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The FBI is the Most Dangerous Domestic Terror Organization in America

The FBI is the Most Dangerous Domestic Terror Organization in America

By Pamela Geller - on May 16, 2023

Instead of repercussions and jail time, the FBI villains have been given enormous power and money. The very people behind the Russian coup have been richly rewarded for their treason. They achieved their goal – hounded Trump during his Presidency burying him in a legal morass and impeachment, they destroyed the 2020 election, installed a cracked, demented puppet in the White House, and now enjoy immense power. They continue to hound President Trump and control the flow of information in the Democrat media complex.

Witnesses and whistleblower fear for their lives – not from the Mafia or some other gang or criminal organization but from the FBI, DoJ, and the White House.

Durham Report: FBI Had No ‘Actual Evidence,’ Trump-Russia ‘Collusion’ Probe Was a Hoax, No Basis in Evidence When Opened

Weaponized FBI’s ‘Abuse of Power’: Three Whistleblowers Expose How Bureau Inflated Domestic Extremism’ Stats and Prioritized January 6 Defendants Over Child Predators in Bombshell Hearing

Here’s Everything The FBI Deliberately Ignored To Get Trump In Russian Collusion Hoax, According To DurhamBy: Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, May 15, 2023:

Special Counsel John Durham released a 306-page report on Monday detailing how Democrat operatives packaged and sold a lie to the all-too-believing Obama administration FBI that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

For more than six years now, corrupt corporate media and Democrats have rallied around that allegation as evidence that Trump shouldn’t hold office. But Durham’s latest report, much like previous investigations into the Russian collusion hoax, once again found that there was no evidence of collusion from the beginning.

2023WorldTour“Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” Durham wrote in the opening pages of his bombshell report concluding three years of investigation.

Despite repeated smears and pushback from the ruling class and professional hoaxing outlets like The New York Times, Durham uncovered several red flags that should have dissuaded the FBI from opening its “seriously flawed” Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the Trump campaign — but didn’t because the agency was too wrapped up in its hatred for the 2016 Republican presidential candidate.

“Throughout the duration of Crossfire Hurricane, facts and circumstances that were inconsistent with the premise that Trump and/or persons associated with the Trump campaign were involved in a collusive or conspiratorial relationship with the Russian government were ignored or simply assessed away,” Durham continued.

Durham says it was “confirmation bias” at “minimum” that led to the FBI’s years-long malfeasance. Even before the investigation commenced, he noted, many of the people involved “expressed their open disdain for Trump,” demanded knowledge of when an investigation into Trump would occur, and “asserted that they would prevent Trump from becoming President.”

Special Counsel John Durham Exonerates Donald Trump of “Russiagate”

By SOTN - Paul Craig Roberts

Durham’s long-awaited Justice Department report concludes that the FBI investigation was politically motivated and that the FBI should never have investigated Trump.

Durham concludes that The Justice Department and FBI “failed to uphold their mission” when they created a false narrative for the purpose of discrediting the President of the United States.  But Durham didn’t indict the criminals who “failed to uphold their mission.”

In other words, the FBI’s creation of a false narrative in order to severely influence an election is “devastating to the FBI,” but there is no accountability for the FBI criminals.

In his investigative report, Special Counsel Durham said: “The government possessed no verified intelligence reflecting that Trump or the Trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy or collaborative relationship with officials of the Russian government.  

Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

What, then, explains the “investigation”?  Durham’s report concludes that there was “a predisposition to open an investigation into Trump.”  Among those predisposed to get Trump, Durham mentions Peter Strzok, who was deputy director of the counter-intelligence division of the FBI, and Andrew McCabe, who was  Deputy Director of the FBI and CNN’s senior law enforcement analyst.

There you have it.  As I reported, Russiagate was an organized plot to destroy the President of the United States who was disapproved by the ruling establishment.

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper, who I regard as among the most corrupt of the presstitutes, said that Durham’s report was “devastating to the FBI” and “does exonerate Donald Trump.”  Well, has Tapper apologized for hyping the fake narrative?

Have any of the presstitutes apologized for the lies they repeated over and over and over?  No.

Will the presstitutes apologize?  No.  The way they see it, it is OK to lie in order to get Trump.

No real American believes one word about the failed impeachment charges, the false narrative “insurrection” charges, the Documentgate charges,” the false narrative NY prosecution charges, or the false rape charge.

Americans need to ask how they can survive as a people when their political system and media organizations can consistently mount false charges on top of false charges for the sole purpose of influencing US elections by lying about Donald Trump, a President twice elected by the American people who had their chosen leader stolen from them.