Mass Vaccination Triggers Spike Protein Infection, in Cases Deaths

(By Billion Photos/Shutterstock)
Researchers have confirmed that it’s not the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself damaging the body’s cells, it’s the spike protein. And it does this by binding ACE2, which can lead to mitochondrial damage.
- COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign
- Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February 2021 after having compiled zero fatalities; after it started its vaccination program, the deaths started piling up
- It could be that something in the vaccine itself is killing people
- Salk researchers confirmed that the main damage from COVID is caused by the spike protein, not the virus; if that’s the case, then why are we injecting people with vaccines that teach their cells to make spike proteins
- 118 million Americans have now been injected with a clot-generating spike protein; no one knows how long these potentially lethal proteins remain trapped in the lining of the blood vessels or what damage they might eventually do
- Now that cases have dropped across the U.S., why not ease up on the vaccinations until there is a better grasp of the long-term risks
Analysis by Mike Whitney

COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign. (Please watch this short video before YouTube removes it.[1]) Why is this happening?
Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the threat of COVID but — in the short term — it appears to make it much worse. Why? And why is COVID now “surging in 4 of 5 the most vaccinated countries?” According to Forbes magazine:[2]
“Countries with the world’s highest vaccination rates — including four of the top five most vaccinated — are fighting to contain coronavirus outbreaks that are, on a per-capita basis, higher than the surge devastating India, a trend that has experts questioning the efficacy of some vaccines … and the wisdom of easing restrictions even with most of the population vaccinated.”
Worse than India? How can that be? And why have eight “fully vaccinated” members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID? Here’s the story from the Associated Press:[3]
“New York Yankees shortstop Gleyber Torres tested positive for Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated and having previously contracted the coronavirus during the offseason. Torres is among eight so-called breakthrough positives among the Yankees — people who tested positive despite being fully vaccinated.”
And if that’s not confusing enough, check out what’s going on in Cambodia. Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February after having compiled zero fatalities. That’s right: The country had no COVID deaths until March 2021, a few weeks after it started its vaccination program. And that’s when the deaths started piling up as you can see in the eye-popping chart below.

