A Ukrainian friend wants to inform - 12 March 2022 (Norw. transl.)
A Ukrainian friend wants to inform: "I was born in Donetsk and mostly raised mostly in Moscow, but partly also in Donbas. I have family both in Donbas and in the Kyiv area, where my mother came from. Moreover, some also have a family in Moscow. I will first say that I am strongly against war; it is always the civilian population that suffers the most. It is very tragic to experience war, and it does not matter where. At the same time, I want to look at the whole. The war in Ukraine started not a week ago, but 8 years ago.
There has been a lot of concealment in the media, about what is happening in Donbas. I found it a pity that right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi paramilitary groups are not mentioned in the media, such as, for example, the Azov Battalion, The Right Sector, and sympathizers of Stepan Bandera. They have been quite active in the Donbas conflict. Many of these extremist groups have roots back in World War II when some Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazis. Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych killed tens of thousands of Poles, Jews, and partisans.
Bandera became a national hero of Ukraine. Statues of him were erected around the country, and at the same time statues of heroes who liberated Ukraine from Nazi Germany were demolished. Stepan Bandera is the Ukrainian Quisling, and to claim that there has been a right-wing radicalization in Ukraine as a result of the 2014 coup d'état is absurd. More neo-Nazi than supporting people who worked for the SS, it does not matter. Of course, eastern Ukrainians did not like it. They wanted more autonomy, for example, to decide for themselves who will be the hero and what language to speak. Donbas disagreed with a coup in Kyiv (Maidan) in 2014. They did not like that the president who came from Donbas was expelled, and the new government, on Day 1, tried to limit the use of the Russian language.
In Donbas, they demanded a solution to the issue of the status of the Russian language, constitutional reform in the form of power to the regions, and federalization. In Donbas, 90 percent of the population is Russian-speaking. Eastern Ukrainians came with peaceful protests. They wanted a secure position for the Russian language, minority rights, and constitutional reform with decentralization and federalization as its goal. The government in Kyiv called them separatists and later terrorists and did not talk to them. Some of the demonstrators on a peaceful night took over a few local public buildings on the same night as the demonstrations in Kyiv.
The Government of Kyiv declared the entire Donbas area as a terrorist zone. They sent in the military with tanks that were initially blocked by unarmed local civilians. Unfortunately, Ukraine also sent in neo-Nazi military groups that led to the escalation of the conflict. The infrastructure was severely damaged and several civilians were killed. More and more people began to organize themselves to fight back. Local activists declared two republics-the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. This happened after a referendum in which the majority of the population supported nye political entities. The purpose of these republics was initially not to separate from Ukraine, but to function as more autonomous areas within a federalized Ukraine.

From May 2014, Ukraine began using artillery and eventually heavy artillery, first in Sloviansk, afterward in several other cities. 2. The IUNI bombed the Ukrainian airbase in Lugansk, killing several people. Ukrainian volunteer battalions, like neo—Nazi Azov, had little sympathy for the local Russian population, they engaged in kidnapping, torture, and other-with looting on a large scale. People from Donbas had no choice but to take up arms and defend themselves. Those portrayed as" pro-Russian separatists " are ordinary Ukrainians who protect their country, their houses, and their families even though several volunteers from Russia also came to help.
Russia intervened later to force Ukraine to the Minsk peace agreement which states that Donbas must still become part of Ukraine but with great autonomy. Unfortunately, Ukraine has not adopted a law providing for its autonomy, although it had 7 years to do this. Quite the opposite-they passed laws prohibiting autonomy. The war, with higher or lower intensity, has been going on in the Donbas for 8 years now. Over the past eight years, thousands of people, including 150 children, have been killed in Donbas. A new war generation that does not know what a normal peaceful life is has grown up in these conditions. Since 2014, the areas have not received medicine or food. The banking system has been blocked. Pensioners have not received their pensions, although they have worked for Ukraine all their lives.
Support for families with children has ceased. Gradually, the separatist authorities took responsibility for salaries, pensions, food, etc. In some villages and towns of Donbas, there is not a single house, including schools and kindergartens, that has not been hit by bombing at least once. Schools, hospitals, apartment buildings and houses have been hit with gunfire. It is important that for eight years the ongoing war in Donbas becomes known to all, and that there will be peace everywhere in Ukraine, protecting their country, their houses, and their families although several volunteers from Russia also came to help. I hope that people in Donbas will have the opportunity to decide their future like the people of Norway.
In 1905, Norway declared its independence and left the union with Sweden. Sweden was against and wanted to intervene militarily. Russia was the first country to recognize Norway's independence. Fortunately, Sweden did not start a war and let the Norwegians decide their future. Unicef is currently working on the safety and rights of children in Ukraine and is preparing to help more refugees. It's very good. But why was nothing done about the humanitarian crisis in Donbas? Why weren't the safety and rights of the Children of Donbas just as important, so that a new generation grew up who cannot remember anything but war or a life on the run? War is created by politicians and serves their interests.
There is no need to extend hatred to ordinary people, even if they have "wrong" views. There is no reason to hate the soldiers; they are under oath and follow orders, but the vast majority of them do not want to kill anyone. To wish for an end to the war is not the same as to wish for the death of soldiers, to spread pictures of corpses, and to cover oneself with bravura news, especially because most of them are false. Now, unfortunately, there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, and people are dying again. I think that it is much better to negotiate peacefully. It is peace negotiations that lead to peace, not the sending of Nye weapons. I pray for Ukraine, Donbas, and Russia. I pray for the wisdom of the West and Human Love.
Unicef is currently working on the safety and rights of children in Ukraine and is preparing to help more refugees. It's very good. But why was nothing done about the humanitarian crisis in Donbas? Why weren't the safety and rights of the Children of Donbas just as important, so that a new generation grew up who cannot remember anything but war or a life on the run? War is created by politicians and serves their interests. There is no need to extend hatred to ordinary people, even if they have "wrong" views. There is no reason to hate the soldiers; they are under oath and follow orders, but the vast majority of them do not want to kill anyone.
To wish for an end to the war is not the same as to wish for the death of soldiers, to spread pictures of corpses, and to cover oneself with bravura news, especially because most of them are false. Now, unfortunately, there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, and people are dying again. I think that it is much better to negotiate peacefully. It is peace negotiations that lead to peace, not the sending of Nye weapons. I pray for Ukraine, Donbas, and Russia. I pray for the wisdom of the West and Human Love. Taking one side or putting all the blame on one side, you get nowhere. I pray for peace."
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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