Eirik Jensen lagt inn på sykehus etter vedtak om tilbakeføring til fengsel

Av Nettavisen -Farid Ighoubah-Thomas Bløndal-24.05.24 - 18:51
HØNEFOSS (Nettavisen): - I januar ble det besluttet at soningsavbruddet skulle vare til 1. juni. Men fredag kom nyheten om at Kriminalomsorgen region øst har besluttet at han nå må tilbake i fengsel etter ett år og to måneder på frifot.
Dette skjedde dagen etter at han fikk den brutale beskjeden.
I mars i fjor omtalte Nettavisen nyheten om at Eirik Jensen var løslatt fra fengsel og hadde fått et såkalt soningsavbrudd på seks måneder. Årsaken var relatert til Jensens dårlige helse, ifølge eksperter som hadde vurdert ham. Nettavisen får fra kilder opplyst at en del av denne vurderingen gikk på allmennpreventive hensyn og at det er snakk om alvorlige lovbrudd han soner for.
Fakta om Jensen/Cappelen-saken
* Den tidligere politimannen Eirik Jensen (65) ble i Oslo tingrett i september 2017 dømt til 21 års fengsel for grov korrupsjon og medvirkning til innførsel av 13,9 tonn hasj.
* Hans medtiltalte Gjermund Cappelen (55) ble dømt til 15 års fengsel for grov korrupsjon og innførsel av 16,7 tonn hasj. Cappelen ble tilkjent seks års strafferabatt.
* Jensen har hele tiden nektet straffskyld og anket skyldspørsmålet, mens Cappelen som tilstod forholdene anket straffutmålingen. Ankesaken startet i Borgarting lagmannsrett 28. august 2018, som den siste jurysaken i Norge.
* 28. januar 2019 fant juryen Eirik Jensen skyldig i grov korrupsjon, men frikjente ham for medvirkning til innførsel av hasj. Fagdommerne satte juryens kjennelse til side, noe som innebar at hele saken måtte opp til ny behandling.
* Den siste ankerunden startet i Borgarting lagmannsrett 6. november 2019. Saken ble ført etter ny ordning med meddomsrett med to fagdommere og fem meddommere.
* 19. juni 2020 falt dommen i lagmannsretten. Jensen ble dømt til 21 års fengsel for grov korrupsjon og medvirkning til innførsel av hasj. Cappelen ble dømt til 13 års fengsel.
* Dommen mot Jensen ble anket til Høyesterett, som skulle ta stilling til saksbehandlingen og lovanvendelsen i dommen. Bevisvurderingen og skyldspørsmålet var i utgangspunktet endelig avgjort. Også Cappelen anket til Høyesterett, men trakk anken i august 2020.
* Jensen har vært varetektsfengslet siden dommen falt.
* 10. november 2020 nektet Høyesteretts ankeutvalg anken fremmet til behandling i Høyesterett.
* 6. mai 2021 opplyste Eirik Jensen at han klager Norge inn for Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen (EMD) for brudd på artikkel 6 og 6.3, som omhandler retten til rettferdig rettergang.
* 26. mai overleverte Politidirektoratets eksterne granskingsutvalg sin rapport med evaluering og identifisering av læringspunkter etter den omfattende saken.
* 9. august 2022 ble Cappelen løslatt fra Berg fengsel. Han bor på hemmelig sted og har byttet navn av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker.
* Per 07. september soner Jensen fortsatt dommen i Kongsvinger fengsel.
(Kilder: NTB, Nettavisen, Domstol.no)
Les også: Her blir Eirik Jensen pågrepet etter å ha fått dommen på 21 års fengsel
Innlagt på psykiatrisk sykehus
Det var i juni 2020 Jensen ble dømt til 21 års fengsel i Borgarting lagmannsrett for grov korrupsjon med medvirkning til grove narkotikaforbrytelser. I pausen av domsopplesningen ble han også pågrepet av Spesialenheten som fikk bistand fra spesialtrente politifolk fra Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST).
