The Ongoing Carnage From the Covid Injections

By SOTON - An Insurance Industry Retiree - 28 February 2024
We are now a few months into year four since the Covid injections were rolled out in December 2020. There is now insurmountable evidence that the injections are not vaccines; they are an experiment in gene therapy that turns the human body into spike protein-producing factories, and these proteins accumulate and attack every organ in our bodies.
As I write in February 2024, hardly a day goes by without more damning information being revealed about the tragic consequences of these injections. The evidence can be found everywhere, except of course in the controlled mainstream media which continues pushing this fraudulent narrative; but cracks in the MSM narrative are now everywhere, and the truth is slowly but surely coming to light.
I spent thirty-two years of my forty-five-year career in the insurance and reinsurance industries, the last 19 years with one of the two largest reinsurance companies in the world. I was an underwriter, not an actuary, but I worked with actuaries every day, and the main point of this article concerns actuarial data confirming the devastating effects of the COVID-19 injections on the global population. But before I get to that data, I want to share the most recent information about the catastrophic impact of these so-called vaccines.
In just the first few weeks of February, numerous oncologists have revealed a new epidemic of rapidly metastasizing cancers that have exploded across the population, particularly among younger people. This has never been seen before.
Renowned Canadian oncologist and radiologist Dr. William Makis, who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer cases of all kinds during his career, recently stated on camera at The Peopleâs Voice, that he and his colleagues feel like âkindergartnersâ trying to explain what they are seeing.
He reports many of these âturbo cancersâ, as some have begun calling them, metastasize so rapidly that patients often die within days of diagnosis. He further reports that many of these new cases present at stage 4 at initial diagnosis, which he has also never seen before. Makis believes the COVID injections are the proximate cause of this explosion in cancer cases.
According to Makis, the pressure for Canadian doctors to get the Covid injections was so overwhelming that more than 99% complied. Within months of the injection campaign, Canadian doctors began dying, many at very young ages in their twenties and thirties. Many died shortly after being injected, and virtually all deaths occurred within a year of receiving the injections.
Some of the most disturbing data has been reported by the US Group Life Insurance Industry. On 1/1/2022, a little over a year after the December COVID-19 2020 rollout of the COVID-19 injections, the CEO of OneAmerica Life Insurance, Scott Davidson reported startling financial results. He reported death claims increased by 40% in the previous two quarters for policyholders in the companyâs group life division. This group of insureds is covered by group policies issued to corporations, and consist of what has historically been the healthiest population segment of 18-64-year-olds consists.
Quoting Davidson:
âJust to give an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a
one-in-200-year64-year-olds catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic, so 40% is just unheard ofâ.
Extrapolating from the numbers Davidson provided, if a 10% increase represents a three-sigma, or a one in 200 year event, a 40% increase represents a twelve-sigma, or a one-in-800-yearone-in-200-year event. Nothing like this has ever been witnessed in the history of actuarial science.
But perhaps his most disturbing statement is that âmost of the claims for deaths are not classified as COVID-19 deathsâ, but from a myriad of other causes. Myocarditis has been the most widely publicized cause of death among the vaccinated. The UK-based website published a report on February 10th titled âShocking CDC Report â Autoimmune Heart Disease Skyrockets Post-Covid Vaccinationâ. The report states that the risk of suffering myocarditis following mRNA vaccination is around 133x, which means that COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis by 13,000 percent.
If the Covid injections were safe and effective as advertised, one would expect to have seen the number of deaths level off, and then decrease from pre-pandemic levels, but the opposite has happened. This has blown up the actuarial tables of the life insurance industry. The findings of this study are corroborated by Ed Dowdâs important book: Cause Unknown â one-in-800-year Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.
The numbers Davidson reported are now a little over two years old, so the recent explosion in cancer deaths is not included in the numbers. At this point, there is no telling how much worse the actuarial data will get as this new wave of cancer deaths becomes known.
I expect the life insurance industry will be under intense pressure to suppress this information, but financial results speak for themselves, so itâs just a matter of time until this worsening picture is revealed. The criminal Pfizer organization has already positioned itself to profit from this coming wave of cancer deaths caused by their mRNA injections, having completed a $43 billion acquisition of Seagen in December of last year, thereby doubling their oncology pipeline. This is yet another case of problem-reaction-solution at work.
In conclusion, I would like to share a post from from February 14th.
A Final Warning From The Late Dr. Luc Montaignier
Contrary to what was said at the beginning, these vaccines do not protect at all, and this is slowly emerging. This is scientifically recognized by all today. It is not only scientific experiments that say it, but also all patients on whom the effects have been analyzed to prove it. Instead, to protect as it was said, it can even promote other infections.
The protein that was used in vaccines for this virus is actually toxic, it is a poison. The vaccine was not born to kill, but to protect and there have been many deaths, even young sportsmen who have important problems, due to this vaccine. It is an absolute crime to give these vaccines to children today.
âLetâs stop mass vaccination.â It can also cause very serious nerve diseases in the brain. Due to the long-term effects of this vaccine, there are a lot of people who are dying. Neurological disorders can also occur from the first dose, and not only from the second. Even today, no one can predict how many of these people who have been vaccinated now will have major neurological problems in the future.
I ask all my colleagues to absolutely stop vaccinating with this type of vaccine. Doctors today are perfectly informed of what I am saying, and therefore they should intervene immediately because the future of humanity is at stake. Many countries have forgotten about treatments, there is not only the vaccine, there are drugs that have not been used and that work very well, such as antibiotics.
âThe unvaccinated will save humanity.â It depends on you, especially on the unvaccinated, who will be able to save humanity one day. Only the unvaccinated will be able to save the vaccinated. Vaccinated who will, in any case, contact the medical centers to be saved. We must avoid listening and giving a voice to those who do not have the right to do so and let science speak. I repeat: it is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.