Om kommunitarisme: Samlede betraktninger - April 2020

Av alarkintexas.wixsite – Lark – 28. april 2020
(Also in English at the end)
«Nødvendighet er bønn for enhver krenkelse av menneskelig frihet. Det er tyranners argument; det er slavenes trosbekjennelse.» -William Pitt, i 1783
"Folk aksepterer bare endring når de står overfor nødvendighet, og anerkjenner bare nødvendighet når en krise er over dem." -Jean Monnet i "Memoirs" (1978)
Nødvendighet (strafferett) Nøklene til å forstå viktigheten av kommunitarisme og kommunitær lov er...
- Individuelle rettigheter er alltid balansert/harmonisert med de antatte rettighetene til fellesskapet for øvrig. Dette er å si at kommunitarianere mener rettigheter rett og slett ikke kan eksistere uten følge av plikter og ansvar.
- Såkalte refleksive lover (“myke” lover) skaper tyngende barrierer for å komme inn på markedet for oppstartsbedrifter, gründere og gjør-det-selv-folk. De kan endres med en gang, fra ett år til det neste. Og de er veldig ofte gjenstand for vilkårlig eller lunefull tolkning og håndhevelse.
- Disse lovene er bevisst utformet slik at den gjennomgripende følelsen er at individet ikke er i stand til å ta en avgjørelse uten å konsultere fangevokterne sine. Miljø- og arealbrukslover... potensielle brudd... av opphavsrett, varemerke- og/eller patentprivilegier/-beskyttelser... "fellesskaps"-standarder... koder, restriksjoner, regler, forordninger, forskrifter, lover og lignende... alt sammen jobber sammen for å skape ubesluttsomhet … mens den kveler økonomisk aktivitet i hjel.
- Nasjonalstater blir foreldet i et system med kommunitært styresett. Ettersom funksjonene deres erstattes av den globale-til-lokale , nå globaliserte, [såkalte] markedssikkerhetstilstanden. Dette gir i sin tur opphav til den tettbefolkede, teknologidrevne SMART-byen og den regionaliserte bystaten.
Håper dette hjelper. Hvis du ønsker å diskutere dette videre ... bare rop. Jeg ønsker samtalen velkommen. Mer kommer.
Våpengjørende språk lukker dørene til menneskelig oppfatning.
Politisk korrekthet er bare ett slikt eksempel. I dag filosofer og teologer [religionsfilosofer], vitenskapsmenn og juridiske teoretikere; sosiale, kulturelle, politiske, økonomiske og atferdsteoretikere [ville være filosof-konger og akademikere] også – alle konspirerer for å slavebinde sinnet og styre menneskelig handling i menneskehetens navn … eller vitenskapen … og samfunnet .
Disse sinnsprestene snakker om føre-var-prinsippet , så snakker de om noblesse oblige , mens de siterer deres lærdom og bare forsøk på å gjøre godt av andre. De insisterer på at det er deres ansvar å beskytte oss... fra oss selv.
Når slike dører er systematisk og kumulativt lukket, vil slaveri av sinnet – til hver eneste mann, kvinne og barn som er født inn i dette materielle/åndelige eksistensplanet – rett på tærne! .
Dermed kan mennesket bokstavelig talt frivillig gi seg selv til slaveri. .
Vennligst merk: Ufrivillig slaveri er ulovlig; mens frivillig slaveri aldri har blitt gjort ulovlig. Vær vitne til kommunitarianernes fortryllelse i dag med frivillighet ...
... Et slikt fenomen er ikke på langt nær det samme som frivillighet. .
Likevel er det frivillig slaveri som veldig ofte er kommunitær politikk … stort sett. .
Er dette i tråd med et falskt forsøk på å nekte andre menn fri vilje? Er dette et velmenende, men likevel misforstått, forsøk på å nekte mennesket hans tilknytning til Gud og til umistelige rettigheter* ? til logoer? Er lengselen etter å være fri nå tenkt på en eller annen måte uholdbar? En tapt sak?