Chart from Joel Smalley's Twitter[4]
Zero COVID Fatalities, Until After Vaccination Campaign
So, let’s see if we can figure this out. There were zero fatalities before the launching of the vaccination campaign, but soon after the injections began, the fatalities started to mount. Do you think there might be a connection here? Do you think that, perhaps, the deaths are linked to the vaccines?
Of course, they are. And, that’s why the media is trying to sweep this story under the rug. It doesn’t fit with the “official narrative” about the vaccines, so they’ve decided to “vanish” the story altogether. “Poof” and it’s gone! And, actually, it’s worse than a cover-up because shortly after Biden took office the CDC changed its testing methodology, making it harder to test positive.
In other words, they rigged the system so it would look like fewer “fully vaccinated” people had contracted COVID after inoculation. Dr. Joseph Mercola explains what’s going on behind the scenes:
“Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the CT even further, in what appears to be a clear effort to hide COVID-19 breakthrough cases, meaning cases in which fully vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with COVID-19.”
It’s all a big shell game. They’re gaming the system to make it look like the vaccines are stopping infection when the evidence proves the opposite. And notice the deliberately misleading moniker the media invented for the people who get COVID after being vaccinated. They call them “breakthrough cases.” “Breakthrough”? Really?
If cases surge in nearly every country that launches a mass vaccination campaign, then there’s nothing “breakthrough” about it. It’s the predictable result of a failed experiment. Here’s more from an article titled: “COVID rates post-vaccination around the world”:[5]
“… the government assumed that if ‘you vaccinate lots of people and the problem goes away’, but the questioners among us did not assume that. Especially having read the FDA Briefing Document for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for example, many of us had questions after reading it; on Page 42, it states:
Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccination group vs 287 in the placebo group. It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post-vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.
Overall though, these data do not raise a concern that protocol-specified reporting of suspected, but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases could have masked clinically significant adverse events that would not have otherwise been detected.”
FDA Knew Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID
WTF!?! So, the FDA KNEW that vaccinated people were more likely to contract COVID than those in the placebo group, but they approved the vaccines anyway?!? Is that criminal negligence or just plain old stupidity?
Please. Read the above paragraph again and decide whether you would have given these sketchy injections the “green light” or not? Here’s more from the same article:[6]
“The following show data from around the world from some selected locations. It is, of course, vital to stress that correlation is not causation. And that there are countries where vaccine rollout does not precede or coincide with increased infections. However, I have been unable to find any nation where covid rates have begun to drop after vaccination started, or where a drop coincided with vaccination starting.
In Indonesia, for example, the covid rate was falling when vaccination started and seems to have been unaffected in its trajectory by the vaccine being rolled out. The reader can look up these charts for him/herself on the website. Have a look at these and see what you make of them.”
OK, so the author is trying to put the most charitable spin on vaccine performance as possible. He says, “correlation is not causation,” which means, “Don’t trust your eyes when you look at the charts because — if you do — you’ll draw the obvious conclusion that the vaccines greatly increase your chances of getting COVID in a few weeks afterward.”
The charts will also convince you that Fauci, Biden, and the media have been lying through their teeth about the effectiveness of the vaccines. (Please, check out the charts in the article and judge for yourself.) Here’s more:[7]
“What is very clear looking at data worldwide, is that vaccinations are certainly not associated with a reliable fall in covid cases in any predictable timeframe. This, alongside the observations in the trial, surely must be addressed. What is happening here?
Is it just that vaccinations are coincidentally being rolled out at the same time as outbreaks are due? In very many places? Or is the vaccine not working immediately? If not, why not? … Or is the vaccine making people more susceptible to infection? If this is the case … is this a temporary effect? What causes it? …
How long does it take for any increased susceptibility to diminish? … We are told that everyone must be vaccinated (but) How can free informed consent be given under these conditions?”
These are all good questions. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci and Co. don’t plan to answer any of them. Instead, their allies in the media are doing everything they can to disappear the story and deflect attention to other things. Am I being too harsh? Maybe, but maybe not harsh enough.
Reason to Doubt Vaccine Makers’ Reassurances
Take a look at this clip from a piece at Conservative Woman titled, “Every reason to doubt the vaccine makers’ reassurances”:[8]
“I have reported previously on an astonishing spike in deaths that occurred alongside an intensive vaccination campaign in Gibraltar, where the small community consequently developed the highest Covid death rate in the world. We also know that thousands of deaths have been seen in the US, EU and UK in the wake of Covid vaccinations, often immediately after the jab has been administered.
The manufacturers, leading medical journals and most governments insist these deaths are unrelated to the vaccine. In many instances, the deaths and serious illness have been attributed to coincidental infection with the virus. But evidence is mounting that for some, especially the weak and elderly, the vaccine itself is creating or worsening the very illness against which it is supposed to be protective …
… a worrying phenomenon which appears consistently in Covid vaccine studies is a spike in purported ‘infections’ which occurs precisely during that three-week period, and usually immediately following the jab … The researchers raise the possibility that the jab may trigger ‘symptoms likened to Covid-19 symptoms including fever’ in those recently exposed to the virus …
He suggests the mechanism may be a depression in immunity caused by a loss of white blood cells post-jab, observed in both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca trials, making the vaccinees more vulnerable to the virus in the short term.”
OK, so the author arrives at the same conclusion as the previous author; maybe the vaccine makes people more susceptible to the virus by lowering their defenses and, thus, inviting infection. That’s certainly one possibility, but there are other possibilities that could be infinitely more serious. Take a look:[9]
“It has not been generally acknowledged that the jab is designed to protect us by provoking our cells into producing the very toxin that makes the virus more dangerous than its predecessors in the coronavirus family. This toxin, known as the spike protein, can damage not just the lungs but may also affect organs such the brain, heart and kidneys.
The reasoning behind administering the jab is that temporary exposure to the toxin may provide long-term protection against becoming ill from the virus. Early indications are that this strategy is working, although it is not at all certain yet to what extent the fall-off in infection rates seen in intensely vaccinated populations is seasonal and related to the waves of infection, or if it is a lasting benefit.
But there is also a very real possibility, supported by animal experiments as well as by the studies cited above, that the vaccine itself may produce symptoms in vulnerable people which are then attributed to Covid-19. The damage to health may be especially severe in an individual who has been recently or is concurrently infected with the actual virus.
There is therefore every reason to doubt the manufacturers’ assurances that the deaths and injuries seen to be accompanying vaccination, and that in some instances look like and are being attributed to Covid-19, are unrelated to the jabs. The situation is serious enough for some doctors and scientists to be calling for a moratorium on further Covid vaccinations until it has been properly investigated.”
So, it could be, that something in the vaccine itself is killing people. That is one distinct possibility. Sure, the drug companies and public health officials dismiss the idea with a wave of the hand, but medical professionals and scientists think the danger is significant enough to demand that the mass-vaccination program be temporarily terminated.
Main Damage From COVID Caused by Spike Protein
Some readers will recall the Salk Institute study which showed that SARS-CoV-2’s “distinctive ‘spike’ protein” … “damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.” Here’s an excerpt from the article dated April 30, 2021:[10]
“In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model — proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease.
Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. (Note — “Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.”)
The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.
Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.”
The significance of this report cannot be overstated. The Salk researchers are confirming that the main damage from COVID is caused by the spike protein, not the virus. And, if that’s the case, then why are we injecting people with vaccines that teach their cells to make spike proteins?
It makes no sense at all. And how does this affect our understanding of the phenomenon that we’ve seen in countries around the world, that is, the sharp rise in cases following mass vaccination? Allow me to offer a plausible, but as-yet unproven, explanation:
The sharp rise in cases and deaths following mass vaccination is NOT related to COVID “the respiratory illness,” but COVID “the vascular disease.” The vascular component is mainly the result of spike proteins produced by cells in the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) that are activating platelets that cause blood clots and bleeding.
The other main factor is an autoimmune reaction in which the killer lymphocytes attack one’s own body triggering widespread inflammation (and potential organ failure.). In short, the post-injection fatalities are caused by the spike proteins produced by the vaccines and not by COVID. Once again, look at the chart of Cambodia. There were no deaths prior to vaccination. All the deaths came afterward. That suggests that the fatalities are attributable to the vaccines.
One final thought: 118 million Americans have now been injected with a clot-generating spike protein. At present, no one seems to know how long these potentially lethal proteins remain trapped in the lining of the blood vessels or what damage they might eventually do.
Keeping that in mind, wouldn’t this be a good time to exercise a bit of caution? Why not ease up on the vaccinations until we have a better grasp of the long-term risks? That would be the sensible approach, right? Just postpone further injections until product safety can be assured. If there was ever a time for caution, this is it.
Originally published May 27, 2021, on
[5] Inform Scotland on April 6, 2021
[6] Inform Scotland on April 6, 2021
[7] Inform Scotland on April 6, 2021
[8] The Conservative Woman May 3, 2021
[9] The Conservative Woman May 3, 2021
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of An osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health.
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