"Seek and destroy": New US military aid to Ukraine focuses on Russian artillery

Resett.no - By Henrik S. Werenskiold -22. August 2022
A small long-range and low-flying drone, used for reconnaissance, will help scout for targets for Ukrainian artillery.
According to Defense News, the Pentagon on Friday announced a new $775 million military aid package to Ukraine. The package marks the first time that the US is sending ScanEagle drones to scout the battlefield for Russian artillery, as well as 105 mm howitzers and anti-tank ammunition for the recoilless Swedish-made Carl Gustaf cannon.
The latest package of US aid to Ukraine also includes AGM-88 high-velocity anti-radiation missiles (HARM), which will allow Ukrainian forces to more easily take out Russian radars in the artillery-focused war. The disclosure marks the first time the Pentagon has discussed the delivery of high-speed anti-radiation missiles to Ukraine in detail.
- Ukraine is successful with these missiles. They have successfully integrated them into Ukrainian aircraft. And this enables Ukraine to find and destroy Russian radars, a senior US defense official told reporters on condition of anonymity.
The Pentagon is also sending 15 ScanEagles – a small long-range, low-flying drone – used for reconnaissance and intended to help scout for Ukrainian artillery targets. Other equipment includes 16 105 mm howitzers (with 36,000 artillery rounds), as well as 1,000 anti-tank missiles for Carl Gustaf.
The aid also includes 40 armored demining vehicles, 50 Humvees, and 1,000 Javelin anti-tank weapons.
The new package is part of $40 billion in security and economic assistance passed by Congress and signed into law in May. It is the 19th US package of military weapons and equipment committed to Ukraine since the war began on February 24.
About six weeks after the Pentagon announced that it would support the delivery of the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) to Ukraine, the anti-aircraft system is expected to be delivered within the next two to three months. The system is produced by Norway's Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace, as well as the American defense company Raytheon Technologies.
The US sends long-awaited rocket artillery ammunition to Ukraine
The aid also comes just days after the United States announced that it was sending $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine. This aid package included more ammunition for the 16 highly mobile long-range rocket artillery (HIMARS), supplied by the United States so far.
While the Pentagon has not seen Ukrainian forces use HIMARS to regain a significant amount of territory, they have attacked and weakened Russian positions.
- You can see that this erodes the Russian forces in Ukraine, with implications for their long-term sustainability, said the defense officer.
Nuclear power plant
The US announcement comes after Russia and Ukraine accused each other of shelling Europe's largest nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, sparking international fears of a nuclear disaster on the continent.
"We are very concerned about military operations at or near any new Ukrainian nuclear power plants and are particularly very concerned about any reports of damage to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant's power lines," the defense official said.
- We have been very clear that fighting near a nuclear power plant is dangerous and irresponsible. And we want soldiers and Russia to operate with extreme caution and not take any action that would result in a potential radiological release.
The war must continue - for everyone's sake!
Resett.no - By Henrik S. Werenskiold -4. August 2022 | 21:37

This is not the time to impose a peace agreement on the Ukrainian people, who are still fighting to stand up to the Russian aggressor.
The Putin lover and arch-lobbyist for Russian business interests in Europe, Germany's former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, has again done the Kremlin's bidding by calling for a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine, in a new interview with the German newspaper Stern. Moscow, through spokesman Dimitry Peskov, has already stated that the Kremlin is willing to negotiate peace terms with Kyiv, but of course on "Russia's terms" – whatever that might entail in terms of Ukrainian concessions.
It probably won't take long before the rest of the West's Putin lovers, autocrat sympathizers, and Schröder's "peace-loving" co-conspirators on the left throw themselves on the "peace wave". Jeremy Corbyn, Labour's former leader in the UK, has already called for an end to Western arms supplies to Ukraine, which would by definition pressure the Ukrainians to surrender to the Russian invasion forces in the "name of peace".
Pressuring the Ukrainians to sign a peace agreement with Russia, while they are still willing to fight for their country in a just defense war, would be morally reprehensible by any standards. But also – perhaps more importantly – it will be a strategic error of astronomical dimensions for the Western powers in the long run, even if the short-term gains are of course obvious.
