A new global social project Back in 2010

The latest disaster caused by the fossil fuel industry, the oil industry, and the great oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, makes us more aware of the fragility of life on our beautiful blue planet and the total disinterestedness, by the “triumphant” capitalism of our time, of everything that brings life and is not profitable, financially.
Now, the sides of the barrier are identified: on one side, you have the rich and powerful investors in the pay of the Illuminati who are linked to the fossil fuel energy industry, and on the other side, you have the seekers of truth, the workers of the Earth, the teachers and students, those on welfare, the disabled, the sick, the thirsty, the malnourished, the visible minorities (blacks, Arabs, Chinese, etc) and invisible (gay, lesbians, positive, etc)…The People! The mass of people on the side of Truth, of Reality: the Side of Life!
The industry linked to fossil energy is the industry of death! Everything that humans draw from the subsoil and the seabed as energy comes from a surplus of carbon dioxide stored under the surface. earth,…at a time when the atmosphere was different and human beings did not exist!
At the time of the dinosaurs, in the Jurassic and the Cretaceous, in particular, an enormous plant carpet barely managed to maintain a filtering of the air polluted by the increasing mass of animals of the time and gas emissions, coming from the numerous erupting volcanoes.
These masses of carbon and gas stored underground, we put them back into circulation in the air, under the pretext that it is 'easy energy'”!
The beginning of the industrial era is marked by the rapid increase in poverty, numerous chronic diseases linked to work in coal mines, smog released into the air (England), the rapid growth of exploitation of child labor, the increase in the power of banks and their enrichment and the enslavement of many peoples (imperialism, colonialism, and totalitarianism)!
The Rothschilds reached the peak of their power after the Napoleonic Wars (around 1815)! The Illuminati established their system and they will do everything to support it! They then control 80% of the world's wealth! They have lent enormous sums of money to money, as much to the victors as to the vanquished! They have put people in debt for centuries and no one questions them!
They will then divide the American nation par excellence, the United States of America, by using their banking relationships in England and Europe to trigger the American Civil War, under the false pretext of the abolition of American slavery. blacks from the South! They will make billions of dollars, on the cannon fodder that the States of the North and South will provide, and the blood of the blacks who will be hunted down in the countryside, to hand them over to their masters (read: the box from Uncle Sam)!
They will have Abraham Lincoln assassinated by a man of their own, just as they will have John F. Kennedy assassinated because these two men will oppose the powers of secret societies and they will want to fight for the freedom of the American people and... also that of the whole world!
There is no empathy, compassion, or even a hint of respect for life, in wanting to create wealth from debt and the murder of millions of innocent people! Indeed, crime has always favored the power of secret societies controlled by the Illuminati! Why would they act otherwise, since they have succeeded in taking control of the World,…by dividing people against each other, races, groups of people, choices of films, food, the pace of life, etc, etc, etc
This way of living leads directly to a political, social, economic, demographic, and ecological impasse!
This is why we, the Defenders of the Earth, are going to work to propose a “New Global Social Project”!
Rather than disunity, we will propose alliance and convergence to propose a different idea to those of the Illuminati, the International Monetary Fund, the Council of Foreign Relations, the CIA, the World Trade Office, the arms industry, and the pharmaceutical industry.
When you have a company controlled by such people, and which is called Monsanto which, worse than killing, manufactures a “bad life”, by genetically modifying the compounds of food, plants, and animals, how can you trust?
As for Mexico, more corn is produced to make ethanol than for human consumption….and how many young Mexican children only eat one meal a day?…how can we trust that?
When BP faces almost half a million pending legal actions in the USA!… How can we trust the justice system?
We, the Defenders of the Earth, propose to change the order of things!
We propose to establish the foundations of a New Era of Universal Compassion for all that lives!
We propose to make choices different from those which assume that one must make a profit, to decide to start projects! Instead, we propose to make projects for the well-being of humanity, and, of all forms of life on Earth!
We propose to abolish wars between nations, make illegal the manufacture and possession of weapons by single states...and instead, we propose the creation of a world army for the defense of the Earth: a world army of civil defense, reconstruction of green spaces, and first aid, in the event of disasters on Earth (meteological, geophysical, tectonic, plane crashes,... extraterrestrial invasion... or assistance to other civilizations! An army that will reforest the Earth, an army that will regenerate the Earth!
These choices have to be made! They are not of the order of rationality, but of the order of values! Rationality is located downstream!… Also, let us be wary of people who are too rationalist: they always agree with established power!
We must learn, and this is very important, to make distinctions between the “reasonable” and the “rational”! The first includes intuition and emotions. The second only implies a correct unfolding of the process logic!
The logic of living space
It is estimated that 80% of arable land is currently used to feed some 6.8 billion people on Earth!
The United Nations predicts that, if the trend continues, the world population will reach nine (9) billion in 2050!
Using standard agricultural practices, we would need a billion additional acres of land to feed these humans! We don't have that billion acres, and we won't develop it on the Moon, of course. New solutions will have to be found!
It is impossible to keep our planet alive, by crushing all other ecosystems, and by eliminating all other forms of life to fill our human stomach!
This is why the Defenders of the Earth are talking about the Sixth, and final, Great Mass Extinction!
We believe that with the logic that God has given us, it is possible to thwart this ultimate great catastrophe! We think and hope, under the gaze of the Almighty, to bring together, awaken, and mobilize enough groups, movements, parties political, social, and economic movements as well as enlightened men and women, to come together around a great global social project.
For this to have a chance to be born, to progress, and to succeed, we will appeal to everyone! We will need the support of all people of goodwill! People devoid of materialistic appetite and devoted to the survival... of life on earth!
