Bio-laboratories. Part 1-2 Ukrainian research will continue - in Sweden - By: Helena Edlund April 6, 2022, 12:00 p.m.
The research carried out at the controversial bio-laboratories in Ukraine can now be moved to Sweden. The Government Offices do not reject the claim and refuse to answer further questions posed by Document. In a series of articles, the Document therefore examines the migration of Ukrainian research that has now begun, from Ukraine to Sweden.
When Russia launched the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, they claimed that one of the primary motives was to neutralize biological laboratories that existed in Ukraine. Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the United States and NATO of conducting advanced research on biological weapons and deadly viruses in these laboratories, which were seen as a threat to Russia's security.
- These laboratories are established by the United States worldwide, more than 300 laboratories in different countries, many of them on the outskirts of the Russian Federation in the former Soviet republics, including Ukraine. Ukraine is probably the largest project for the Pentagon. So we will insist that this issue be addressed by the Convention on Biological Weapons, but also by the Security Council, because it is a clear threat to international peace and security, Lavrov said in an interview on March 18.
Russia claims to have obtained original documents from the biolaboratories on the implementation of a "secret project" concerning studies on the transmission of diseases to humans. The documents were also alleged to confirm the export of human biomaterials from the territory of Ukraine to the United Kingdom and other European countries.
The allegations were initially rejected by the United States and Ukraine, but during a Senate hearing on March 8, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland acknowledged that the laboratories existed, that the United States was involved in the operation and that the United States was very concerned that laboratories would fall into Russian hands.
- Ukraine has biological research facilities that we are quite concerned about that Russian forces are now trying to take control of. We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent some of this research material from falling into the hands of Russian forces, Victoria Nuland replied during the hearing. (NTB)
There are now signs that these biolaboratories, the active researchers and their activities are being evacuated from Ukraine - to Sweden.
Ukrainian research must continue
On Wednesday 30 March, Sweden's Minister of Education Anna Ekström held a press conference , which was also attended by Maria Thuveson, Deputy Director General of the Swedish Science Council, and Sara Mazur, Director of Strategic Research at the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Memorial Fund. There are many indications today that the press conference was a necessary evil, explosives disguised as unpretentious bureaucracy. The people must be informed in order for those in power to have their backs free - but the information was given sweepingly and in general, without telling what the effort really means and what the goals really are.
Following the press conference, there have also been rumors that no media representative was present. The photos from the press conference show no audience and only one question is asked in the end. When Document asked the question of which media were present, the Government Offices chose not to respond to the email.
In just under eight minutes, a scenario was presented claiming that Ukrainian researchers needed support during the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. Swedish universities and research funders have already launched several support initiatives for Ukrainian researchers, and now several hundred million are set aside in grants and scholarships to enable Ukrainian research to continue on Swedish soil.
- For the researchers from Ukraine who are now fleeing to the EU and to Sweden, it is important to get a refuge at a university and there be able to continue their work and research. The research carried out in Ukraine should be able to continue as far as possible while waiting for them to return to their home higher education institutions, says Minister of Education Anna Ekström.
Ekström is clear that the Ukrainian researchers do not need help to escape in order to survive, but to be able to continue the research. Scholarships and financial grants of hundreds of millions, including from the Foundation for Strategic Research and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, have now been announced to support these researchers. The Wallenberg Foundations, which were represented during the press conference, are also now making a major effort to move Ukrainian researchers to Sweden.
Ekström emphasizes that it is not only the researchers who will be transferred to Sweden, but that the financial support will also pay for "relocation of entire research activities", including all material and equipment required.
- These are funds that can be applied for by Swedish universities to employ Ukrainian researchers, but also, for example, for the costs involved in moving a research activity to Sweden. It is important that the money is now used so that the Ukrainian researchers can continue their research as much as possible, says Ekström.
«Wish list» of researchers
But what research is so important that it must be moved from Ukraine to Sweden and then back? The war has been going on for just over a month and peace talks are being held between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict can in theory be over for days or weeks. Nevertheless, the research will be transferred to Sweden - and quickly.
According to Sara Mazur, the Wallenberg Foundation's three largest foundations contribute SEK 50 million to pay for the temporary employment of Ukrainian researchers. However, not all researchers from Ukraine will be allowed to take part in this opportunity. Doctors that Document has spoken to state that they have been refused asylum in Sweden and are now forced to leave the country, despite the fact that they are active as medical researchers in Ukraine.
Instead, something is now being prepared that can be described as a "wish list" with the names of researchers that Wallenberg's partners want to employ.
