By VT - S Birdman -February 28, 2024
In a recent NYT article (28/02/24) the American Jewish journalist Mr. Thomas Friedman raised the question and issue of Israel’s losing “legitimacy” because of its war on Gaza.
Balfour Declaration of 1917
To begin with, Israel’s never had legitimacy to start with. The Balfour Declaration by the British Foreign Secretary “Is a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority of Jewish population. Wikipedia.

Britain was never the owner of Palestine nor had any legitimacy to grant such a promise belonging to the Ottoman Empire. Balfour Declaration will always remain lacking any legitimacy whatever under all circumstances.
The German Holocaust of the Jews of Europe is a German Crime, not Palestinian.

Nazi Germany and subsequent German governments and the German people will always own the horrific systematic murder of the Jews and as such the crime of one people should never be the excuse or the “legitimacy” for the Palestinian to pay the price of the German crimes. Unfortunately, till today Germany feels its right to support Israel especially its genocidal war on Gaza as a way of “compensating” whitewashing its crimes in the Holocaust.

Antisemitism is Western European Values but never Arab or Muslim Values.
Antisemitism has always been a Western mainly Christian value spanning centuries from the expulsion of Jews from England, Spain, and other countries to the Pogroms of the Russian Empire to the German Holocaust. As such the crimes of Europe should never be a “legitimate” reason to give the State of Israel its legitimacy.
UN Partition of Palestine.
To begin with, the United Nations never did have “legitimacy” or rights to create a state over land and territories belonging to other indigenous people the Palestinians. The votes were to support the creation of Israel and to give the colonial settlers, a minority, most of the land of Palestine.

Israel was born out of systematic terrorism.
It is a historical fact that the European Zionist colonial settlers came to Palestine with the very objective of “disposing” of the indigenous Palestinian people of the land. These colonial settlers were well-armed armed, well-funded by international Jewish financial institutions and by Britain, the US and Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union, which not only provided the weapons and arms but also well-trained former soldiers. Never in history have we seen one country created but armed settlers simply taking over and country of other people, the Palestinians.
All armed colonial settlers like the French in Algeria, had to leave the country once thought as part of France. All colonial powers in Africa, or Asia, and Latin America without exception ended up leaving the very country they colonized. The Zionist colonization of Palestine and the White colonization of America are the only two examples where colonial settlers took over other people’s land.
Israel’s Only Legitimacy Comes from the Palestinians and only the Palestinians.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened. Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas as leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Fatah, and the Palestine National Congress gave full unconditional recognition of Israel in Oslo. Not only gave Israel such recognition but also recognized its military and settlers’ occupation, and ceded large parcels of land to the Occupation, without ever in 30 years getting Israel to admit to its occupation, to admit and recognize the name of Palestine in all correspondence and agreements.
Israel always referred ,to the Occupied Territories as Judea and Samaria or the “Territories”.
In exchange for all this Arafat and Abbas and the so-called Palestinian institutions got more settlement to the tune of 800,000. Systematic land thefts of hundreds of thousands of hectares, demolitions of tens of thousands of homes and buildings, frequent attacks, and raids by both the IDF and armed Israeli Jewish terrorists.
Keeping in mind that Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud never accepted nor voted on the Oslo Accord and all Israeli governments whether on the right or the left always supported expanding the Israeli settlements and land theft. Worst yet the Palestinian past and current leadership continued to provide administrative and auxiliary security services to Israel and settlers Occupation and paying for it.
It is ironic now that most Israelis, and are their government all in agreement never to recognize the Palestinian State. Question will Mahmoud Abbas and the treasonable PLO revoke its recognition of Israel?
Photo Credits: Alamo, Getty, New York Review of Books, the Economist, and Aljazeera.
S Birdman - anonymous for a reason
$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.