Dette er ofte det som skjer – og vil skje – når persepsjonens åpne dører lukkes. Mennesket vil ha slavebundet seg selv mens han overlater fremtidige generasjoner til det samme slaveriet som han selv uforvarende har forbudt … som denne generasjonens endelige løsning … i dag.
Så for å presisere, moderne slaveri i en kommunitær verden blir sakte til gjennom en subtil pålegging av tvang og makt. Det springer ut fra de kalde hjertene og de forvirrede sinnene til grundig forvillede, ja, latterlig feilbare, menn.*Rettigheter som ikke kan byttes bort . I motsetning til umistelige rettigheter – de som kan byttes bort .
Grensene for språket mitt betyr grensene for min verden. -Ludwig Wittgenstein
To overordnede kommunitære politiske mål:
Avbefolkning og teknoslaveri
De to overordnede målene for global-til-lokal kommunitær styring er (1) avfolking og (2) teknisk slaveri. .
«Det var sannelig informasjonens tidsalder; men informasjonen var ikke forløperen til kunnskap; det var selgerens verktøy.» -Earl Shorris, en nasjon av selgere
AVBEFOLKNING er en frittstående eufemisme for TOTAL KRIG . For å utføre et "mykt drap" [folkemord] av den menneskelige befolkningen. Eliminering av det gamle for å innlede det nye. Eksempler på disse er psykologisk, asymmetrisk, ikke-lineær, kybernetisk, biologisk, kulturell, åndelig, [sosio-]økonomisk og memetisk * ingeniør... aka krigføring... som strekker seg til cyber- og kjemisk krigføring ... lovføring ... og mer.
De såkalte GRIN - teknologiene – G enetikk, R obotikk, I nformasjon og N anotech – er fremtredende.
De ti stadiene av folkemord
Om Lawfare: A Brief History of the Term ...
Hva er en SLAPP? SLAPP= S trategiskrettssak En gevinstfor offentlig deltakelse _ _
Forstå anti-SLAPP- lover
De 3 A-ene du tenker på - Amnesi , Abulia og Apati . Med A mnesia dør det kollektive minnet. En buli er det betingede tapet av vilje. Og A pathy betyr vår mangel på bekymring eller omsorg. Alle tre A-er vil til slutt føre til vår underkastelse, vår akkulturasjon**... og, ja... til og med vårt selvmord. .
Blant annet vil disse tre tingene på samme måte føre oss til en eventuell tilstand av anomi... deretter inn i en tilstand av "lært hjelpeløshet." .
(Se: anomie; Emile Durkheim: Selvmord (1897); Martin Seligman)
"Vi er Borgen. Senk skjoldene dine og overgi skipene dine. Ditt teknologiske og biologiske særpreg vil bli lagt til vårt eget. Din kultur vil tilpasse seg for å betjene oss. Motstand er fåfengt." -Star Trek (Hollywood-film)
TECHNOSLAVERY snakker til AI, informasjonsalderen og Big Data - tingenes/kroppers internett. .
Teknologier er rett og slett verktøy , eksempler på disse er menneskeskapte innspill (som språket i seg selv)... som alle/alle utilitaristiske (nyttige; nyttige) enheter/instrumenter/leker [som $$$ ]... sammen med SMART alt . .
SMART = S elvovervåking [ av] A nalyse [og] R apportering T eknologi
SMART = S calable M easures A utomert [ for ]gjenkjenningsteknologier
SMART = S ecret M ilitarized A rmaments in R esidential T echnology
Institusjonalisert slaveri ... går over til en sosial kontrakt ... som fremmer og fremmer et forhold ... der den menneskelige befolkningen uforvarende melder seg frivillig til evig slaveri ... til <ahem> "fellesskapet". Derfor er teknoslaveri totalitært styre av "opplyste" vitenskapsmenn ... sinnets prester ... og, å ja... alle disse friggin' [selvtjenende] ekspertene også! .
