“You’re all despicable cowards and sadistic terrorists and predacious warmongers!

Posted on October 11, 2023, by State of the Nation,
“Every Western leader encouraging barbaric Israel
to massacre Palestinian women and children and
elderly via the IDF’s indiscriminate siege and
bombing needs to be prosecuted for crimes against
humanity, and then hanged live on the Internet as
a deterrent to such egregious war crimes in the
— Revisionist Historians for World Peace
Submitted by The Israel Watchman
SOTN Exclusive
The hard evidence is now available on the Internet that 9/11 was a fundamentally Israeli false flag terrorist operation. 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and a “Mossad Job”
It’s also been proven by top JFK assassination investigators that Israel, working through Chicago’s Jewish Supermob, was the prime mover behind the brutal public execution of President John F. Kennedy.
CHICAGO’S KHAZARIAN SUPERMOB: The Jewish Mafia That Killed Kennedy
Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination
Then there is the Israeli false flag attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, which saw 34 U.S. sailors killed and 174 wounded.
Evidence Conclusive: The 1967 False Flag Attack on the USS Liberty by Israel Aimed at Egypt
What’s the point?
The regime media is dutifully propagandizing the masses with the utterly ridiculous tripe that somehow rock throwing Hamas “terrorists” completely surprised the most militarized country in the world, launched 5,000 rockets, slaughtered hundreds, took over Israeli military bases, and are winning this “war”.And almost immediately regime media mouthpiece – the Wall Street Journal – has proof Iran was behind the attack. Being a card carrying “conspiracy theorist” (aka critical thinking individual), I don’t believe one iota of what is being reported.
But what’s the really critical point here?!
You cannot trust a single word coming from the Israeli government—EVER! And, that the nakedly malevolent Netanyahu administration takes institutional dishonesty
to new shameless levels of warmongering propaganda
and prevarication.
Hence, everything that’s being reported about the Israel-Hamas war is not to be trusted. Yet, Western leaders throughout the Zio-Anglo-American Axis, hang on every word issued from Tel Aviv as though the Khazarian warmongers are quoting directly from the Old Testament.
Those leaders, especially in the UK, US, and EU, certainly know the truth of the matter: that the highest echelons of the Israeli government had advance warning of a surprise attack yet they did nothing to prevent it. Evidence Mounts That Israeli Intelligence Allowed Hamas Attack to Occur
This/psyop means this entire “Hamas surprise attack” black operation/psyop was a highly organized and long-planned false flag operation designed to effectuate several key outcomes, all of which are absolutely critical to the Great Reset.
This means that what we are all witnessing in Israel today is the single most crucial piece of the New World Order implementation plan.
This means that Israel has only just begun to execute Netanyahu’s Secret War Plan. And, what will surely be a highly calculated and elaborate series of “shock and awe” events designed to draw the United States into supporting a full-scale attack on Iran.
KEY POINT: Do you notice how Bibi Netanyahu is in office one day and out the next? He’s indicted one day, and then seemingly exonerated, or not? His Likud-dominated government is in power one day and not the next? This whole game of musical chairs in Tel Aviv is being played to sufficiently soften up Netanyahu and his warmongering minions so that, when the perfect time comes, he will press the button on a truly cataclysmic regional war in the Middle East as a prelude to triggering a full-blown Third World War.
Their long-range war plan has thus far been executed with uncanny precision
BOTTOM LINE: Folks, what we are about to watch unfold across the planet is a series of highly orchestrated events and carefully choreographed international incidents, each of which has been calculated to move the entire world community of nation (and masses of humanity) into a full-scale World War posture. So, please, send this exposé out, and post it anywhere and everywhere you can—thank you!
The Israel Watchman
State of the Nation
October 12, 2023
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