3 min read

US to Replace Armour Destroyed in Last Week’s Failed Offensive But Not the Thousands Who Died in the Rusted Tin Cans

US to Replace Armour Destroyed in Last Week’s Failed Offensive But Not the Thousands Who Died in the Rusted Tin Cans

By INTEL-DROP June 13, 2023

The US and its NATO allies have stripped their military arsenals bare to fuel their proxy conflict with Russia in Ukraine. Now they are doubling down with long-range cruise missiles and radioactive depleted uranium munitions.

The US will splash out another $325 million to replace armored vehicles destroyed by Russian forces in Ukraine’s costly counter-offensive.

Two anonymous US Department of Defense officials leaked the plans to the state-owned worldwide propaganda broadcaster Voice of America late on Monday, ahead of the official announcement scheduled for Tuesday.

VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb said the DoD would send additional M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to replace those lost over the past week in fighting on the southern front in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk.

Voice of America Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb tweets news that the US will send more armored vehicles to Ukraine to replace those destroyed by Russian forces - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.06.2023

Voice of America Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb tweets news that the US will send more armored vehicles to Ukraine to replace those destroyed by Russian forces

© @CarlaBabbVOA/Twitter

US media had earlier reported that 16 of the 109 Bradley IFVs supplied had been destroyed so far, with two more damaged. That was double the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) figure of eight Bradleys destroyed by Sunday night.

Babb’s sources said the Pentagon would also send more Stryker armored personnel carriers (APCs) — although none of those vehicles have yet been reported destroyed — plus ammunition for the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) and NASAMS surface-to-air missile (SAM) batteries.

All those systems have been supplied by the US and its allies to Ukraine to sustain its conflict with Russia.

On Tuesday the Russian MoD released a video of troops capturing damaged and abandoned Bradleys and German-made Leopard 2 main battle tanks (MBTs).


Several newly-formed brigades, trained and equipped by NATO member states, had already launched major assaults against deeply-echeloned Russian defenses a week earlier on Sunday, June 4.

Since then they have taken thousands of casualties and lost hundreds of tanks and other armored vehicles, including at least 15 Leopard 2s.


Ukraine Urges Germany to Spare ‘Many More’ Leopard Tanks After Military Setback

When asked by reporters about the counteroffensive on Saturday, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky replied cryptically that “Counteroffensive and defensive actions are taking place.”

Zelensky made his comments at a press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who had made a surprise visit to Kyiv with Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland — the granddaughter of a prominent Ukrainian Nazi collaborator — to announce another $500 million in military aid to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian armed forces are expected to receive 31 M1 Abrams MBTs from the US in the coming months, albeit with their most advanced equipment and depleted uranium armor removed in case they are captured by Russian troops.

Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands will also send up to 110 of the lightly-armored,1960s-vintage Leopard 1 tank between July and the end of the year. A squadron of 14 Challenger 2 MBTs already supplied by the UK has yet to be seen in action.


Editor notes.

In view of the fact that the US is now bankrupt at a minimum of US$ 36-38 trillion and still emptying its coffers with another US$ 325 million lost in the Ukraine counteroffensive, it becomes obvious it is not only Ukraine fighting for its life, but also the Khazarian Mafia in a last straw to survive. That also concerns their EU puppet.