- We have invited our center educations and strategic research programs to submit nominations for Ukrainian researchers who want to be hired for a one-year period, says Sara Mazur.
During the press conference, it was not mentioned at any time what type of research was to be supported and moved to Sweden. That this is research that is considered particularly important and prioritized is implied by the repetitions that research should be able to continue without interruption. Could this be the research done at the US-funded biological laboratories? Is it precisely the research activities that the United States is worried about that will fall into Russia's hands that will be evacuated to another neutral country, further away from the Russian troops?
That this is the case is strengthened by the Wallenberg Foundations' involvement in the case. At the outbreak of the pandemic, they are said to have been active in evacuating large quantities of material from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where similar research was conducted.
Is the move to Sweden permanent?
The design of the project lacks logic when it comes to providing emergency aid in an active phase of war. Although the Minister of Education believes that the research activities should only be moved temporarily to Sweden, there are details that indicate that the move can be permanent.
Advanced research requires special conditions in terms of geographical location and design and adaptation of the premises. The researchers and their families will also be provided with housing and other services, in connection with their future jobs. It is therefore not reasonable to move an unknown number of researchers with cutting-edge expertise and entire laboratories ("research activities") for hundreds of millions, to move them back after weeks or months. It falls on its own unreasonableness.
The assignment to collect information for Ukrainian researchers that the government has given to the Swedish Science Council must also be reported to the Ministry of Education no later than 30 September 2022. Then the war may be over for a long time - yet the date is considered an introduction to a longer project.
The questions - and the answer
Document then asked the following questions in an e-mail to Minister of Education Anna Ekström's press secretary Anja Lindberg Sundberg:
Ukrainian researchers must be able to continue their research in Sweden. Does this also apply to the research that has been conducted at Ukrainian biolaboratories?
Does the investment apply to researchers who are already in Sweden / going to Sweden on their own, or will researchers who are requested by the inquiring bodies be evacuated to Sweden?
The Minister of Education says: "It is important that the funds allocated, by several different actors, are used and give Ukrainian researchers the opportunity to continue their work." Will the material necessary for the research (including equipment and biological matter) be transported from Ukraine to Sweden?
If the collaboration includes biological research: In which places should this research be conducted?
The assignment must be reported to the Ministry of Education no later than 30 September 2022. Does this mean that the collaboration is not about temporary support during the ongoing war, but a planned, long-term transfer of Ukrainian research to Sweden?
How will this cooperation affect Sweden from a security policy perspective?
A day later, the press secretary's answer came. It was short and concise:
- We refuse to answer these questions.
Bio-Laboratories. Part 2: The laboratories and the research - By: Helena Edlund April 11, 2022, 3:00 p.m.
This article is part 2 of the series of articles on bio laboratories in Ukraine.
Let me start with a now mandatory disclaimer: the text does not relativize Russia's military attack on Ukraine. The text is about the Ukrainian bio-laboratories, the US involvement in these and Russia's accusations.
One of Russia's primary motives for launching the armed attack on Ukraine was to knock out the Biolabs, where Russia claimed that the United States conducted biological weapons research through so-called Gain of Function Research (GoF), just a few miles from the Russian border.
The accusation is not new. Russia has for several years pointed out that the laboratories exist and that they do not want them near their own border, because they are perceived as a major threat.
Gain of Function research - dangerous and questionable
For those trying to understand what GoF really means, the Russian unrest becomes understandable. GoF is medical research that genetically modifies an organism in a way that can improve or change its biological functions, for example by manipulating a microorganism to achieve an altered disease development, stronger transmissibility, greater mortality or changing the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect.
The term GoF is sometimes used to refer to "research that may allow a pandemic potential pathogen to replicate more rapidly or cause more harm to humans or other closely related mammals". Such research was also conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where researchers before the outbreak of the pandemic studied the possibility that viruses can be transmitted from bats to humans.
In other words, it is about research that makes a virus or an organism that is already life-threatening even more dangerous.
This type of research is also widely questioned in scientific circles, for two reasons: First, GoF research has been shown to be associated with a number of risk factors. In 2014, for example, a moratorium (a temporary ban) was introduced for GoF in the United States, after the country's GoF laboratories for several years reported almost daily incidents, many of them fatal. Secondly, it is difficult to see any other real purpose of GoF than to make biological weapons.
American research on Ukrainian soil
It has never been a secret that there have been bio-laboratories in Ukraine, or that the United States has been involved in building and developing them. As recently as 2018, the US Department of Defense (DoD) acknowledged the existence of, and US participation in, eleven bio-laboratories in Ukraine.

