15 min read



By ChatGPT - Tome - Human Synthesis - 23 November, 2023. Source Guardian - Book and Movie.

The days leading up to their departure from New York.


In the days leading up to their departure from New York, Amanda and Clay were blissfully unaware of the impending upheaval that would soon disrupt their lives. The city's usual bustle continued unabated, and their luxurious home in Manhattan remained a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world. There were no overt warnings or premonitions that hinted at the impending apocalyptic events that would unfold during their weekend getaway.

The couple's decision to escape to Long Island for the weekend was driven more by a desire for respite and a change of scenery than any foreknowledge of the strange and unsettling occurrences that awaited them. Perhaps, had they been attuned to the subtle shifts in the atmosphere or paid heed to the unusual patterns emerging in the city, they might have hesitated before leaving the familiar embrace of their Manhattan home.

Arriving at their rented weekend retreat on Long Island.


However, the tranquility of their everyday lives shielded them from the gathering storm. It wasn't until they reached the rented house on Long Island that the first signs of the impending apocalypse manifested—first as a knock on the door in the dead of night and later, as the unsettling events unfolded, revealing a reality far removed from the luxury and comfort they had sought in their weekend escape.

The absence of warnings served to heighten the suspense and disorientation when the characters found themselves thrust into a world of mysterious blackouts, malfunctioning technology, and eerie sounds emanating from the surrounding woods. The unraveling of their reality became all the more chilling because it caught them completely off guard, turning their idyllic retreat into a nightmarish battleground where the comforts of their New York life offered no protection against the encroaching apocalypse.

The midnight visit of the Long Island house owner


The Long Island night draped the vacation home in an inky darkness, the air thick with an uncanny stillness. The only sounds were the distant rustlings of leaves and the soft murmurs of the night. As the clock struck midnight, the tranquility was shattered by a hesitant knock on the imposing wooden door.

Amanda, Clay, and their children exchanged wary glances as the knock reverberated through the silent halls. The atmosphere in the house, once filled with the banter of a weekend retreat, had now become charged with an unspoken tension. Reluctantly, Clay approached the door, his footsteps echoing in the hushed foyer.

As he opened the door, the cold night air rushed in, carrying with it two figures in formalwear. G.H., the owner of the house, stood with an air of polite formality, his tuxedo immaculate even in the dim porch light. Beside him, Ruth, his daughter, exuded an enigmatic energy, her eyes sparkling with an intelligence that hinted at depths beyond her years.

G.H. spoke with a smooth cadence, explaining the urgency of the situation in the city. Something terrible and mysterious had unfolded, he conveyed, his words hanging in the air like a veil of uncertainty. The blackout, the loss of communication, and the emergency broadcast signal had driven him to seek refuge in his own vacation home.

The visitors' arrival cast a surreal glow on the scene – a Black father and daughter in exquisite attire, contrasting sharply with the modern, predominantly white interior of the house. Amanda, with her brittle demeanor, struggled to conceal her discomfort, while Clay, ever the amiable host, masked his unease with a forced smile.

G.H.'s midnight appearance seemed almost choreographed as if he had stepped out of a carefully scripted play. His politeness bordered on the unnerving, a facade that concealed a hint of something more profound. The air between the families thickened as the unspoken question lingered: Why had G.H. chosen this precise moment to return to his Long Island retreat?

The porch light cast long shadows across G.H.'s face, accentuating the uncertainty in his eyes. The threshold between the known and the unknown blurred as the vacation home, once a sanctuary, became a stage for an unfolding drama with a mysterious and unsettling script. The midnight visit had set in motion a series of events that would peel away the layers of comfort and familiarity, revealing a chilling reality that lurked just beyond the walls of the seemingly serene Long Island abode.

Amanda's discomfort at sharing the house with the colored visitors


Amanda's discomfort hung in the air like an unspoken tension, a palpable undercurrent beneath the veneer of politeness. As the midnight visitors, G.H. and Ruth, stood in the doorway, dressed in their exquisite formalwear, Amanda's gaze betrayed a subtle shift. Her carefully composed façade cracked, revealing a complex web of prejudices that had been lurking beneath the surface.

