Posted on June 8, 2022, by State of the Nation
SADS = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Virtually everyone working within the Health Freedom Movement and/or various Anti-Vaccine groups knows what SIDS really is.
Yes, SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but that’s just a fancy medical term for infant death by the vaccine. See: The Plausible Connection between Vaccines and SIDS
Young children, from their infancy onward, are injected with so many different vaccines these days that countless babies, in particular, are dying in their cribs from this routine medical assault (some folks call it medical rape).
Because the medical profession is paid handsomely by Big Pharma to never attribute these obvious vaccine-induced deaths to the barbaric vaccination schedules, they call it SIDS.
Many a parent (or parents) has even been aggressively prosecuted for Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) when in fact it was the deadly vaccine(s) that killed the fragile baby.
Another Cover-up for Medical Infanticide Via Fatal Vaccines
But now that we have entered the Covid era and we see that young adults, especially those under 40, are vulnerable to the same type of vaccine-caused death as SIDS.
It could only be expected that, when the extremely dangerous and deadly Covid vaccines started killing folks all over the world, the medical authorities would be forced to conjure up a new fanciful diagnosis or cause of death for the coroner to append to the autopsy report.
Mainstream Media, Big Pharma & Government now conspiring to cover up Covid vaccine-induced deaths worldwide with this utterly fake diagnosis—SADS.
What makes the case against the various vaccines which were hastily formulated for COVID-19 so strong is that it’s the very same age group that is suddenly at high risk for myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clots both micro and macro soon after they receive their Covid vaccinations.
And yet, in spite of the many scientific research papers documenting the direct correlations between the shots and the clots, the medical establishment refuses to make the obvious connection between SADS and the Covid ‘vaccines’. (See link below)
Scientific Research Paper on Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
SADS Gaslighting Psyop
There can be only one explanation for such a brazen and reckless cover-up of vaccine-induced deaths via the transparently fake SADS—Big Pharma has bought off Big Medical and Big Media with the U.S. Federal Government providing the necessary legal protections.
The only way that such a vast criminal enterprise could get away with inflicting so much harm and killing so many Americans is that all the key players were conned into becoming stakeholders. Because the Covid criminal conspiratorial plot has been carried out since January of 2020, the top decision-makers knew that it would be very easy to get every co-conspirator to support this SADS gaslighting psyop.
Given the exorbitant number of vaccine injuries and deaths officially reported by VAERS, this worsening genocide had to be covered up any way they had to; otherwise, they would all be frogmarched to the gallows. As follows:

Now take a close look at the following table that compares the number of Covid vaccine deaths to all other vaccine death going back to 1990. While the 2022 death stats appear to be artificially deflated, the 2021 mortality rates associated with the Covid vaccine clearly indicate that it was specifically designed as a kill shot.

However, before the Covid kill shot causes death, it attacks the heart and circulatory system by way of myocarditis, pericarditis, as well as through the formation of micro-clots and macro-clots anywhere in the human body.
The slow-motion formation of blood clots can be especially fatal because they occur below the radar of physical perception or sensation. Many an individual has died of a blood clot in their sleep just as many young adults are dying today form the clot shot. Only today they are calling it SADS—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which is really a gross misrepresentation of the actual cause of death where the perpetrators have the explicit intention of deceiving the American people.
Given that each of the main co-conspirators — Big Pharma, Big Medical, Big Media, and Big Government — have a vested interest in the success of the Covid Plandemic, colluding with each other to deliberately mislead the US citizenry about SADS was a forgone conclusion. Because if any of the main culprits were to reveal their genocidal scheme by not fully supporting the SADS gaslighting psyop, all of the other institutional accomplices would be immediately implicated. In other words, all of these RICO-level criminal cartels are facing existential threats if the Covid conspiracy to commit genocide collapses.
Therefore, unless the SADS ’cause of death’ is challenged vigorously by a monolithic bloc of courageous physicians within the global medical community, it will stick for the foreseeable future.
However, the one very weak link in this part of the Covid Plandemic chain is the family doctor who has many years of medical observation and experience with their young adult patients. They can attest to the fact that the only thing that changed before a suspiciously premature death is the administration of one or two Covid ‘vaccines’ along with a booster(s)
How truly SAD it is that these corporate criminals, government corruptocrats, and medical murderers have resorted to such lethal chicanery.
Knowingly calling Covid vaccine-induced murder SADS has got to be “THE GREATEST MEDICAL GASLIGHTING PSYOP OF ALL TIME !”
The good news is that the perps will only get so much traction out of this gaslighting operation. For there are simply too many high-profile individuals who have mysteriously died right after their Covid vaccinations. Many a top-level athlete or music star or other VIP has already perished shortly after their first or second vaccine. And many of their families want answers.
What may even transpire as this psyop falls apart is that SIDS will also be exposed for the malicious medical fraud it has always been.
State of the Nation June 8, 2022
Recommended Video
SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME (Video narrated by Satan)
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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