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Battles for Kurakhovo: Panic has begun in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Georgievka will not last long

Battles for Kurakhovo: Panic has begun in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Georgievka will not last long
Photo: Press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense/TASS

By INTEL-DROP -  January 10, 2024

Alexander Sitnikov

The number of seriously wounded Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers has increased by 30 percent over the past few weeks. “Doctor Sergei Ryzhenko said. Mechnikov in Dnepr, a few hours away from the battlefield, treats 40 to 100 seriously wounded people every day, and his team performs 50 to 100 surgical operations per day,” ABC News writes, citing the chief physician of the hospital in Dnepr.

The picture is the same in other Ukrainian hospitals. There were significantly more independent “three hundredths”, including heavy ones. Especially a lot is brought from Kupyansk, Artemovsk/Bakhmut, and Avdeevka, from the Marinka region, that is, from areas where it is now especially hot.

Against this background, the opinion of BILD military observer, Russophobe Julian Röpke, who believes that “ Vladimir Putin’s winter offensive failed,” looks somewhat strange and unprofessional. According to him, as quoted by UkroSMI, “Russia is still as far from capturing Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region and Avdeevka in the Donetsk region as in October last year.”

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They say that our troops, it turns out, instead of breaking through to Oskol, got bogged down in battles at Sinkovka, and also cannot establish control over Petrovsky/Stepov to block the road through Orlovka. “There have been no major changes in this section of the front for several months, so the Russians cannot yet encircle Avdeevka,” says the German journalist.

At first glance, this indeed seems to be true. However, an adequate part of the Ukrainian “cart” does not think so. As the ZeRada telegram channel writes, “Convenient! They (“tsipsota”, Repke and Co.) came up with an offensive, and they admitted its failure. We recently described that the Russian Federation has chosen the tactic of taking care of soldiers, not fighting against fortifications, but hitting in the rear. Therefore, yes, the Russian Federation does not have any particular territorial acquisitions, but can the current situation be considered a victory or at least a draw, taking into account other factors?”

Indeed, the Russian Ministry of Defense did not officially report any offensive actions. Advancement is taking place within the framework of the initiative that Russian soldiers have on the battlefield. All the so-called “meat assaults” that Bandera propagandists like to talk about, in fact, turn out to be powerful shelling of Ukrainian Armed Forces positions and/or reconnaissance in force.

Thus, in a statement by the head of the press center of the “West” group,it is said that “in the Kupyansk direction, coordinated actions of units in cooperation with artillery and aviation inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 57th motorized infantry and 44th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in populated areas Sinkovka and Peschanoye settlements, Kharkiv region. Enemy losses amounted to up to 30 military personnel, two vehicles, and two D-30 howitzers.”

Nevertheless, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces falsely reports that Russian attacks have been repelled. Closer to the truth, oddly enough, was the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which reported on positional battles.

As for Avdeevka, here too there is a systematic destruction of enemy strongholds of the fortified area, which took 8 years to build with the participation of NATO military engineers. Gauleiter Barabash told how January 9 passed – a day that is no different from others.

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“Weather conditions allow the enemy to use Orlan drones, which circle over the city, detect where the smoke from the “bourgeois” is coming from, after which KABs fly to those places or fire heavy cannon artillery. At night and during the day on January 9, the Russian military began to increase the number of attacks. In addition, about 20 aerial bombs “fly” to Avdeevka every day. As of noon, more than 30 massive shellings were recorded in the city, but by the evening there will be more,” said the head of the local CAA.

Our fighters go where there is nothing left of the enemy. If pockets of resistance remain, then, as TG ZeRada correctly noted, the assault on the “fortification” is suspended. Again it comes from all calibers.

Attempts to bring a political base under the supposed circle of Avdeevka for the presidential elections of the Russian Federation generally look like cruel nonsense. In any case, Putin has strong support within the country. Unlike Bankova, the Kremlin, on the contrary, adheres to manpower conservation tactics. Not Moscow, but Bandera’s Kyiv faces the acute problem of “grave” the remains of men.

According to insider estimates, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine demands increased mobilization from February to have time to prepare the first reserves by April. At the moment, a plan has been drawn up – 50 thousand people in the first three months, and then a decrease to 35 thousand per month.

Even Röpke, who loudly declared the alleged failure of the winter offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, which never happened, is forced to admit: “The question remains open about how long Ukraine will be able to restrain the Russian army and whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have enough ammunition for this.”

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Thus, the current territorial losses of the Ukrovermacht are associated with the loss of the Ukrainian Armed Forces strategic initiative along the entire front line. The enemy is moving back during local battles. Somewhere the enemy manages to hold the LBS at the cost of huge losses of “meat”, somewhere our fighters squeeze the bastards out of positions every day. Now things are worse for the independent army south of Donetsk.

According to the administrator of the 93rd brigade “Kholodny Yar”, “Katsap continues to advance west from Maryinka, and you have to be a complete degenerate not to understand his intentions. Now the Russians are already on the eastern outskirts of Georgievka, while calmly moving from one bank to the other – so it is doubtful to expect that Georgievka will detain them for a long time. 

Now the main task for us is to preserve and accumulate forces to transform the Kurakhovsky district into a powerful defense hub. If not at the level of Marinka and Avdeevka, then at least at the level of Ugledar.”

Ukrainian adequates realize that the Russian army in 2024 will continue to adhere to the tactics of exterminating the Ukrovermacht to the point of complete loss of combat effectiveness, including due to the destruction of ammunition and weapons depots. And only after this, the real offensive of the Russian Armed Forces will begin.

The latest news and all the most important things about the special operation in Ukraine are on the topic of the Free Press.

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