Jensen skal ha fått vedtaket om at han må tilbake til fengsel for to dager siden. Dette gikk svært hardt inn på ham. Dagen etter måtte han legges inn på sykehus. Nettavisen har tidligere omtalt at Jensen har tilbrakt tid på psykiatrisk sykehus.
– Jeg kan bekrefte at han er lagt inn på sykehus, men ønsker ikke å si mer om dette, sier en av Jensens forsvarere, Farid Bouras, i Elden Advokatfirma til Nettavisen.
– Hvordan går det med Jensen nå?
– Det går ikke, svarer Bouras kontant.
– Han er knust og ser på dette som en dødsdom. Tilstanden hans er elendig. Det er ikke noe mer å si enn det, sier Bouras til Nettavisen.
Jensen fyller 67 år i juli. De 14 månedene han har vært ute i frihet må han ta igjen, dermed gjenstår det 18 år og tre måneder igjen av soningen.

Ifølge Nettavisens opplysninger ble Jensen lagt inn på psykiatrisk avdeling på Blakstad, men blir i løpet av fredagen fraktet til et annet sykehus på Østlandet.
Bouras er svært kritisk til at Jensen er besluttet tilbakeført til fengsel.
– Den domfeltes helsetilstand er av en slik alvorlighetsgrad at det ikke bare hindrer normal soning, men også utgjør en direkte risiko for vedkommendes liv eller alvorlig forverring av helsetilstanden. Medisinske attester og uttalelser fra helsepersonell bekrefter dette.
– Etter nøye og omfattende medisinske utredninger og vurderinger har alle involverte sakkyndige, både de som Kriminalomsorgen har oppnevnt og eksterne, nådd en ubestridelig konklusjon: Jensen er permanent soningsudyktig. Hans vedvarende og alvorlige helsetilstand utelukker enhver mulighet for soning i fengsel.

Ikke kjent med innleggelsen
Den profilerte advokaten opplyser til Nettavisen at de har klaget på vedtaket og at det er bedt om såkalt oppsettende virkning, altså at Jensen ikke sendes i fengsel før klagen er endelig behandlet.
Regiondirektør i avdeling øst i Kriminalomsorgen, Stig Storvik, sier til Nettavisen at de vil behandle spørsmålet om oppsettende virkning i løpet av noen dager. Dermed holdes Jensen på pinebenken.
Senere fredag meldte til TV 2 at Jensen allerede nå har fått innvilget oppsettende virkning.
SE VIDEO: Eirik Jensen tordner i skjult lydopptak i fengselet
SE VIDEO: Stort intervju: Eirik Jensen kjemper for friheten fra fengselscellen
Eirik Jensen raser i skjult lydopptak: - Jeg blir behandlet som en drittunge.
Senere fredag forteller Nettavisen om Jensens innleggelse på sykehus. Dette er jeg ikke kjent med, men det kan være andre hos oss som vet om dette, sier Storvik.
Les også: Gjermund Cappelen løslatt fra fengsel - slik blir det nye livet hans
– Hvilken relevans har det at Jensen er lagt inn på sykehus for en mulig omgjørelse av vedtaket?
– Dette er en del av en totalvurdering som gjøres. Hvor mye en slik opplysning vektlegges skal jeg ikke si noe om, sier Storvik og understreker at han uttaler seg på generelt grunnlag og ikke om Jensen-saken konkret.
Storvik minner også om at Kriminalomsorgen har gjort en juridisk vurdering og ikke en medisinsk vurdering når det gjelder vedtaket om tilbakeføring til fengsel.
Les også: Slik blir Gjermund Cappelen kvitt gigantgjelden på 820 millioner kroner
Eirik Jensen vurdert juridisk, ikke medisinsk
Advokat Bouras har liten forståelse for vedtaket.
