By Stop World Control - 05 Nov. 2022
How the entire world is owned by one single corporation.
Humanity's leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law, and journalism are warning us about the greatest threat our world has ever faced. Will we listen to their message?



The World Health Organization has an official agenda for ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. They can declare a pandemic whenever they want. During pandemics the WHO becomes an effective one-world government, overruling the constitutions and laws of all the nations in the world. The plan is crystal clear. Watch the video now!

MONOPOLY - Who Owns The World?
This groundbreaking documentary reveals how virtually everything on earth is owned by one single corporation. The entities behind this corporation have a master plan to submit humanity to unprecedented control. WATCH MONOPOLY NOW!
Top experts from the WHO, UN, Military & CDC reveal evidence that pandemics are used for world dictatorship

Experts from the World Health Organization, United Nations, British Secret Services, the US & UK Military, the CDC, Pfizer & Governmental Health Agencies reveal a criminal agenda to implement worldwide tyranny, under the guise of pandemics. LEARN MORE
'We have evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity', say hundreds of lawyers & scientists

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and an international network of lawyers have interviewed more than 150 experts from every field of science. They have conclusive evidence that the pandemic and lockdowns are the worst crimes against humanity ever committed. SEE THE EVIDENCE
"Millions are murdered in hospitals", say, healthcare workers

The greatest threat to humanity since the beginning of time
The World Economic Forum is today, what the Roman empire was in the past: a group of people who lust for total world domination. Their plans include: blocking out the sun, removing all rights and freedoms from humanity, making all people cyborgs, locking up all people in prison cities, eradicating all the elderly, taking away all possessions from everyone, and many more psychopathic ideas. PREPARING FOR A MORE ANGRY WORLD

The U.S. military has evidence that elections are stolen
Retired generals and colonels from the US military, the US Space Force, internationally recognized scientists, election integrity organizations, a top lawyer, and high-level cyber security experts reveal overwhelming evidence that elections worldwide are being stolen. Through election fraud, free countries are turned into totalitarian dictatorships. SEE THE EVIDENCE HERE

Mind-blowing information about Ukraine
There have been attempts to take down this website because of THIS report about Ukraine. It reveals shocking information about Ukraine, that the powers that be want to hide from the world.

Proof that the pandemic was planned
Months of research have revealed an astonishing number of strong indications that the pandemic was planned, and is being meticulously orchestrated. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a review of undeniable evidence.
'We must unite against the one world government', archbishop says

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposed financial corruption in the Vatican and child abuse by pope Francis and other church leaders. During the pandemic, he rose to the forefront of the worldwide freedom movement, by exposing the criminal agenda of globalists who plot to submit all of humanity to unprecedented tyranny. WATCH THIS VIDEO

"It's all about a New World Order", says world-renowned scientist
World-renowned biophysicist Andreas Kalcker saved millions of covid patients and works with thousands of physicians, scientists and lawyers all over the world. His cure for covid could have ended the pandemic in a breeze, but he was censored in every possible way. He explains what is really going on in our world. WATCH THIS VIDEO
"The government murdered thousands of people, and labeled them as covid deaths", says an undertaker

Funeral director John O'Looney worked closely with the UK government and BBC, during the pandemic. He observed firsthand how thousands of elderly were murdered and labeled as covid deaths. 40 other undertakers told O'Looney they witnessed the same, but are afraid to speak out. WATCH THIS INTERVIEW
'They asked me to sacrifice children, an insider from the top financial elite says

Ronald Bernard worked at a high level in the financial elite and communicated directly with those who control the world. They invited him to partake in the sacrificing of children, a ritual practiced by those who operate at the highest financial levels. Ronald Bernard couldn't do it and was physically tortured to prevent him from revealing any names. HEAR RONALD'S STORY

Millions of children are abused by the elite
Former executives from the CIA, FBI, and NSA are disclosing how countless children are abused by top officials. They reveal worldwide networks that traffic millions of children to the rich and powerful in every country. SEE THIS REPORT

