The Great Game Morphs into the GREAT RESET

Posted on April 23, 2022, by State of the Nation
Submitted by The Armchair Geopolitical Analyst - State of the Nation
Great Game 2022 and Beyond: Britain’s Multi-Century Scheme to Conquer Russia in Collusion with American Neocons & Neoliberals, Israeli Zionists, and Vatican Jesuits.
British Press and Politicos Spew More Warmongering Propaganda and Prevarication Against Russia than any other nation on Earth, all paid for by the London Banksters.
There’s a very good reason why no one does warmongering propaganda and naked prevarication like the Brits, especially when it’s aimed at Russia.
Having mastered the English language several centuries ago, the Brits have had a lot of time, and have spent a considerable amount of money and effort, becoming the world’s premier word merchants.
It was on London’s Fleet Street where the British Press really perfected the art of writing whatever outright lies were necessary to start a war, bring down a government, trigger a revolution, demonize a head of state, bankrupt a corporation, etc., etc., etc. After all, the world’s wealthiest banksters and predatory capitalists were situated right down the street in the City of London’s all-powerful Financial District ready to pay whatever was needed to “stop the presses” so a new distracting disaster (à la disaster capitalism) could be manufactured.

See how the Bank of England (“Bank” location in RED) is literally right down the road from Fleet Street in the City of London Financial District.
This terribly incestuous relationship, between the press and banksters in Merry Old England, goes back way before the Rothschild banking family took over the UK government. But, regardless of when those serpentine institutional arrangements were solidified between London’s mainstream media and the predatory banksters and capitalists, the founding of the East India Company in 1600 was really the start of it all.
As the first commercial corporation on the planet, the entire leadership of East India Company was populated by hardcore predatory capitalists whose motto was essentially “we’re gonna take what you’ve got”.
Remember, these London banksters and financiers, British capitalists and plutocrats, English merchants and industrialists, etc, lived on a dreary little island that was not very rich in natural resources. Besides, the landed gentry did not want to tear up the turf England-wide lest they have too small plots on which to built all their magnificent castles and sprawling manors.
“England is said to be home to over 4,000 castles, built many hundreds of years ago and scattered throughout the UK countryside and coastline.” [1]
What’s the crucial point?
Not only did those highfalutin pirates and warlords have very little to rape, pillage and plunder in their own back yard, being natural-born reptilian predators they were always on the prowl for the biggest catch of all. Of course, that “biggest catch is nothing short of the conquest of the largest nation on Earth by landmass—RUSSIA.
Welcome to the Great Game!
What the entire planetary civilization is now witnessing is the final stages of the Great Game where the Western powers are determined to conquer the Russian Federation in order to steal everything in sight from Saint Petersburg to Uelen in the Russian Far East.
There is simply nothing that the Zio-Anglo-American Axis will not do at this point to steal Russia’s vast lands and resource-rich territories—NOTHING! Once the Brits were kicked out of India in 1947 and the Hong Kong handover took place in 1997, they have set their sights on Russia with great focus.
This is exactly why Russia is forever bashed by the mainstream media especially in Great Britain and America. It’s why the UK and US have relentlessly vilified all things Russian for many decades. It’s why President Putin has been demonized as no other head of state since Adolf Hitler.
The bottom line here is that with the final end of the Great Game just
around the corner, there comes the ending of everything, as in EVERYTHING. Both sides of this British purposefully misnamed Great Game, which is really an epoch-ending world war, are playing for keeps.
Because no one really knows what the highly consequential outcomes will be, what can be stated with certainty is that the entire planetary civilization will soon experience a series of unparalleled worldwide cataclysms. This unprecedented leveling will shake things up so that everything we see today will be gone tomorrow. However, as this devastating Great Game morphs into the more destructive GREAT RESET, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty about the actual outcomes as well as the aftermath insanely anticipated by The Powers That Be.
East vs. West
No matter what the end result, there will be astonishing and unexpected eventualities experienced by the two main players of this Great Game—the East and the West.
The Zio-Anglo-American Axis of the West has always treated the BRICS-aligned nations of the East with tremendous disrespect and disdain. Russia, China and India, in particular, have born the brunt of British-American imperialism. Of course, several Asian rim nations such as North and South Korea, Japan, Philippines and South Vietnam have also suffered greatly.
At this crucial point of the Third Millennium, the UK-US Empire incorrectly believes it holds all the cards to finally win this Great Game that’s really an out-out war. A real “War of the Titans”, that is, one where the victor takes all and the loser is has nothing.
However, because the Global South has become such a strongly independent force within the world community of nations, the tables have been turned on the power elite who rule from Rome and the Vatican, London and Paris, New York City and Washington, DC, etc.
For The Powers That Be to be successful in establishing their New World Order via the GREAT RESET, a critical mass of collective consent throughout all of humanity is absolutely necessary. In order to successfully carry out their nefarious plans toward the formation of a One World Government and imposition of Global Digital Currency, universal consent is required; otherwise the whole place will devolve into total anarchy and pandemonium.
In the absence of that essential worldwide consent, the implementation of the New World Order agenda becomes more difficult by the day. Thanks to the Internet, folks on all seven continents are quickly waking up to the slow-motion tyranny overtaking the whole world today.
Although this epochal war between East and West may not appear to be such a “black and white” conflict, this clash of civilizations does pit the now atheistic, highly self-destructive and ultra-liberal Western powers against the much more spiritual, traditional and conservative, as well as family-centered nations of the East. For all the great religious faiths and spiritual traditions on the planet, from time immemorial, have their genesis in the profound and ancient spirituality of the East.
Spirituality vs. Godlessness
The only way that the imperialistic West, commandeered by the Zio-Anglo-American power center, can impose its will on the East is by stamping out all religious traditions and spiritual pursuit. In the absence of achieving this malevolent goal, implementing the totalitarian New World Order agenda is virtually impossible.
Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy
Given this stark reality, the NWO globalist cabal knows it must destroy all religions throughout the world community of nations. Which is why the US-UK-UA-NATO warmongers have deliberately started the Ukraine War—a war which they refuse to put an end to. Russia is their main target because of the extraordinary nationwide revival of the Orthodox Christian Churches that was ardently encouraged by President Putin. Putin has even closely allied with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to frame the current “special military operation in Ukraine as nothing short of an all-out religious war.
China, too, is being targeted with juvenile provocations centered around the sovereignty of Taiwan. With the presidency of Xi Jinping, China has also seen a resurgence of its venerable spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism. With the advent of capitalism, Jinping earnestly cultivated this religious development across the People’s Republic of China as a countervailing force and compensatory influence to the rampant crime and corruption associated with China’s mushrooming capitalistic society.
Then there is India, the real spiritual center of planet Earth. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first act after his election was to make a high-profile religious pilgrimage to the Ganges River, also known as Mother Ganga. The wildly popular Indian leader also quite intentionally became a Member of Parliament from Varanasi—the unrivaled spiritual center of the Hindu nation. Modi has personally overseen the massive reconstruction project surrounding the most sacred temple in Hinduism—the Kashi Vishwanath Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located in Varanasi.
The reason why the far western fringes of the Russian Motherland were chosen as the primary theater of World War III of this rapidly unfolding Great Game is because of Russia. That’s because Russia represents both the land bridge and global platform for cultural exchange between the East and the West. Western Russia is not only considered part of Europe, Moscow’s proximity to all of the other capitals of Continental Europe makes it the perfect and primary go-between between East and West. Which is exactly why the British establishment is so determined to blow up the bridge.
Russia: Bridge to the Future of Humanity
Russia knows that it occupies a very unique position in the world today. Not only does it pose a formidable countervailing nuclear deterrent to the Western powers, Russian borders also carve out an extraordinary land mass linking East to West. In this way it serves as a bridge — a bridge for trade via the new Silk Road; a bridge for science and technology transfers as well as philosophy and spirituality interchanges; and, most importantly, a bridge for the exportation/importation of peace and brotherhood.
Like no other country on Earth, Russia’s geographical location has conferred upon it great gifts, both mundane and metaphysical. Extremely rich in natural resources it is why the Bolshevik Revolution was used by Western bankers to steal her wealth via the imposed Soviet communism. Stretching from Alaska in the East to the Ukraine in the West, Russia’s land mass is unequalled in both its great distance across the planet as well as its enormous size.
The vast, unbroken Russian steppes have long been known to convert any man into a philosopher, so stirring to the soul is the expansiveness of the sky. The Russian national temperament has always bent toward brotherhood and generosity of spirit, as Vladimir Putin has repeatedly demonstrated in world affairs. These and other noble characteristics have shown the Russian people to be the natural vessels of peace and reconciliation. As Edgar Cayce once uttered, “the hope of the world” lies with Russia.
It is highly significant that the land mass of Russia is contiguous to an extraordinary number of other countries, from the USA to those of the European continent. In fact, the Motherland shares more boundaries with more nations than any other on Earth. In each case Russia has been infused with the cultures and traditions, religions and philosophies, languages and customs that have travelled across her borders. Known as the Motherland, she has been responsible for the an unparalleled transfer of culture from both East to West and North to South throughout history.