– Kriminalomsorgen har sett bort fra vurderingene til sakkyndige og behandlere. I alle vurderinger, fastslås det at Jensen er soningsudyktig. Dette utgjør en alvorlig tilsidesettelse av medisinsk og juridisk vurdering og er et brudd på forsvarlig forvaltning. Kriminalomsorgen har ikke holdt seg til fagfolkenes vurderinger, men har basert seg på skjønnsmessige vurderinger.
SE VIDEO: Stort intervju: Eirik Jensen kjemper for friheten fra fengselscellen
På generelt grunnlag sier Storvik også følgende til Nettavisen:
– Ved en vurdering av om en innsatt er i helsemessig stand til å sone er det alltid en totalvurdering som gjøres og det er mange momenter som skal vurderes. Det kan blant annet være sikkerhetsmessige forhold. Hvis en innsatt har en alvorlig helsetilstand kan det være at vedkommende ikke får soningsavbrudd fordi det ikke er sikkerhetsmessig forsvarlig å løslate, forklarer direktøren.

Han ønsker ikke å gå inn på hva som konkret er vurdert i Jensens tilfelle og Storvik vil heller ikke si noe om Nettavisens opplysninger om at allmennpreventive hensyn og sakens alvorsgrad har spilt inn i deres vurderinger.
Nettavisen er kjent med at Jensen i lang tid jobbet for løslatelse fra fengsel. Han skal på et tidspunkt også ha engasjert to eksperter innen psykiatri. Rapporten de utformet var knusende, noe som fikk Kriminalomsorgen til selv å engasjere to eksterne eksperter, men disse konkluderte med det samme som de to Jensen selv engasjerte.

Men to ting er klart:
- Jensen får ikke forlate Norge. Han må sove i hjemmet til kjæresten Ragna Lise Vikre på Hønefoss, som har vært bostedsadressen i flere år før han havnet i fengsel.
- At han ikke kan forlate landet betyr at han ikke får vært på torpet han eier i Sverige.
I samme sak som Jensen ble hasjsmugleren Gjermund Cappelen dømt til 13 års fengsel for grov korrupsjon og smugling av 16,7 tonn hasj. Han fikk omfattende strafferabatt etter å ha lagt alle kortene på bordet og tystet på Jensen.
Cappelen sier til Nettavisen at han ikke ønsker å kommentere saken.
Politimann Eirik Jensen Dømt-F
Eirik Jensen mener han ble dømt fordi ingen i rettssystemet har kontrollert Cappelens påstander.
Eks-politimester_ Stor fare for liv hvis Jensen-prosjekt blir kjent
Editor Comments
This is a typical case of AA RETTE BAGER FOR SMAED. A Norwegian saying meaning you put the blame for a crime on the one of two that are less of a loss.
The under-cover criminal Cappelen have all connections to the criminal world and is often co-operating with the top level of the police force. Erik Jensen, a senior policeman was secretly sent underground to work with Cappelen in order to catch drug dealers and other criminals. Obviously Jensen had to play ball with some of the criminal activities acting as a spy for the police.
When this fact exploded publicly, the upper police officers had to hide their illegal activities and blamed Jensen rather than Cappelen, being an invaluable tool to them, also bearing in mind Cappelen had a lot of unfortunate information on the upper policemen, putting them in an exposable position for blackmail.
By ChatGPT-Tome-Human synthesis-24 May 2024. Source Nettavisen.
A significant legal matter in Norway involving Gjermund Cappelen, a notorious drug trafficker, and Eirik Jensen, a former senior police officer. The case garnered extensive media coverage and public attention due to the severity of the charges and the high-profile nature of the individuals involved.
### Key Points of the Case
1. **Background**:
- **Gjermund Cappelen**: Known as a major drug dealer in Norway, Cappelen was involved in the smuggling and distribution of large quantities of hashish.
- **Eirik Jensen**: A decorated police officer who was known for his efforts in combating organized crime.