The Cabal: a criminal network that terrorizes humanity
The Fall of the Cabal is a must-see documentary series about the 1%, also referred to as the Cabal: a small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. They concocted an evil master plan to completely dominate humanity and make us submissive… a plan in which corruption, secret services, secret societies, and high treason reign supreme. WATCH THIS DOCUSERIES

'Millions are dying from the vaccines', say Nobel Prize-winning scientists

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko successfully treated several presidents for COVID-19 and is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Together with world-leading scientists, and a Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, he reveals how millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions are disabled for life, after being inoculated with the experimental covid injections. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT
'The injections change the human DNA', says the most interviewed physician in the world

Dr. Carrie Madej directed two large clinics and was invited to attend major medical conferences. There she heard 'crazy evil professors' reveal the plan to change the human DNA using vaccines. Dr. Madej investigated this for over 20 years and is now warning humanity. WATCH THIS VIDEO
'People are told incredible lies of incredible proportions, America's Frontline Doctors say
America's Frontline Doctors is a large group of leading physicians, lawyers, and scientists in the United States, with over one million members. After seeing how the world is being deceived, they stood up to defend the future of humanity. In an epic speech their founder, Dr. Simone Gold explains the enormity of the lies, that have been unleashed by Big Media, Big Tech, and governments. LISTEN TO THESE PHYSICIANS
The Plan to Control the World
An in-depth overview of the evidence shows how the pandemic is the largest criminal operation humanity has ever witnessed. Don't take my word for it, but do your own research with this massive report that shows all the facts in one mind-blowing overview. READ THIS REPORT
And there is so much more!
What The Q Is Going On In Our World?
Please don’t be a news junky, but become a world changer
The World Health Organization is a One World Government
We can help you defend your life, future and freedom.
Media Crimes Exposed – How news media are always lying to humanity
Dr Vladimir Zelenko risks his life by saying this – [Must See!]
This is how the world will be saved – for real
A tidal wave of awakening will flood the whole world – it’s unstoppable!
Vaccine documentaries that can save your life and your beloved ones
Dr. Simone Gold exposes dangerous lies about pandemic
Evidence that all C0VID data is 100% false – Worldwide fraud uncovered!
Welcome to the Greatest Movement in History!
Lawful Ways To Stop Unlawful Mandates
Who are we and what is our mission?
Quick Overview
✔︎ Putin calls for the return to God, and His values, which is the exact opposite of the cabal, that serve the realm of darkness.
✔︎ Putin has been condemning the rise of perversion, which is the exact opposite of the cabal, who push for perversion.
✔︎ Putin has been taking a bold stand against globalism and the New World Order, making him an obstacle to their plans.
✔︎ That’s why the cabal has been paying journalists in America and Europe, trying to cause war with Russia.
✔︎ The cabal has seized Ukraine and made it a stronghold for its operations, which is a major threat to Russia.
✔︎ Putin has removed missile launching stations and bioweapon labs, that were positioned along the border with Russia.
✔︎ Ukraine is a hub for neo-nazism, where children are trained to become terrorists.
✔︎ Ukrainian fighters brag about having fun killing people, and how Ukraine will become "a concern for the whole world".
✔︎ Ukraine has been deeply in bed with the cabal, and Biden is a striking example of this.
✔︎ The US Deep State handpicked the Ukraine government, making it a puppet government in the hands of criminals.
✔︎ For decades the cabal has tried to cause a nuclear war with Russia, to destroy this nation.
✔︎ Now once again the cabal media worldwide is calling for war against Russia, which shows they want to destroy the nation.
✔︎ The media lies about Russia, in order to get the public opinion on their side when they attack them.
Stop World Control has been attacked severely, in an attempt to silence us completely. After a long series of setbacks, we are rebuilding everything. Please support our fight for the freedom of humanity and the future of our world. We cannot do this without your help. Thank you so much!

The nr. 1 key to ending world tyranny is informing the public. All the plans of the criminal elites depend entirely on one single thing: the ignorance of the population. Once people become informed, they stop complying and start resisting. Showing them the truth is therefore critical. To help you wake up the world, we offer you free flyers, posters, and memes to distribute in your community, family, and network.