The air inside the vacation home seemed to thicken as Amanda's eyes lingered on G.H. and Ruth, her gaze a mixture of suspicion and discomfort. The all-white linens and modern decor that had once defined the luxurious comfort of the house now became silent witnesses to Amanda's internal struggle.

Amanda, with her brittle demeanor and perhaps unconscious biases, found herself grappling with an unexpected intrusion into the carefully curated world she had imagined for the weekend. Her discomfort manifested in subtle gestures — a tightening of her jaw, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, and an almost imperceptible shift in her posture.

In the presence of the midnight visitors, Amanda's attempts at concealing her unease only highlighted the underlying tension. Every forced smile and strained pleasantry seemed like a fragile attempt to maintain a semblance of control over a situation that defied her carefully constructed sense of normalcy.

As G.H. explained the urgency of the situation in the city, Amanda's discomfort intensified. The unknown events beyond the walls of the house became intertwined with the discomfort she felt in the presence of these unexpected guests. Her prejudices, though unspoken, cast a shadow over the interactions, creating an unspoken barrier between the families.

In the beautifully appointed rooms of the vacation home, Amanda's discomfort played out in a silent dance, a discordant note in the otherwise serene atmosphere. The house, once a haven of luxury, became a battleground for Amanda's internal struggle, a struggle that would ultimately unfold in the unsettling hours that lay ahead. The midnight visit had not only disrupted the tranquility of the Long Island retreat but had also laid bare the uncomfortable truths that simmered beneath the surface of Amanda's carefully crafted world.

As the night deepened over the isolated Long Island hamlet, an otherworldly stillness settled upon the vacation home. The air outside crackled with an unspoken terror, and the silence was broken only by the strange noises that echoed through the trees. The sleek, modern house stood as a fortress against the unknown, its large windows revealing nothing of the horrors lurking beyond.

Inside, the uneasy alliance between the two families strained under the weight of an unspoken fear. Amanda, with her brittle demeanor and hidden prejudices, eyed G.H. and Ruth with suspicion. Clay, the supposed liberal, found himself unraveling as the veneer of his beliefs peeled away in the face of true adversity.

G.H., the smooth-talking owner of the house, moved through the rooms like a phantom, his tuxedo-clad figure a stark contrast to the suburban comfort that surrounded him. His daughter, Ruth, watched the unfolding drama with snarky amusement, a hint of something darker lurking beneath her facade.

The once-idyllic setting transformed into a battleground of paranoia and mistrust. The malfunctioning navigation machinery and hypnotized animals outside hinted at a reality slipping away, like sand through desperate fingers. The characters, trapped in a premodern nightmare, grappled with their deepest fears, each shadowy corner of the house hiding a different terror.

As the internet remained silent, the characters were left to navigate the apocalyptic landscape of their minds. Amanda's racism manifested in accusatory glares, while Clay's panic manifested in desperate attempts to cling to his crumbling worldview. G.H., a man of sophistication and secrets, struggled to maintain control, his fear of the unknown bubbling beneath his composed exterior.

The house, a refuge turned prison, became a stage for the unfolding psychological drama. Esmail's camera, cold and unfeeling, captured the characters' descent into madness, their movements calculated and unnerving. The once-luxurious amenities became hollow symbols of a world that was rapidly disintegrating.

The true horror, however, lay in the final, biting sequence. As the characters confronted the inevitable collapse of their reality, a different kind of bourgeois comfort food emerged. The elegant kitchen, once a source of distraction, became a battleground of survival. The clink of expensive cutlery against porcelain echoed through the house as tensions reached a boiling point.

In this chilling climax, the characters are forced to confront not only the external apocalypse but also the demons within themselves. The boundaries between right and wrong blurred, and the thin veneer of civilization peeled away to reveal the darkness lurking in the human soul.