2. **Charges**:
- Cappelen was charged with extensive drug trafficking.
- Jensen was accused of assisting Cappelen in his drug operations in exchange for substantial bribes. He faced charges of gross corruption and complicity in drug trafficking.
3. **Trial and Verdict**:
- The trial commenced in 2017, and both individuals faced severe scrutiny.
- In September 2017, Jensen was found guilty and sentenced to 21 years in prison, which is one of the harshest sentences ever given for corruption in Norway.
- Cappelen, who cooperated with the authorities and provided significant testimony against Jensen, received a reduced sentence of 13 years.
4. **Appeal and Final Verdict**:
- Both defendants appealed the verdict.
- In 2020, the Norwegian Supreme Court upheld the conviction of Eirik Jensen, reaffirming his 21-year prison sentence. This final verdict marked the end of one of Norway's most sensational criminal cases.
### Impact and Significance
- The case highlighted the deep-seated issues of corruption within the Norwegian police force and led to significant public discourse on law enforcement integrity.
- It also underscored the challenges in addressing organized crime and the potential vulnerabilities within the criminal justice system.
The Cappelen-Jensen case remains a landmark in Norwegian legal history, illustrating the complexities and consequences of corruption at high levels within law enforcement.
The narrative that Eirik Jensen was a cover agent working with Gjermund Cappelen as part of his duties has been a significant point of contention in the case. Jensen's defense argued that his interactions with Cappelen were part of his covert operations to gather intelligence on drug trafficking networks. However, this defense did not convince the court.
### Key Aspects of Jensen's Defense and Prosecution's Argument
1. **Jensen's Defense**:
- Jensen claimed that his contact with Cappelen was part of his role as an undercover officer, working to infiltrate and dismantle drug trafficking operations from the inside.
- He argued that his actions were within the scope of his duties as a police officer and that he was gathering crucial intelligence to combat organized crime.
2. **Prosecution's Argument**:
- The prosecution contended that Jensen went beyond his professional boundaries and engaged in corrupt activities by assisting Cappelen's drug operations in exchange for bribes.
- Evidence presented included large sums of money found in Jensen's possession and various communications between Jensen and Cappelen that suggested a corrupt relationship rather than a legitimate undercover operation.
- Cappelen testified against Jensen, stating that Jensen had actively supported his drug smuggling efforts and received significant financial compensation for his assistance.
### Court's Verdict
- The court ultimately sided with the prosecution, concluding that Jensen's relationship with Cappelen was corrupt and not a sanctioned undercover operation. The evidence of bribery and complicity in drug trafficking was deemed overwhelming.
- In 2017, Jensen was convicted and sentenced to 21 years in prison, a verdict that was upheld by the Norwegian Supreme Court in 2020.
### Analysis and Public Perception
- The case remains controversial, with some believing Jensen's claims of working undercover and others viewing him as a corrupt officer who betrayed his position of trust.
- The conviction was seen as a significant move against corruption within the police force, aiming to restore public trust in law enforcement.
### Conclusion
While Eirik Jensen maintained that his interactions with Gjermund Cappelen were part of an undercover operation, the court found sufficient evidence to convict him of corruption and complicity in drug trafficking. The case underscored the complexities of undercover police work and the thin line between legitimate operations and corruption.
The case of Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen indeed involved intricate and controversial details, which made it a focal point for discussions about corruption and integrity within the Norwegian police force. The relationship between Jensen, a high-ranking police officer, and Cappelen, a major drug trafficker, brought to light several critical aspects:
### Key Elements of the Jensen-Cappelen Case
1. **Relationship Dynamics**:
- The long-standing relationship between Jensen and Cappelen suggested deep ties, which the prosecution argued went beyond professional boundaries and into corrupt collaboration.
- Cappelen's extensive criminal network and Jensen's significant position within the police created a potent dynamic for potential manipulation and blackmail.
