Posted on September 6, 2023 by State of the Nation
Musk uses the “Brawl of the Decade” to expose the highly calculated fraud of anti-Semitism.
Not sure it gets any bigger than this!
When’s the last time any major organ of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media ever published a piece extremely critical of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)?
Well, guess what, just posted an opinion piece that excoriated the ADL for what it has always been—an extreme hate group and illicit global censorship platform. As follows:
MSM SEA CHANGE: Even the corporate media is turning against the ADL hate group and censorship platform
There’s been a well-known saying throughout the Alt Media for decades: “Whoever controls the media controls the world”.
There’s another lesser known truism that acknowledges that only six major corporations control virtually the entire mainstream media space. And, that the Khazarian Cabal has always exerted complete command and control over those 6 media behemoths via their captured shareholders, bondholders, option-holders, derivative-holders, real estate ownership, interlocking directorships, etc.
However, nothing lasts forever as we have seen throughout 2023. The higher one’s platform, no matter how powerful and seemingly invincible, the farther they fall when they’re knocked down.
It seems that the ADL is about to get knocked off its VERY high perch in a way never seen before in American history. That’s because: whoever has the biggest dog in the fight wins the fight, especially in today’s American junkyard.
In other words, Twitter is a LOT bigger than the ADL. (See: ADL FINALLY EXPOSED AS HATE GROUP & CENSORSHIP SCAM! Elon Musk Slams Anti-Defamation League With Unprecedented Ban Proposal)
And, Elon Musk is a LOT bigger than Jonathan Greenblatt, the current puny CEO of ADL.
Yes, the Khazarian Cabal is all-pervasive and all-powerful in it own unique and covert ways. However … … …
At the end of the day, WHOEVER HAS THE BIGGEST COURAGE IS THE BOSS, especially if they can avoid suicide as Musk has quite cleverly done by his daily domiciling in different places routine.

Love or hate ’em, Elon Musk is justifyingly terrorizing the Khazarian’s Media Mafia as never witnessed before. This is going to be like King Kong and Godzilla each grabbing an arm of the epitome of weasels — Jonathan Greenblatt — and then beating him over the head with them after the monsters have torn both off. (Sorry, but this op-ed is for adults only.)
KEY POINT: Jonathan Greenblatt has been proven to be a pathological liar and delusional psychopath throughout his entire tenure at ADL. And this latest war with Elon Musk at Twitter is no different from his previous deceitful and disingenuous attempts to spin every opponent as an anti-Semite. For heaven’s sake, Greenblatt’s ancestors were not even of Semitic origin so all of his accusations of anti-Semitism are coming from a total and complete fraud—HIM.
He knows how extraordinarily effective the cudgel of anti-Semitism has been in the past, especially since the Holohoax was fabricated by his tribe—the Khazarian Klan. After all the Holocaust Industry has made tens of billions for the Zionists worldwide and Greenblatt will do everything in his power to keep that gravy train running.
ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt Slammed By Everyone for Outright Lies and Prevarication About Twitter
Once this monumental media war was triggered, there’s simply no putting the genie back in the bottle, only in this case Musk is a good genie. Just read the tweets that have been posted in the following article since this truly “Epic Media War of the Millennium” first blew up:
Elon Musk decides to get in the ring with CEO Jonathan Greenblatt instead of Mark Zuckerberg
Yeah, we’ve heard it all about how Elon is one of them; he’s a corporate welfare giant; that every company he started was a secret DARPA enterprise, he’s another fake savior here to con US into believing he’s going to save the day.
Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL and Release Communications Between ADL and Other Groups Pushing to Censor Twitter-X Accounts
Oh, and by the way Khazarian Mafia lovers, Elon Musk is just the tip of the flippin’ spear. Behind him stands millions upon millions of angry armed Patriots who will make their move when the right time comes.
The patently unconstitutional, unlawful, illegal, illicit censorship that has been systematically carried out against Patriots, Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, etc. — at the direct instigation of the Anti-Defamation League — is such that the ADL has totally enraged the entire Right—FOREVER!!!
No one ever wants their voice shut down the way that the ADL has gotten away with. And all the while, as they spew their hate and venom and fear and rancor and enmity and loathing and terror across the planet, Jonathan Greenblatt stands behind this totally false front of:

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind at this late date, that the
ADL = House of the Father of Lies.
Lastly, don’t forget where this pernicious and perfidious cancer originally came from as always:
The Anti-Defamation League: Britain’s Zionist Gestapo
The Media Analyst
State of the Nation
September 6, 2023
X = CANCEL: After ADL attacks Twitter, Musk set to cancel Greenblatt’s extreme hate group
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