The UK would run out of ammunition ‘in two weeks in a war against Russia

By VT - Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor - February 7, 2023
According to a British media outlet, the UK Treasury has no money for the country’s defense, and the British army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force.
The defense budget is reportedly urged to be increased by at least £3 billion per year and stop the plan to shrink the army’s size, but the Treasury and the Chancellor are playing hardball and say there is no more money.
The UK is also not able to offer as many troops as NATO allies want for the alliance’s new force. The new NATO force is expected to consist of about 300,000 servicemen and be in a higher state of readiness in response to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. The UK is expected to only be able to send a brigade of 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers rather than a division of up to 30,000 soldiers.

According to the sources, the UK’s limited defense capabilities are due to the country’s lack of investment in the military. Despite recognizing the growing threat of inflation, stockpiles, the nuclear deterrent, and the situation in Ukraine, the Treasury and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt have refused to allocate additional funds for the defense budget. As a result, the UK will not be able to contribute as many troops as its NATO allies would like for the new force that aims to strengthen the alliance’s defenses.
The Defense Ministry’s current plans call for reducing the size of the army to 73,000 full-time troops, down from 82,000. This, combined with the recent reports of a lack of heavy guns and ammunition, highlights the UK’s weakened military stance.
The news of the UK’s limited defense capabilities comes after a senior US general reportedly told UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace that the British Army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force. The UK has been urged to increase its defense budget by at least £3 billion ($3.6 billion) per year and reconsider plans to shrink the size of the army, but the Treasury has reportedly refused to allocate more funds for defense.

The new NATO force is expected to include around 300,000 servicemen and will be in a higher state of readiness than previous NATO forces. According to the sources, the UK will only be able to contribute a brigade of 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers with weapons, armored vehicles, and helicopters, compared to other nations that can offer divisions or corps.
In conclusion, the UK’s limited defense capabilities, coupled with the recognition of growing threats and pressure on the defense sector, have resulted in calls for increased investment in the military. However, the Treasury and Chancellor have refused to allocate more funds, leading to a weakened military stance and limited contributions to NATO’s new force.
Editor’s note: Perhaps the UK and other Zionist nations thought that Russia would give up by now. What a big surprise.

Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor
Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy.