Hospitals Are Murdering People

SteveRotter - ROTTER News - Steve October 1, 2021,
I couldn’t think of a more proper title for this post than “hospitals are murdering people”, because, many believe they are.
This is more of a personal post on what has been happening recently to our family and others.
To my loyal readers, I really appreciate you. I have not written a post in over a week, and for that, I apologize.
Many terrible things have been going on – the biggest being 5 deaths within the family within 6 weeks. The latest wake and funeral will be next week.
There has been no time to fully mourn the passing of our loved ones because the next death was a week away; little did we know.
Many people have written me to say hospitals have murdered their loved ones in the very same way my family members were murdered. I will include some of their comments in the video below.
Our family has been talking about hospitals murdering patients, and with 5 deaths in 6 weeks, it’s a bit obvious this is true (especially when others come forward with the same stories.)

Staying out of hospitals has been the suggested practice because once you get in, you may never get out.
If you believe what politicians say and have faith in the “vaccine” they created, I’m sure, deep down, you felt at one point, that something is a bit off.
A BIT OFF? That’s putting it mildly.
For me, I have begun to think that hospitals have become the new concentration camps for death.
If they don’t get you with the jab, they’ll finish you off in a hospital.
NO VISITORS in hospitals MEANS NO WITNESSES – they murder anyone they want and chalk it up to whatever they want.
Hospitals have become murdering asylums under the guise of “covid.”
Hospitals are murdering patients by forcing them to take deadly drugs like Remdesivir and Midaz.
It is a fact that hospitals are getting kickbacks of $48,000 per patient which is marked as a covid death. I thought it was between $2,000 and $5,000 but many readers reached out and corrected me with the $48,000 number.

I have spoken to a few nurses and medical personnel who admitted there were kickbacks by the government for every death marked as covid. They didn’t want their names used for obvious reasons and I wouldn’t use their names even if they gave them to me, as it could be dangerous for them.
Covid kickbacks are great for hospitals for obvious reasons and great for the government (they get their numbers for covid deaths.)
Governments want to depopulate and using hospitals to murder people with no witnesses is their perfect plan.
Inflated covid numbers add to the fear and scare tactics that ultimately force the obeying population into getting the jab, which, has been killing thousands.
I made the video below on Hospitals murdering people to spread the word and to see if others have similar stories (many do.)
Hospitals Are Murdering People – 5 Deaths in 7 Weeks
Hospitals are Murdering people
All the stories were the same between the 2 hospitals in different states.
3 of the hospital deaths occurred in the same hospital within 4 weeks and the other 2 deaths occurred in a 2nd hospital in another state within 2 weeks of each other.
The Hospital murders had the same events
- We were able to speak to them on the phone and they showed signs of fear and wanted to get out
- Within a few days, their cell phones were taken from them so they could “get rest”
- The phone to their room was removed and any calls had to be routed by the main desk
- The front desk nursing station always had the same story – they’re sleeping, call back later – later never came
- On the rare chance, we were able to talk with our family members, they said they wanted to leave and were scared. Calls were cut short
- Our cousin said “get me out of here, they’re trying to kill me”, and after that, no more phone calls were allowed
- Our Aunt said “this isn’t right, I need to go home” and after that, no more phone calls were allowed
My parents were both in a 3rd hospital at the same time and wanted to go home.
My father got out after telling him many times he is not allowed to be discharged.
My mother wanted to get out and they would not allow it. She said she would sign a waiver dismissing the hospital from anything that may happen to her if she left the hospital on her own – they would not allow it. Hospitals CAN NOT hold you against your will!
The hospital tried administering different kinds of drugs to my mother and she would not take them or allow them. She complained a lot (bitched a lot) and finally got only with the help of one nurse named Karen. I drove to that hospital and met my mother at the exit. Karen got her out of there.
My parents recovered fine at home.
Most of our family members were forced onto ventilators when they didn’t need to be.

Ventilators only offer a 14% chance of survival if the ventilator is calibrated correctly…most are not (intentionally.)
Our cousin tried to leave the hospital and was taken back to the room, sedated, and put on a ventilator – he died 2 weeks later.
Our cousin was in his early 40s, never drank, never smoked, never had any health issues, and yet died of a “heart attack” while on the ventilator.
The hospital kept asking our family for a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate.) This is NOT RIGHT! Hospitals should ask how the patient and family feel about a DNR, and NOT if they can use one. After the 4th time of asking for a DNR, and the family refused, later that day, our cousin died of a “heart attack.”
Our cousin’s cell phone was taken, he tried to escape after saying “get me out of here they’re trying to kill me”, and 2 weeks later, he was gone.
Editors Commentary:
Steve Rotter became aware of this horrible hospital behavior already in October last year and the last video in July 2022 confirms even more in detail how this procedure is still ongoing. Someone must be held responsible for throwing bribery money at the hospitals and doctors. Try following the money trail.
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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