The World Behind, once a tale of suburban ennui, transformed into a nightmarish exploration of the fragility of humanity. The once-sleepy Hamlet became a microcosm of a world spiraling into chaos, and the characters, haunted by their fears, were left to grapple with the chilling reality that the true apocalypse was not just outside their door but within their very hearts and minds.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere inside the vacation home became increasingly suffocating. The air, thick with tension, seemed to distort reality itself. Strange shadows danced across the walls, and the once-alluring comforts of the house now felt like a gilded cage, trapping its inhabitants in a nightmare of their own making.

G.H., maintaining his suave exterior, retreated to the study, where shelves lined with leather-bound books hid secrets as ancient as the walls themselves. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the air was heavy with the scent of aged paper and a hint of something more sinister.

Amanda, unable to contain her suspicions any longer, confronted G.H. in the dimly lit corridor. Her accusations hung in the air, a toxic cloud that threatened to shatter the fragile alliance. G.H.'s eyes, normally sharp and composed, betrayed a flicker of uncertainty. The once-polite exchange escalated into a verbal duel, with each word a venomous dart, tearing at the fraying threads of civility.

Meanwhile, the children, oblivious to the adult drama unfolding around them, had sought refuge in the basement. The flickering light of a flashlight illuminated their frightened faces as they stumbled upon a hidden room. Dusty and forgotten, the room held relics of a time long past — mysterious artifacts that hinted at a history intertwined with the very fabric of the house.

As the children delved deeper into the secrets concealed within the walls, the strange occurrences outside escalated. The air resonated with an otherworldly hum, and the once-still trees now swayed in a haunting rhythm. Unseen forces seemed to pull at the edges of reality, threatening to unravel the very fabric of the universe.

The characters, trapped between the known and the unknown, grappled with the unnerving realization that their perceptions of reality were slipping away. In the darkened corners of the house, whispers echoed, and the line between nightmare and wakefulness blurred. Each step down the creaking hallways felt like a descent into madness, and the characters, haunted by their fears, questioned the nature of the apocalypse that had befallen them.

In the final, biting sequence, the elegant kitchen, once a symbol of bourgeois distraction, became a battleground for survival. Expensive cutlery clattered against the cold countertops as the characters, driven to the brink, confronted the harsh reality that the world they knew had crumbled. The taste of fear lingered in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood as alliances shattered and alliances formed in the crucible of the kitchen.

As dawn broke over the desolate hamlet, the characters emerged from the crucible changed. The once-sleepy Long Island retreat, now haunted by the specter of the unknown, stood as a testament to the fragility of human existence. The apocalypse, whether external or internal, had left its indelible mark, and the survivors, forever changed, faced an uncertain future in a world that had become unrecognizable.

The blackouts in New York and the huge bang that followed.


The bustling heartbeat of New York City abruptly fell silent as the first tendrils of the blackout seized the city. Skyscrapers once illuminated beacons against the night sky, plunged into darkness, creating a sea of shadows that swallowed the familiar landmarks. The sudden absence of electric lights left the city in an eerie, unnatural quiet.

The blackout's impact rippled through the grid-like an invisible wave, silencing the usual cacophony of honking horns, the distant hum of traffic, and the ambient buzz of city life. The neon signs that adorned the streets blinked out, and the glow of countless windows, each a tiny universe of human activity, faded into obscurity.

Amid this surreal darkness, the city's inhabitants were left disoriented and vulnerable. The absence of the usual electronic glow transformed the urban landscape into a vast, uncharted territory. People stumbled through the streets with flashlights and the feeble glow of mobile phones, their faces etched with confusion and anxiety.

Amid the unsettling silence, a massive bang echoed through the city like a thunderclap, a sound so visceral it seemed to shake the very foundations of the buildings. It reverberated through the canyons of steel and concrete, momentarily drowning out the hushed whispers of the bewildered crowd.

The enormous bang, a seismic punctuation to the blackout, unleashed a cascade of fears. Speculations and rumors spread like wildfire, feeding on the vacuum of information. In the absence of electronic communication, the true nature of the event remained shrouded in mystery, allowing imaginations to run wild with apocalyptic possibilities.

