Excerpt from Anonymous 02 December 2024
It appears that the many hardcore Zionists who populate Trump’s cabinet are hellbent on destroying the American Republic even more than they already have after years of brazen warmongering and stealthy bio-terrorism worldwide, as well as constant financial terrorism and economic sabotage via the various illicit sanction regimes.
Who doesn’t know by now that MAGA is really MIGA, and that the latter was launched with the explicit purpose of destroying the American Republic—FOREVER!
Which means that the Patriot Movement better do everything in their power to quickly correct the course of the USS Titanic of which Trump is the captain. He’s supposed to take his wrecking ball to the Deep State, US Intel Community, the Mainstream Media, the U.S. Criminal & Civil Justice Systems, the FED & IRS, etc., not the American economy.
More than anything, the Patriot Movement really needs to understand that it’s impossible to “Make America Great Again” at the expense of the rest of the world, which is why the entire world community of nations so detests American Exceptionalism and Washington’s never-ending gunboat diplomacy. In point of fact, the only way the USA can ever recover from the 4-year Biden cataclysm is to collaborate as never before with their friends and enemies alike.
Which means that it’s time for Trump to use his BIG stick at home against the rogue U.S. Federal Government, not the BRICS or any other international collective that’s only trying to break free from the yoke of American imperialism. That yoke, first and foremost, is an economic/financial one, so the Petrodollar must quickly be relegated to the ash heap of history—POST-HASTE!!! Which means that the Federal Reserve System must be dissolved and the IRS shut down with all deliberate speed.
Editors thoughts and comments.
In comparison with Trumps general policies and politics in his former Presidency, the overwhelming cooperation with Israel and the unusual number of Jewish representatives in his new government is a worrying aspect as to where EXACTLY we are heading.
Ignoring the international courts arrest order of Netanjahu and UN condemnation for the gruesome commitment of Genocide in Gaza, stealing the main part of Palestine, originally given as a small piece of land for the rescue of around 4.000 holocaust Jewish survivors. Why is Trump maintainng the financial support of the Israel war machine?
Must say I am somewhat surprized and disappointed if this turns out to be the facts.