KOMMUNITARISME. Så for ikke å glemme. Det krever et vitenskapelig diktatur, dere. Du vet... om samfunnet ! 🤗
"Potente memer kan endre sinn, endre atferd, katalysere kollektive tankeskifter og transformere kulturer. Dette er grunnen til at meme-krigføring har blitt den geopolitiske kampen i vår informasjonstid. Den som har memene har makten." .
- Kalle Lasn
* Memetisk krigføring: krigens
"Enculturation" er prosessen med å lære din egen gruppes kultur, og "enculturate" er et transitivt verb. Så når en amerikansk mor lærer barnet sitt å bruke en gaffel, "enkulturerer" hun ham.
** “Akkulturering” er derimot prosessen med å ta på seg en annen gruppes kultur.
Rebooting the Mind and Heart for å komme til Humanity 2.0 and a Global Convergence (se første kommentar av Lark )
"Vår tidsalder har sett at sinnsprester har lært at selskapelig er den prisverdige tankeformen, og at uavhengig tanke er foraktelig. Det er dessuten sikkert at gruppen som ønsker å være sterk ikke har noen nytte for en mann som hevder å tenke selv. ." -Julien Benda, i La Trahison Des Clercs (1927) The Treason of the Intellectuals
Credentialed to Destroy - Enanmeldelse
The Axemaker's Gift: Technology's Capture and Control of Our Minds and Culture (1997), av Robert Ornstein og JamesBurke
Legg merke til den kommunitære løsningen ? 😉
Hva sier kommunitære? .
Problemreaksjonsløsning (slettet )
Utryddelsen begynner, og blir raskt massedrapet som lovlig kalles «folkemord». Det er "utryddelse" for morderne fordi de ikke tror at ofrene deres er fullt ut mennesker. Når det er sponset av staten, jobber de væpnede styrkene ofte med militser for å utføre drapet. Målet med totalt folkemord er å drepe alle medlemmene av målgruppen. Men de fleste folkemord er folkemord «delvis».
Alle utdannede medlemmer av den målrettede gruppen kan bli myrdet (Burundi 1972). Alle menn og gutter i kampalder kan bli myrdet (Srebrenica, Bosnia 1995). Alle kvinner og jenter kan bli voldtatt (Darfur, Myanmar.) Massevoldtekter av kvinner har blitt et kjennetegn på alle moderne folkemord. Voldtekt brukes som et middel til å genetisk endre og ødelegge offergruppen.
Noen ganger resulterer folkemordet i hevndrap fra grupper mot hverandre, og skaper den nedadgående virvel-lignende syklusen av bilateralt folkemord (som i Burundi). Ødeleggelse av kulturell og religiøs eiendom brukes for å utslette gruppens eksistens fra historien (Armenia 1915 - 1922, Da'esh/ISIS 2014 - 2018).
"Total krig" mellom nasjoner eller etniske grupper er iboende folkemord fordi den ikke skiller sivile fra ikke-stridende. "Teppe"-bombing, brannbombing, bombing av sykehus og bruk av kjemiske eller biologiske våpen er krigsforbrytelser og også folkemord.
Terrorisme skiller ikke mellom sivile og stridende, og når det er ment å ødelegge medlemmer av en nasjonal, etnisk, rasemessig eller religiøs gruppe, er det folkemord. Bruken av atomvåpen er den ultimate folkemordshandlingen fordi det bevisst er ment å ødelegge en betydelig del av en nasjonal gruppe.
Under aktivt folkemord er det bare rask og overveldende væpnet intervensjon som kan stoppe folkemord. Reelle trygge områder eller flyktningefluktkorridorer bør etableres med tungt bevæpnet internasjonal beskyttelse. (Et utrygt «trygt» område er verre enn ingen i det hele tatt.) For væpnede intervensjoner bør en multilateral styrke autorisert av FN gripe inn hvis det er politisk mulig.
