Israel is Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

By VT - Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor - December 27, 2023
So Netanyahu is now saying that (Israel is paying) is a heavy price. How heavy is the price?
Netanyahu is not admitting how heavy the price is.
The actual number of Israeli casualties is much higher than the official count. We know that because we’ve seen that the resistance fighters have filmed themselves taking out tanks trucks and other military vehicles by the hundreds. They’ve filmed many of their other operations as well. So we can see that just based on what’s out there in the resistance film footage, the casualty count has to be a lot higher than Netanyahu is admitting.
He also is ignoring the fact, at least publicly, that Israel has lost something like 7% of its population. They haven’t been killed, they’ve fled the country. This has happened occasionally before, but this time it’s not certain that they’ll be coming back, because the Israeli economy is in shambles. The northern edge of the country is now uninhabited, as they’ve all been evacuated due to the northern front of Hezbollah.
And the Israeli economy may not come back. It’s heavily dependent on tourism, and that’s completely shut down now. The usual tourist hotels are full of Israelis who fled the war zones in the north. And so that of course is bad enough.
But (the main reason) the future of the Zionist entity looks incredibly bleak is because of the way that they’ve managed to commit the most horrendous genocide ever seen on live television, and they’ve sickened and appalled pretty much the entire world. Their only supporters now are in Washington DC. And even in the United States of America polls show that the majority of young adults want the resistance to win and put an end to Israel.
So they have lost the military battle. They can’t get their hostages back. They can’t succeed in their ground operations. They can’t stop Hamas as they say they are going to. They’ve lost their economic battle. They’ve lost in their propaganda war, where they’re making up ludicrous stories about beheaded babies that nobody believes. Nobody believes anything they say anymore. They’ve blown all their credibility, blown up their economy, and shown that they’re a military paper tiger. The end of the Zionist entity is near. And Netanyahu knows that his political end is even nearer.

Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor
Dr. Kevin Barrett, Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.