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Deep DEBUNKING on MISSILE against KIEV Kids HOSPITAL! All Clues & Mysteries which Blame Zelensky

Deep DEBUNKING on MISSILE against KIEV Kids HOSPITAL! All Clues & Mysteries which Blame Zelensky

By VT - Fabio G. C. Carisio - July 13, 2024

Russia: “Ukraine FALSE-FLAG for NATO Aids”. The rocket that hit the neighborhood (but not the children's facility) would be a KH-55 in use in former USSR countries such as Kiev.

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

All previous investigation in Italian linked iside this article can be read in English and in other languages thanks the machien translation available

Ukraine, NATO and all mainstream Atlanticist journalists accuse Russia of having struck the most important pediatric hospital in Kiev, although it is not in the war strategy of the Russian president Vladimir Putin who with his arsenal of hypersonic missiles could have already razed to his the capital for at least 2 years but instead he prefers to sacrifice his soldiers rather than decimate Ukrainian civilians…

The Ministry of Defense in Moscow rejects all charges, blaming the Ukrainian anti-aircraft systems which on other occasions have caused fatal debris to fall on civilian homes.


The toll from approximately 38 Russian missile attacks yesterday, 8 July 2024, against various cities in Ukraine would be 41 people killed and 200 injured. Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to President Volodymyr Zelensky, said this on Telegram. Over 20 people died in the attacks in Kiev alone, according to the government report not verified by international and independent bodies.

But, miraculously, only 2 would happen in the health complex. The budgets are however cryptic because even the RAI Italian National TV News reports are conflicting (as we explain in the detail below), and seem to want to create an intentional confusion between the total deaths in Kiev and those of the actual pediatric hospital.

Instead, 7 victims were killed in the gynecological hospital located in an old adjoining structure, Vatican News Radio reported this morning.

While Al Jazeera reports completely different numbers and circumstances:

«A Russian hypersonic missile struck the complex on Monday morning, hitting a two-storey toxicology department where children undergo dialysis, officials said.The building’s roof collapsed, killing at least two hospital workers. One victim is understood to have been a doctor. At least 16 people were wounded, including seven children, officials said». Some have cancer.

Russia: “FALSE-FLAG of Ukraine in view of the NATO summit”

“The allegations made by Kiev officials about a deliberate Russian missile strike on civilian targets are absolutely untrue. Numerous photo and video reports from Kiev, which have been made public, make it clear that damage was done by a falling Ukrainian air defense missile launched from a missile system deployed within the city limits,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

According to the ministry, the Russian Armed Forces carried out a high-precision strike on Ukrainian defense industry sites and air bases in response to Kiev’s attempts to attack energy facilities inside Russia. All designated targets were hit.

The Russian Defense Ministry pointed out that “the Kiev regime has been throwing such tantrums for years, each time ahead of a get-together (summit) of its NATO sponsors.” “The goal of such provocations is to ensure the further inflow of funds for the Kiev regime and a continuation of the war until the last Ukrainian,” the statement added.

A FALSE-FLAG attack is an aggressive military operation carried out to blame the adversary. Anglo-Saxon US-UK intelligence is the master of this, guiding Zelensky’s moves, having carried out a sensational one in Syria in April 2018, in Douma, after which former American president Donald Trump launched a retaliation of 100 Tomahawk missiles against the Syrian Army, unfairly blamed.

That chemical attack was instead artfully staged by Al Qaeda jihadists with the alleged complicity of the so-called White Helmets rescuers commanded by a former officer of the British MI6 military intelligence service and financed by Washington and London.

In them, 35 civilians were killed by chlorine gas, including some children previously tied up inside the affected building, as demonstrated by the report of an engineer from the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague) which was later censored…

“Since the staging of the Douma incident involved the mass murder of civilians, those in the OPCW who suppressed evidence of the staging are, unknowingly or otherwise, colluding with mass murder.” This was the terrible conclusion reached by some British university professors from the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, an independent international organization to facilitate the search for fake news or false flags.

The Extraordinary and Mysterious Video of the Missile

This time, however, Moscow would be denied by a video that has gone around the world in which it is clear that a rocket falls in the area of ​​the health facility causing a large explosion attributed to a Russian-made cruise missile such as the KH-101 , evolution of the Soviet-made KH-55 already supplied to the USSR and therefore to all the countries of the former Soviet Union such as Ukraine…

The rocket also looks very similar to the AIM 120 AMRAAM anti-missile rocket of the American Nasams defense system as reported by the Russian geopolitical analyst and writer Nicolai Lilin on X, but later we will explain why he is wrong…

Video is not permissible in Brazil

The first important question concerns the film, the authenticity of which is difficult to disagree with.

Who is the lucky and magical video amateur who managed to frame the sky just as a missile traveling at around 970 km per hour (MACH 0.78), almost close to the speed of sound (1236.24 km/h) was arriving? Only a sophisticated video camera previously aimed at the exact point could have captured its arrival and impact.

Ergo…Who in Kiev knew that a missile would land on the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OHMATDYT”?