Den stående høyberedskapsbrigaden, EUs hurtigreaksjonsstyrke eller regionale styrker (NATO, ASEAN, ECOWAS) – bør ha fullmakt til å handle av FNs sikkerhetsråd. FNs generalforsamling kan godkjenne handling under Uniting for Peace-resolusjonen GA Res. 330 (1950), som har vært brukt 13 ganger for slik væpnet intervensjon. Hvis FN er lammet, må regionale allianser handle under kapittel VIII i FN-pakten.
Det internasjonale ansvaret for å beskytte overgår de snevre interessene til individuelle nasjonalstater. Hvis sterke nasjoner ikke vil skaffe tropper til å gripe direkte inn, bør de sørge for lufttransport, utstyr og økonomiske midler som er nødvendige for at regionale stater kan gripe inn.
- ark
- Apr 28, 2020
- 10 min read
Communitarianism: First Things First
Updated: Jul 21
Monopolistic-Crony CAPITALISM-Corporatism-Mercantilism
Judaic-Talmudic COMMUNISM-Cultural Marxism-Kabbalism
Capitalists and communists share the identical objective: private ownership and control over all means of production.
Communitarianism also =
a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between groups whereby one group, the parasitic group, benefits at the expense of the other, the host group.
a supremely nebulous and elusive system of theological and mystical philosophy founded in the third century A.D. by Plotinus.
a policy whereby a major power uses economic and political means to perpetuate or extend its influence over underdeveloped nations or areas.
or new feudalism, a theorized contemporary rebirth of policies of governance, economy, and public life reminiscent of those present in many feudal societies, such as unequal rights and legal protections for common people and for nobility.
The concept of “neofeudalism” may focus on economics.
Among the issues claimed to be associated with the idea of neofeudalism in contemporary society are class stratification, globalization, mass immigration/illegal immigration, open borders policies, multinational corporations, and “neo-corporatism”.
a political system in which the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.
Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all encompassing propaganda campaign that is disseminated through state-controlled mass media, and a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.
A distinctive feature of totalitarian governments is an “elaborate ideology”–a set of ideas that gives meaning and direction to the whole society.
a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power.
That entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy, or it may be a group, as in an oligarchy.
The English dictionary defines despotism as “the rule of a despot; the exercise of absolute authority.”
Communitarianism is a pseudo-scientific, technological dictatorship of the [so-called global-to-local] “community”.
Communitarianism is also a philosophy that undergirds a system of “arrested development” that is intended to thwart [and/or to harvest] all human potential–to the benefit of its designers.
These designers front for the secretive private owners who wield totalitarian control over all territorial assets and natural resources–especially those of the human kind.
Search Topics of Interest Related to Communitarianism:
What is the Hegelian dialectic?
What is a communitarian?Who is Amitai Etzioni?
(From the Jewish Tribal Review archive, 2003)
What is communitarianism?
a 20th Century political doctrine which emphasizes the interest of communities and societies over those of the individual.
While not necessarily hostile to Liberalism or Social Democracy per se, it does oppose individualist doctrines like L/libertarianism (which stresses human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty), and most aspects of modern Conservatism, advocating instead ideas such as civil society (the concept of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions, as opposed to the force-backed structures of a state and commercial institutions).
What in the world is communitarianism?
The Communitarian Movement aims to create a new society within the shell of the old, with the philosophy of the “new”–which is not a new philosophy but rather a very old philosophy–a philosophy so old that it looks like new.
What the communitarians stand for
“We establish for the moment a new world order. 11 September 2001 everything changed.”
“The world needs a new global architecture, additional layers of governance, to deal with issues that neither nations nor traditional forms of intergovernmental organizations can cope with.”
-Amitai Etzioni
Communitarianism, the Idea and Movement in politics:
With the demise of true socialism as a viable intellectual force, communitarianism is now the most active philosophical opposition to libertarianism.
Communitarianism is usually presented in vague terms, but it is probably best understood as a mild form of collectivism or “democratic socialism”.
Communitarianism has had some influence in the realm of practical politics, as witness the fact that Hillary Clinton is reputed to admire many communitarian thinkers.