On the website of the US Embassy in Ukraine today you can read about the Biological Threat Reduction Program :
«The US Department of Defense's Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world's most dangerous infectious diseases. The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures.
The Biological Threat Reduction Program's priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats. »
Among the current research projects mentioned on the website is the project which internally goes by the name UP-8, but which is described by the embassy as a study of «the prevalence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantavirus in Ukraine and the potential need for differential diagnosis of suspected leptospirosis patients ».
Bulgarian independent journalist and Middle East specialist Dilyana Gaytandzhievahas drawn attention to what the project de facto means. According to the project description, blood samples will be collected from 4,400 healthy soldiers in Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, and Kyiv. Of these samples, 4,000 will be tested for antibodies to hantavirus and 400 of them for the presence of antibodies to Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF virus). The results of the blood test will not be given to the study participants, and there is no information about what other procedures will be performed. No one dies from giving blood samples, yet the directives state that “serious incidents, including deaths, must be reported within 24 hours. All deaths of subjects suspected or known to be related to the research procedures should be noted by bioethics committees in the United States and Ukraine. "
The embassy's website also contains information on President Zelensky's study visit to a mobile laboratory in Pokrovskoye in Donetsk province, and links to information on laboratories in Lviv, Kherson, Kharkiv, and Luhansk, among others. Additional documents earlier at the site were removed on February 26, two days after the invasion.
Scientists from Soviet biological weapons programs
But it is not the peaceful medical research Russia has cited as the cause of the armed attack on its neighbor.
Among the bilateral agreements between the United States and Ukraine is the establishment of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) in 1993. STCU is an intergovernmental international organization with the status of a diplomatic mission, which is primarily funded by the US government. STCU was established to establish a science and technology center in Ukraine, and the agreement was originally signed by the United States, Ukraine, Canada and Sweden. Sweden was later replaced by the EU. On its website, STCU presents its vision as follows:
"To advance global peace and prosperity through cooperative Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) risk mitigation by supporting civilian science and technology partnerships and collaboration that address global security threats and advance non-proliferation."
Russia's concern for the organization's activities stems from the fact that the STCU officially supports projects by researchers previously involved in the Soviet biological weapons program. Over the past 20 years, STCU has invested over $ 285 million in the funding and management of approximately 1,850 projects by researchers who previously worked on the development of weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union.
Russia's accusations: "Military biology programs"
Since the invasion began, Russia has held a number of press conferences and presented both accusations and documents in support of its claims. Mainly two people have returned during these press conferences: the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Lavrov and the Chief of Defense of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces, General Igor Kirillov.
In March, Defense Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the United States of setting up up to 300 biological laboratories around the world, including a number in Ukraine. The laboratories in Odesa and Kyiv are said to have been so-called high-risk laboratories for exactly the GoF research described above.
Lavrov referred, among other things, to original documents stating that the laboratories had studied the transmission of diseases from animals to humans and that the civilian population had been used as involuntary subjects.
That Lavrov's claims can be more than free fantasies is confirmed by official reports: In 2014, DoD purchased 100 mg of the most deadly toxin in the world, Botulinum Neurotoxin, from the company Metabiologics. The purpose was to study aerosol (airborne) dispersion. Two years later, 115 people fell ill with botulism in Ukraine, twelve of whom died. The following year, Ukrainian health authorities confirmed another 90 new cases, including eight deaths, of botulinum toxin poisoning. According to local health authorities, the cause of the outbreak was food poisoning, and the police started an investigation in which Pentagon bio-laboratories in Ukraine were among the main suspects.
In 2011, 33 patients were treated in hospital during a cholera outbreak outside Mariupol, in 2014, 800 people across Ukraine were reported to have contracted the disease, and in 2015, at least 100 new cases were registered in the city of Mykolaiv. The same virus strain was discovered in a cholera outbreak in Moscow in 2014.

In just two days in January 2016-, at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers died in Kharkiv with flu-like symptoms. Another 200 were hospitalized. Two months later, 364 deaths were reported across Ukraine, and it turned out that over 80 percent had died from a serious form of the same bird flu that caused the pandemic in 2009. In the summer of 2017, a severe form of hepatitis A spread in the southeast. Ukraine, where several bio-laboratories are located. About a hundred people were taken care of in hospitals, including 19 children from an orphanage in Odessa.
