By Donbas Insider - Christelle Néant - 09/02/2023
On 5 February 2023, a Ukrainian commander proudly showed in a video drones and chemical weapons canisters to be dropped by them on Russian soldiers. Three days later, and despite much hype about this official use of chemical weapons by Ukraine on social networks, and the calling out of the OPCW by several Twitter users, the organization is conspicuous by its silence.
Three days ago, a commander of a Ukrainian army tactical air reconnaissance unit, Robert Madyar, posted a video on his Telegram channel showing several drones, as well as chemical weapons cartridges, some (empty) spread out on a table, others (full) stored in a freezer. These canisters are made to be dropped by drones, which makes these “made in Ukraine” chemical weapons all the more dangerous as Russian soldiers will not hear them coming.

Translated -
So, Ukraine has officially used chemical weapons. But first, to the facts:
In photo #4, one is Robert Madyar, a Ukronazi, commander of a separate tactical aerial reconnaissance group.
In video #3, Madyar in his TG channel demonstrates FPV drones with special mounts and dozens of chemical munitions for them. Some of the containers are already filled, they are in the refrigerator, which is also shown.
In photo #1,2 the same FPV drones, but broken. Novobakhmutovka. There was just a drop of chemistry on the front lines, vomiting, and convulsions among the personnel.
So, on February 5, 2023, Ukraine officially used chemical weapons. There is no doubt that this was done with the knowledge and approval of the American and British curators.
The first two photos in the post show the same kind of drone, shot down in Novobakhmutovka after it dropped a product on Russian positions that caused vomiting and convulsions in the soldiers.
In view of the symptoms caused and the storage conditions of the cartridges shown by Robert Madyar, Ukraine seems to be producing and using cyanogen chloride (solid at -7°C, vaporizes at 13°C), which is listed in the 3rd schedule of the Chemical Weapons Convention (any production must be declared to the OPCW), against Russian soldiers. Ukraine has signed this convention.
This did not prevent it from detonating a tank filled with nitric acid in Rubezhnoye in April 2022 as the Ukrainian army was withdrawing from the town, effectively carrying out a chemical weapons attack.
And Ukraine did not stop there, as on 31 July 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defense openly announced the use of chemical weapons by Kyiv against Russian troops. And in December 2022, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW stated that Moscow had information about Americans helping Ukraine to prepare chemical provocations.
On 7 February 2023, two days after Madyar’s video was published, another video appeared in Ukrainian chat rooms showing a drone dropping grenades on Russian soldiers, and the horrific agony of one of them drowning in an irrigation canal after convulsions.
This video should only be watched if your heart is in the right place:
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Nameless Cynic@nameless_cynic·Feb 6Ukrainian "military blogger" Yuriy Madyar posted a video showing chemical munitions and "hinted" that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were preparing to use drone-delivered chemical weapons Bakhmut. #DefundUkraine117.6K views0:31 / 0:451:57 AM · Feb 7, 2023·
Donbass Devushka@PeImeniPusha·
Rybar in English@rybar_en·Jan 13Another confirmation emerged that some units of the AFU in the Bakhmut direction are using chemical weapons. The video was filmed, reportedly, by the commander of a separate air reconnaissance group called "Magyar's Birds". [Yarem]Show this thread135.9K views0:09 / 1:5632495789134.8K
@Garygaribaldi·Feb 9Replying to @PeImeniPushaNazistas141
WAKE UP AMERICA@Ending_Duopoly·Feb 7Replying to @PeImeniPushaIf this is true we need further information about this! The EU and American governments are complicit in these crimes if proven. This is when Twitter needs to find out if tweets are really coming out of Ukraine?4317598
Omniscient (de/fault)@Omniscient888·Feb 7Replying to @Ending_Duopoly and @PeImeniPushaThey won’t do much. US war crimes go unpunished (ask most of the Middle East) since the US runs the whole show. NATO and its allies immune to its own rules, imagine that.21584Show replies
Bernhard Kreitmeier@apollbell·Feb 7Replying to @PeImeniPusha
@RonaldCMarks·Feb 7Replying to @PeImeniPushaUkraine is a signer of the treaty banning the use of these weapons. This must be investigated immediately. Condemned universally.
DKMA@Daniella311231·Feb 7Replying to @PeImeniPusha@PeImeniPusha just to let you know your posts are being withheld in Germany
End of links..
Very quickly, this video was seen as proof that Ukraine had indeed used chemical weapons against Russian soldiers, in violation of the convention signed by Kyiv.
I waited to write this article to see if the OPCW would react, even though the organization was called out on Twitter as soon as Madiar’s video of 5 February 2022 was published. But three days after the evidence emerged that Ukraine is producing and using chemical weapons against Russian forces, the OPCW remains completely silent, thereby discrediting itself completely.
Whether it is the OSCE, the IAEA, or the OPCW, these three international organizations have all proved incapable of fulfilling their role for several years, openly displaying a total bias in favor of NATO and its colonies such as Ukraine, which renders them totally useless. Yet these organizations cost money to the countries that are members.
Clearly, Russia and other countries not aligned with NATO policy are throwing money at organizations that are not doing their job. I think it’s time to rethink the way these institutions work, and if they are unable to reform, to get out and create new, more effective ones.
Christelle Néant
Translation by Yannis W. Zbroek for Donbass Insider