Multiple Ukrainian FAKE-NEWS on Russian attacks on hospitals

In reality, as we will demonstrate with the images, the brand new pediatric hospital was slightly damaged in a pavilion of the health complex as the rocket instead hit an old building in front of it which does not appear to be part of the complex from the official map of the clinic and therefore it could not be used either for hospitalization or for therapy, otherwise the deaths would have been far more than the 20 declared due to the explosion and collapse which created a pile of rubble.

But before boldly hypothesizing that Ukraine really accidentally or, worse still, deliberately hit its own civilians with a rocket, let’s look at the previous False Flags spread by the Kiev government.

It is strange that since Zelensky’s pro-Nazi regime has governed Ukraine, rented wombs for the sale of children and the clandestine market of human organs have become two enormous businesses under the distracted or complicit eyes of the Atlantic Alliance.

It is therefore clear that the Ukrainian president is an unscrupulous character (believed to be a secret agent of the British intelligence MI6 as we will see in a future investigation…) who supports in every way both the ferocious neo-Nazi and Satanist paramilitaries of the Azov Battalion and the foreign foreign fighters who they fight alongside them and were recently accused of serious war crimes by… the New York Times!

But why would a statesman risk hitting a health facility full of sick children?

The cost of a hospital is around half a billion euros (155 million for the massive one just finished in Italy, Piedmont, Verduno-Alba). The NATO Summit scheduled today, from 9 to 11 July in Washington, plans to allocate as much as 40 billion euros in military aid for Ukraine in 2025. Mathematics is not an opinion and in war it becomes a greedy opportunity to build false propaganda. Let’s look at the precedents…

Let’s omit the strange and suspicious Bucha massacre and start with the fake bombing of a kindergarten in Donbass on 19 February 2022 which served the Kiev Army to legitimize a reprisal on the pro-Russian separatists which caused the losing of patience (after 8 years and 14 thousand deaths) to the Russian President Putin by inducing him to take on the military protection of these Republics and the launch of the military special operation. Those who are curious should read the details on the FAKE-News of a bomb that didn’t even cause one death…

But a full-blown hospital drama had already aired on the Mariupol hospital on March 10, 2022.

An already evacuated health facility became the film set of an alleged Russian bombing, making famous a Ukrainian model who appeared pregnant during the escape but was later identified as an actress by social media around the world. Fake news debunked! But only from counter-information sites like Gospa News…

A few weeks earlier, on February 26, 2022, the colossal hoax had had just the Okhmadyt pediatric hospital in the capital as its protagonist. Ukraine denounced an alleged attack and showed a photo of a child... Posing under cardboard in an untouched room. That clearly constructed shot nevertheless went around the world from Italy to New Zealand.

Having said this, let’s return to yesterday’s explosion, the tragic death toll of which is accredited only by Ukrainian sources.

As Russia claims, the attacks on national territory on “military or strategic objectives” were a retaliation for the missions of Ukrainian killer drones on the population of the Russian region of Belgorod where long-range missiles from NATO countries were also widely used by the Russian army. Kiev against civilians well before the authorization of Western governments (Russian complaint to the UN).

Attack by a Russian or Soviet missile already in use also in Ukraine?

Social media is going crazy debating whether the fragments of the KH-101 cruise missile (in Cyrillic: Х-101, NATO code name: AS-23a Kodiak) of Russian manufacture and in use by the Moscow air force, found by the Security Service Ukrainian Security (SBU) are indeed those of the rocket blamed for hitting the hospital complex.

Even according to the researcher from the University of Oslo, Fabian Hoffman, it would be a cruise Kh-101, but some technical details analyzed by us could disprove it…

The issue appears very controversial and questionable given that this powerful war carrier is very similar to the previous model KH-55 (in Cyrillic: Х-55, NATO code name: AS-15 Kent) developed starting from the end of the seventies at ‘IKB Raduga and entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983. Therefore supplied to all countries of the former Soviet Union such as Ukraine.

The screenshot of the film on the missile that fell in Kiev, a KH-55 above and a KH-101 below

This recalls the heavy judicial dispute between Russia and NATO countries such as the Netherlands (which financed the 2014 coup in Kiev with the USA and Geroge Soros’ NGOs) regarding the Boeing 777-200ER plane crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17/MAS17 between Amsterdam and Kuala Lampur which on 17 July 2014 (a disturbing coincidence for those who believe in biblical cabal…) was shot down over Ukrainian territory by a surface-to-air missile launched from a Buk system, supplied both to the pro-Russian separatists of Donbass and to Ukrainian Army.



$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

“Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be revealed.” Jesus Christ

Holy Bible – Gospel of Saint Matthew the Apostle (10,26)

“Thus says the Lord: They have made kings whom I have not appointed; they chose leaders without my knowledge. With their silver and their gold they have made idols for themselves, but to them ruin. And since they sowed wind they will reap storm.”.

Holy Bible – Book of Hosea (8, 4 and 7))

Fabio G. C. Carisio

Fabio G. C. Carisio

Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

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