Emergency sirens wailed in the distance, their mournful tones adding to the disquiet. The night, once filled with the vibrant energy of the city that never sleeps, now held a sense of foreboding. It was as if the very heartbeat of New York had been disrupted, replaced by an ominous stillness broken only by the occasional distant wail of sirens and the uneasy murmurs of the disoriented crowd.

As the blackout persisted, the city became a canvas of shadows and uncertainty. The colossal bang, an exclamation mark in the void, marked the beginning of a surreal chapter in the collective consciousness of New York, leaving its denizens to grapple with a world plunged into darkness and an unnerving unknown.

Eerie feelings ascended from the surrounding thick woods in Long Island.


As the midnight hour pressed on and the Long Island vacation home sat in isolation, an eerie atmosphere began to manifest from the depths of the thick surrounding woods. The inky shadows between the trees seemed to come alive with spectral energy as if unseen eyes peered from the darkness. The air, once filled with the hushed symphony of nocturnal creatures, now carried a weighty stillness that set the stage for something otherworldly.

The rustling leaves and creaking branches took on a disconcerting cadence, creating an unsettling rhythm that echoed through the quiet night. Every subtle sound became magnified, turning the otherwise familiar sounds of nature into an eerie symphony of unseen forces.

Strange and indistinct shapes seemed to dance at the periphery of vision, flickering between the trees like elusive specters. The moon, obscured by the dense canopy overhead, cast irregular patterns of light and shadow, further heightening the sense of unreality. Each step on the damp forest floor felt like an intrusion into a realm where the natural and the supernatural converged.

The air itself carried a chilling touch, a spectral breeze that whispered through the leaves and played tricks on the senses. It was as if the woods held ancient secrets, stories whispered between the gnarled branches and the damp undergrowth. An inexplicable sense of being watched settled over the surroundings, causing an instinctive shiver down the spine of anyone venturing too close to the edge of the woods.

The once comforting night sounds became distorted and transformed into haunting melodies that resonated with a disconcerting harmony. Owls hooted in a mournful tune, and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures seemed to carry a spectral urgency as if warning of an impending shift in the natural order.

Amid this enigmatic ambiance, the vacation home, with its large windows peering into the woods, became a reluctant witness to the unfolding mystery. The characters inside, already on edge from the midnight visitors and the strange occurrences, felt the weight of the forest's eerie embrace pressing against the walls.

As the night deepened, the boundary between the house and the surrounding woods blurred, and the characters were left to grapple with the unsettling reality that the true source of their unease might not be limited to the confines of the Long Island retreat. The thick woods, once a picturesque backdrop, now exuded an otherworldly energy that permeated the very fabric of the night, leaving the characters to confront the unknown that lurked just beyond the reach of their understanding.

The apocalypse raging outside and the consequences for the World


As the night wore on, the nature of the apocalypse outside the Long Island vacation home revealed itself with escalating horrors. The once-sleepy Hamlet became the stage for an otherworldly cataclysm, and the characters, confined within the walls of the house, could only witness the unraveling of the world through glimpses and distorted sounds.

The skies, once a vast expanse of stars, darkened with an unnatural hue that seemed to devour the very essence of the cosmos. The air, thick with an acrid taste, carried whispers of an unknown force that distorted the very fabric of reality. Trees, now contorted and grotesque, swayed in a hypnotic rhythm as if dancing to an ancient and malevolent tune.

Animals, once a natural part of the suburban landscape, exhibited bizarre behavior. Birds soared in erratic patterns, their calls transformed into eerie, discordant melodies. Creatures of the night, driven by an otherworldly compulsion, moved in unsettling unison, their eyes reflecting an intelligence beyond the natural order.