Whereas the most intense Russophobia issues forth from London, its original source is found in the Ukraine, the modern location of the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria. For it is the Jewish Khazars who took their deep and irrational hatred of Russia to the far reaches of Western civilization in order to compel every country allied with the Zio-Anglo-American Axis to join the world war against the Russian Federation.
So it ought be clear that this clash of civilizations — East vs. West — goes way beyond just conquering Russia (again), subjugating China (again) and enslaving India (again). Truly, we are witnessing a singularly historic war for the very soul of humanity.
While Ukraine appears to be the main battlefield of this monumental war against the human spirit, every nation on Earth has been drawn into this global conflict, one which has been divided into two camps—the Zio-Anglo-American Axis led by Western powers vs. the BRICS-aligned nations which includes the entire Global South. As follows:
WORLD WAR III: Anglo-American Axis vs. BRICS Alliance
Lastly, it’s of paramount importance to correctly understand the central role that Russia has in this unparalleled international drama. Putin’s role in upholding the cosmic dharma — the righteous order — cannot be overstated. Therefore, if you hope or pray for only one outcome, may it be that righteousness prevails over evil. Only in this way is there any hope for the present race of humanity.
Not only does the fate of humankind lie in the balance, the future of the planet is at stake. Hence, we all all advised to take the right side in this final battle of the era. The more folks worldwide who hold space for the best possible outcome for humankind, the more it is likely to manifest.
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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