“COVID Vaccines HOLOCAUST”. British MP Launched the Alarm and was Soon Suspended and Censored by Tory Nazi-Mainstream

By VT - Fabio Carisio - Carlo Cristofori - January 24, 2023
“As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust.”
This sentence was enough for the British Tory MP Andrew Bridge to run into Nazi censorship in the health field as happened to those who tried to defend persecuted Jews during Adolf Hitler’s rule. He was in fact suspended by the party and placed under investigation. Therefore he will be able to continue to exercise his mandate only as an independent politician.
Holocaust is exactly the word that Gospa News has repeatedly used to mention the number of reports on anti-Covid vaccines collected by the pharmacovigilance databases in the European Union (EudraVigilance) and in the USA (VAERS).
The latest count a few weeks ago in EU countries reported 49,000 deaths from suspected side effects and 2 million from serious adverse reactions. In the United States of America, our latest figure for August was 29,000 deaths.
We are sorry not to provide updates but the complexity of calculating total deaths, in the platform of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the EU drug regulator, and that of accessing the VAERS database of the CDC (Centers for Diseases Control) make it difficult for us to do so timely.
But we believe that the total 78,000 deaths reported to the pharmacovigilance bodies so far can already be defined as a holocaust. For two reasons.
The deniers of the vaccine massacre, defined as a “state homicide” by German magistrates when they are mandatory as happened in Italy for health and school workers, for the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, are scrambling to minimize the alarm.
In other words, they climb the skyscrapers, as the ones destroyed with explosive devices in another avoidable massacre (WTC, 9-11-2001) which was allowed by the same US military intelligence that supervised the creation of the artificial viruses SARS (from which SARS-Cov-2 was allegedly born in the laboratory in a deal with the EU and China) and participated in the study of messenger RNA gene serums (DARPA agency of the Pentagon with Moderna).
The alibi of vaccine holocaust deniers is based on a circumstance produced by the governments themselves: reporting does not mean a certain correlation. To establish it, autopsies are needed so much by the director of the Institute of Pathology of Heidelberg (Germany) that out of 25 corpses of people who died after the Covid vaccine he ascertained 5, or a fifth equal to 20%, related to heart disorders (of which 4 certain myocarditis).
Here is therefore widely confirmed, also by a French and a Japanese medical study, the alarm for heart inflammation raised by the British parliamentarian.
But as Gospa News has repeatedly reported, the number of fatal reports after the experimental gene serums is certainly greatly underestimated as not all doctors, the main authors of the reports to the pharmacovigilance databases, send the form when the patient had multiple pathologies which, as in the increasingly alarming case of tumors, they could have been aggravated precisely by the inoculation of the mysterious anti-Covid nanoparticles with the toxic Spike protein capable of remaining even 6 months in the blood and in human organs.
Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire, who has made a number of disputed claims about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines in recent months, including in the House of Commons,1 has had the whip removed by his party over his latest comments on social media.
In a now-deleted tweet linking to an article that questioned the safety of the vaccines, Bridgen had said, “As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust.”
The Conservative chief whip, Simon Hart, said, “Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offense in the process. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.
The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, also condemned Bridgen’s remarks, describing them as “utterly unacceptable.” The loss of the party whip means that Bridgen will sit as an independent MP while the formal investigation into his conduct is carried out.
Sunak probably ignores that the alarm about serious adverse reactions to vaccines has been raised by tens of thousands of Western doctors and has also been confirmed by the data revealed in the USA, after months of concealment, by the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC.
The FDA’s maxi-active pharmacovigilance study (i.e. with patient follow-up) highlighted an alarming statistic after the BNT162b2 vaccination (Comirnaty by Pfizer-Biontech), due to the frequent cases of pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation and immune thrombocytopenia.
The CDC’s analysis of the side effects of mRNA gene serums in relation to those of all other vaccines administered in the USA since 2009 confirmed that there are 5 times more serious reactions: or 73,000 in just two years against 13,000 in 13 years.
Commenting on Bridgen’s suspension, Kent Woods, emeritus professor of therapeutics at the University of Leicester, said that there was “overwhelming evidence” from trials and epidemiological data that “the benefits of covid vaccines for the population as a whole far outweigh potential harms.”
But we do not know that the British drug agency MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) has so far responded to the letter sent by 73 British doctors, and relaunched on social media by the South African scientist Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, in reference to a disproportionate increase in deaths among vaccinated young males.
Instead Wood added, “Freedom of speech, particularly on such a public platform as the House of Commons, carries a responsibility not to mislead the public by alarmist statements which misrepresent the scientific evidence. The MMR autism fiasco demonstrated clearly that groundless assertions of vaccine hazards can cause real harm. I am pleased to see that his party is taking action.”
The Italian oncologist Patrizia Gentilini has a very different opinion, and correlated the boom in new cases of cancer in Italy, an increase of 14 thousand in two years, precisely with the mRNA gene serums.
A risk foreseen by the late French virologist expert in vaccines Luc Montagnier, due to the probable damage to the immune system of mRNA gene serums especially if repeated, reiterated by the Milanese surgeon Andrea Stramezzi in an interview with Gospa News director and even reported in a sentence of the Court of Florence sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome to investigate the deaths that occurred after the vaccinations.
If he doesn’t know these people, Professor Kent Wood should at least know his colleague Angus Dalgleish, professor of Oncology at St. George’s University of London, who confirmed the danger that anti-Covid vaccines could trigger metastases.
While other authoritative American doctors have highlighted a flood of risks granted to inoculations such as inducing the Governor of Florida to open a formal investigation into the safety of vaccines.
Their ineffectiveness, on the other hand, was demonstrated by the deaths from the so-called Covid-breakthrough, i.e. the infections shortly after vaccination. More than 3,000 in Washington State alone.
Very few in the EU and in Italy because they are not registered as “adverse reactions”: in the USA there is also the suspicion that the lethal infection is caused precisely by the toxic Spike carried by the gene serum, however, modified and attenuated in the laboratory.
Finally, the number of deaths from neurological and neurocerebral syndromes after vaccines is already almost 4 thousand. But well for 88 thousand reports to the Eudravigilance platform, the course is not known. In other words, it is not known whether those who have had these ailments have recovered, are still ill, or have gone to increase the statistics of this real vaccine holocaust.
Carlo Domenico Cristofori
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- Fabio is the Director and Editor of Gospa News; a Christian Information Journal. Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became deputy director of a local newspaper and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.
- With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, the Middle East, and military intelligence. He is a correspondent from Italy for the French news site Reseau International. He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.
VT - Toby January 24, 2023
I remember vividly how Gordon slammed me for having survived the virus in Jan when it was not officially here and telling VT that my own antibodies did their job. Made him mad and he censored me. Further when I offered up a Cornell University study that said ethyl alcohol acted on the outer layer of the virus and made it so your antibodies could recognize it as foreign and attack it….again attacked (and the study is gone). I miss Gordon’s analysis of issues but his reliance on the Democrat line about the virus and (gene therapy) vaccine was nearly totally wrong.