What is communitarian law?
Communitarian Law is the new legal system used by regional and local governments affiliated with the emerging global government.
This new law circumvents national law via a program of “balancing,” often implemented by a small group of self-appointed elites who achieve consensus (not voting).
For Americans, the adoption of these evolving principles transports us from a constitutional system where we expect clearly defined basic rights (like due process and legal searches) to a more moralistic way of enforcing “social justice” that only a few upper level academics can define.
Communitarian law is the precedent that requires the courts to rule in favor of the self-defined “community” against individuals protected by constitutional law.
It limits the property rights of individuals in all member nations.
The most obvious current communitarian decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court is Kelo v. The City of New London, a land rights case that balanced property rights against communitarian development goals.
The least obvious communitarian decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court is Hibel v. The State of Nevada, a privacy rights case that balanced a private individual’s right to anonymity.
In all U.S. communitarian legislation and criminal code, the stated purpose is to balance individual rights against community responsibilities.
It’s called Reinventing Government.
Based on the consensus reached by globalist do-gooders, all nations are now required to adjust their national systems.
The world is in an ongoing process of internal re-inventions of national political and legal infrastructures.
What is Responsibility to Protect (R2P)?
Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is fundamental to understanding communitarian law.
“Talmudic Law forms the foundation for Communitarianism.” -Niki Raapana
The key factor to Talmudic law is that it is not fixed law; it is constantly challenged and rewritten, according to case law precepts. And, unlike the Christian arguments, anyone who objects to the overall authority of Talmudic law, or even portions of it, is labeled anti-Semitic (even the Jews). Many American Jews do not even identify with Judaism. It’s also important to know most Jews did not originally support Zionism. Today, opposition to political Zionism and/or the religious Talmudic laws are condemned as a racist attitude toward Jewish people and are subject to criminal prosecution in a growing number of countries.
Why is the international community adopting it as part of their emerging global to local law enforcement? The effects of imposing a law nobody understands are staggering.
Keyword search: Communitarian and communitarianism (YouTube)
What is reflexive law?
The theory of reflexive law views the legal system as an autonomous function system located within society on the same plane as the economy and the political system, and offers the opportunity to transform insights from sociological systems theory into new questions for the theory of law.
Reflexive Law: The New System Driving Sustainable Development
The Constitution in 2020
Center for the Study of Law and Religion – World Law: An Ecumenical Jurisprudence of the Holy Spirit
Harold Berman’s Revolution in Western Legal Thought, Part I
The late Harold Berman was a ‘Soviet legal expert’ who taught American law students for 60 years.
A Prequel to “Law and Revolution” – A Long Lost Manuscript of Harold J. Berman
Niki Raapana: Globalist Totalitarian Takeover (ad free audio recording of 2nd Jeff Rense interview on March 28, ’08 of Niki Raapana; 1st interview occurred on December 6, ’07)
Lark guest hosts for a vacationing Clint Richardson on RBN’s Corporation Nation – 6/5/2014 – ad free
Radio Show Bonus 2014, June 05, 2014 (Vacation For Clint)
More downloads from Corporation Nation radio archive:
(The Communitarian Trap) Synarchism and Communitarianism: A Synthesis of Ideologies
The Synarchy
“ ‘government by secret societies’, or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes.
It is an analogue of ‘theocracy’, or rule by a priesthood.”
~ Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre
Get Mind Smart
- Gross Global Happiness
- Communitarianism
Intellectual Technology
Institute of American and Talmudic Law | Faculty
Manifesto of First Anti-Jewish Congress (Dresden, Sept 11, 1882)
1893 World's Parliament of Religions
(Chicago, Sept 11, 1893)
The Religion of the Future
Random quotes: “Competition is a sin.”
"Own nothing. Control everything."
–John D. Rockefeller
“Omission is the greatest form of lie.”
–George Orwell
“The sum of all things is the truth.”
–William Blair
“Stalking the truth is solely for the one who goes it alone–the rest hunt in packs.”
