2 min read

VERY BAD OMEN INDEED!!!  And the American people will suffer greatly there of.

VERY BAD OMEN INDEED!!!  And the American people will suffer greatly there of.
Israeli Sniper Posts Photo of Child in Crosshairs

Posted on July 27, 2024 by State of the Nation

HARD PROOF! IDF snipers are targeting Palestinian children with multiple shots
to head and body.

SOTN Editor’s Note: That the United States Congress would not only host but also honor Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with over 58 standing ovations this past week is as shocking as it is disgraceful, especially in view of the grisly stories of deliberate child killing by the IDF presented below.

Netanyahu received no fewer than 58 standing ovation for a dastardly speech full of despicable bald-faced lies justifying his horrific slaughter of nearly 40,000 Palestinians and injury of well over 90,000 Gazans, most of whom are women and children, elderly and infirm.

What very few Americans are aware of is that the US government is directly complicit in this mass murdering of innocents.  However, just like ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, so, too, the lack of awareness of such heinous war crimes and egregious crimes against humanity being committed throughout Gaza — in our name and with our tax dollars — does not release the US citizenry from their part in this ongoing slaughter of souls.

Why is genocidal maniac Netanyahu so livid about being
compared to Hitler when his mass murdering
in Gaza is much more horrid?

Incidentally, the real reason why Netanyahu came to Congress is this:

Netanyahu only comes to Congress to show the raw power and pervasive influence that Israel wields over the entire U.S. Federal Government and to request more weaponry to carry out Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Now here are some examples of other hard proofs which confirm that Israeli snipers are purposefully targeting Palestinian children.

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza
Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers

Jewish-American surgeon says Israeli snipers deliberately
kill Palestinian children in Gaza

Truly, this is a very bad omen particularly in light of the effusive praise that Bibi “The Butcher” received by our complicit elected representatives.

State of the Nation - July 27, 2024

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