Netanyahu and Biden: Priests of Satan

Netanyahu and Biden: Priests of Satan
By VT - Managing Editor -February 25, 2024
Netanyahu and Biden: Priests of Satan
By Paul Yesse - February 25, 2024
People must take into account the obvious fact that the god of today’s Israel and its leader, Netanyahu, and by extension, Netanyahu’s enabler, U.S. President Joe Biden, cannot possibly be the god of Abraham and Isaac, or, by extension, that of Jesus Christ and Jesus’s true followers.
Today is the second Sunday of Lent. This is the most sacred period of the Christian calendar. After the service, I went up to the priest and asked him why, if the Jews no longer practiced ritual sacrifice, Israel under Netanyahu murdered tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, including civilian women and children.
The god of Netanyahu and Biden must be, rather, that of the child-sacrificing pagans the Judeo-Christian religion was founded, at least in part, to displace from power. My own belief is that the god of Netanyahu and Biden is Satan. As the heads of their respective governments, they do appear to be, in fact, priests of Satan.
I would go further in Biden’s case, and point to several other aspects of his governance that support my contention. One is Biden’s acquiescence in the ongoing genocide of the Covid “pandemic,” where millions of people have died, either from the government’s protocols when hospitalized or from the deadly government-approved mRNA “vaccine.” Another pandemic appears to be in the planning stages, for “Disease X.”
Another instance is Biden’s war policy, not only in backing Netanyahu’s genocidal actions in Gaza but also the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, which the U.S. began by overthrowing the democratically-elected government of Ukraine in 2014, where the supplying of unlimited money and weapons to the Zelensky regime has led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and the emigration of millions more Ukrainians out of their homeland.
Another is Biden’s corruption and that of his family members which is currently under investigation by the U.S. House of Representatives, with impeachment a possibility.
Yet another is Biden’s “open border” policy that has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the country and conceal themselves within our towns and cities with the possible intent to:
a) allow criminal cartels and drug gangs to corrupt our nation with deadly drugs and massive human trafficking;
b) create a uni-party nation by packing the rolls with millions of new Democratic Party voters;
c) generate future indebted victims of the U.S. usury-based banking system;
d) enlist millions of cheap non-union workers for menial jobs; and, worst of all, e) possibly infiltrate an army of terrorists to aid the Deep State and its controllers in their likely plans to replace our constitutional system with a totalitarian takeover of the U.S.
$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.