“Arrival at truth is many-layered, because it requires the lifting of veils. It requires quietude and introspection.
Today men speak of evolution, revolution, even devolution.
Yet too few speak of involution–looking inside oneself, or turning inward–that they may look before they leap.”
“You’re NOT what you think. And you’re NOT what you say. But you ARE what you do.”
"In 1847 the London Communist League (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels) used Hegel’s theory of the dialectic to back up its Economic Theory of Communism.
Now, in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social and political structure.
The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to predetermined solutions.
If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we cannot know how we are helping to implement the vision.
When we remain locked into dialectical thinking, then we cannot see ‘out of the box’."
“Hegel’s dialectic is the tool that manipulates us into a frenzied, circular pattern of thought and action.
Every time that we fight for or defend against an ideology, we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels’ grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat.
The synthetic Hegelian ‘solution’ to all of these conflicts can’t be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda.
The Marxist’s global agenda is moving along at breakneck speed.
The only way to completely stop the privacy invasions, expanding domestic police powers, land grabs, insane wars against inanimate objects (and transient verbs), covert actions, and outright assaults on individual liberty, is to step outside the dialectic. This releases us from the limitations of controlled and guided thought.”
–Excerpted from The Definitive Anti Communitarian Manifesto (Revised 2012), by Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich
“Communitarians specialize in presenting story-lines consistent with irreality, which means that communitarians do lie, as a matter or consequence of indoctrination–or of administrative policy.”
“The biggest problem in the world is the YOO, of which there are three principal types, to wit:
(1) the EWEs,
(2) the YEWs, and
(3) the YOU yoos.
All YOOs are communitarians.
Because most Americans today are communitarians, the first question to ask yourself is which sort of a YOO… are you?
Are you a EWE (a bleating female sheep regularly milked/sheared before finally being led to slaughter)…
a JEW (of a people ‘apart’–some say a separate species altogether; pronounced YEW, like a Mexican pronounces the word ‘yobe’, as in ‘job’)…
or just a plain ol’ YOU yoo (the vaunted ‘good corporate citizen’)?”
“I see communitarianism as one form or another of systems thinking, regardless of the time period, whether those systems be sanctioned religion, political ideology, economic ideology, or some combination(s) thereof.
All of those ‘systems’, so to speak, are slight variations of the same concepts–they are concepts for certain groups of people to adopt, to believe in, and to fight over.
Today, we are ‘experiencing’ the ‘current update of the system’ which is to ‘bring them together’.
This is why I think that the term ‘communitarianism’ is now being used the way it is–and these days, it is being used, for everything–and everywhere!
And, to me, it’s not so much that it involves everything and everywhere, but that those in control still need for those being controlled to believe that there are different types of communitarianism–because we are still in the fighting stage of the ‘merger’.
So, there still must appear to be ‘variations’ of communitarianism out there, as if some of these ‘variations’ were ‘better’ than others–that is to say, ‘better’ for those being controlled to adopt!
How can anything be something, as well as its opposite?
It can’t–unless it’s meant to confuse and to cause chaos!
I’ll put it this way:
as I have come to see it, communitarianism is a system of systems, which operates in and on the environment of environments, which acts through the community of communities, down to every last individual.
And the dialectic is the logic being employed to drive them all forward, down the garden path, where, on the one path, they all will meet.”
"It is important here to go beyond the environmental laws that Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich have mentioned.
They are correct, however, in their assertion that, if we are going to speak of “Environment” and “Environmental Laws,” then we need to comprehend what the “Environment” is.
What is listed below is only a small sampling of all of its meanings–there are simply too many of them to list them all here.
The word “environment,” as it turns out, is defined as documents state it–as what the word “environment” has come to mean–which is, clearly, not what most people think that the word “environment” means.
According to the 1977 Tbilisi Report (UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education), “… the concept of environment had evolved: initially confined to its physical and biological aspects, it now also covered the social, economic and technological environment.