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Not only is the human suffering caused by Russia's invasion appalling for the valiant Ukrainian people, but the geopolitical consequences have long since spread beyond the country's borders. For Europe, it is especially the negative economic repercussions – which create distress, suffering, and increased poverty at home – that are relevant. Higher energy and food prices are undoubtedly something that affects us all, but especially the most vulnerable in our societies.
It is therefore tempting for the West's short-sighted politicians to give in to Russia's war machine and the demands of the Kremlin, for fear of losing support among their respective populations. But if Moscow manages to force major concessions from a still combative Ukrainian people - due to pressure from the West - the price will be much higher for all of us at a later stage. Such an outcome will, by all accounts, open Pandora's box by once again turning aggression and traditional offensive war into a steering tool in international relations to achieve geopolitical goals.
Although such a concession would provide more political stability in the short term, such an outcome would be disastrous for the long-term stability of the international system. Not only will other powerful states be able to follow Russia's example more easily, but the weak ones also understand that the system that was conceived after the Second World War to protect the less powerful actors is now in ruins. In such a world - where the strong do as they please and the weak suffer as they must - perverse realpolitik incentives arise, which will lead to long-term and potentially apocalyptic instability in the international system, which will cause everyone to suffer in the long run, including the great and mighty.
Putin has lost Ukraine - no matter what he does
In such a future scenario - where the International Law is not, in principle, worth the paper it is written on - less powerful, but still resourceful medium-sized states will look for other methods to protect themselves from the powerful. The most obvious is to go for the acquisition of unconventional means – including nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction – to protect themselves against the powerful. Increased proliferation of weapons of mass destruction means the increased danger of their use, which in turn could have existential consequences for all of humanity.
But regardless of whether or not it is in the interests of the Western powers that the war in Ukraine continues, it is not the West's politicians, business leaders, or opinion leaders who should decide whether Ukraine should enter into a peace agreement with the Russian aggressor. Only the Ukrainian people should make that decision.
Until that point, we are not only morally obligated to continue—even increase—arms supplies to the Ukrainian people, but it is also in our realpolitik interest to do so. There is reason to believe that the longer this war goes on, the better it is for Ukraine, and by definition for the West. There is therefore now probably a golden opportunity to inflict a proper strategic setback on Putin's Russia.
In a war of attrition that extends over several years, it is primarily about who has the greatest industrial capacity to replace destroyed war material and equipment over time. The weapons factories are now working around the clock on both sides of the conflict to keep the war machine going. In this context, Russia is undoubtedly a military superpower with an impressive military-industrial capacity, but one can only wish Moscow luck if it believes it can out-produce a unified Western military-industrial complex over an extended period.
In any case, the time ahead will be decisive for the outcome of the war. The suffering within our societies is likely to worsen as the northern hemisphere soon enters the winter months. The Kremlin is therefore counting on the distress within our societies to rise further, which will lead to the populations of the West pressuring their governing powers to give in to their demands. But cracking down in the face of such intimidation tactics is going to have disastrous realpolitik consequences.
Now our political leaders must do everything in their power to best prepare our communities to make it through a very cold and inhospitable winter. Not only through actively looking for other energy sources that can replace Russian imports, but also by effectively communicating to their populations how high the stakes really are. If we make it through this winter in one piece, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The time to stand up for our values ​​is now!
Putin only understands pure power, so give him a "hangover" in Ukraine

Resett.no - By Henrik S. Werenskiold -25. February 2022 | 18:38
As a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Western decision-makers are morally obliged to assist Ukraine and significantly increase the alliance's military power.
It is now clear. For Putin and his power base, the Ukrainian nation exists only at the mercy of Moscow. Faced with longstanding non-Moscow-friendly political forces in the corridors of power in Kyiv, Putin therefore finally decided to get rid of the embattled government in the neighboring country once and for all. He has now launched the military coup to try to restore the servility of Russia's long-standing historic satellite state.
No one can accurately predict the outcome of such an invasion, but we can all know for certain – let there be no illusions – that Putin is not a person to be negotiated with. He is solely responsible for tearing up all forms of international agreements and treaties that have governed Europe's security policy architecture since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Such a fatal decision poses a major security policy threat to us all. The Russian invasion of Ukraine must therefore mark a permanent divide in how the Western powers relate to the Kremlin under Putin's expansionist regime.
