as “right” and hold traditional American and religious values. The previous “left” rainbow flag psyop ran out of steam, as people tired of watching towering trans athletes (mostly mentally ill men with ladyboy delusions) stomp little girl competitors.
The pendulum that swings in both directions is controlled by the same motor.
This is not to suggest an immediate abandonment of Project Ukraine. A total and sudden Ukraine withdrawal births the crack that creates the irreparable chasm between the US and its NATO vassals. To maintain Washington-Brussels relations and satisfy the “Russia War” branch of the Zionist oligarchy, reduced assistance sufficient to poke Russia could continue. Also, BlackRock intends to pick up the pieces of a deindustrialized and austerity-wrecked post-war Europe.
However, America cannot sustain a prolonged 3 theater military engagement. Like it exited Afghanistan to focus on Ukraine, at some point the US needs to drop Ukraine to pivot to Iran and China.
An attack against Iran is an attack against China, as China receives much of Iran’s oil. By disrupting China’s energy flow via Iran, US neoconservatives hope to hurt China financially, resulting in destabilization and regime change.
Regardless of how things play out, China needs to continue working toward total energy independence. As I said in an April 2, 2024 article:
“The weak link is energy. China’s Artificial Sun cold fusion reactor offers a possible solution. I recommend China invest the same ratio of manpower, money, and brain-battery into cold fusion reactors as the US put into its WW2 Manhattan Project.”
Barring human civilization wrecking nuclear or biological war, I am confident of China’s ultimate victory. It doesn’t take an AI computer war games simulation program to figure out who wins when a smaller collectively dumber population with degenerate leaders and a rentier economy takes on a larger collectively smarter population with gifted leaders and an industrial production economy. Like Sun Tzu said, “The battle is won before it is fought.”
Hot war with China is a last-ditch suicide charge- not the preferred game. The war against China is indirect, but still dangerous.
As demonstrated in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, the US military no longer fights wars to achieve traditional territorial victory.* It fights for international banker monetary control, debt-usury, MIC profits, Israeli security and expansion, petrodollar hegemony, stock market insider trading scams, BlackRock acquisitions and mergers, ruined-society Bechtel reconstruction projects, natural resource theft, destruction of competitor markets, weaponized war refugee population transfers, orphan creation for twisted billionaires, organized Jewry revenge genocides (e.g., Palestinian, Ukrainian), and CIA drug trafficking routes.
(*Recent Zionist expansion into Syria creates a potential launchpad into Iran and invigorates the Greater apostate-Israel pipeline dream, but “crisis brings opportunity.” Egypt loses a piece of territory if the Greater apostate-Israel project succeeds. The pyramid grows when the Nile flows and the unstable beam brings down the house. Talk to Egypt with delicate Ethiopian win-win consultation.)
While the US military generally loses local territorial battles, international bankers always win the global war of chaos. Until perhaps now.
For the first time, there exists a rational counterforce capable of challenging international Jewish* finance and its war machine. That force is China and trinity allies, Russia and Iran. The covalent bonds between China, Russia, and Iran must remain unbreakable. External foes and internal traitors know the value of the trinity alliance and will stop at nothing to weaken it. Assad’s overthrow hurts BRICS and trinity prestige. “People go with the strong horse.” Trinity needs a win.
(*I’m referring to the global Jewish banker syndicate and its branches, not innocent little Jews. Irrational racism is anti-Tao.)
No doubt China anticipates economic sanctions and tariffs that force US-controlled populations to buy inferior and more expensive products manufactured in BlackRock globalization zones. Beyond their lower quality, BlackRock electronics are loaded with listening and tracking devices- and possible boobytraps, as seen in the Mossad exploding pager attack.
Compare the ugly inferior overpriced Tesla EV to a superior less costly sleek-design Chinese EV. Only an Elon fanboy* would choose a Tesla over a Chinese model.
For the record, I support China’s national high-speed rail system model. How many working-class Americans sacrifice meals to cover car payments, insurance, gas, repairs, etc?
(*I can state with a reasonable degree of certitude that Elon fanboys are either: a) in on the grift. b) cognitive-spiritual eunuchs, c) closet homosexuals- no offense to the gay community.)