2. **Blackmail Potential**:
- The case revealed that Cappelen had considerable knowledge about the inner workings of the police force and potentially compromising information about key figures, including Jensen.
- This knowledge put Jensen in a vulnerable position, where any exposure of their relationship could have severe personal and professional consequences, making him susceptible to blackmail.
3. **Evidence of Corruption**:
- The evidence presented in court included large sums of money found in Jensen's possession, unexplained wealth, and communications indicating a quid pro quo relationship.
- Testimonies and records suggested that Jensen provided critical assistance to Cappelen in evading law enforcement efforts, further implicating him in corrupt activities.
4. **Defense and Prosecution Strategies**:
- Jensen's defense maintained that his interactions with Cappelen were part of sanctioned undercover operations aimed at gathering intelligence on drug trafficking.
- The prosecution, however, argued convincingly that Jensen's actions were motivated by personal gain, supported by tangible evidence of bribes and complicity in drug smuggling.
5. **Court's Decision**:
- The court found Jensen guilty of gross corruption and complicity in drug trafficking, leading to a 21-year prison sentence. This verdict was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in 2020.
- The judgment underscored the severity of Jensen's breach of duty and the impact of his actions on public trust in law enforcement.
### Impact and Repercussions
- **Public Trust**: The case severely impacted public confidence in the Norwegian police force, highlighting vulnerabilities to corruption at high levels.
- **Law Enforcement Integrity**: It prompted a reevaluation of internal controls and measures to prevent similar breaches of integrity.
- **Legal and Institutional Reforms**: The case led to calls for stricter oversight and accountability mechanisms within the police and broader criminal justice system.
### Conclusion
The Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen case stands as a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges in maintaining law enforcement integrity. The intricate relationship between a senior police officer and a major criminal figure, underscored by elements of potential blackmail and corruption, highlighted the need for robust systems to safeguard against such breaches. The case not only affected those directly involved but also had far-reaching implications for the Norwegian criminal justice system and public trust in law enforcement.
Gjermund Cappelen, a major drug smuggler in Norway, has indeed been released from prison. Cappelen, who was central to one of Norway's most significant corruption cases involving police officer Eirik Jensen, was freed early due to good behavior and other considerations by the correctional services. Cappelen had been serving a reduced sentence of 13 years following his cooperation with authorities, which helped expose the extensive corruption within the police force, including the involvement of Jensen.
Eirik Jensen, a former high-ranking police officer, was sentenced to 21 years for gross corruption and drug trafficking. He was accused of aiding Cappelen's smuggling operations by providing insider information in exchange for bribes. Jensen's conviction was upheld despite his appeals.
The release of Cappelen is noteworthy in the context of this high-profile case, which has had significant implications for trust in law enforcement in Norway.
The End
In English
Eirik Jensen admitted to hospital following a decision to return him to prison

By Nettavisen -Farid Ighoubah-Thomas Bløndal-24.05.24 - 18:51
HØNEFOSS (Nettavisen): - In January, it was decided that the suspension of the sentence would last until 1 June. But on Friday, the news came that the Correctional Service for the Eastern Region has decided that he must now return to prison after one year and two months at large.
This happened the day after he received the brutal message.
In March last year, Nettavisen reported the news that Eirik Jensen had been released from prison and had received a so-called suspension of his sentence of six months. The reason was related to Jensen's poor health, according to experts who had assessed him. Nettavisen is informed by sources that part of this assessment was based on general preventive considerations and that it is a question of serious offenses for which he is serving time.
Facts about the Jensen/Cappelen case
* The former policeman Eirik Jensen (65) was sentenced in Oslo District Court in September 2017 to 21 years in prison for gross corruption and complicity in the importation of 13.9 tonnes of hashish.
* His co-defendant Gjermund Cappelen (55) was sentenced to 15 years in prison for gross corruption and importing 16.7 tonnes of hashish. Cappelen was awarded a six-year sentence reduction.