Alongside the obvious morally reprehensible aspects of Putin's invasion of neighboring countries, the latest reprehensible Russian military actions in Ukraine highlight the enormous threat that the Putin regime poses to our countries and our way of life. With a dangerous nostalgia for restoring Russian imperial greatness, it is no longer illogical to assume that Putin may have bigger and much more comprehensive security policy plans for Europe, to be implemented when the time is right. It is naive not to believe that former Soviet states, but now NATO members – especially countries such as Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia – are potentially threatened by the powerful Russian military machine.
Lost your grip?
Putin's recent televised speech in which he tried to justify the war against Kyiv is very worrying. The history lesson that the state of the ancient Ukrainian nation exists only at the mercy of Russia is factually incorrect. Today's Ukraine was once established as a state by the Soviet Union - not because Moscow was supposed to be nice to its "brotherly people", but as a pragmatic decision by Soviet leaders to dampen the independence aspirations of the Ukrainian people. The aim was to avoid a protracted conflict with a hostile, nationalist, and combative Ukrainian population. It is in many ways the continuation of the same conflict that is unfolding today.
Resett interviews Ukrainian: - We are ready to fight and kill the invaders if they come (+)
The speech could testify to a Russian president starting to lose his grip, or even worse, going mad. In his recent TV appearances, he seems different and more aggressive in his appearance and body language than before. Covid isolation has done something to us all, including perhaps to Russia's strongman, who has created a very rigid infection control regime around him. To get an audience with the Kremlin strongman during the pandemic, you must have been in quarantine for at least 14 days.
Putin is also known to be a diligent reader of Russian history and may have used the corona period to read up on alleged historical injustices against Russia, which he now wants to reverse once and for all.
Our time
But regardless of the reasons behind Putin's relentless decision to bring Ukraine back into the Russian sphere of interest by force, subjecting the European continent to the largest hostilities since World War II, the result is the same for us.
We must stop believing that Krem's strongman is going to be stopped by lame Western condemnations and half-hearted economic sanctions. In the merciless world of realpolitik, only raw power defines what is right and wrong, while restraint in the face of autocratic forces will always be seen as a weakness, which will make things worse in the end anyway. Repeated Western appeasement and restraint in the face of Russian aggression over several years, for example, has only encouraged Putin to become even bolder and go even further in his military adventures.
With Putin seemingly capable of doing anything to amass power and increase Russia's territory wherever he sees an opportunity, this is reminiscent of the darkest times in human history, and we must act now. We must stand up for what is right and set the line where it belongs. Freedom-loving people around the world have no time to waste.
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The only thing tyrants understand is sheer power, so that's the language we have to give Putin. By all relevant standards, Europe is seriously under militarized, which makes the continent vulnerable to military pressure from malicious actors in the international system. Not only do we have to make major investments in the defense of all NATO countries, but also an overhaul of the alliance's structure in terms of what each country's military obligations look like.
Serious programs must be implemented to significantly reduce overlapping military capacities between countries within the alliance. Increased military specialization will provide major efficiency gains through less redundancy and increased cross-domain interoperability, which should be regularly nurtured through relevant military exercises. In addition, permanent deployment of significant striking NATO forces along the alliance's eastern borders is now absolutely essential to deter Putin's war machine.
Resett interviews a Ukrainian: - Putin does not recognize Ukraine's right to exist
Furthermore, we must support Ukraine as best we can in these dark times. As long as Kyiv is willing to continue the war against the Russian hegemony, we are morally obligated to support the Ukrainians with everything we can as they fight for their freedom – including military and medical equipment, as well as other necessities that can help them in the war effort.
This is bigger than Ukraine. It is not only about their struggle to live as an independent country but also about preserving our own long-term security and way of life. We, therefore, have every interest in this military adventure being as expensive as possible for Moscow. The longer the Kremlin remains militarily in Ukraine, the more the Russian war machine will bleed money and soldiers, and the weaker Putin's regime will be at home. It is therefore in our cynical realpolitik interest that Russia ends up in a protracted quagmire conflict in Ukraine despite the terrible human suffering involved.
As one of the richest nations of the Western powers, Norway should stand out as a good example for the rest of the alliance. Given today's precarious global security policy situation, we have a moral duty to strengthen our country's armed forces to protect the nation and our allies. We must therefore greatly increase investment in national defense and not hesitate for a second to send much more military personnel to our vulnerable NATO allies in the east.
