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Pyatikhatki: The Bloodiest ‘Sun’ Powered ‘Meat Grinder’ of the Ukraine War

Pyatikhatki: The Bloodiest ‘Sun’ Powered ‘Meat Grinder’ of the Ukraine War

By INTEL-DROP June 18, 2023

Alexander Sitnikov

The Russian Armed Forces thwarted attempts by the Zahisniks of Independence to break through the front in the Zaporizhzhia direction in the Pyatikhatki area. Oleg Chekhov, head of the press center of the Vostok group of troops, said: “An attack on the settlement of Pyatikhatki has been repelled. More than 10 tanks, armored vehicles, and manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.” He also noted that Russian soldiers destroyed armored combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, as well as Valkyrie and Leleka drones.

According to our military correspondents, the battle for this village, located 6.5 km southeast of Kamenskoye, went on for almost two days in the “meat assaults” mode used by Bandera. The enemy attacked from the side of the forest and from the north in order to cover the ZNPP.

Judging by the rare (on the morning of June 18) footage, the Ukrovermacht thoroughly prepared for the assault. Holes from shells remained two meters in diameter and human height deep. They beat me with something heavy and aimed. The sky was filled with enemy drones.

The “NATO” mountain infantry of the 128th OGSH Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, consisting only of motivated “tarasiks”, personally promised Zelensky to break through the Russian defenses. In his video address to the Zhovto-Blakit nation, the president was about to thank the defenders of the independence from Mukachevo (Transcarpathian region) in advance for the future “overcome”.READ ALSO

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On June 16, enemy company groups under the cover of a smoke screen several times entered Pyatikhatki from the side of Lobkove and tried to gain a foothold in the village. Our fighters crushed them with oncoming fire, first of all knocking out the most active sergeants.

According to information from the other side, by the end of the first day of the assault, the mountain infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine faced an acute shortage of commanders. Nevertheless, in the early morning of June 17, independent attack aircraft resumed the assault with powerful artillery support. A sharp counter-battery struggle ensued, in which our “gods of war” won, and they predetermined the outcome of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a separate sector of the front. Let us clarify that neither we nor the enemy had a shortage of shells.

After the entry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into Pyatikhatki, our fighters retreated to reserve positions located on the surrounding heights. After that, accurate fire was applied to the enemy. Pumped up with American military drugs and coming out with propaganda, the pidrozdili did not leave and stupidly waited for death.

TOSs were beaten in the village four times with a full set, after which a cleansing was carried out. Attempts to resist by the forces of the surviving defenders of independence were nipped in the bud. A blogger with the nickname batalyon15 said: “We have established ourselves in Pyatikhatki. APU takes out the wounded. The day was, in our memory, for the first time so hot.

The Zhovto-Blakit “tsipsota” scribbles that the Pyatikhatka area is in the gray zone, and the village itself changed hands several times. They say that the beginning has been made, the mountain infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wedged 300 meters into Russian positions, including through the powerful use of NATO armor. At the same time, Bankova’s bot farm claims that Leopards and Bradleys were not used, but probing was going on “weakly” with the help of pickup trucks.

However, here, too, it was not without controversy. Footage appeared on the Web showing how a German “cat” rams an American infantry fighting vehicle at full speed, after which both vehicles begin to burn with a bright flame. Ukro-truth-tellers reached for heavy alcohol in order to give out at least some more or less understandable versions of what happened.

The 128th losses are not just big, but huge. Half of its membership is 100% irrevocable. During the first assault, the mountain infantry fell into mine traps. During the second assault, which lasted almost a day, 450 “two hundredths” remained on the outskirts of the village and on its northern outskirts, and more than 900 “three hundredths” were evacuated.

Judging by the way the enemy conducted “meat assaults”, the chieftain generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had information about a “weak position” that could be broken through. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of our commanders of various units and the aviation requested in time, the enemy mountain infantry was first stopped and then burned out by thermobaric ammunition.

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The presence of TOS near Pyatikhatki, it seems, turned out to be a complete surprise for the General Staff coming out. Usually, Ukro-warriors stop attacks after “meeting” with Russian heavy flamethrowers, but this time the fathers-commanders stupidly bred independent attack aircraft, informing them about the alleged destruction of the “Solntsepekov”.

In The Ukrainian independent party, they write that Zelensky threw a tantrum on his Western allies, accusing them of inaccurate intelligence and a lack of kamikaze drones. “You are what? On the side of evil?” he told the Biden administration. The Americans justify themselves, they say, everything that happened was transferred. Military products are supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a continuous stream.

We add that patches with a Nazi eagle and a trident instead of a swastika were seen on the uniform of the mountain infantry of the 128th, while the chief rabbi of Ukraine swears that there are no Nazis in the square. Like, it’s just fun. Various sources write that we are talking about the symbols of the so-called “offensive guard”.

It makes sense to quote the telegram channel “Older than Edda”: “The enemy still has forces for serious and large-scale strikes, but at the rate at which they are losing them, this will not be enough for a long time. The expected rate of deliveries of armored vehicles by the end of the year will, at best, make up for what has already been lost somewhere by mid-autumn (and no one said that the fighting would stop tomorrow and losses would stop growing). You can’t get people from the West (you can’t get rid of mercenaries here), but yes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have enough cannon fodder. However, the number of trained officers with combat experience is falling.”

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