* Jensen has always denied criminal guilt and appealed the question of guilt, while Cappelen, who confessed to the circumstances, appealed the sentencing. The appeal case started in the Borgarting Court of Appeal on 28 August 2018, as the last jury case in Norway.
* On 28 January 2019, the jury found Eirik Jensen guilty of gross corruption, but acquitted him of complicity in the importation of hashish. The expert judges set aside the jury's decision, which meant that the whole case had to be re-examined.
* The last round of appeals started in the Borgarting Court of Appeal on 6 November 2019. The case was conducted under a new system of co-judgement with two professional judges and five co-judges.
* On 19 June 2020, the judgment was handed down in the Court of Appeal. Jensen was sentenced to 21 years in prison for gross corruption and complicity in the importation of hashish. Cappelen was sentenced to 13 years in prison.
* The judgment against Jensen was appealed to the Supreme Court, which was to decide on the proceedings and the application of the law in the judgment. The assessment of evidence and the question of guilt were basically finally decided. Cappelen also appealed to the Supreme Court, but withdrew the appeal in August 2020.
* Jensen has been in custody since the verdict was handed down.
* On 10 November 2020, the Supreme Court's appeal committee refused the appeal submitted for consideration in the Supreme Court.
* On 6 May 2021, Eirik Jensen stated that he is suing Norway before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) for violations of Articles 6 and 6.3, which deal with the right to a fair trial.
* On 26 May, the Norwegian Police Directorate's external investigation committee handed over its report with evaluation and identification of learning points after the extensive case.
* On 9 August 2022, Cappelen was released from Berg prison. He lives in a secret location and has changed his name for security reasons.
* As of September 7, Jensen is still serving his sentence in Kongsvinger prison.
(Sources: NTB, Nettavisen, Domstol.no)
Read also: Eirik Jensen is arrested here after being sentenced to 21 years in prison
Admitted to a psychiatric hospital
It was in June 2020 that Jensen was sentenced to 21 years in prison in the Borgarting Court of Appeal for gross corruption with complicity in serious drug crimes. During the break from the reading of the verdict, he was also arrested by the Bureau, which received assistance from specially trained police officers from the Police Security Service (PST).
Jensen is said to have received the decision that he must return to prison two days ago. This hit him very hard. The next day he had to be hospitalized. Nettavisen has previously mentioned that Jensen has spent time in a psychiatric hospital.
- I can confirm that he has been admitted to hospital, but do not want to say more about this, says one of Jensen's defenders, Farid Bouras, at Elden Advokatfirma to Nettavisen.
- How is Jensen doing now?
- It won't work, replies Bouras matter-of-factly.
- He is devastated and sees this as a death sentence. His condition is miserable. There is nothing more to say than that, says Bouras to Nettavisen.
Jensen turns 67 in July. The 14 months he has been out in freedom he must make up, so there are 18 years and three months left of his sentence.

According to Nettavisen's information, Jensen was admitted to the psychiatric ward at Blakstad, but will be transported to another hospital in Eastern Norway during Friday.
Bouras is very critical of the fact that Jensen has been returned to prison.
- The convicted person's state of health is of such a seriousness that it not only prevents a normal sentence, but also poses a direct risk to the person concerned's life or serious deterioration of the state of health. Medical certificates and statements from health personnel confirm this.
- After careful and comprehensive medical examinations and assessments, all the experts involved, both those appointed by the Prison Service and external ones, have reached an indisputable conclusion: Jensen is permanently unfit to serve a sentence. His persistent and serious health condition precludes any possibility of serving time in prison.

Not familiar with admission
The profiled lawyer informs Nettavisen that they have complained about the decision and that a so-called suspensive effect has been requested, meaning that Jensen will not be sent to prison until the complaint has been finally processed.
