5 min read

In Her Own Words: Kamala Harris's Radical Vision For America

In Her Own Words: Kamala Harris's Radical Vision For America
Tyler Durden's Photo


While the left is trying it's hardest to recast Kamala Harris as a moderate Democrat - quietly scrubbing her public record over the past 5 years - her actual positions have always been radical.

For starters, she's on record wanting to abolish ICE (which she compared to the KKK), letting criminals like the Boston Marathon bomber and rapists vote, ban fracking and offshore drilling, defund the police, provide US taxpayer subsidized healthcare to illegals, and ban private health insurance.

Meanwhile, during 2020 Democratic primary debate Harris said that if elected president, she would "ban by executive order the importation of assault weapons."

She also said she would reinstate Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status and DACA protection for illegal immigrants, and end other Trump-era immigration policies.

And in multiple speeches and interviews, Harris insisted America needed racial 'equity' as well as 'equality.' In other words, she endorses 'equality of outcomes' over 'equality of opportunity.'

As The Federalist pointed out on Tuesday:

She Supported Bailing Out 2020 Rioters

Accused rapistsrepeat offenders, and rioters alike benefitted in June 2020 when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for their months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis. The vice president later lied about her involvement in the money-raising scheme.
She Put Other Countries’ Borders Before Her Own

Harris traveled thousands of miles away from the U.S. border invasion she was tasked with handling to deliver “peace and security” to the borders of Ukraine, which “is a country.”

She Proudly Enabled the Jussie Smollett Race Hoax

Harris called the staged hate crime an “attempted modern-day lynching.” She did not apologize even after Smollett was found guilty of felony disorderly conduct and making false police reports.

She Sponsored Legislation That Would Codify Abortion Through All Nine Months

As a senator, Harris was a proud co-sponsor of the original version of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which sought to codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

She’s Openly Anti-Catholic

As a senator in 2018, Harris smeared Brian Buescher, a nominee for the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, for his affiliation with the famous Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus and its historically pro-life views.

She Refuses to Oppose Abortion Until Birth

Harris famously refused to say which abortion limits she supports in a September 2023 sitdown with CBS’s Margaret Brennan.

Meanwhile, people don't like Harris. Just months ago the conversation was about Harris 'dragging Biden down' due to her unpopularity.

Meanwhile, the media whitewashing continues...

There Is No Way Kamala Would Have Been the Nominee if Joe Biden Dropped before the Democrat Primary


Dave Portnoy weighed in on the big news today that Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race.

Portnoy, an American businessman and founder of Barstool Sports, released a video earlier in the day where he assumed the Bidens were able to strike a deal with the DNC that was lucrative enough to get them to dump their plans for a 2024 presidential election run.

Dave Portnoy: Captain Dave checking in 30 miles out to sea off Nantucket. The big news, Joe Biden. Joe Biden says he’s not running for re-election, which will conclude probably the greatest negotiation in the history of America. How much did they have to pay the Biden, the DNC? What was his retirement package? What did Joe Biden, Hunter, what did they get? Because that’s all this has been for a month or two months. It has been, what do we have to to get you out of this race, Joe?

Whatever, they finally got the right price, whatever that may be. It’s what I said from the beginning. They whacked Joe when the powers that be sent him out for that debate with Trump. They knew what we had known forever. If you have two eyes and a brain that he was a lettuce head or a vegetable…

They waited this long, so now what? They can handpick, basically, who the replacement is going to be… Is it Gavin Newsom, that slimebag from California. I hope not. Kamala, maybe, with Newsom on the ticket. Gretchen Whitmer, also not a fan. How they waited this long is insanity, and they’re trying to hijack basically democracy. They’re not letting people vote. It goes to the convention.

It’s insane because he’s been this way before he went and ran. So that in itself is f*cking crazy. But the number two thing, so He’s stepping down because everybody in the Democrat Party is saying he’s unfit. He has dementia. George Clooney says he is not the same. He was a different guy. Other people are saying, He doesn’t recognize me.

But he’s still going to be President. He’s still President. He still has the keys to the nukes, not fit enough to run for President, being forced out of the party. Nobody trusts him, but he’s still the President. People sometimes get confused. Like Dave – you’re the biggest Trump guy. That’s not true! That’s just not true. But the Democrats are such jokes and scumbags and devious. You have to vote for the other guy because of what the Democrats are doing. This is obvious, he’s going to step down, but now, what a fucking joke.

Portnoy then pointed out the obvious and that is that there is no way Kamala Harris could have won a primary election against a hungry pool of Democrat candidates.

Kamala did not have a chance in hell in winning a primary race against the other power-hungry neo-Marxists.

Kamala is luckiest girl in the US today.

There is no way Kamala would have been the nominee if Joe Biden dropped out before the Democratic Primary and had to run vs other candidates. The people who control Joe also control Kamala and just subverted democracy with pure election fraud and theft https://t.co/2nchIGsTPH

— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) July 21, 2024

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