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The “Peace Plan” Zelensky Presented at the WEF is Bonkers.

The “Peace Plan” Zelensky Presented at the WEF is Bonkers.

By Daily Stormer - Andrew Anglin - January 18, 2024

The WEF must be abolished and those that are affiliated must be held accountable for their actions. 

By Twitter - Kris Eriksen 🇨🇦 (@KEriksenV2) January 17, 2024

I’ve just realized we didn’t publish much about the World Economic Forum meeting that is presently ongoing. I suppose I think people hear enough about that from everyone else. It’s become the very center of the boomer worldview that Klaus Schwab is the head of the global conspiracy.

The boomers still don’t want to say “Jew” and many of them whining about the WEF supporting Israel.

You see a lot of this:

We will eat the steaks.
We will drive our gas guzzlers.
We will heat our homes.
We will use cash notes.
We will travel at our leisure.
And we will disobey our globalists.

Long live freedom…Dammit! 

— Desiree (@DesireeAmerica4) January 17, 2024

I don’t appreciate that sort of material.

There were several viral clips from the event, including some women saying that fishing is genocide.


Speaker at the WEF says that farming and fishing is “ecocide”.

They want it to be a “serious crime”

SHARE if you stand with the farmers

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2024

That guy from the WHO said that they are planning for a “disease X” that doesn’t exist yet.


At the WEF meeting they now say that countries have to sign up to the WHO pandemic treaty to be prepared for “Disease X”.

It’s all about TOTAL control.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2024

I kind of yawn at that, because I’ve been saying that all of this virus stuff is going to come back ever since it ended. But they must be just saying it now.

There were several clips of the most Jewish-looking woman I’ve ever seen.

Speaking on a panel at the WEF’s yearly Davos meeting, World Economic Forum “agenda contributor” Naomi Oreskes asserts that animal agriculture is “a major driver of climate change”, that people need to “eat less meat” in response, but the spread of “disinformation” from the… 

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) January 18, 2024
X has sparked a really stupid controversy over its name at the WEF. The platform is apparently ‘toxic’ and the new name is ‘scary.’

— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) January 17, 2024

It’s mostly Jews there.

Dr. Evil of the WEF saying with his unbearable Nazi accent that elections are no longer necessary.

— Filippo Maria O di B 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 🇨🇭🇷🇺 (@Filippo60) January 18, 2024

Schwab is just a goy frontman for Jews. Nothing more.

David Cameron today released a video promoting both the Ukraine and Israel wars.

David Cameron in Davos

Former UK Prime-Minister & now current Secretary of State Cameron seen here GASLIGHTING the British public for 2 minutes straight whilst hanging out the with WEF Globalists.

He seriously couldn’t squeeze in any more LIES about Ukraine, Gaza &… 
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) January 18, 2024

The Jewish shills are celebrating the Jewish shill Javier Milei supposedly “giving an F... U” to the WEF.

This is a huge F... you to WEF

Let’s clone him 

— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) January 17, 2024

This was just a staged thing by Israel, which is promoting all of these “right-wing populist” leaders as “rebels against the system.” Milei is no different than Meloni. These people say all these things, then do nothing but shill for Israel.

He’s not only obsessed with Israel – immediately after being elected, Milei denounced Russia. That speech is garbage. Just more boomer gibberish.

The boomers keep posting this clip of a witch casting some kind of spell at the event.

The WEF invited an actual witch to cast magic spells on itsnew-age panelists.

— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) January 17, 2024

I guess it’s important that these people are lunatics, who believe in all of that 1960s new-age bullshit.

All of this was standard fare.

For me, the most important and most bizarre thing was Zelensky introducing a “peace plan.”

It’s difficult to understand how this was even real.

He showed up, again in his costume. He can fly to Switzerland and check into a hotel, but he doesn’t have time to put on a suit. This is the most sickening, absurd, childish thing, that all of these global leftists are so aroused by this man going around the world in his costume.

Zelensky at WEF’s Annual Meeting: “We need you in Ukraine to build, to reconstruct, to restore our lives.” 

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 16, 2024

During his speech, he did not beg for money and weapons. This is the first time I’ve seen him do this. Instead, he touted his “peace plan,” which was simply incomprehensible.

The 3-point plan goes as follows:

  • Russia will leave the former Ukraine, including Crimea
  • Russia will pay reparations to Ukraine for the war
  • Russia will submit its top authorities to a war crimes tribunal

No joke. You can go read the New York Times article about this, where they pretend this is somehow very serious business.

He met with high level officials from all over the Western world who endorsed this “peace plan.” It’s just remarkable. It’s difficult to believe it happened.

Needless to say, this is not a “peace plan.” It is a demand by the losing party that the winning party offer an unconditional surrender.

These are the kinds of demands that would be made if the Ukraine military had sacked Moscow and had the Kremlin surrounded. Presenting this as a serious “peace plan,” and having all of the media and politicians seriously talk about this, is possibly the single most bizarre thing I’ve seen in my entire life (aside from child trannies).

In terms of what the purpose of this is… I don’t even know. I guess if I had to guess, I would guess that it’s intended to be a tonal shift to get people used to the idea that the war is ending, without actually telling them what the end of the war is going to necessarily entail: Russia keeping at least 20% of former Ukraine.

However, it also shows that there is no serious move for a peace deal. Instead, what we are going to get is something like what we got at the end of the Korean War, which is that the war doesn’t end, the militaries just stop fighting. This way, Ukraine can continue to claim that at some unspecified date in the future, they are going to take back all their lands, because they haven’t surrendered, they just stopped fighting.

In such a situation, the US could then claim that they won because Russia didn’t take over the entire Ukraine. Anyone who knows anything at all is aware that Russia was not ever attempting to take over the entire Ukraine and reached a deal in Istanbul in the spring of 2022 that would lead to them getting less territory than they have right now. But most people don’t know anything and will go along with the idea that it was a big victory for the West that Russia didn’t conquer Kyiv and then invade Poland.

However, there is some question as to whether or not Moscow will accept this kind of “frozen conflict” deal. They are saying they will not. Probably, they don’t have any reason to. At the very least, it seems they would want to take Kharkiv and probably Odesa before entering into this kind of agreement.

Of course, on the other side, if Russia doesn’t agree to a frozen conflict, then they risk an actual NATO invasion. So there is a reason Russia would agree to stop fighting, if the Ukraine effectively surrendered claims on the territory that Russia currently possesses.

That said, given that the Middle East is blowing up, and that fight has priority (because the West is run by the Jews), it’s a pretty safe bet that the West won’t fully commit to fighting a major war against Russia. If I were Putin, I would want both Odesa and Kharkiv, and I would consider sacking Kyiv and forcing the government to flee. I wouldn’t want to occupy Kyiv, as that is where all of these “Ukraine nationalists” live, and there’s just no reason to deal with that.

As far as I was able to gather, Jake Sullivan planned to keep the war going until after the 2024 election, at which point he planned to send in NATO. However, this was before the Middle East blew up, and it’s simply not very likely that Israel would allow the US to commit to Ukraine in this way while Israel is facing an existential crisis.

Bibi wants the US military on standby to invade Iran. He doesn’t care about the Ukraine. And as we’ve seen in the last months, US foreign policy is run in secret by three people – Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan – and they will defer to Bibi.

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