From this day on, we will talk about: Alliance and convergence for a New Era of Fraternity!
We will fight for the Freedom of the Earth! For the Right to Continue Life!
We will fight to distribute commonwealth, not only between humans but between all forms of life on our Earth!
Each species has the right to its living space, its rights, its food, its habitats, and its humble respect!
A new vision of the meaning of life…, in the meaning of life!
Give respect to life
Beyond our human vision, beyond our prejudices, there is the infinity of space and time!
In the years to come, we will enter “into official relations with other extraterrestrial civilizations”! Already, we are being spied on,…and we know it!
Everything suggests that it is only a matter of time before other civilizations that we do not know come into contact with us, because we have signaled our position in the galaxy for a long time! Indeed, military communication systems using laser beams have allowed radiation up to 5,000 light-years for more than 35 years,…and every day more than 1,000 solar systems receive our communications! This, without regard to visitors who already know us!
How will we respect the forms of life coming from other planets, if we do not respect ourselves?… if we exterminate all other forms of life to satisfy our egocentrism?… to satisfy this “capitalism of death which enslaves us?
Let us respect ourselves, let us respect the smallest forms of life...and we will be respected a hundredfold! Because how can we evaluate the fragility of the life of these very small living forms, in the face of the life-destroying roller of our chemical, oil, nuclear, and others?
The survival of humanity
Let's listen to nature, and it will listen to us in turn! Let's find our roots as living beings, with both feet firmly placed on the soil of our beloved planet, the Earth! Let's talk about it! Let's tell it something words of love and…she will kiss us!
If we listen to scientists from “rationalist” universities, for example Stephen Hawking, it would be too late and I quote: “The survival of the human species depends on its ability to find new lands in the Universe!” This kind of speech shows us the defeatism of the science of the Illuminati. They have dirtied the Earth! They destroyed it! They polluted it excessively to extract a few dollars and now, in front of the wall that stands before them, they want to create a new generation of business under the theme of de-pollution and ecology, but at our expense!
They want, like the BP managers, to make money by fixing their blunders!…but it is we, the workers who will pay the bill!
The new philosophy of the Illuminati is to make us feel guilty so that we take responsibility for their failures,…at our expense! This philosophy needs men like Obama or Sarkozy,…to give a new face to the system! Make the poor pay, to avoid the bankruptcy of the rich Illuminati!… Avoid the collapse of the system, by brainwashing the working masses of the world!
Their headlong rush will surely be marked by the organization of a new form of global holocaust wewe because the only way for them to stay in office is to eliminate approximately 50% of the world population at all costs, …if possible by keeping the most docile among us alive: those who have a well-established slave culture, for example!
So it is not by “tolerating” this corrupt and harmful system that we will save anything,… on the contrary, the stakes are too high… for all the species still alive on this planet!
We threaten ourselves
Let's consider several facts:
1-We are plundering the Earth's non-renewable resources.
2-We are exterminating thousands of species that preceded us in the history of the living world on Earth and depriving us of them.
We threaten ourselves!
All things considered, we can change planets without even thinking of leaving ours!
You just have to start, all alone, on your land, near your house, in your neighborhood, or your city!
Thanks to the effort of each of us, we can change everything! Every time someone tries to minimize their car travel, alone! Every time someone finds another solution than burning wood for heating its food, each time we plant one more tree, we contribute to making the atmosphere less fragile to the greenhouse effect and global warming!
Thanks to those who sort and recycle as much as possible, we will no longer crumble. tons of waste! Thanks to those who save water, those who give up pesticides, those who choose solar panels, those who choose electric or hybrid cars, who insulate their homes better... all those who change themselves... by choice, the planet,…finally…starts to change…irresistibly…for the better!
The sooner we change, the sooner the planet will be different.
And, without even exaggerating, it could be cured for the five billion years the Sun will still exist, before becoming a white dwarf.
Life here on our beautiful little blue planet, Earth, could last almost as long!…(because intelligent life forms will remain aware and responsible!)
*next article on An Island in the Ocean, an Earth in the Universe.
Yakuza Secret Societies in total war
The New World Order
threatened by the Triads and Yakuza. An Asian secret society comprising 6 million members including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional killers has decided to kill Illuminati members and their families if they engage in plans to govern the planet and aim for depopulation, following journalist Benjamin Fulford, 46, based in Tokyo.

The Yakuzi contacted Fulford after he exposed the Illuminati's plan to reduce the Asian population to 500 million using biological weapons.
The Illuminati is a white people's game, Fulford denounced. The Yakuzi confirmed the information and received from Fulford a list of 10,000 members of Bilderberg, CFR, and Skull and Bones.
Neo-cons are prime targets, too. Fulford was a former Pacific-Asia bureau chief for Forbes magazine when Forbes turned down a story about one of the ad inserters. Fulford has since written 15 books in Japanese, the latest of which is a dissection about the falsity of 9/11.
Fulford says the Japanese were secretly controlled by the Illuminati through murder and blackmail. Secret sources told him that the Americans HAVE KILLED 200 JAPANESE POLITICIANS AND INFLUENTIAL CITIZENS SINCE THE END OF WORLD WAR II (if the Yanks weren't there, Sardou would sing).
Among the victims are former prime ministers Tanaka, Takeshita, Ohira and Obuchi. They were killed by a drug that induces cardiac arrest (thiophosphate).
Only secret societies can oppose one another. The Western citizen is paralyzed and will not risk opposing. Should he object, he would be discredited and ultimately eliminated. Asia's response is a HEALTHY AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSE DEPENDING ON THE DANGER. And if I am criticized on this point I will answer: “Where were you, what did you do?”.