Sky-high stakes
The situation is by no means optimal and there are many potential pitfalls in entering into a much more confrontational political line towards Russia, but we have no other choice. The only thing right now is to put as much pressure as possible on Moscow – militarily, economically, and politically – so that the decision-makers in the Kremlin think twice before doing anything like this again.
We must also be prepared for the fact that the ice front with Russia could extend over several decades, but we cannot back down now – the stakes are simply too high. The rules-based world order has been on its deathbed for a long time, but the Kremlin's latest invasion of Ukraine undoubtedly represents the final death knell for this period in international politics. It is now mainly the "right of the strongest" that governs international relations and it is time for Western decision-makers to take this fact into their heads once and for all. The Western powers must adjust their security policy strategy accordingly, which by definition implies a coordinated investment in significantly increased military power.
The stakes are sky-high. Beijing stands on the sidelines of the Ukraine war and observes the situation closely. Our decisions and political choices in the face of the fierce Russian aggression in this war will have direct consequences for the political future of Taiwan. A lack of a resolute and tough reaction from the US-led West in Putin's Ukraine adventure will be interpreted as a green light to deploy the coup de grace against Taiwan in Beijing when an opportunity finally opens up.
Putin has lost Ukraine - no matter what he does
Resett.no - By Henrik S. Werenskiold -19. February 2022 | 18:17

Putin will go down in history as the first Russian leader to lose Ukraine to "the West" since the creation of the Treaty of Pereyaslav in 1654.
The threatening Russian military posture vis-à -vis Ukraine shows no signs of abating. With an estimated 170,000 to 190,000 combat-ready soldiers glued to the borders of its western neighbor - in what is being described as "the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War" - Moscow has encircled Ukraine from the north, east, and south. In principle, Putin can give the order to deploy the coup d'état at any time. Europe holds its breath.
There is little doubt that Moscow will abuse any resistance in an initial military offensive against Kyiv, but it is, on the other hand, far from certain whether Russia will actually be able to effectively occupy and pacify the territories that Moscow will eventually take over. Winning the war is one thing, but winning the peace is quite another, of which there are several bitter examples in recent history.
The Ukrainian army has made great strides since 2014, and will by no means stand idly by as Russia takes over the land it has sworn to protect. Furthermore, Ukraine is continental Europe's second-largest country with a highly nationalistic and apparently combative population, which by all accounts constitutes perfect conditions for waging a protracted insurgent war against the occupying power. The Western powers are also prepared to supply the eventual Ukrainian resistance with weapons and other supplies through open supply routes in the West, which it seems difficult to stop. It is therefore likely to be very bloody if Putin finally orders the army to enter Ukraine.
The Russian military is facing a looming demographic crisis
In the face of Russian superiority, it is therefore not illogical to assume that Kyiv will bet on waging a protracted defensive war of attrition – which could extend over several years – in the event of a Russian invasion. According to the generally accepted military theory of modern counterinsurgency (COIN), the occupying power must have a force ratio of at least one soldier per 20 civilians—preferably more—to effectively pacify a hostile local population. Given that Ukraine has a population of 44 million, this implies that Russia needs at least 2.2 million troops to effectively engage in counterinsurgency.
With an army of 280,000 active soldiers, Russia, therefore, has far from the necessary military personnel needed to effectively engage in counterinsurgency in Ukraine, unless the Kremlin mobilizes reserves. Although Ukraine is undoubtedly a special case given the country's peculiar ethnographic composition - with a significant east-west divide - Russia simply does not have enough soldiers to effectively occupy the country and must count on being there for a long time anyway. Given that Russia's armed forces are already stretched far – with multiple military adventures spanning multiple regions – and multiple potential security policy threats simmering on the horizon, this scenario may not be particularly tempting for the Kremlin.
No longer brother people
But regardless of whether Putin actually gives the order to enter Ukraine or not, he has lost the battle for the soul of the neighboring country that means so much to Russia – not only historically, culturally, but not least geopolitically – for the foreseeable future. With deep historical ties between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, as well as Kyiv's central position and highly symbolic status in the history of the Russian nation – the first Russian statehood took place in the city – this is a nightmare scenario for any Russian leader.
