6 min read



By INTEL-DROP-  Nehme Hamie -  July 27, 2024

 When the Palestinian resistance entered Israel on October 7, 2023, they effectively entered its stolen lands and looted homes ; which were usurped by the Zionist Jews during the Nakba War .

Paris / Each of the following facts has been linked to their sources, so feel free to click on the links for details:

So far, we have seen only a few land titles for Jewish citizens of Palestine. On the other hand, the Palestinians have tens of thousands of land titles proving their ownership of the land, and here is our growing list . In short, Israeli Jews are mostly nothing more than a group of colonial squatters living on Palestinian land.

Israeli men and women must serve in the Israeli occupation army for three years, with 50 days a year in the reserves. This is how Israel has been able to turn 360,000 of its civilian citizens into soldiers overnight; this is exactly how Israel has been implementing an apartheid system (like Jim Crow laws ) for more than seven decades. In fact, it was Netanyahu who emphasized this fact to the Discovery Channel in the mid-1990s, when he boasted: “Israel is a nation of soldiers with very few civilians .”

In Palestinian society, on the other hand, there is no such thing; there has been no military service at all, and the armed resistance consists of a few thousand, mostly volunteers (most of them part-time). In short, the Western media has misused the word civilian , making a complete farce of it when talking about the so-called “Jewish state.”.

The Palestinians are resisting those who replaced and expelled them . It is worth noting that it was not the Palestinians who took turns persecuting the Jews of Europe; it was the Europeans who did so. Zionism is a Western colonial ideology created in response to the rise of European nationalism and anti-Semitism, and it is unfair to make the Palestinians pay the price for what happened to the Jews of Europe during World War II.

When Israel kidnaps Palestinians by the tens of thousands, the liberal Western press often portrays them as prisoners. On the other hand, when Palestinians do exactly the same thing, their act is called kidnapping. Sadly, this has been the only way for Palestinians to get their loved ones released from Israeli prisons.

Zionists of all stripes have fabricated a big lie that the Palestinian resistance is beheading Israeli children. This is a complete lie. Unfortunately, even President Biden and his Secretary of State Mr. Blinken swallowed this big Zionist lie and then vomited it up, just as Netanyahu once did when he used professionally doctored videos and photos to deceive former President Trump. Let’s hope the Zionists don’t drag the United States into their wars over and over again

The “liberal” Western press often repeats the racist Zionist colonization by portraying Israeli riots and massacres in Palestinian cities and refugee camps as “ mowing the lawn ” (the latest was in the New York Times , listen to it starting at 7:20) and that Israel has the right to defend its citizens. And when grace abounds, how do we get rid of it? Chemicals, of course (i.e. Zyklon B ).

Well, if the West is comfortable riding the wave of Israeli racist expressions freely in the media and inciting violence against the indigenous population, it should expect the Palestinians to use the same terminology: The Palestinians went to mow the lawn (i.e., squatters) on land they have owned for decades and have every right to defend themselves as well. Of course, assuming you believe that the Palestinians are human beings and that they actually exist.

To put things in perspective, let us go back just a few years after the Nakba , and read what the highly decorated Israeli general, Moshe Dayan , said in a speech he gave at the funeral of an Israeli farmer who was killed by a Palestinian Arab in April 1956 in almost the same spot where the current raid took place:

“…let us not accuse the murderers today. What reason do we have to complain about their intense hatred for us? For eight years they have been sitting in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we live in our lands and villages where they and their grandfathers lived.” We

must demand his blood not from the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, but from ourselves. . . Let us account for it today. We are the generation of settlers who, without a steel helmet and a rifle barrel, would not be able to plant a tree or build a house. . . “We must not be afraid to see the hatred that accompanies and consumes the lives of hundreds of thousands of [Palestinian] Arabs who live around us and wait for the moment when their hands will be able to reach our blood.” ( The Iron Wall , p. 101)

Isn’t it sad that the Palestinians get much better sympathy from the Zionist leaders than from the so-called liberal press?

In short , it is unfair and immoral to ask the oppressed, the enslaved , the replaced , the colonized, and the dispossessed to be humane, reasonable, civil, and just. These things should be asked of the powerful. The way we see this raid is as if it were a slave revolt. So if Israeli Jews want to stop killing and kidnapping, then perhaps they should start treating the Palestinians as human beings; and the Palestinians will surely respond in kind. But until then, the Palestinians have every right to resist those who have taken their land and replaced them.

The Palestinians will not wait for the West to give them permission to resist those who have oppressed them for decades. It was Western-born anti-Semitism (not Arab anti-Semitism) that created this apartheid state ; so we propose implementing the Haavara Agreement in reverse to end this injustice once and for all. The Zionist Jews made a “good” attempt to build a Spartan fortress , and now it is collapsing under its own weight despite the “liberal” West showering it with money and weapons. The recent Gaza raid has proven how fragile Israel is.

Ask yourself : If the Israelis could not secure the 35-40 miles of the Gaza border and are now asking for outside help just to survive, how will they continue to occupy the West Bank with its hundreds of isolated Jewish settlements under the watchful eye of millions of Palestinians? This is a logistical and security nightmare for the best organized army. Simply put, the Zionist Jews have collectively decided to have their cake and eat it at the same time.

Naturally, the “liberal” West has gone along with this. On the other hand, the Zionists ’ big lies have finally caught up with them, and a bold awakening (from modest groups) has slapped them in the face and shocked them to the core. What if future raids target the exclusive Jewish settlements in the West Bank, or God forbid, Israel’s nuclear weapons facilities? Yes, it is; checkmate and game over!

Here’s the obvious truth : This latest raid has exposed the fragility of the entire Zionist project. It has so many failure points that it could end the project overnight, and that’s not to mention the large number of Israeli Jews who would like to leave even in peacetime; let alone in wartime. Over the coming decades, Israel has lost its deterrent power, and who knows if it will ever regain it? But one thing is certain: the Spartan , fascist lifestyle cannot last forever.

From the beginning, the Zionist Jews have chosen (a) to deny reality with massive doses of big, delusional lies in the hope that this will isolate them from reality; and (b) to live under the sword, seeing Israel as a modern-day Sparta; so it is natural to assume that they will die by the sword as well. The strengths of the Israelis have easily become burdens on its shoulders, and it is only a matter of time, which the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims have at their disposal (see Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Iron Wall).

In retrospect, Theodor Herzl must be turning in his grave; this is not what he had in mind when he wrote The Jewish State. In this regard, the Zionist Jews should have heeded Herzl’s advice when he died thinking that Israel would be in Uganda when it was “ empty ”!

Zionism, what a terminal disease.

Nehme Hamie


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