9 min read

How society is led by Government Psychopaths.

How society is led by Government Psychopaths.

By Daniel Sundkvist - (abbreviated) - February 3, 2023, | 17:02

I was active on American online forums where the behavior of psychopaths was discussed (there was not much on the subject in Norwegian at the time). Reading that these people had experienced exactly the same thing as me, but with other psychopaths, gave me daily jaw drops.

Psychopaths operate very similarly. They don't have the same individuality as normal people.

These two years was an awakening. And today I work on the subject almost full-time. It has turned into two books, as well as a blog that is at the top of the blogs with around a thousand daily readers. I recently quit my conventional job to devote even more time to this. I see that there is a need for information out there. Every day new victims fall into the trap of psychopaths and narcissists. There is a lot of academic material, but little about how it feels to have a psychopath close to you in your life, as a partner, friend, or relative.

Has Norway become a kakistocracy?

Illustration. Photo: Creative Commons.

Daniel Sundkvist - Blogger and author  - September 12, 2022

This is an external post and represents the writer's opinions.

Is this the first time you've heard this word? It was for me too, not so long ago. It's not surprising if the word is new to you. You don't have a lack of vocabulary. A "kakistocracy" belongs to the rarities. But now it seems as if kakistocracies are appearing on a conveyor belt, especially in Western countries.

Wikipedia defines kakistocracy as " a form of government where the country is ruled by the worst, least qualified, and most unscrupulous citizens".

What is meant by "worst" here becomes a matter of interpretation. It can be a question of stupid, evil, or corrupt politicians, possibly a combination of all three. But the most dangerous are intelligent and evil.

When I understood the meaning of the word not so long ago, it immediately struck me that this is what we have in Norway - today. And I mean this completely seriously, without irony.

Whether it is stupidity, evil, or corruption that characterizes today's Norwegian politicians the most is not up to me to judge. I see a bit of everything in the current government, and in a broader sense in the entire Storting.

Stupidity, or the more academic formulation "lack of competence" is not new. A tradition has built up over several years where ministers do not have specialist knowledge of the ministry they lead. Therefore, you can freely move ministers between widely different ministries, without the media asking questions. A transfer only happens when the people, and the media, over time uncover the particularly limited abilities of the current minister.

The fact that certain ministers are moved does not mean that the rest are competent for the ministry they lead. It only means that they hide their incompetence better, and thus their reign ends, where they often do more harm than good.

As far as the current government is concerned, I would argue that not a single one of the ministers should have been in government. One blunder after another appears. Some are blown up in the media, others are downplayed. The latest fool in a long line is Agriculture Minister Sandra Borch, who sits with her hands in her lap and watches the winter's food supply rot because the farmers cannot afford to pay for the electricity needed to store the food until spring.

Earlier we have the scandal surrounding the particularly incompetent former energy minister Marte Mjøs Persen. When her incompetence was exposed, Støre made her minister of labor. In other words, the incompetence was not removed, only relocated. This is common practice. As I do not expect Persen to have a greater knowledge of working life than of energy, I expect that she is now sitting there doing damage to working life instead of the power sector. The difference is that the media focus on her is minimized.

Persen was replaced by the equally incompetent – ​​but more arrogant – Terje Aasland. He is still in the position, amazingly enough. He has been exposed several times, most recently in the Debate on NRK, where only he and investor Øystein Spetalen participated. There we could witness Aasland lying to the whole people, in prime time. The only reason he still holds the important ministerial post is ideology. Støre seems to have surrounded himself with climate fanatics such as Aasland, Espen Barth Eide, and Jan Christian Vestre and placed them in ministerial positions.

These are extremists and very dangerous people who are willing to sacrifice all of the Norwegian welfare in order to fulfill the Paris Agreement and reach the climate goals. These ministers are totally devoid of empathy with the Norwegian population. Their loyalty does not lie in Norway. On the contrary. All have made statements that can be described as hostile to the people. When ideology trumps competence and the best for the country's citizens, we approach the form of government of the Taliban and Nazi Germany.

There is ongoing speculation in the comments section as to where their loyalties lie in that case. There is talk of the EU, UN, and WEF. Presumably, all of these are correct answers, but of course, we do not get any confirmation. You have to read between the lines. And occasionally there is a slip-up, where they reveal themselves, as when DNB chief Kjerstin Braathen, clearly brainwashed by WEF ideology, stated that "people must learn to suffer more". Then you understand that the only thing that is certain is that they are not working in the best interests of Norwegians.

And then we have Støre himself. I have collected a bunch of the statements he has made in the short year since he ascended the prime minister's throne.

"It's a long time until the next election" (in response to a question about whether he cares that Labor is raging in the opinion polls).

"Most people have not had it worse" (about the finances of private households, despite the fact that his policies are behind modern history's largest seizure of private purchasing power).