The charges continued on Monday, April 4, when General Igor Kirillov claimed that the Pentagon had been pursuing a "military biology program" in Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union. In about 30 laboratories in Ukraine, the United States is said to have researched the transport of "highly pathogenic microorganisms", and probably also researched "biological weapons" aimed at three areas:
- First, the biological situation is monitored in areas where, according to the Pentagon, there is a likelihood of deploying NATO's military contingents. Secondly, there is the collection and transport to the United States of samples of highly pathogenic microorganisms. And third, there is research on probable biological weapons specific to the given region, which has natural variations and can be transmitted to humans, Kirillov said, according to The South Asia Times .
According to Kirillov, since 2021 the Pentagon has invested $ 11.8 million in a project on zoonotic diseases in the Ukrainian army. Zoonoses are diseases that spread naturally between humans and animals either via direct transmission, via vectors, contaminated water, or food. Zoonotic diseases can be caused by different types of pathogens, such as bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses. Russia has also presented documents claiming to prove that the Pentagon has requested offers for drones with a certain cargo capacity and a range of at least 300 kilometers, intended to be used to spread biological weapons over the Donbas and Russian territory.
The United States denied - and acknowledged
Although both the Pentagon and the US Embassy in Ukraine were aware that the US was involved in the development of biological laboratories in Ukraine, the Russian claims about GoF research and biological weapons were initially rejected by the US. However, during a Senate hearing on March 8, US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland acknowledged that the laboratories existed, that the United States was involved in the research, and that the United States was very concerned that the laboratories would fall into Russian hands.
- Ukraine has biological research facilities that we are quite concerned about that Russian forces are now trying to take control of. We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent some of this research material from falling into the hands of Russian forces, Victoria Nuland replied during the hearing. (NTB)
There are many indications that the United States implemented measures early on to prevent Russia from obtaining the "research material" Nuland mentions. During a briefing held on March 31, Kirillov released a series of documents from the Ukrainian laboratories indicating that the United States began evacuating the laboratories' biomaterials even before the war began.
According to Kirillov, "all pathogenic biomaterial stored in Ukraine was transported by military transport aircraft to the United States via Odessa", in early February 2022. On February 24, when Russian troops entered Ukraine, the Kiev Ministry of Health ordered the remaining strains to be destroyed, according to the general.
Research without control for the host country
But the United States and the Pentagon have not only built and operated bio-laboratories in Ukraine. The United States is said to conduct GoF research in 25 countries around the world, including Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The U.S. Biolabs is funded by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) through a $ 2.1 billion military program called the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP).

The laboratories are initially built in collaboration with the host countries, but step by step the USA and DTRA take over the operation - and control - of the facilities by only giving US-approved personnel access to them.
Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's documentary Pentagon Biolaboratories - Investigative Documentary examines the activities of the Lugar Center, the Pentagon's bio-laboratorium outside Tbilisi, Georgia. The documentary describes how the United States conducts lethal studies and sends human blood and pathogens with "diplomatic mail" as part of secret military research programs, in which private contractors with US citizenship are granted diplomatic immunity without being diplomats. An interesting detail is that the film confirms the Russian claim that the United States has studied how disease-carrying mosquitoes can be spread with the help of drones.
DTRA, for its part, has outsourced much of the work under the military program to private companies that are not held accountable to Congress. In addition, American civilian personnel working in laboratories have often been granted diplomatic immunity, even though they are not diplomats. It has enabled private companies to carry out work, under diplomatic cover, for the US government without being under the direct control of the host state - in this case, Ukraine.
The United States is considered to have benefited greatly from the fact that Ukraine's Minister of Health from 2016 to 2019 was Ulana Suprun. Suprun was born in the United States, but moved to Ukraine in 2013 and then participated as an activist during the US-backed Euromaidan revolution. In a letter dated July 2, 2019 (see below) from the Ukrainian Minister of Health to DTRA in Ukraine, Suprun, for example, gives the American engineering company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. full access to all bio-laboratories in Ukraine involved in US military biological research programs. The then President Petro Poroshenko granted Suprun Ukrainian citizenship in July 2016, on the grounds that it was "in the interest of the state". We will return to the company Black & Veatch in the next article.

Although the bio-laboratories are located in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens are prohibited from publishing sensitive information about the US program, and Ukraine has no control over the military bio-laboratories, even if they are located in their own territory. According to the 2005 agreement between the US Department of Defense and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, the Ukrainian government is prohibited from publishing sensitive information about the US program, while Ukraine is obliged to provide the US with the dangerous pathogens requested by the US Department of Defense for its research. Through the same agreement, the Pentagon has gained access to certain Ukrainian state secrets that may become relevant in connection with the projects.
