TRUMP INDICTMENT: The Well-Concealed Khazarian Back Story

Posted on March 31, 2023 by State of the Nation
Here is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s chief handler and Democrat driving force behind the political persecution and malicious prosecution of President Trump.
Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst - SOTN Exclusive
Behind every single black mayor, county administrator, district attorney, state attorney, etc. in America, there is a Khazarian handler. The only reason why the most corrupt and incompetent, compromised and therefore easily manipulated blacks are installed into their respective offices is because they will do ANYTHING their Khazarian masters tell them to.
Here’s how it’s done: Jewish Billionaires Use Blacks to Oppress Others, says Indian-American Lawyer.
In this way, the Khazarian Cabal has been extremely successful hiding behind their black frontmen especially when undertaking the political prosecutions of their enemies in the US government and throughout Corporate America. After all, anyone who criticizes any black leader, politician, or government official these days is called a racist.
KEY POINT: When President Trump recently stated that “he would solve Russia’s yearlong war in Ukraine in 24 hours if he’s reelected to the White House”, he made himself an arch-enemy of the Khazarian Cabal.
~~~ END OF STORY ~~~
SOTN Editor’s Note: The complex criminal conspiracy to falsely indict President Donald Trump actually has its roots in the final days of the Obama administration. The key institutional players are the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Obama White House.
At that time, hardcore liberal prosecutor Meg Reiss was appointed the Executive Director of the INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION IN PROSECUTION. It should now be abundantly clear just how innovative Ms. Reiss has gotten in criminally cobbling together indictments that have absolutely no basis in law.
In point of fact, Meg Reiss’s entire career smacks of a Khazarian Mafia legal hitwoman whose only mission is to irreversibly destroy the rule of law across America. In her eyes, the civil and criminal law of the land — also known as the United States Code — simply doesn’t exist. As follows:
See how corrupt the collusion is between the White House and
JJCCJ’s Innovation in Prosecution whose Executive Director
Meg Reiss is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s
secret handler pushing the false indictment
of President Trump.
As for insider information that corroborates the deep “Meg Reiss” connection to the malicious Democrat prosecution of Trump, the following tweet posted by a former New York police officer captures the essence of this collusive witch hunt.
Then there is the following hard evidence of extremely anti-Trump tweeting by Meg Reiss, which she quickly tried to disappear from the Internet after being revealed by the Alt Media.
Less than 24 hours after the Gateway Pundit exposed Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Meg Reiss’ public hatred of Donald Trump on Twitter, Reiss – who’s been accused of masterminding the case against the former president, locked and then deleted her account.
(Source: Manhattan Assistant DA Disappears Her Twitter Account After Anti-Trump Bias Exposed)
BOTTOM LINE: If there is one George Soros-backed prosecutor in the country who is leading the charge to establish the rule of the communist jungle in all 50 states, it is the incorrigibly corrupt prosecutor Meg Reiss. See: “Reiss has probably had more impact on radical weaponized prosecutors around the country than any other single individual.” This means that a Patriot APB needs to be disseminated, post-haste, concerning the extraordinary menace to society pictured below.

The Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation - March 31, 2023
Recommended Reading
Meg Reiss, Asst. District Attorney should give a Judicial recusal from taking the case oving to repeated, public statements in the past, displaying disrespect and personal hatred against Trump. Can therefore not be expected to pass an unbiased opinion and judgment. THE LAW