The numbers speak for themselves. While 84 percent of the Ukrainian people had a favorable opinion of Russia in 2012, this figure fell to a record low of 21 percent in 2014 following the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the war in the Donbas region, before stabilizing roughly at 32 percent in 2019. But given Russia's aggressive and threatening attitude towards Ukraine in recent months, it is natural to assume that the figure has reached a new low in 2022.
The election in Russia: Security policy status report. Part 1: Background information and Putin's popularity
Ukraine - historically known as "Little Russia" in the corridors of power in the Kremlin - will now permanently leave the Russian sphere of interest and continue its push toward the West. The Russians' historical fraternal people, the Ukrainians - or so-called "Little Russians" - are now undergoing a divorce from Putin's Russia and there is no going back - regardless of whether there will be war or not.
Putin is thus the Russian leader responsible for the reversal of the 1654 Treaty of Pereyaslav, which established Ukraine's secession from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and made the country a Russian protectorate and long-term satellite state. Given Ukraine's traditional role as a buffer state against the West, this is a realpolitik disaster for the Kremlin. It is not without reason that it is said that what separates Russia from an ordinary country and an empire is whether Moscow controls Ukraine or not.
Old greatness ad
Putin has only himself to thank. In his drive to restore Russia's greatness, honor, and status in international relations, he has not hesitated for a second to inject Russia militarily into former Soviet states and remote regions, and not least to take up the fight with the United States and other Western powers to win political influence globally. With a geopolitical mindset that follows patterns from the 20th century, the Kremlin strongman has wanted to restore Russia's status as a great power and a separate center of power, prioritizing brute force to achieve his goals.
But in his longing for increased influence and power, he has time and again had to buck Western sanctions that have put a dent in the Russian economy. In the face of such punitive measures, Putin has not budged an inch and thus placed economic conditions on the sacrificial altar. He has thus completely neglected economic development within Russia, which has meant that the country is not a particularly attractive social model for other countries in the world to follow - including Ukraine.
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Measured in terms of GDP in US dollars, economic growth in Russia has effectively stagnated since 2007. With a GDP of $1.5 trillion, Russia's economy is marginally larger than the Benelux countries. The economy is also stuck in the past, and the country seems incapable of creating strong firms that can compete globally, with the exception of the arms industry. Today, the country - and not least the powerful armed forces - is completely dependent on the export of raw materials to keep the wheels turning.
Although Putin is relatively popular inside Russia—especially among Russian nationalists who value the greatness of "Mother Russia" above their own economic well-being—he is primarily responsible for Ukraine's continued westward drift. He is therefore the first Russian leader since the creation of the Treaty of Perejaslav in 1654, who has had to watch Kyiv disappear from Moscow's sphere of interest. He will go down in history as the Russian leader who lost Ukraine - regardless of whether he goes to war against his "Little Russian" Slavic brothers or not.
Resett interviews a Ukrainian: - We are ready to fight and kill the invaders if they come
Resett.no - By Henrik S. Werenskiold -17. February 2022 | 12:03
Says that a potential war with Russia will be very bloody, but also that it will be impossible for the Russians to take over Ukraine.

Yuriy Bugay is a Ukrainian citizen living in Kyiv. He is currently working in parallel with two jobs. He is the CEO and co-founder of the IT start-up company StudyDive , but he also works as a consultant within the Ukrainian civil society for public projects mainly related to the government.
Editors Comments:

*Follow the WEF trail to Switzerland to discover the Khazarian Mafia hiding behind Klaus Schwab and his cohorts. The US and its people have nothing to do with the disasters caused to the ordinary people of the Earth.
The Khazarians have once again constructed an intricate web, whose aim is to destroy the world's economy by setting people up against each other, blocking each other's supply chains, leaving just death and ruins.
What everybody must be aware of is that this is not a war to prevent Putin from occupying Ukraine, but an attempt by the evil Khazarian Jews/WEF/NATO to control yet another country in their growing New World Order. They are simply using Ukraine as a battlefield. Their plan is to destroy totally the world's economy and turn the population into slaves.
Like the Freemasons, they have also life-threatening rules in their membership, one being REVENGE, 10 times harder than was ever perpetrated on them.
Russia in particular, in the past, has expelled the Khazars several times. I have all of 7 detailed articles in book format on the Khazarian Jews if anybody is interested in further information.
Putin, and earlier also Trump, are the ONLY Presidents who have enough guts to see what they are attempting to do to the world population and have sufficient courage to do something about it.
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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