8 min read



By Stein Lohrmann - 04 January 2024.

I have some questions about Muslims and those who may know about ISLAM.

As an old history teacher, I have tried to update myself on the history of Islam, but I must admit that I fall short in many respects. Therefore, these questions are for Muslims and others. Islam is certainly as individual and diverse as Christians and atheists. But I know too little about Islam and Muslims, and I would like to know more. The Quran is a very difficult, totally unstructured, and messy book. The verses are not in chronological order.

There are no continuous stories. It is just a collection of many hateful statements with ji/had (holy war) in all directions. I can't find the Ten Commandments, not the golden message, and I didn't find love for other people, and of course, not the commandment of love. What is in the Quran is not justified. For me, the Quran is much more unclear than the Bible, and interpreting the Quran is just speculation. Reading the Quran (I have really tried) or going to ice/lambnet.no is just confusing, and much of it is full of hatred towards us infidels and unpleasant to read.

It is strange that so many ordinary people/politicians/teachers "support" this deadly Arab ideology from ancient times. You would think that they had acquired more knowledge than we see now. Or is it intelligence that is lacking? Schools in Norway must be obliged to preserve our Norwegian cultural heritage, identity, and history, and reinforce this. As long as the teachers themselves cannot see that they undermine our nation, teachers should be given factual information about the history of Islam.

Immigrants who do not accept that Norway is an independent nation with its history and identity should consider leaving Norway. The right of residence means that they can be here as long as they come from a country at war or there is a danger to their lives if they return. Immigrants who want a Muslim and Islamic culture should choose a Muslim country, not Norway or Europe. Everything that is facilitated in Norway for this evil deadly Arab ideology must be reversed.

Here are some key elements of Arab Islam that do not make it a religion but a life-threatening Arab ideology: Sharia (legislation), Jihad (Holy war against all infidels), Muslims (means total submission), Taqiyya (The right of Muslims to lie to achieve the goal of a great world caliphate). Islam is a societal regulatory power structure that is ideologically on par with Nazism and communism. Islam does not belong in Europe or Norway – actually, nowhere. I choose the strategy of making a series of claims, and I hope for/expect clear answers.

Before I begin, I recommend our politicians, the clergy, the media, all women, all ordinary Norwegians, and ordinary Muslims to read the Quran and try to understand the content .... Next, some claims:

1. Islamists, Muslims, and anti-Norwegian left extremists seem to me to misuse the word racism against all groups that are against Islam, and Muslims take on a victim role to camouflage their agenda, which for me seems to be to Islambize Norway and the rest of the world. Those who criticize Islam are Islamfobics. For me, it seems that it is Islam that has a phobia against everything that is not Islamic.

2. It seems to me that Muslims build false trust by pushing ignorant or knowledge-less, so-called "moderate" Muslims ahead in immigration – like Trojan horses. When these have established themselves well in a society, the "true" Muslims demand that the true orders in the Quran be carried out and implemented the more representatives of Islam and Muslims.

At the beginning of Islamization, the inner goals, actions, and intentions of Islam were played down and kept hidden while power was built up. First through charm offensives and dialogues based on lies (taqiyya), infiltration, and other negotiation techniques, and then moving on to more and more threats, destruction, terrorism, murder, etc., to achieve true Islam. This well-known war strategy can be most easily described as a non-existent false moderate Islam that sneaks into Western societies by downplaying itself, then unfolding itself to the Islam that the orders in the Quran require true Muslims to perform.

This is how IS and several other groups practice Islam. I am a supporter of our European, universal human rights, including religious freedom. Much cruelty has happened in the name of religion, especially when religion is mixed with politics.

3. In my view, Islam has NEVER given anything positive to humanity throughout its history. No development, no liberation, no vision, no culture. Islam is just the submission and reduction of people. People are not allowed and should never think for themselves.

ISLAM and the Quran are preconceived. Muhammad received these preconceived thoughts from the angel Gabriel. Humanity needs to collaborate, share thoughts, and develop foresight. Islam hinders in every way. Muslims use our democracies to destroy our democracies. Democracy is Haram. Muslims are programmed to believe in Allah from birth. Muslims submit totally to a "God" – Allah. Sharia laws are completely outdated and inhumane.

Muslim "scholars" constantly point out that the mixing of religion and politics strengthens Islam because "religion" is used to legitimize the oppression of women and the people. I have yet to see Islamists being described in positive terms by the global community - about how good and kind, humane, and intelligent they are. And Islam is the religion of peace, say our politicians? Development, research, where are the Muslims? Pedagogy and education, where are the Muslims?

Developmentally, they lag behind Europe/the West has finally managed to find forms of cooperation and a relatively peaceful coexistence after thousands of years of internal wars (also against the Muhammadans). In the Middle East, there are constant war conditions – Sunni against Shia and the Brotherhood, among others. 4. I believe Islam is an ideologically ugly sect/cult. In 1100-1200, the Muhammadans took the lives of millions of people.

Muslim Tamerlane (he was named Timur), probably the evilest person in the world, wiped out 700 Hindu cities by burning them to the ground and killed up to 90,000 Hindus per day, and the heads of the victims were piled up as proof of Ice/lamb's superiority while they shouted: Allahu akbar! 18 million Hindus were killed by Timur. Muslims deliberately took the lives of most intelligent opponents and burned libraries, and after this, the Muslim intellectual culture "dived".