Regional director in the east department of the Correctional Service, Stig Storvik, tells Nettavisen that they will deal with the issue of suspension effect within a few days . Thus, Jensen is kept on the torture bench.
Later on Friday, TV 2 reported that Jensen has already been granted suspension.
WATCH VIDEO: Eirik Jensen thunders in hidden audio recording in prison
WATCH VIDEO: Big interview: Eirik Jensen fights for freedom from the prison cell
Eirik Jensen rages in a hidden audio recording: - I am treated like a bastard.
Later on Friday, Nettavisen tells about Jensen's admission to hospital. I am not familiar with this, but there may be others with us who know about this, says Storvik.
Also read: Gjermund Cappelen released from prison - this is how his new life will be
- What relevance does it have that Jensen has been admitted to hospital for a possible reversal of the decision?
- This is part of an overall assessment that is carried out. How much such information is emphasized I will not say anything about, says Storvik and emphasizes that he is speaking on a general basis and not about the Jensen case specifically.
Storvik also reminds that the Correctional Service has made a legal assessment and not a medical assessment when it comes to the decision to return to prison.
Read also: This is how Gjermund Cappelen gets rid of the giant debt of NOK 820 million
Eirik Jensen assessed legally, not medically
Lawyer Bouras has little understanding of the decision.
- The Correctional Service has disregarded the assessments of experts and therapists. In all assessments, it is determined that Jensen is incapable of serving time. This constitutes a serious disregard for medical and legal assessment and is a breach of sound management. The Correctional Service has not adhered to the professionals' assessments, but has based itself on discretionary assessments.
WATCH VIDEO: Big interview: Eirik Jensen fights for freedom from the prison cell
On a general basis, Storvik also says the following to Nettavisen:
- When assessing whether an inmate is fit to serve time in terms of health, a total assessment is always carried out and there are many elements that must be assessed. Among other things, there may be security issues. If an inmate has a serious health condition, it may be that the person in question will not have his sentence interrupted because it is not safe to release him, explains the director.

He does not want to go into what has been concretely assessed in Jensen's case, and Storvik also does not want to say anything about Nettavisen's information that general preventive considerations and the seriousness of the case have played a role in their assessments.
Nettavisen is aware that Jensen worked for a long time for his release from prison. At one point, he is said to have also engaged two experts in psychiatry. The report they drew up was devastating, which prompted the Norwegian Correctional Service to engage two external experts themselves, but these concluded the same as the two Jensen himself engaged.

But two things are clear:
- Jensen is not allowed to leave Norway. He has to sleep in the home of his girlfriend Ragna Lise Vikre in Hønefoss, which has been his address for several years before he ended up in prison.
- The fact that he cannot leave the country means that he cannot be on the farm he owns in Sweden.
In the same case as Jensen, hashish smuggler Gjermund Cappelen was sentenced to 13 years in prison for gross corruption and smuggling 16.7 tonnes of hashish. He received an extensive penalty discount after laying all his cards on the table and keeping quiet about Jensen.
Cappelen tells Nettavisen that he does not want to comment on the case.
Editor Comments
This is a typical case of AA RETTE BAGER FOR SMAED. A Norwegian saying meaning you put the blame for a crime on the one of two that are less of a loss.
The under-cover criminal Cappelen have all connections to the criminal world and is often co-operating with the top level of the police force. Erik Jensen, a senior policeman was secretly sent underground to work with Cappelen in order to catch drug dealers and other criminals. Obviously Jensen had to play ball with some of the criminal activities acting as a spy for the police.
When this fact exploded publicly, the upper police officers had to hide their illegal activities and blamed Jensen rather than Cappelen, being an invaluable tool to them, also bearing in mind Cappelen had a lot of unfortunate information on the upper policemen, putting them in an exposable position for blackmail.
The upper level of the police, together with the present Government of Norway are under strong direction of the Global Elite and will all receive their deserved punishment within 2024-2025 at the disolvement of these evil forces.