Navigation systems malfunctioned in a symphony of chaos. Cars, boats, and planes were rendered useless, their mechanical hearts ceasing to beat in harmony with the disrupted world. The once-predictable paths of civilization became tangled, and the characters cut off from the rest of humanity, found themselves adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The characters, confined within the house, grappled with the unnerving realization that the apocalypse took on different forms for each of them. Amanda's prejudices manifested as a distorted lens through which she perceived the events, blaming mysterious forces beyond her comprehension. Clay's panic intensified as the world outside reflected the fragility of his liberal ideals, crumbling under the weight of an existential threat.

Amid the chaos, G.H., the enigmatic figure with secrets of his own, navigated the storm with a composed exterior that betrayed little of the turmoil within. His suave demeanor clashed with the disintegrating reality outside, leaving the characters to question whether he held the key to understanding the unfolding apocalypse or if he was merely another pawn in the cosmic game.

The consequence of this apocalyptic descent extended beyond the confines of the Long Island retreat. The world, once familiar and predictable, faced a metamorphosis into something unrecognizable. The end consequence was a shattered reality, a tapestry torn apart by forces beyond human comprehension. The characters, grappling with their fears and the unknown, faced not just the end of the world outside but a fundamental transformation of their own understanding of existence. In the final, biting sequence, the true consequences of the apocalypse, both internal and external, would be unveiled, leaving the characters to confront a new world order born from the ashes of the old.

The conclusion of the creepy story.


As the night deepened and the apocalyptic forces outside the Long Island vacation home continued their relentless assault on reality, the characters within the house found themselves teetering on the edge of madness. The air, heavy with otherworldly energy, crackled with an unsettling tension, and the walls seemed to pulse with a malevolent force.

The characters, their fears and prejudices laid bare, were no longer able to escape the consequences of the unraveling world outside. Amanda's brittle demeanor crumbled as the distorted lens through which she saw the events shattered. Clay, once the embodiment of liberal ideals, found himself stripped of his illusions in the face of an existential threat that defied easy categorization.

G.H., the suave figure with a mysterious past, took center stage as the chaos outside intensified. His composed exterior began to crack, revealing the depth of his fears and the weight of the secrets he carried. Ruth, his daughter, watched the unfolding drama with an enigmatic gaze, her presence adding to the palpable sense of unreality within the house.

The once-luxurious amenities of the vacation home now felt like shackles, trapping the characters in a psychological prison. The pool, the fire pit, and the smart TV became symbols of a world that had crumbled into chaos. The clink of expensive cutlery in the beautifully tricked-out kitchen echoed like a mocking reminder of the bourgeois comforts that had once shielded them from the harsh realities of existence.

As the characters confronted the final, biting sequence, the true nature of the apocalypse, both internal and external, became clear. The boundaries between nightmare and wakefulness blurred, and the house itself seemed to morph into a nightmarish labyrinth. Each room held echoes of their deepest fears and regrets, and the characters were forced to confront the demons within.

In a chilling climax, the elegant kitchen, once a symbol of distraction, became the stage for a surreal confrontation. The clatter of cutlery and the taste of fear mingled in the air as alliances shattered and alliances formed. The characters, stripped of their illusions and forced to confront the darkness within, faced an uncertain future in a world transformed by the apocalyptic forces that had descended upon them.

As dawn broke over the desolate hamlet, the characters emerged from the crucible changed. The world outside, now a surreal landscape of twisted nature and disrupted reality, reflected the internal transformations that had taken place. The Long Island retreat, once a haven of comfort, stood as a monument to the fragility of humanity in the face of the unknown.

The conclusion was not a resolution but a haunting uncertainty, a lingering question mark that hung over the characters as they stepped out into the surreal dawn. The world had changed, and with it, the characters faced an uncertain future, forever marked by the nightmarish descent into a reality that defied explanation and left them grappling with the shadows that had been unleashed both within and beyond the Long Island retreat.


The Movie will be released on 24 November 2023 and the trailer can be seen here.

The End.

Editor Notes.

The story was written before the release of the film which has a more definite ending for all except those with the guts and initiative to search for a solution to the last. Clay's daughter found a hidden bunker below the neighbor's house with all the supplies to survive a year or more, who will be ready to face and build the new world.