"We operate a redistribution policy" (in response to whether he intends to give more back to households that pay sky-high electricity prices).

"I don't want to be prime minister of that Norway" (about cutting electricity exports).

"Norway goes as it laughs" (about the state coffers being filled up by people's private funds).

"We have to endure some bankruptcies".

And the latest in a long line of arrogant and empathetic schemes; "I do not close the door to ideas that can take Europe forward."

It is clear that Støre does not have Norway's best interests in mind. Those who haven't yet figured it out can't possibly have opened a newspaper since August 2021. Or they have a very impressive capacity for denial.

Støre's "redistribution policy" is mostly about bringing in billions of kroner through a surreptitiously introduced extra tax, and giving a few million back in glasses support. His cuts in public projects such as road construction and welfare, which have been announced ahead of this autumn's state budget, are not about cooling the economy to save people from galloping interest rates.

We already have galloping interest rates. It is about paying more in taxes and getting less back for the money. The rest will go to uncle Støre's money bin, which he will distribute according to his personal discretion, primarily to foreign countries and to green initiatives that cost the whites of the eye. Who can forget that one of the first things he did, after only a few days as prime minister, was to give 15 billion of your and my money to climate measures in developing countries during the conference in Glasgow? He just gave them away.

I think many people remember the meeting Støre had with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in August. Before the meeting, people had an expectation that Støre would speak for Norwegians and make it clear to Scholz that the Norwegian power supply comes before the export of power to Germany. These were expectations Støre himself set up within the meeting. Støre stated that "each country must take responsibility for its own security of supply". Then he sent signals that gave Norwegians renewed hope that the winter would be saved, and that perhaps we had mistaken Støre, and that despite previous awkwardness, he would finally stand up for us.

But what happened at the meeting? Nothing. In any case, nothing benefits Norwegians. There was no hard-hitting Støre who met Scholz. Norwegian security of supply was not on the agenda. On the contrary, the meeting ended with even closer cooperation and plans for an expensive green utopia. The Norwegian people were seriously betrayed at this meeting. And perhaps just as bad – the press did not ask a single critical question as to why Støre, once again, had sold Norway and Norwegians to the EU.

It was after this meeting that I really opened my eyes to how dangerous Støre is for Norway. Støre now knows what he is doing. He also knows the precarious situation Norway is in. He knows that everyday life is getting more expensive for Norwegians with each passing week. He knows the bankruptcies are coming. Not just by a few, non-viable businesses. But many bankruptcies, also of companies that have made a profit for many years. He knows that Norway will have a power shortage in the spring. And he doesn't lift a finger.

This is not stupidity. It is evil.

But now I will get to the point of my chronicle.

Right now, the entire Norwegian people find themselves in cognitive dissonance.

Whether there are psychopaths in the government is irrelevant. In any case, we are talking about politicians who lie, deceive and lead us astray. Just like the psychopath does.

And the awakening is happening right now. Some have fully awakened. Others are on the way. And many are still asleep. But something is up.

My personal cognitive dissonance was inhibited by notions I had about my fellow human beings. I thought all people were good at the bottom. Some were just hurt, damaged, or misunderstood. Therefore, I believed that their intentions were also good, and I interpreted their behavior and actions in light of that.

Of course, I was horribly wrong. Their intentions were not good. They were vicious. And only when I understood that did the mystery begin to be solved. The pieces fell into place, one by one.

In the same way, people struggle to grasp the reality of today's political landscape. We are bottled up with the notion of politicians who work for us and want us well. It goes back to the time of Einar Gerhardsen and Trygve Bratteli. Even KÃ¥re Willoch. The notion is baked into our collective cultural psyche and is very difficult to reverse.

We who have awakened therefore have a job to do. We must wake up the rest. Every day I read people who complain about "paralysis of action" and "awkwardness" in the government. These people are in cognitive dissonance. They see what is happening, but they believe that the government is acting out of goodness.

They don't. The government has a supranational and evil agenda, which serves itself and not the people. As soon as you realize that, you also understand that it is not about paralysis of action, but about calculated calculation. The reason things take time to resolve is that the government doesn't want to resolve them. In the meantime, we are being lied to and the problems are being trained. Støre must "turn over every stone".

The people are waiting, but calm, just as the government calculates. No riots happen. But neither do any solutions. The people are waiting for those who actually created the problems to solve them. Of course, that doesn't happen. The question is which comes first; fulfillment of the government's agenda, or the awakening of the people.

It's a race against the clock and we're running out of time.

            Daniel Sundkvist

A little about me.

These two years were an awakening. And today I work on the subject almost full-time. It has turned into two books, as well as a blog that is at the top of the blogs with around a thousand daily readers. I recently quit my conventional job to devote even more time to this. I see that there is a need for information out there. Every day new victims fall into the trap of psychopaths and narcissists. There is a lot of academic material, but little about how it feels to have a psychopath close to you in your life.