The cruel history of Islam has never been in the history books because it was too ugly, and because of the oil embargo in 1973. As an old history teacher, I have tried to update myself on the history of Islam, but I must admit that I fall short in many respects. Therefore, these questions are for Muslims and others. Muslims are certainly as individual and diverse as Christians and atheists. But I know too little about Islam and Muslims, and I would like to know more.

The Quran is a very difficult, totally unstructured, and messy book. The verses are not in chronological order. There are no continuous stories. It is just a collection of many hateful statements with jihad (holy war) in all directions. I can't find the Ten Commandments, not the golden message, and I didn't find love for other people, and of course, not the commandment of love. What is in the Quran is not justified. For me, the Quran is much more unclear than the Bible, and interpreting the Quran is just speculation.

Reading the Quran (I have tried) or going to Islamnet.no is just confusing, and much of it is full of hatred towards us infidels and unpleasant to read. It is strange that so many ordinary people/politicians/teachers "support" this deadly Arab ideology from ancient times. You would think that they had acquired more knowledge than we see now. Or is it intelligence that is lacking? Schools in Norway must be obliged to preserve our Norwegian cultural heritage, identity, and history, and reinforce this.

As long as the teachers themselves cannot see that they undermine our nation, teachers should be given factual information about the history of Islam. Immigrants who do not accept that Norway is an independent nation with its history and identity should consider leaving Norway. The right of residence means that they can be here as long as they come from a country at war or there is a danger to their lives if they return. Immigrants who want a Muslim and Islamic culture should choose a Muslim country, not Norway or Europe.

Everything that is facilitated in Norway for this evil deadly Arab ideology must be reversed. Here are some key elements of Arab Islam that do not make it a religion but a life-threatening Arab ideology: Sharia (legislation), Jihad (Holy war against all infidels), Islam (means total submission), Taqiyya (The right of Muslims to lie to achieve the goal of a great world caliphate). Islam is a societal regulatory power structure that is ideologically on par with Nazism and communism. Islam does not belong in Europe or Norway – actually, nowhere.

I choose the strategy of making a series of claims, and I hope for/expect clear answers. Before I begin, I recommend our politicians, the clergy, the media, all women, all ordinary Norwegians, and the ordinary mice/glue to read the Quran and try to understand the content .... Next, some claims:

1. Islamists, Muslims, and anti-Norwegian left extremists seem to me to misuse the word racism against all groups that are against Islam, and Muslims take on a victim role to camouflage their agenda, which for me seems to be to Islambize Norway and the rest of the world.

Those who criticize Islam are Islamofobics. For me, it seems that it is Islam that has a phobia against everything that is not Islam.

2. It seems to me that Muslims build false trust by pushing ignorant or knowledge-less, so-called "moderate" Muslims ahead in immigration – like Trojan horses. When these have established themselves well in a society, the "true" Muslims demand that the true orders in the Quran be carried out and implemented the more representatives Islam and Muslims get.

At the beginning of Islamization, the inner goals, actions, and intentions of Islam were played down and kept hidden while power was built up. First through charm offensives and dialogues based on lies (taqiyya), infiltration, and other negotiation techniques, and then moving on to more and more threats, destruction, terrorism, murder, etc., to achieve true Islam.

This well-known war strategy can be most easily described as a non-existent false moderate Islam that sneaks into Western societies by downplaying itself, then unfolding itself to the Islam that the orders in the Quran require true Muslims to perform.

This is how IS and several other groups practice Islam. I am a supporter of our European, universal human rights, including religious freedom. Much cruelty has happened in the name of religion, especially when religion is mixed with politics.

3. In my view, Islam has NEVER given anything positive to humanity throughout its history. No development, no liberation, no vision, no culture. Islam is just the submission and reduction of people. People are not allowed and should never think for themselves.

Islam and the Quran are preconceived. Muhammad received these preconceived thoughts from the angel Gabriel. Humanity needs to collaborate, share thoughts, and develop foresight. Islam hinders in every way. Muslims use our democracies to destroy our democracies. Democracy is Haram. Muslims are programmed to believe in Allah from birth. Muslims submit totally to a "God" – Allah. Sharia laws are completely outdated and inhumane.

Muslim "scholars" constantly point out that the mixing of religion and politics strengthens Islam because "religion" is used to legitimize the oppression of women and the people. I have yet to see Islamists being described in positive terms by the global community - about how good and kind, humane, and intelligent they are. And Islam is the religion of peace, say our politicians? Development, research, where are the Muslims? Pedagogy and education, where are the Muslims?

Editor notes.

I am personally baptized and confirmed as a Norwegian Christian and my living rules are the 10 Commandments. I am not a regular churchgoer and I only make a silent prayer when things are bad and I need help. I have nothing against other Peaceful voluntary religions that do not hurt humanity. I relay here the opinions of a fellow Norwegian who is searching more deeply into the religion and consequences of Islam in our country where a very large proportion of the inhabitants have lost their faith and do not visit our churches, many of which are now closed.

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