Give The Deep State The Middle Finger: Read South Front

By Veteran Today - Mark Dankof - 25 August 2023
The Cabal is doing its best to destroy South Front. The crime of South Front is undermining The Cabal’s Globo-Homo agenda for World Government. Give the Soros-Nuland-Kagan-Biden-Clinton crowd the Middle Finger.

The mysterious and murky circumstances of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death in a plane crash between Moscow and St. Petersburg have only one explanation as far as Joe Biden and CNN are concerned. It is the usual “Putin did it” narrative.
This is why Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris are a must-view on this subject for my readers at VT Foreign Policy and my listeners to The Dankof Report on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN).
Another must view is South Front’s video tribute to Prigozhin as well as their daily updates on the battlefield in the Russian-Ukrainian war and relevant information on the larger battle of remaining sovereign-nation states with GloboHomo, The Cabal, and The Empire everywhere else. Whether you’re searching for maps and graphics, military analysis, or economic and political insight on what the American Deep State and Corporate Mainstream Media don’t want you reading or viewing, there is no more significant a source than South Front.
I’m no stranger to Deep State harassment and marginalization over 22 years. My constituents have been reading or hearing my take on things ranging from Raymond Tanter and the Iran Policy Committee, 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, to the Dugina Assassination, the murder of General Soleimani, and Victoria Nuland’s Tribe.
This leads us to the latest development of the Totalitarian Deep State in recent weeks: The attempt to censor South Front by various means, including the latest move:
Confiscating their known URL without warning, through the usual illegal methodologies couched in legal language, with the complete cooperative silence of American Corporate Media regarding the steep slide of the United States into totalitarianism.
South Front is but the latest source of independent news and analysis to be victimized by The War Party waging war simultaneously on Putin’s Russia, China, Iran and the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The ambush of Scott Ritter at YouTube preceded the attack on South Front by mere days.
Click here to read what the Deep State’s latest move on South Front entails. Pass the word to your contacts. And subscribe in order to give some real psychopathic criminals the middle finger.

Mark Dankof
Was the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.