The footage aired on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Monday night shows the officers closely following Chansley as he wanders the corridors of the Capitol.

By Unz Review - ANDREW ANGLIN • MARCH 7, 2023
Why did Tucker Carlson get this footage exclusively?
Is it because he’s the Pied Piper, leading us into Joe Biden’s war with the Chinese, so he can put a full clampdown on all of us?
Regardless: it is important footage.
Newly revealed surveillance footage from Jan. 6, 2021, shows two Capitol Police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the behorned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.
The footage aired on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Monday night shows the officers closely following Chansley as he wanders the corridors of the Capitol, bare-chested and wearing face paint and a luxuriant fur hat with Viking horns.
“Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape,” says Carlson, who was granted exclusive access by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from that day inside and around the Capitol, which has never been seen before by the public.
“The tapes show the Capitol Police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”
At one point, the officers are seen walking Chansley past seven other police officers milling around outside the Senate chamber, who barely give him a second look.
Then they escort him to various entrances of the chamber that appear to be locked. Eventually, they help him open a door, and he enters the chamber.
Chansley, a 33-year-old Navy veteran from Arizona, has been jailed for almost four years for “obstructing an official proceeding.”
In a jailhouse interview played by Carlson, he says: “The one very serious regret that I have [is] believing that when we were waved in by police officers, that it was acceptable.”
These cops have to have been told to do this. It’s not normal to invite rioters into the building and lead them around – especially when there are alarms going off and government officials literally escaping into tunnels like rats.
The Shaman gave interviews before and after his sentencing, and he said “the cops were escorting me around,” and the media said he was insane. Mind you, we already had some footage of the cops opening the doors and leading people into the Capitol single file.
I was streaming on 1/6, and I said that night that it was Charlottesville Part 2 – a staged hoax to back up a narrative about evil right-wing terrorists.
Once again, I was correct, as I am about everything.
Tucker Carlson is now getting secret footage from someone, somehow. But it doesn’t matter. The damage is done. We proved Charlottesville was a hoax, and the government admitted it, but the narrative was already set in people’s minds.

That’s the thing about the media: they can lie and know they’re going to get caught lying and it doesn’t matter as long as they don’t get caught immediately. If they have months or years to push a narrative, no one will stop believing that narrative when the truth finally comes out.
It just goes on and on with these Jews.
Here’s the full Tucker Carlson segment.
Video Link (Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)

“They’re All on the Same Side!” Tucker Carlson UNLOADS on Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer for Demanding He Is Stopped from Releasing J6 Tapes (VIDEO)
By Cullen Linebarger - Mar. 8, 2023, 8:15 am
Video Link (Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)

HUGE! Tucker Carlson’s Team Reveals Video Footage Shown By Jan 6 Witch Hunt Committee Was DOCTORED…Inserted SCREAMS and Other Crowd Mayhem Sounds [VIDEO]
Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week
By Gateway Pundit - Jim Hoft Mar. 10, 2023, 8:00 am

Tucker Carlson released an explosive video on Monday from his investigative reporting on the more than 40,000 hours of government video from January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol.
Since Monday he has released NO NEW VIDEO. This comes after numerous threats from Democrats, the government, and Uniparty members who wish to keep the truth of January 6 hidden from the American public.
For over two years the American public has been lied to by their government, the government-media alliance, and DC politicians.
Here are FIVE excruciatingly vicious videos from January 6 that the government does not want you to see.
1.) Trump supporter Victoria White was beaten over 40 times in the face by Capitol Police with their fists and batons after she was pushed into the US Capitol tunnel.

Victoria White from Rochester, Minnesota attended the Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on January 6th. She was nearly killed by DC police officers during the rally. Victoria was later arrested and charged with assault on the US Capitol.
She barely survived. Then after her vicious, beating they paraded her through the US Capitol without shoes, a phone, or her coat and sent her to jail.
Victoria from Minnesota, a wonderful person spoke with The Gateway Pundit. She is lucky to be alive.
Here is Victoria White during her police beating.
God bless Victoria White.
2.) Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland is gassed, smothered, and beaten by Police Officer Lila Morris and then dies on the steps of the US Capitol as Capitol Police continued their assault on Trump protesters.
The Gateway Pundit has covered Rosanne’s story extensively.
After they killed her, in a final assault they told her parents she died from an overdose. Then they cremated her body before the family could see her.
3.) “Capitol Police tried to Murder me!” – Capitol Police push Trump supporter off of a second-story ledge to kill him.

Derrick Vargo, a Trump supporter was filmed in a viral video being thrown from the top of a high wall by a police officer on January 6th.
Derrick Vargo told The Gateway Pundit, “It was Attempted Murder. I am lucky to be alive and now I am stepping forward to be the voice for those that they killed on January 6th like Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland and the others who no longer have a voice.”
Those others dead include Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips. Evidence continues to emerge that they were possibly also killed due to the actions of Capitol Police. Scores of other Trump supporters were victims of extreme police brutality that left some near dead (including Victoria White and Philip Anderson) who were documented maimed or injured on video. This also includes the crowds of peaceful protesters that day seen attacked by police with grenades before the first breach even happened.
Derrick Vargo, the man seen thrown from the top of a wall on January 6th by a violent Capitol Policer officer in a light blue helmet, has finally spoken out exclusively to The Gateway Pundit.
4.) Innocent Trump supporters were shot with exploding gas canisters and rubber bullets without warning.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week on Capitol Police firing tear gas and flash bombs into a crowd of peaceful citizens including women, children, and elderly patriots on January 6 at the US Capitol.
Thanks to our readers we continue to receive first-hand accounts and video from January 6, 2020, Capitol Police assault on peaceful Trump protesters.
The police, without warning, repeatedly fired rounds into the crowd of thousands on the US Capitol grounds.

This poor woman was shot in the leg by Capitol Police.
5.) US veteran and retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown rescues the woman being trampled by police – Committed no violence – now he sits in prison for 1.5 years for not agreeing to be an FBI operative.
On Thursday afternoon, September 30th, 2021, at 3:45 PM Eastern, the FBI raided Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. They charged Jeremy, a Green Beret, with trespassing on the US Capitol Grounds. Jeremy broke the invisible boundary around the US Capitol on January 6th along with tens of thousands of fellow Trump supporters. The boundary was not marked and the protesters were not warned that they were inside the invisible no-go zone.
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy Brown’s actual crime was refusing to be an FBI informant on January 6th. So the Feds arrested him months later.
But there is a video of Jeremy Brown from January 6th.
Jeremy rescued a woman who was being trampled and beaten by US Capitol Police.
The police were killing her — like they killed two other women that day.
Jeremy Brown saved her life.

Jeremy Brown is currently sitting in jail for attending the Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC.
In this video, Jeremy Brown is seen rescuing a woman who was nearly beaten to death by US Capitol Police and was down on the cement.
Jeremy saved her life.
These are just five videos from thousands of hours of coverage that could have been played this week.
We wanted to tell their story here today. Submit additional information.

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.