Beyond economic warfare, China should also expect:
- CIA color revolution attempts in China’s minority regions as well as CIA-Mossad coordinated terrorist attacks against Chinese civilians.
- Increased China Sea provocations using Asian vassals and the US military.
- Enhanced Taiwan provocations.
- Nord Stream 2 type attacks against energy routes and BRI projects using CIA-funded “freedom-fighter” proxy armies to create implausible deniability.
BRI agreements crumble if China’s partners fear US retaliation. Win-win cooperation sometimes requires a sword.
Similar to the Chinese weather balloon panic, anticipate CIA-Mossad scares and false flag attacks (e.g., energy grid blackouts) on American soil blamed on China to stoke anti-China sentiment. As polls show, many low-intel Americans view China in a negative light. The herd moves where directed. Focus on the twenty-five percent elevated consciousness US demographic. “One quarter outbuys twenty-four pennies.”
The “War with China” Rothschild Zionist long game entails squeezing China through nuclear and biological weapons threats, NGO revolts, economic warfare, terrorist attacks, proxy wars, and low-grade chest-puff military encounters. Through this pressure, they hope China either suffers internal collapse or relents to international Jewish finance gaining a foothold in the Middle Kingdom. The international bankers snuck into the United States through Civil War borrowing. Fifty years later they implemented the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, effectively turning the US economy over to global finance. The international bankers want a Chinese Federal Reserve. If China agrees to behind-the-scenes Sassoon rule- hostilities end.
The battle for primary global influencer is between China and international Jewish finance.
In an Oct. 3, 2023 article, I stated:
“Many seek relief from the Rothschild Zionist jackboot that slowly flattens their necks. A China that called out the egregious financial and war crimes of Rothschild Zionism would find itself aligned with hundreds of millions of global citizens who share the same viewpoint.”
In July 2024, China hosted Palestinian faction reconciliation talks in response to the Gaza genocide. Like the Carpenters said, “We’ve only just begun.”
As per Oswald Spengler, Western Civilization is in its final hegemonic phase (via the US Anglo-Zionist Empire). The parasite needs a new Evil Empire to run the Satanic Matrix in perpetuity. China is the coveted jewel.
US domestic policy is best understood through the DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) program, fronted by global finance conman Elon Musk and Brahmin trickster Vivek Ramaswamy.*
(*Zionist oligarchs prefer Hindu Indians as their junior partner technocrat/managerial class, hence Musk’s drive to replace tech sector legacy Americans with H-1B visa holders and Trump’s selection of Brahmin-Zionist Kash Patel to head FBI domestic security forces.
As I stated in a May 2, 2023 article:
“…the H1-B US Brahmin* Big Tech class (and its associated professional class) is obsequiously servile to their Rothschild Zionist and corporate benefactors…..*I’m using Brahmin as a figurative ethno-power bloc descriptor in relation to domestic US ethno-hierarchy, and not criticizing individual Indians.” )
DOGE is a venture capitalist national asset strip mining operation. It is a simulation of the Milton Friedman-Ronald Reagan corporate/bank deregulation trickle-down economics program, which became the Bill Clinton corporate/bank deregulation “I feel your pain” simulation program.
DOGE cuts will come from social safety nets, Medicare and social security, environmental protection, school lunch programs, food safety inspections, airline safety regulators, and anything that benefits average Americans. Hold out public utilities and services get privatized (see Enron, Halliburton).
Multi-trillion dollar welfare subsidies and bailouts will flow to Musk and the oligarchs, bankers, multinationals, Zionist projects, Big Tech, and the MIC, along with record Pentagon, CIA black ops, and domestic security agency budgets.
Zionist President Milei runs the Milton Friedman strip mining program in Argentina- potential site for a future Israeli oligarch state.
Musk tweets images of Friedman and Milei. As per the rules of predictive programming, they show what’s coming. Predictive programming reduces metaphysical/karmic blowback to the owners and psychologically acclimates the masses, keeping them functional through the operation. They don’t want their test subjects to totally crack.