U.S. citizens led the research
That it may be the basis for Russia's claims and that the United States appears to have had much larger participation in the Ukrainian bio-laboratories than they were willing to admit, was proved during the last week.
The Daily Mail then revealed that they had studied a large number of emails from Hunter Biden's lost and recovered laptop, "The Laptop from Hell", and that the emails substantiated the Russian allegations. Emails and defense contract data reviewed by the Daily Mail also proved that Hunter Biden, during the time his father Joe Biden was vice president under Obama, was involved in founding several of these labs. We will return to this in the next article.
The emails also revealed the names of several American people who were central in the biological research projects from the companies Metabiota and Black & Veatch, as well as officials from DTRA. DTRA is interesting in this contex- because the Pentagon's biological project in Ukraine and the central warehouse for particularly dangerous microorganisms that are supposed to have been set up in Kyiv are coordinated by the head of the DTRA office. Until 2021, all DTRA projects in Ukraine were led by the US citizen Joanna Winstrol, who has signed the majority of the documents that Russia has presented in the discussions about the activities of the bio-laboratories.
DTRA activities in Georgia and Ukraine are covered by specific bilateral agreements. According to the agreements, if the activities of DTRA-sponsored researchers lead to the death or injury of the local population, DTRA cannot be held responsible.
Winstrol led projects such as UP-2, UP-4, UP-6 and UP-8 (the study of the 4,400 Ukrainian soldiers mentioned earlier) to study deadly pathogens, including anthrax, Congo-Crimean fever, and leptospirosis. Previously published documents showed that Winstrol also supervised Project P-782, which researched the transmission of diseases through bats. Winstrol moved to Chemical Security and Elimination (CSE) in early 2021, according to Covert Geopolitics. At the outbreak of war, Wintrol's role had been taken over by Thomas Hatfield.

It was also DTRA that in 2010 commissioned Black & Veatch (the company that gained full insight into the US military's biological research program from the US-born Minister of Health) to build a so-called Biological Safety Level 3 laboratory (BSL-3) in Odessa. Biolaboratories are classified from class 1 to class 4, based on the type of research that can be conducted. BSL-4 is the highest level of biosafety measures and is suitable for work with agents that can be easily transmitted via aerosol in laboratories and cause serious to fatal diseases in humans for which no vaccines or treatments are available. Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan is a BSL-4. In the United States, DoD has BSL-4 laboratories available in Fort Detrick, Maryland.
In Ukraine, there are bio-laboratories from BSL-1 to BSL-3. Such BSL-3 high-risk laboratories as in Odessa are used to study airborne infectious agents and toxins that can cause potentially fatal infections. According to Black & Veatch's press release-, the Odessa laboratory was to "provide improved equipment and training to effectively, safely and securely identify particularly dangerous pathogens" that may be "naturally occurring or introduced through a bioterrorism attack".
It was these "particularly dangerous pathogens" that, according to Russia, were transported from Ukraine to the United States before the outbreak of war. The question now is whether these pathogens stay in the United States or are transported elsewhere?
«Pentagon does not do missionary work, they kill people»
According to Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, the reports indicate that the United States is conducting a bio-war program in Ukraine in violation of both The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act 1989 (BWATA). Boyle participated in the work of developing BWATA, he has worked since 1983 to stop the spread of biological weapons, and in 2005 his book Biowarfare and Terrorism was published. In an interview on March 14, Professor Boyle emphasized that bio-laboratories such as the BSL-3 laboratory located in Odessa are very dangerous during a war situation. It is not possible to neutralize the pathogens by bombing the laboratory facilities, they must be secured.
- Indeed, there is a BSL-3 down there in Odessa. And if you look at websites for BSL-3s, which I have done repeatedly, you will see they research develop test, stockpile prepare for use, every type of hideous biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine using DNA genetic engineering, gain of function, and now, synthetic biology, which by the way, I also covered in my biological weapons anti Terrorism Act. Every US citizen and resident involved in these activities is subject to life imprisonment under my statute, says Professor Boyle.
- And I have been fighting against the US biological warfare, weapons establishment, the British establishment, and others, ever since then, and based on my knowledge, judgment and experience and everything I have seen in the public record so far, yes, these are biological warfare weapons or offensive biological warfare. Weapons laboratories set up by the Pentagon. Remember that the Pentagon does not do missionary work, they kill people.
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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