The protection of the environment was, then, a many-sided task which could not be carried out without taking account of those socio-economic factors that were the cause of environmental problems.”
"To understand all of this is to realize that everything today has an “environment”:
Economic Environment, Political Environment, Social Environment, Medical Environment, Education Environment, Home Environment, Family Environment, Work Environment, Occupational Environment and the Natural Environment, to name just a few.
Let us also consider that everything that has an “environment” also has a “climate”.
So, when the powers that be use these ‘specific’ words–whether in writing, or in speeches, or wherever–we need to pause…and ask,“What do these terms actually mean?”
From Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th & 6th Edition:
the totality of physical, economic, cultural, aesthetic, and social circumstances and factors which surround and affect the desirability and value of property and which also affect the quality of peoples’ lives.
the surrounding conditions, influences or forces which influence or modify.
–U. S. v. Amadio, C.A.lnd., 215 F.2d 605, 611.
"A complete understanding of the many factors that come into play with regard to the environment and environmental laws requires a great deal of research.
Within the context of U.S. Law on this topic, it is worthwhile to investigate the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which was enacted into law in 1970; the NEPA; and the EPA.
Two individuals who exerted very strong influence in the creation of these agencies were Russell E. Train and William D. Ruckelshaus.
Train was the first Chairman of the CEQ.
Train later went on to be the second director of the EPA and was instrumental in the creation of the NEPA.
Prior to holding those positions, Train was the President of the Conservation Foundation.
The Conservation Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization, or NGO.
The Conservation Foundation was also the precursor of the World Wildlife Foundation in the United States.
Train was the first President of that organization while it operated as the Conservation Foundation.
This organization had much to do with the creation of the CEQ, the NEPA, and the EPA.
During an interview, Russell Train said this:
“… behind the scenes, the Conservation Foundation played a very key role in the formulation of NEPA, and, in fact, the whole general concept of the National Environmental Policy Act, [and] the building of environmental values into government decision making, which was part and parcel of what had become the principal thrust of The Conservation Foundation…
… how you build environmental values into development activities, essentially…
… so this was all a very appropriate association and a very satisfying one to me personally, because there we were in effect translating the concepts that had evolved in the Conservation Foundation over the years, translating these into actual legislation, and eventually into government policy, which has been very influential, as we all know.”
“Look into the Conservation Foundation and its members, as well as the other organizations and their members that made up this group.
There are many families involved in this organization, and quite a few of them are connected to some of people that Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich wrote about in their book, 2020: Our Common Destiny.
William D. Ruckelshaus and Russell Train were founding members of the Conservation Foundation.
Ruckelshaus, a good friend of Train, was also the first director of the EPA (1970).
Ruckelshaus additionally went on to serve on the World Commission on Environment and Development, the organization that produced the Brundtland report.
The Brundtland report was the foundational document for Agenda 21.
Later, while in private legal practice, Ruckelshaus signed on to Amitai Etzioni’s Communitarian Platform.
In the early 2000’s, George W. Bush appointed Ruckelshaus to serve on the United States Commission of Ocean Policy.
The final report of that commission to the President and Congress was entitled “An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century”.
Since June 2010, Ruckelshaus has served as Co-chair of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative.
He has also served as a director on the boards of several corporations, including Monsanto, Cummins Engine Company, Pharmacia Corporation, Solutia, Coinstar, Nordstrom, and Weyerhaeuser Company.
What I’m getting at here, in a long-winded way, is this:
never assume that government represents that which it creates in straightforward ways;
and lastly, that environmental issues and pollution issues are not the same things.”
The legacies of these two men, Train and Ruckelshaus, are outstanding subjects for those interested in beginning research into environmental policies and laws of this country and beyond.
There are, naturally, other stories worthy of inquiry (many more, in fact) but it bears repeating that each of these two figures continues to be uniquely–and hugely–influential.
Their respective career narratives are seminal… and therefore are [and likely will remain] instructive… to those inclined to investigate these matters… matters regarding the management [or governance] of our nation… and the world.