As I stated in a Dec. 13, 2022 article:
“Yes, Elon Musk improved Twitter. No, I don’t trust the guy who wants to insert a brain chip in my head and is the “Tony Stark” frontman for the Deep State’s Skynet program.”
Musk is a simulation, a prop. Like Bill Gates, he is a Mossad-owned sociopath frontman for international finance. Notice how Musk is taking the same unelected policy leadership role that Gates took during the pandemic. Musk vs Gates represents the right vs left simulation. “Musk’s” brain chips and Skynet surveillance program perfectly complement “Gates’” nanotechnology, GMO, and mRNA programs. Musk and Gates are the same program.
The pendulum that swings in both directions is run by the same motor.
The motor powers the Satanic Matrix.
The international bankers could delete Musk or Gates with the touch of a button and immediately recreate simulations- perhaps fake AI video generated. Why take chances?
I’m not saying Musk lacks power. He could vaporize me with a phone call. But so could a basic Deep State-Mossad mid-level operations manager.
What lessons can China learn from a degenerating empire?
1- Beware of hypercapitalism:
The merchant is a prominent Chinese archetype. As a collective, China displays notable business acumen. Brains go where the money is, so education plays its role via the scholar archetype. However, by themselves, those archetypes are insufficient to face the coming challenges. To form yin-yang balance, the warrior and monk need to play their roles. A money-worshipping materialist society becomes easy prey for international Jewish finance.
Marxism, and its predatory capitalism mirror, represent unchecked materialism. China’s messaging needs something beyond futuristic cities, fast trains, and smart gadgets to inspire humanity. Add some chi. And don’t be afraid to color a few millimeters outside the lines.
China number one- “haters you can kill yourself.”
2- Root out corruption:
US corruption became so systemic, they legalized it. At least for those in the donor and political classes. The conviction of top banker Liu Liange shows China is on the right track. Start at the top. “The fish rots from the head down.”
3- Deracinate traitors:
US politicians strut around Congress in IDF uniforms. They serve foreign lobbies, multinational corporations, and banks- never the people. How to identify potential traitors? They sing love songs to Goldman Sachs and BlackRock with a chorus of, “Let them in.” They reject Sinovac and best option Traditional Chinese Medicine. They say, “Give the children’s DNA to Pfizer and let their Zionist scientists play with it.”
4- Avoid excessive immigration:
International bankers steamroll nations through weaponized mass migrations. Protect China’s culture and DNA. (I support tourism, expat living, work visas, student visas, retirement visas, permanent visas, etc.)
5- Defend the orphan and the widow:
A foundational ethic of Tao is “defense of the orphan and widow.” America crushes the orphan and widow. The US Anglo-Zionist Empire is anti-Tao.
In my book, “The Tao Guide to Navigating the Satanic Matrix,” I explore the orphan and widow defense ecosystem:
“The orphan and the widow get fed because the laborer grows the rice that fills their bellies- so Tao defends the working man.
Orphans and widows need families to adopt and look after them- so Tao defends the family.
In Tao, the ideal nation-state defends the orphan and widow from predation, usually through social safety nets, so Tao defends the nation-state that is worthy of defense.
The warrior defends the orphan and widow by protecting the worthy nation’s borders from invasion. Tao defends the warrior who follows the warrior’s code. The foundational tenet of the warrior’s code is defense of the orphan and widow. That is why the warrior defends the nation that defends the orphan and widow.
The worthy emperor protects the orphan and the widow to maintain social harmony, so Tao defends the worthy emperor. If the emperor oppresses the orphan and the widow, then the emperor deserves to be overthrown. I’m using “emperor” as a generic term for government, monarchical or otherwise.
Defense of the orphan and widow extends past human society into nature.
The orphan and widow are defenseless. So is the little frog who hops across the road. Do you crush the little frog under your boot or help it on its way? Under Tao, if possible, you assist the little frog. If you defend the orphan and widow, you defend the little frog, and by extension defend (preserve) nature and the environment.”
That concludes today’s lesson. Cheers.
Visit for a free copy of my e-book: “The Tao Guide to Navigating the Satanic Matrix.”