FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claimed

By Jim Hoft - Published January 18, 2023
In December 2020, US Attorney General Bill Barr said there was “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Barr said there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, defying President Donald Trump’s ongoing efforts to reverse the results.
Barr repeated this claim several times since leaving office as President Trump’s Attorney General.
Now there is proof that Bill Barr is and was lying.
On Thursday former Trump adviser Jeffrey Clark, the Director of Litigation at the Center for Renewing America, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room.
Jeffrey Clark told Steve the Center for Renewing America sent out FOIA requests to 12 US Attorney districts from the 2020 battleground states.
Bill Barr sent out a memo on November 9, 2020, saying there should be investigations of the elections.
Jeff Clark told Steve Bannon the FOIA requests have come back from every district but one with NO DOCUMENTS.
No investigations were done as a result of that memo. There is only one of the 12 districts that has not yet come in and that’s the eastern district of Pennsylvania.
The US Attorney of the Eastern District asked to investigate issues in his district. Barr denied the request!
Bill Barr lied to the American public. Now he got caught.
Jeffrey Clark joined The War Room on Thursday to break the news.
And now there is further proof that Bill Barr lied.
FOIA Fan on Twitter FOIA’ed information on any DOJ investigations of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
No documentation was found in any investigation.
It was all a lie.
/1 Remember how Barr directed US Attorneys to investigate election fraud, and the Dem media called him a scoundrel? But when Barr said DOJ found no widespread fraud he was most certainly correct? Well, did DOJ really investigate anything?
— FoiaFan (@15poundstogo) May 25, 2022
/3 So far, the feds have responded regarding the Lin Wood lawsuit, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Western and Central Pennsylvania. No documentation was found of any investigations. Still waiting on Eastern PA, NH and Arizona.
— FoiaFan (@15poundstogo) May 25, 2022
Steve Bannon interview Jeffrey Clark in The War Room
There never was an investigation. Maybe the government was in on it?

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.