Was it an artificial gamma ray burst emitted by a Gemini laser?

By VT - Claudio Resta - August 28, 2023
The fires in Maui could have been caused by a recent invention: a Gemini laser. This is a high power, ultra-short pulse, high repetition laser – with twin beams, Gemini – is one of the world’s most powerful super-intense light sources.

The power from the Gemini dual beam is so intense that it is capable of generating bright, coherent X-ray sources, or energetic beams of electrons and protons. To put it another way… if you could take all of the solar power that hits the Earth and squeeze it into a few microns (we’re talking the width of a human hair!) then you would get an intensity that is equal to a typical laser shot in Gemini.
This potentially Explosive – Gemini laser creates a beam of artificial gamma ray burst in the laboratory for the first time as Gianluca Sarri from Queen’s University Belfast, first in 2017 have used the Gemini laser at the CLF to recreate a mini gamma ray burst (GRB) – one of the most powerful explosions in the universe.
Before you express any criticism about my hypotesis please see this link:
In that experiment already in 2017 scientist created a unique state of matter known as ‘neutral electron-positron plasma’ for the first time. Often referred to as the ‘fourth state of matter’, plasma is an ionized gas consisting of positively-charged ions and negatively-charged electrons. In order to generate a beam containing equal amounts of electrons and positrons (the antimatter equivalent of electrons) called an EPB, the scientists channeled an intense laser pulse through a chamber filled with helium.
Here is a video from the event 8 Aug. 2023
The proof is in a particular, a very brief fragment of a surveillance camera shot clearly shows the dynamics of the accident as seen from a dark and fairly distant area.
There you can clearly see behind a distant forest a vast area suddenly illuminated by a flash which lasts just an instant and after the flash here and there you can see various fires scattered in an area that is supposedly vast given the distance.
I am very embarrassed because I would have like to attach this video isolating this fragment but if I attach it it opens automatically and you should follow the entire video where the commentator express many ideas I don’t share at all . Unfortunately I am not able to make a digital video editing.
Anyway you can find this video fragment proof lasting just a few seconds around minute 8.15 after the beginning of the whole main video (which is not agreeable at all by me) on this site on my previous post ”Fire and Fury in Maui Hawaii: An Involuntary Incident Caused By a mighty Directed Energy Weapon Test?” in my personal reply to a comment (Claudio Resta August 27, 2023 At 2:50 pm)
Revision:It might seem snobbish and presumptuous that up to this point I have apparently and absolutely ignored the mainstream thesis regarding the cause of the Maui fires. Or the explosion of one or more power transformers of the Maui electricity grid. But that’s not the case, I had considered this alternative possibility even before writing this article, as can also be inferred from the post I quoted regarding the source of the very brief but extremely important and significant footage fragment of a surveillance camera that clearly shows the dynamics of the accident as seen from a dark and fairly distant area….
But I had discarded this alternative hypothesis because the explosion of one or more power transformers as you may see on many videos available on the net seem to be always much more long lasting than the very instantaneous flash you see in the fragment of a surveillance camera followed by many fire outbreaks spread across the Lahaina territory behind the woods.
Exactly that of an artificial gamma ray burst emitted by a Gemini laser!
And not of the emission of microwaves which, however intense they may be, that cannot be seen by the human eye in the visible spectrum.Then, in my anxiety to finish quickly and publish my article, I forgot to paste and modify my text, already present in the reply, to a comment from a reader. I apologize to all early readers for this inconvenience due to haste!
You see, I suffer from anxiety…I cite again my reply where do you find a very short denial of mine of the mainstream theory:on this site on my previous post ”Fire and Fury in Maui Hawaii: An Involuntary Incident Caused By a mighty Directed Energy Weapon Test?” in my personal reply to a comment (Claudio Resta August 27, 2023 At 2:50 pm)

No wonder the military at AMOS facility AFRL may have thought of exploiting this invention for military purposes, and testing it first, maybe…
See what the US Air Force have established on Maui.

Claudio Resta
Claudio Resta was born in Genoa, Italy in 1958, he is a citizen of the world (Spinoza), a maverick philosopher, an interdisciplinary expert, oh, and an artist, too. Grew up in a family of scientists where many sciences were represented by a philosophy to psychoanalysis, from economics to history, from mathematics to physics, and where these sciences were subject to public display by their subject experts family members, and all those who they were part of could participate in a public family dialogue/debate on these subjects if they so wished.
Later video report from Lahaina